
The grandmother of the Li family was frightened by Aunt Chain, see what is the reason?


Aunt Chain, don't scare grandma, okay? See what scared grandma out? We look anxious for grandma!

The cheerful and generous chain aunt took her grandmother to Qingdao to play, took her grandmother to the beach, and bought several clothes for her grandmother in the shopping mall.

The grandmother of the Li family was frightened by Aunt Chain, see what is the reason?

But I didn't expect Aunt Chain to take my grandmother to another place to visit, which scared my grandmother and made her worried.

Aunt Chain and Gold Medal took Grandma to the vegetable market in the north to buy vegetables, first walked to a stall selling seafood, Grandma may have thought the price was too expensive, waved her hand and refused to buy, and then walked forward, walked to a stall selling fish, Aunt Chain wanted to buy a big carp, Grandma was scared and waved her hand and pulled the chain Aunt Aunt's hand, not allowed to buy, and finally Gold Medal insisted on buying the fish.

The grandmother of the Li family was frightened by Aunt Chain, see what is the reason?

Next, I walked to a stall selling pork ribs, and Aunt Chain wanted to buy a row of ribs, and my grandmother was horrified when she heard it, because I bought ribs in the south to buy one or two.

The grandmother of the Li family was frightened by Aunt Chain, see what is the reason?

Then I walked to a stall selling onions, and Aunt Chain wanted to buy a bag at once, and my grandmother was so anxious that she didn't know what to do, because she was afraid that she would not be able to eat it and rot! Indeed, in the humid south, it is easy to rot if you buy too much vegetables.

The grandmother of the Li family was frightened by Aunt Chain, see what is the reason?

Grandma Li is a thrifty and hard-working grandmother, she must have bought very little food at home alone, how have you ever seen such a grocery shopping posture, grandma was frightened by Aunt Chain's arrogant grocery shopping posture, which is also a reasonable thing!

There is indeed a difference between the north and the south in terms of grocery shopping. Due to the dry weather in the north, it is not easy to rot, so I like to buy vegetables and eat them slowly, and I also like to stew big pot dishes, so I buy more vegetables!

The south is different, the south is humid, and it is easy to rot and deteriorate if you buy too much, plus the southerners are fried vegetables to eat, and the vegetables they buy are diverse, less and finer, so they will not buy vegetables in large quantities and stock them up.

It's not easy for Grandma Li to go to Qingdao, don't be afraid that Aunt Chain will buy you food, drink and spend money, Aunt Chain is bold and filial, it's too late to have such a daughter-in-law happy, you can enjoy life there with peace of mind!

The grandmother of the Li family was frightened by Aunt Chain, see what is the reason?