
Bloat or joking? Jackeylove: Saudi Arabian Oil Cup is expected to beat GEN! Netizen: Do you believe it?

author:Yuumi Star

There are only two days left before the start of the "Saudi Oil Cup" League of Legends program. As the first League of Legends event held entirely by a third party in recent years, it is naturally attracting the attention of players. At the same time, because the lineup of the event is basically the original team participating in this year's MSI Mid-Season Championship, and the first round of the schedule is full of "revenge attributes", both the quality of the competition and the effect of the program have been fully guaranteed, so it has attracted a high level of traffic, and it can even be comparable to the official events held by Riot in the past.

Bloat or joking? Jackeylove: Saudi Arabian Oil Cup is expected to beat GEN! Netizen: Do you believe it?

With the end of the first round of the summer competition in each major region, all the participating teams have arrived in Saudi Arabia to begin to enter the final stage of preparation and adapt to the environment of the venue in advance. However, what I never thought was that the way the players traveled caused an uproar on the Internet, and even made Jackeylove almost become the target of public opinion!

Bloat or joking? Jackeylove: Saudi Arabian Oil Cup is expected to beat GEN! Netizen: Do you believe it?

Here's the thing: Before the expedition, Jackeylove complained to the organizers of the "Saudi Oil Cup" during the live broadcast, suggesting that the organizers were too stingy, and the basic funds provided to the teams participating in the competition were seriously insufficient, and even the reimbursement of travel expenses was only enough to take the economy class, so they had to pay for the upgrade themselves. As soon as this remark came out, it was immediately sprayed and ridiculed by netizens, who bluntly said that TES players are too self-aware, and they are hedonistic! In recent years, although the results have not been good, the lifestyle has become more and more extravagant, and I have begun to feel that the economy class is not worthy of my price. Even the former "interstellar celebrity" Huang Xudong personally posted a blog accusing the TES players, bluntly saying that today's young e-sports players have not suffered at all, and they can even be complained about when they take economy class, and how can the older generation of e-sports players ever pursue these material comforts, etc.

Bloat or joking? Jackeylove: Saudi Arabian Oil Cup is expected to beat GEN! Netizen: Do you believe it?

As the so-called "wave after wave of unsettled waves", when the "economy class turmoil" has not completely subsided, Jackeylove's earlier remarks of "inflated or obsessed self-confidence" were unexpectedly picked up by netizens again! About three days ago, Jackeylove briefly revealed to the audience during the live broadcast that he had a little bit of his expectations for the upcoming "Saudi Oil Cup", and bluntly said that his team is really good at playing LCK, since there will be a team that will play in one round, so why can't it be GEN? And this is a BO3 competition (there are many uncertainties), and GEN may really be sent home by himself!

Bloat or joking? Jackeylove: Saudi Arabian Oil Cup is expected to beat GEN! Netizen: Do you believe it?

Seeing this, netizens were not calm for a moment, and bluntly said that looking at his confident demeanor and tone, it seems that he has completely forgotten his painful experience in the MSI Mid-Season Championship that just ended not long ago. Although Jackeylove has always liked to "make a big splash" in front of the camera, it seems to have intensified recently, and he has been slapped in the face frequently, but he doesn't know how to restrain at all. It's really outrageous! Expanding and pursuing more and more luxury in material life, many netizens said that they had been completely disappointed in him.

Bloat or joking? Jackeylove: Saudi Arabian Oil Cup is expected to beat GEN! Netizen: Do you believe it?

I feel that after experiencing the MSI fiasco, Jackeylove seems to have completely let go of herself, and even has the tendency of "breaking the jar and breaking it". For example, he often speaks surprisingly and has golden sentences; Another example is often scolding passers-by in the ranks, which is completely contrary to his previous image and personality. I wonder if he did it on purpose? Could it be that he plans to take the black and red route, so as to completely turn Internet celebrities into traffic? But in any case, this "Saudi Oil Cup", it is still hoped that TES can get a good result and be humiliated, although the possibility of beating GEN in the first round is almost slim. Because aside from the results and head-to-head records of the two teams in this year's MSI Mid-Season Championship, the gap between the two teams in the current version is clear at a glance, after all, GEN has almost crushed all the way in the LCK Summer Tournament, and the overall strength is even a fault lead. On the other hand, TES, although it has improved slightly compared to the spring game (mainly because Tian can control the wild core), but if it is enough to compete with GEN, I am afraid there is still a certain distance!

So is there anything else you want to say about this? Welcome to leave a message below the comment area to discuss!