
Whether the beer watering is a rumor, or is it really effective, practice brings true knowledge, and you only know after using it

author:Fushan District Rong Media Center

Many friends asked Guazi Dad, can beer be used to raise flowers? Of course, you can, but you can't pour beer directly into the potting soil, as that will burn the root system of the plant. The leftover beer can be used to raise flowers, there is no need to buy beer to raise flowers, isn't it good to use fertilizer directly?

Whether the beer watering is a rumor, or is it really effective, practice brings true knowledge, and you only know after using it

Above is a leaf orchid


Recently, I have seen some flower friends mix beer with water and mix it in a ratio of 1:1, such as mixing a glass of beer with a glass of water, and wiping the leaves of the peace tree with such a solution.

1. Pay attention to watering potting soil:

Whether the beer watering is a rumor, or is it really effective, practice brings true knowledge, and you only know after using it

Above is the Gentleman's Orchid

Beer is used to water plants, must be diluted with water, beer is acidic (pH value 4.2~4.5), generally beer mixed with water in a ratio of 1:50, 1:100, stirred evenly and then poured into the watering can. For example, for 50 ml of beer, you need to add 2500 ml of water.

Of course, if it is used to supplement fertilizer for outdoor robust plants, this concentration can be slightly higher, and beer to water is 1:30.

When pouring the beer solution into the potting soil, you should also avoid the buds, leaf centers and the bottom of the rhizome, and pour it directly into the potting soil.

Second, the role of beer flowers:

Whether the beer watering is a rumor, or is it really effective, practice brings true knowledge, and you only know after using it

Beer contains a lot of carbon dioxide, and plants need carbon dioxide to participate in the growth process, and the sugar amino acids in beer. Phosphate nutrients can also be used to properly replenish plants and flowers.

Beer will be very rich in organic matter, which is relatively easy to be absorbed by plants, and the beer itself is obtained through fermentation, and it is easy to form humic acid when relaxed.

Whether the beer watering is a rumor, or is it really effective, practice brings true knowledge, and you only know after using it

Beer is equivalent to an organic liquid fertilizer, but can not be used frequently, can not be used excessively, generally in the growing season of the plant once a month, if the plant is dormant, the plant is infected with pests and diseases or the plant grows thin, then do not use beer to supplement nutrients to the plant, and do not give other fertilizers.

I believe that many friends have also heard that beer has more sugar, and these sugars will adhere to the leaf surface, causing the stomata of the plant to be blocked, so that photosynthesis cannot be carried out.

3. Popular science of beer fermentation:

But what many people overlook is that all beers on the market are fermented, and the sugars have been converted into carbon dioxide, water and other organic matter. If the beer is used to wipe the leaves of the plants before fermentation, it will indeed clog the stomata on the leaves, and if you use pineapple beer (a beer-flavored drink) to water the flowers, it will definitely not work.

Whether the beer watering is a rumor, or is it really effective, practice brings true knowledge, and you only know after using it

The top is Ale beer, which only takes 2~3 days to complete fermentation

After the first main fermentation, the yeast oxidizes all the glucose into carbon dioxide and water, releasing a lot of heat energy. The yeast then ferments in an oxygen-free environment to produce ethanol, carbon dioxide and various organic acids (including lactic acid, acetic acid, citric acid and malic acid).

Whether the beer watering is a rumor, or is it really effective, practice brings true knowledge, and you only know after using it

The top is a lager beer, which takes about 50 days to complete fermentation

In the first fermentation, about 96% of the fermentable sugars are converted into ethanol and carbon dioxide, and the acidity and alkalinity of the fermentation broth (i.e., tender beer) will slowly decrease, and the final pH value is generally 4.2~4.5. The tender beer will continue to ferment in the fermentation tank, and before the second fermentation, it will be stirred with sterile ice water, and impurities such as protein and hop resin will be filtered out, and the beer will be repeatedly filtered to obtain a clear beer.

Whether the beer watering is a rumor, or is it really effective, practice brings true knowledge, and you only know after using it

Nowadays, domestic beer is generally lager beer, which has a long storage time

There will be some residual sugar in the tender beer, which needs to go through secondary fermentation, and the whole process takes nearly two months to convert the fermented sugar into alcohol, carbon dioxide, organic acids and other substances, and there must be carbon dioxide in the beer to increase the antioxidant activity, so the pH value of the beer is acidic (pH value between 4.3~4.4). And before the beer is put on the market, after all, it is aseptically filtered or pasteurized, and there is no need to worry about germs.

4. Beer as foliar fertilizer

Whether the beer watering is a rumor, or is it really effective, practice brings true knowledge, and you only know after using it

Dusty leaves of monstera

Whether the beer watering is a rumor, or is it really effective, practice brings true knowledge, and you only know after using it

Use diluted beer to wipe after

Beer can also be used as foliar fertilizer, you can mix beer with water at a ratio of 1:20~1:30, and spray it on the foliar surface of the plant, but pay attention to spraying it in the case of good ventilation, that is, the foliar surface of the plant can be dried quickly, do not let the leaves retain fertilizer and water for a long time, otherwise it is easy to cause fertilizer injury.

Whether the beer watering is a rumor, or is it really effective, practice brings true knowledge, and you only know after using it

Test the effect by pouring beer on the Monarch Orchid

When some friends raise Junzi Orchid, if it is a lack of nutrients, it is easy to appear "pinching arrows", and the flower arrows can not be extracted, at this time, you can add some beer to the Junzi Orchid with aqueous solution, which can make the flower arrows draw out normally, but do not use them after the flowers have been opened, then it is too late.

Whether the beer watering is a rumor, or is it really effective, practice brings true knowledge, and you only know after using it

Wipe the foliar surface carefully

The situation of the arrow in the Junzi orchid may also be due to insufficient light, or insufficient dark environment at night, etc., pay attention to check the state of the leaves, the leaves are yellow and slender, generally lack of light.

5. Wipe the foliage with beer solution

Whether the beer watering is a rumor, or is it really effective, practice brings true knowledge, and you only know after using it

Comparison of before and after using beer

You can also use a moist soft cloth dipped in some beer mixed with water solution, gently wipe the leaf surface, beer is also diluted with water more than 30 times in advance, can make the leaves more shiny, especially a variety of foliage plants.

Whether the beer watering is a rumor, or is it really effective, practice brings true knowledge, and you only know after using it

Rubber tree before and after comparison

If there is dust for a long time, or there are some fungicide residues on the leaf surface (affecting the ornamentation), you can use beer mixed with water to clean, spray evenly on the back of the leaf surface, pay attention not to spray frequently, generally every half a month or more, and to supplement in the peak growth season of the plant. It is not recommended for use during the summer high temperature season (temperature over 33 degrees Celsius) or in the winter when the temperature is low (the temperature is below 15 degrees Celsius).


Whether the beer watering is a rumor, or is it really effective, practice brings true knowledge, and you only know after using it

Before and after comparison of pothos in the office

In the process of raising flowers, if you encounter any questions, you should communicate more about practice, and the answers you get on the Internet are uneven, and you must go through practice to get true knowledge.

It has been proved in practice that beer has a little effect, but the effect is limited, and beer is not a rumor. The price of beer is not cheap compared to fertilizer, it can only be used as a "snack" for plant fertilizer growth, and the fertilizer that plants need most is nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer and potassium fertilizer, and I believe that no one will buy beer specifically to water flowers!