
Yang Liping's "yard" is on fire, and countless fans have attracted countless people, netizens: This is the "fairyland on earth"!

author:Fushan District Rong Media Center

The peacock dance belongs to Yang Liping's own creation!

It has always attracted people's attention, although it is mixed, but I have to admit that Yang Liping's peacock dance is indeed more in line with the original peacock dance!

Yang Liping's "yard" is on fire, and countless fans have attracted countless people, netizens: This is the "fairyland on earth"!

It also allows people to see the harmony between Yang Liping and nature!

, people know why only this woman can dance such an original peacock dance, smart and beautiful!

Yang Liping's "yard" is on fire, and countless fans have attracted countless people, netizens: This is the "fairyland on earth"!

This is all thanks to her harmony with nature,

Not only animals, Ms. Yang Liping is also very fond of all kinds of plants, and she can see all kinds of green plants and flowers, water and birds everywhere in her yard.

Yang Liping's "yard" is on fire, and countless fans have attracted countless people, netizens: This is the "fairyland on earth"!

Every place is beautiful, especially with the unique architectural structure, sparkling in the sunlight, casually shooting is a dozen large films, which is enviable!

Yang Liping's "yard" is on fire, and countless fans have attracted countless people, netizens: This is the "fairyland on earth"!

It's no wonder that it has been able to circle countless people, leaving countless netizens with tears of envy, and shouting:

This is the real "fairyland on earth"!

Yang Liping's "yard" is on fire, and countless fans have attracted countless people, netizens: This is the "fairyland on earth"!

Every flower and grass grows quietly with the change of seasons!

The fish in the water are free and not afraid of people!

There is also a beautiful woman who can completely integrate with such a picture scroll, live in harmony with nature, and get in close contact.

Yang Liping's "yard" is on fire, and countless fans have attracted countless people, netizens: This is the "fairyland on earth"!

Yang Liping has lived in this courtyard for many years and has been committed to protecting the ecological environment and not destroying nature as much as possible.

Within the scope of ability, I have been planting different flowers and plants according to my own preferences, picking some from time to time to make fresh cuts, decorating the ordinary life!

Yang Liping's "yard" is on fire, and countless fans have attracted countless people, netizens: This is the "fairyland on earth"!

This is simply the life that countless people dream of!

Of course, I also know that it takes a lot of money to have such a large garden and a quiet life, and most people may not be able to achieve it in their lifetime!

Yang Liping's "yard" is on fire, and countless fans have attracted countless people, netizens: This is the "fairyland on earth"!

But having a quiet courtyard and being able to get in close contact with all kinds of flowers and plants 365 days a year is not out of reach!

Yang Liping's "yard" is on fire, and countless fans have attracted countless people, netizens: This is the "fairyland on earth"!

We can plant some flowers and plants in the place we own, potted plants, and then achieve the purpose of 365 days and days to have flowers and flowers, and enjoy the beauty and comfort brought by flowers and plants every day.

Yang Liping's "yard" is on fire, and countless fans have attracted countless people, netizens: This is the "fairyland on earth"!

So, what flowers and plants can we try?

It is recommended that you choose flowers and plants with a matching degree of 100% according to the home environment and your own living habits, so as to avoid unnecessary casualties and reduce the difficulty of daily care as much as possible, so as to ensure that we can have more relaxation time after work and life.

Yang Liping's "yard" is on fire, and countless fans have attracted countless people, netizens: This is the "fairyland on earth"!


Shade-tolerant plants

Pothos, cacti, spider plant, fortune tree, fern, arrowroot, monstera, sunflower, hosta flower, etc. can adapt to the environment with poor lighting.

Yang Liping's "yard" is on fire, and countless fans have attracted countless people, netizens: This is the "fairyland on earth"!

If the light at home is not good, and you want to breed flowers and plants, you can try the above plants, both beautiful and easy to raise, home potted plants can also purify the air, balance the humidity of the air, improve the home environment, so that the owner lives more comfortable!

Yang Liping's "yard" is on fire, and countless fans have attracted countless people, netizens: This is the "fairyland on earth"!


Drought-tolerant plants

Longevity flowers, dendrobium orchids, gardenias, desert roses, nine-dead resurrection plants, cacti, aloe vera, tiger pill orchids, etc., are notoriously "thirsty and immortal", and they are all able to survive in extremely arid environments.

Yang Liping's "yard" is on fire, and countless fans have attracted countless people, netizens: This is the "fairyland on earth"!


Heat-tolerant and cold-tolerant plants

Feather maple, begonia, tea plum, olive, flower stepwood, bright crystal privet, flame nantian bamboo, table tennis chrysanthemum, silver leaf chrysanthemum, yueji, ball cypress, alum root, crossing yellow, Buddha beetle, flower leaf Luoshi, etc., can withstand the hot summer, snowy winter, and even bloom beautiful flowers in extreme weather.

Yang Liping's "yard" is on fire, and countless fans have attracted countless people, netizens: This is the "fairyland on earth"!


Aqueous plants

Peppermint, green apple arrowroot, succulent Buddha beads, copper coin grass, tulips, lilies, pothos, spider plants, monstera bamboo, etc. are all common hydroponic plants.

Generally, as long as the temperature is stable at 5 degrees or more, so that the water cannot freeze, these plants can grow healthily.

Yang Liping's "yard" is on fire, and countless fans have attracted countless people, netizens: This is the "fairyland on earth"!

In short, in addition to the above-mentioned flowers and plants, we can try more possibilities.

But no matter what kind of plant is planted, we must understand the growth habits of flowers and plants in advance before planting, and breed them according to their preferences as much as possible, so as to avoid unnecessary casualties, and care for the healthy and vigorous growth of flowers and plants, and smooth flowering and fruiting.

Yang Liping's "yard" is on fire, and countless fans have attracted countless people, netizens: This is the "fairyland on earth"!

For example, the following basic daily management, every flower keeper must keep in mind and never forget!

Watering: Figure out the actual operation of "watering wet, not dry, not watering, and watering thoroughly" to prevent the wrong method from causing water and rotten roots.

Yang Liping's "yard" is on fire, and countless fans have attracted countless people, netizens: This is the "fairyland on earth"!

Fertilization: nitrogen can promote the growth of roots, stems and leaves;

Phosphorus can promote the differentiation and development of flower buds;

Potassium can improve the disease resistance of plants.

Yang Liping's "yard" is on fire, and countless fans have attracted countless people, netizens: This is the "fairyland on earth"!

Pruning: The tree is not pruned and not straight,

No matter what kind of flowers and plants are cultivated, in the face of diseased and withered branches and leaves, we must be ruthless and prune them in time.

Yang Liping's "yard" is on fire, and countless fans have attracted countless people, netizens: This is the "fairyland on earth"!

Pest control: The more flowers and plants you breed, the more prepared you must be to prevent pests and diseases.

For example, the moon season, the natural medicine jar, the home potted plant, to be found in time and the right medicine in time!

Yang Liping's "yard" is on fire, and countless fans have attracted countless people, netizens: This is the "fairyland on earth"!

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