
"Procuratorate Daily" full-page report! The "global procuratorial e-station" makes the procuratorial work more down-to-earth

author:Jiande Procuratorate

On June 30, the Procuratorate Daily reported on the relevant work of the Hangzhou Municipal Procuratorate's "Global Procuratorate e-Station" with the title of "Timely and Convenient Online Reflection of Demands and Offline Experience of Thoughtful Rule of Law Services". The full text is reproduced below:

"Procuratorate Daily" full-page report! The "global procuratorial e-station" makes the procuratorial work more down-to-earth

The "Procuratorate Daily" reported on the whole page

Timely and convenient online response to demands

Experience thoughtful rule of law services offline

Hangzhou, Zhejiang:

The "global procuratorial e-station" makes the procuratorial work more down-to-earth

"Procuratorate Daily" full-page report! The "global procuratorial e-station" makes the procuratorial work more down-to-earth

The prosecutor of the Binjiang District Procuratorate of Hangzhou City conducted an online exchange with the person in charge of an enterprise on the prevention of corruption among employees through the "global procuratorial e-station".

"Thank you to the prosecutor for treating non-local enterprises equally. The case was withdrawn, and our hanging hearts were put down, and the company could operate normally. Recently, the Binjiang District Procuratorate of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province informed the result of the withdrawal of the case online through the "Global Procuratorate E Station", and the person in charge of a company in Guangzhou replied.

"Procuratorate Daily" full-page report! The "global procuratorial e-station" makes the procuratorial work more down-to-earth

Screenshot of the "Global Procuratorate e-Station" applet

The "global procuratorial e-station" is a one-stop procuratorial service platform that integrates functions such as legal supervision clue reporting, mass accusation and appeal, enterprise-related legal services, protection of specific groups, and national legal popularization and publicity, and has different sub-platforms for different groups.

"Procuratorate Daily" full-page report! The "global procuratorial e-station" makes the procuratorial work more down-to-earth

The procurator of the Yuhang District Procuratorate of Hangzhou City introduced the process of reflecting the mass matters of the "Global Procuratorate e-Station" mini program to the masses through the "Procuratorial Small I" electronic terminal

"I look forward to the procuratorial organs continuing to build and launch more excellent measures to facilitate and benefit the people, such as the 'global procuratorial e-station', so that the procuratorial work will be more down-to-earth and better protect the people's livelihood." A few days ago, Tong Zhifeng, dean of the Oriental College of Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, said at the on-site meeting of the Hangzhou procuratorate's civil support for prosecution and the construction promotion meeting of the "specific group procuratorial e-station".

Running out of the "acceleration" of legal supervision in the palm of your hand

"We focus on the problems of long transit time and inconvenience of visits from the masses, and launch the 'global procuratorial e-station', a convenient channel to reflect demands." Ye Weizhong, Secretary of the Party Group and Procurator General of the Hangzhou Municipal Procuratorate, told reporters that the "global procuratorial e-station" mainly relies on WeChat applets, and ordinary people can get "all-weather" and "self-service" procuratorial services without leaving home as long as they move their fingers.

It is understood that from its launch in August 2023 to the end of June this year, the "global procuratorial e-station" has been visited more than 210,000 times, with more than 29,000 registrations, and about 800 targeted appeals, one of which is the case mentioned at the beginning of the report.

In August 2022, a company in Hebei was introduced by someone to a company in Guangzhou as the intermediary party, and planned to purchase a batch of cars from a 4S store at a lower price. During the signing of the contract, the 4S store made a mistake and sent a stamped wrong high-profile version of the contract. After that, a company in Hebei pulled a company in Hangzhou to join in, and a company in Hangzhou paid part of the intermediary fee. At this time, the 4S store corrected the contract to a low-profile version of the contract, but the contract was not sent to a company in Guangzhou and a company in Hangzhou due to the mistake of the introducer. The two contracts were inconsistent, and a company in Hangzhou proposed to correct the car purchase contract to a high-end version, but a company in Guangzhou did not agree and did not refund the intermediary fee. Subsequently, a company in Hangzhou reported the case. In December 2022, the public security organs opened a case for investigation.

"After the public security organs filed the case, we felt like we had carried a 'time bomb', just in time for the promotion of the 'global procuratorial e-station', so we tried to reflect the situation." A company in Guangzhou believed that its own behavior did not constitute a criminal offense, and at the end of December 2023, it submitted a request for withdrawal of the case through the "Business Environment Inspection e-Station" under the "Global Procuratorate e-Station". After receiving clues, the Hangzhou Binjiang District Procuratorate immediately carried out online interviews through the "global procuratorial e-station" to comprehensively review the evidence and guide the public security organs to further collect evidence.

The prosecutor handling the case found that a certain company in Guangzhou had a certain ability to perform when it signed an intermediary contract, and did not deliberately sign a yin-yang contract or defraud the intermediary service fee, and this case is a civil dispute and should not be handled as a criminal case. The procuratorate supervises the public security organ's decision to withdraw the case in accordance with law. Subsequently, the Binjiang District Procuratorate informed the parties of the results. At present, the civil contract dispute case between a company in Guangzhou and a company in Hangzhou and a company in Hebei is being tried by the court.

The Qiantang District Procuratorate of Hangzhou Municipality relied on the "Global Procuratorate e-Station" to carry out judicial assistance, and issued judicial aid funds to the close relatives of victims in Sichuan through online handling and online announcements; The Tonglu County Procuratorate obtained information on the needs of a local middle school that wanted to invite prosecutors to "send the law into the school" through the "global procuratorial e-station", and immediately sent personnel to send wonderful rule of law classes to more than 300 students of the school...... "global procuratorial e-station" broke the time and space restrictions, and realized the "zero distance" of procuratorial services for the people. In November 2023, the Hangzhou Municipal Procuratorate's "Global Procuratorate E-Station" service dispute resolution work method was rated as the "Fengqiao Work Method" in the new era of Zhejiang Province.

Opened a rule of law service "experience store" at the door of the house

On April 18 this year, an online hearing was held in the "Hemei Chamber" in Meilin Village, Guali Town, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou.

This is a case of intentional injury that occurred in the production workshop of a certain enterprise. Two employees had a physical conflict over trivial matters, and after mediation organized by the Xiaoshan District Procuratorate, the two parties have reached a settlement agreement. On April 18, the Xiaoshan District Procuratorate held a public hearing in the "Hemei Chamber" in Meilin Village, Guali Township, to openly hear the opinions of all parties on whether to deal with the criminal suspect in a relatively non-prosecution manner. Because the criminal suspects, victims, and business representatives were unable to arrive at the scene that day, the prosecutor and the hearing officer connected with them on the spot through the WeChat mini-program of the "Global Procuratorate e-Station" to carry out a "cloud" procuratorial hearing. In view of the fact that the criminal suspect has no criminal record, has a good attitude in admitting guilt, and actively fulfills the compensation obligations stipulated in the settlement agreement, the hearing officer unanimously agreed with the procuratorate's opinion on the relative non-prosecution after carefully listening to the briefing of the case.

Meilin Village, where the hearing was held, is the physical site of the "Fengqiao-style Procuratorial E-Station", a sub-platform under the "Global Procuratorate e-Station".

"Based on the promotion of the online platform of 'global procuratorial e-station', and based on the principle of 'not being called, arriving at the first call, being on call, and providing thoughtful service', we will coordinate the procuratorates at the two levels in the city, and set up offline experience sites on the spot to extend the tentacles of procuratorial services." Ye Weizhong told reporters that as of the end of May this year, the Hangzhou Municipal Procuratorate has set up more than 3,700 "global procuratorial e-station" physical sites in grassroots social comprehensive management centers, important township streets, liaison stations of people's congress deputies, characteristic industrial parks, and troops stationed in Hangzhou.

In order to standardize the operation of offline sites, the Hangzhou Municipal Procuratorate has promoted the establishment of the physical site of the "Global Procuratorate E-Station" in the "Six Ones" model, that is, to hang a sign, publish a poster (introducing the scope of acceptance and handling procedures), appoint a liaison, determine a liaison procurator, establish a liaison WeChat group, and carry out a theme training, so as to achieve the effect of "dispute resolution and service, crackdown and governance, cooperation and constraints".

More sub-platforms expand into "new areas" for the people

"I am an active soldier, my legal rights have been seriously violated, and I hope that the judicial authorities can help me defend my rights." In February this year, soldier Zhao Bin (pseudonym) sent a message for help to the "Global Procuratorate E Station".

Zhao Bin used the "military-civilian cooperative procuratorial e-station" section in the "specific group procuratorial e-station" sub-platform of the "global procuratorial e-station". Far away in the province, he did not know the legal process and did not know the progress of the case, so he could not help but be worried. After receiving the clues, the Hangzhou Gongshu District Procuratorate immediately connected with the public security organs to understand the situation of the case, guide the investigation and collection of evidence, and approved the arrest of the criminal suspect Li who violated Zhao Bin's rights in accordance with the law. In April, the case was transferred for review and prosecution.

In order to make Zhao Bin feel at ease, recently, the Gongshu District Procuratorate launched the "round table" function in the "global procuratorial e-station", and invited Zhao Bin's unit commander and Zhao Bin to join the remote meeting online to efficiently communicate the case handling situation. "Thank you for safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of military personnel in accordance with the law, actively performing your duties and promoting military-civilian cooperation." The company commander said, "We hope to use the platform of 'global procuratorial e-station' to carry out more cooperation with the procuratorial organs in popularizing the law and legal consultation." ”

The "Business Environment Inspection E-Station", "Fengqiao-style Procuratorial E-Station" and "Military-Civilian Cooperative Procuratorial E-Station" are a new starting point for the Hangzhou Municipal Procuratorate to lay out the "Global Procuratorial E-Station". The court expands diversified fields around the function of legal supervision, and realizes the coverage of the "global procuratorial e-station" in all economic and social fields, the whole business of legal supervision, and the whole region at the city and county levels, such as visiting many colleges and universities in Hangzhou, building a "campus procuratorial e-station", and providing online services such as cooperative internships, theoretical research, and employment guidance for teachers and students of colleges and universities; Integrate functions such as mandatory reporting, judicial assistance, and popularization of the law on campus, and build "juvenile procuratorial e-stations".

"Combined with the work deployment of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Zhejiang Provincial Procuratorate, based on the actual situation in Hangzhou, we have launched three special actions of 'procuratorial protection of enterprises', 'inspection of people's livelihood' and 'inspection of the rule of law' and the construction of a law-based business environment. The 'global procuratorial e-station' has become a powerful tool to promote these efforts. Recently, the 'Global Procuratorate e-Station' has successfully settled in the Hangzhou Citizen Card App. Ye Weizhong said that the Hangzhou Municipal Procuratorate will summarize the results of the previous stage, deploy the next stage of deepening measures, and further improve the work mode of "global procuratorial e-station" online + offline, global + classification, procuratorial + coordination, case handling + publicity, supervision + governance, and make every effort to promote high-quality economic and social development.

The confinement center can be steady

"After the confinement center has been rectified, the mothers can move in steadily." Recently, the prosecutor of the Fuyang District Procuratorate of Hangzhou City briefed the author on the special supervision work carried out by the hospital to standardize the operation of the confinement center.

In January this year, the Fuyang District Procuratorate's "Global Procuratorate E Station" received a clue from the masses: "After checking into the confinement center, I found that the 'five-star hotel chef' advertised in their advertisement did not even publicize the health certificate, so how can I live with peace of mind?" ”

During the investigation, the Fuyang District Procuratorate found that the confinement center involved in the case provided a number of services such as postpartum repair, confinement meals, newborn care, and confinement intermediaries, which involved the regulatory responsibilities of a number of administrative organs. The Fuyang District Procuratorate combined with industrial and commercial registration information, network platform data, etc., to carry out a "dragnet" investigation of the confinement center in the jurisdiction, focusing on the supervision of illegal diagnosis and treatment, food and drug safety, fire safety, etc., and found 12 clues on the confinement center's illegal diagnosis and treatment services, expired health certificates of food employees, and failure to carry out fire protection filing.

On March 6, the Fuyang District Procuratorate held a special supervision roundtable meeting on the standardized operation of the confinement center, and the procurator and representatives of relevant administrative organs, representatives of the Women's Federation, and volunteers of the "Benefiting the Public" procuratorial cloud platform analyzed the causes of the problem, clarified the supervision responsibilities, and discussed the rectification plan. At the meeting, the procuratorial organs issued 1 procuratorial suggestion and 2 consultation letters to the three administrative organs on the spot, urging them to perform their regulatory duties in accordance with the law. After the meeting, the administrative organs filed a case to investigate and deal with 3 problematic confinement centers. The Fuyang District Procuratorate also relies on the "double transformation" mechanism of CPPCC proposals and procuratorial suggestions to assist CPPCC members in writing relevant proposals to help the healthy development of the industry.

Combined with the practice of the Fuyang District Procuratorate, at the end of May, the Hangzhou Municipal Procuratorate opened a separate "e-station for the protection of women's rights and interests" in the "e-station for specific groups" under the "global procuratorial e-station".

Promote the standardization of hazardous waste disposal in automobile repair enterprises

"In the past, the problems of oil cans and oil drums scattered and overflowing with oily wastewater in auto repair shops have been solved after rectification." On June 5, on the day of "World Environment Day", Lao Luo, a volunteer of the Chun'an County Procuratorate of Zhejiang Province, made such an evaluation when he and the prosecutor "looked back" on the remediation of waste engine oil.

"Procuratorate Daily" full-page report! The "global procuratorial e-station" makes the procuratorial work more down-to-earth

The prosecutor of the Chun'an County Procuratorate in Zhejiang Province visited the parties to learn about the case

At the end of 2023, Lao Luo reported to the Chun'an County Procuratorate through the "Fengqiao-style inspection e-station" that an auto repair factory in a town did not standardize the collection, storage, and disposal of waste engine oil generated in the course of daily operation, which may pollute the surrounding environment. The prosecutor's on-site visit found that there were a number of motor vehicle repair shops in the auto repair shops pointed to by the clue, and these repair shops generally did not standardize the management of used engine oil. Some stores do not set up a separate area to store waste engine oil, some stores do not set up hazardous waste identification signs in the waste engine oil stacking area, and some stores have obvious oil leakage in the waste engine oil storage area. In addition, another auto repair service in the town had containers for storing hazardous waste, but it was illegal for other goods to be mixed with hazardous waste.

"A seemingly inconspicuous barrel of waste engine oil actually contains a large number of harmful chemicals such as heavy metals, sulfur and phosphorus compounds, which is a hazardous waste that is not easy to degrade, with toxicity, corrosiveness, flammability and other dangerous characteristics. According to the prosecutor handling the case, the Chun'an County Procuratorate has promoted the Chun'an County People's Congress to transform the hazardous waste disposal problem in the auto repair industry into a recommendation of the people's congress deputies for supervision by deploying a special action for public interest litigation on hazardous waste disposal in the auto repair industry. After a comprehensive investigation, the Chun'an County Procuratorate found 27 clues, and urged the relevant administrative organs to rectify the different illegal situations found in a timely manner by means of "procuratorial suggestions + pre-trial consultation".

In April 2024, at the consultation meeting jointly held by the Chun'an County Procuratorate and the Chun'an County People's Congress, the relevant administrative organs gave feedback on the rectification situation, saying that they had jointly held a special meeting of the main members of the association with the Automobile Repair Association to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the county's automobile repair enterprises and supervise the rectification on the spot. A few days ago, the Chun'an County Procuratorate conducted a "retrospective" review of the relevant rectification situation and confirmed that the previous problems had been basically rectified in place. The hospital also invited NPC deputies to participate in clue investigation, on-site evidence collection, follow-up supervision and other case-handling links with the help of the "global procuratorial e-station", so as to further promote the standardized disposal of hazardous waste in the auto repair industry.

Online tutoring does not require parents to run back and forth

"Thanks to the development of the 'Juvenile Inspection e-Station' applet, you can help and educate online, and urge children to reform themselves, without our parents running back and forth." Recently, Xiaoyu (pseudonym)'s father told the prosecutor of the Jiande City Procuratorate in Zhejiang Province.

In January this year, the Jiande Municipal Procuratorate learned in handling a case of helping information network criminal activities that in the summer of 2023, Xiaoyu, who was 17 years old at the time, began to play games in Internet cafes all night after knowing Xiaohao (pseudonym, handled in a separate case) due to the lack of discipline of his parents working abroad. After spending all the pocket money given by their parents, in order to get more game "funds", the two helped the "Shangjia" they met on the Internet to make fraudulent calls, and Xiaoyu made an illegal profit of more than 14,000 yuan.

Considering that Xiaoyu was a minor at the time of the crime, and there were circumstances such as voluntary surrender, voluntary admission of guilt and acceptance of punishment, and actively returned the stolen goods and made restitution, in line with the principle of education, probation, and rescue and the principle of "education first, punishment secondary", in January 2024, the Jiande Municipal Procuratorate made a conditional non-prosecution decision against him in accordance with the law, set up a 6-month probation period, and at the same time carried out family education guidance for his parents to help parents clarify their guardianship responsibilities. Xiaoyu's parents work abroad all the year round, and in order to facilitate the discipline of Xiaoyu, they decided to take him with them in the future, and they had already completed the transfer procedures for him at that time.

Is it possible to help teach in other places? In view of the special situation of Xiaoyu's study in a different place and its own characteristics, after fully communicating with the tutor, the Jiande Municipal Procuratorate used the "Juvenile Procuratorate e-Station" to formulate a personalized tutoring plan, and urged Xiaoyu to consciously accept tutoring by pushing tutoring courses online, sending tutoring tasks, and remote video from time to time. The procurator also conducted online family education guidance for Xiaoyu's guardian through the "Juvenile Procuratorate e-Station" platform, helping to build a good parent-child relationship and family atmosphere.

"The use of the 'juvenile procuratorial e-station' to achieve accurate assistance and education in different places not only allows the minors involved in the case and their families to avoid the inconvenience of traveling back and forth between the two places, is conducive to the minors receiving education and correction in a family environment accompanied by their parents, but also helps to timely grasp the trends of the minors involved in the case and help them return to the right track as soon as possible." Prosecutors said.

After asking for help online, the problem was quickly resolved

"After the court officially lifted the land seizure, the property right registration has been completed, the corresponding mediation agreement has been fulfilled, and the company has returned to the track of benign development." On June 7, the prosecutor of the Linping District Procuratorate of Hangzhou City made regular contact with a real estate company in the jurisdiction, and the person in charge of the company reported the good news to the prosecutor.

In November 2023, the real estate company learned about the "Business Environment Inspection e-Station" through the Enterprise Service Center site and sought help from the Linping District Procuratorate online: "In 2022, our company was seized by the court in a civil case. Later, the plaintiff withdrew the lawsuit, but the seized land was not unsealed for a long time, resulting in our inability to register property rights, which affected our business. ”

After preliminary research and judgment, the economic prosecution department of the Linping District Procuratorate transferred the clue to the civil prosecution department for consultation, and contacted the person in charge of the real estate company to verify the situation as soon as possible. The prosecutor visited and learned that the civil case involved in the company had indeed been withdrawn by the court. Previously, the parties had reached a mediation agreement on the dispute in the case, but the property preservation of the original case had not been lifted, resulting in the relevant land use rights still being seized and the mediation agreement could not be successfully performed. The procurator immediately contacted the Linping District Court's original case adjudicators and preservation enforcement personnel to communicate and explain the situation. In December 2023, the Linping District Court lifted the land seizure.

"After we asked for help online, it only took more than half a month for the procuratorate to help us solve the problem, and the 'global procuratorial e-station' provided a real and convenient channel to meet the legal needs of enterprises!" The head of the real estate company said.

Proofreading cooperationOpens in a new window

Recently, a party building characteristic brand release and display activity was held in the Yuhang District Procuratorate of Hangzhou. A few kilometers away on the campus of Hangzhou Normal University, 10 students watched the event simultaneously through the "Campus Inspection e-Station".

When preparing for the event, the institute released the event registration information on the platform, and 10 college students from Hangzhou Normal University signed up online. Considering the heavy academic workload of the students in the school, the two sides discussed and decided to let the students watch the activities online through the "Campus Procuratorate e-Station" on campus and listen to the stories of the prosecutors performing their duties. As early as November 2023, the Yuhang District Procuratorate set up Hangzhou's first "Campus Procuratorate e-Station" entity site at the Shen Junru Law School of Hangzhou Normal University, and enabled the on-site connection function of the "Campus Procuratorate e-Station".

From April to July 2022, Ji joined a telecommunications network fraud criminal group of hundreds of people. The criminal group adopted a corporatized operation model, in which Ji served as a salesman, and the amount of personal fraud was more than 30,000 yuan. The prosecutor handling the case believes that Ji's conduct has constituted the crime of fraud, but after arriving at the case, he pleaded guilty sincerely, truthfully confessed the facts of the crime, and withdrew all illegal gains, and was an accomplice, and planned to deal with him relatively without prosecution. In order to take the initiative to accept supervision, the Yuhang District Procuratorate decided to hold a public hearing to fully listen to the opinions of all parties. The court also connected to the Shen Junru Law School of Hangzhou Normal University in real time through the "Campus Procuratorate e-Station", and invited teachers and students to observe online, which not only allowed teachers and students to understand the functions of the "Campus Procuratorate e-Station" more intuitively, but also warned college students to stay away from telecommunication network fraud crimes. At the hearing, the hearing officers unanimously agreed with the procuratorate's opinion on whether to prosecute after deliberation.

"The 'Campus Procuratorate e-Station' integrates multimedia technology with legal theory and judicial practice, which is a creative application of new technologies in procuratorial work, which will comprehensively enhance the exchange and interaction between procuratorial schools and improve the quality of training legal talents in colleges and universities." After observing the public hearing online, Wang Hongfei, dean of the Shen Junru Law School at Hangzhou Normal University, said.

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