
Klay Thompson left the Warriors to join the Mavericks, and the Warriors really didn't give him enough respect?

author:Si Feng Adao
Klay Thompson left the Warriors to join the Mavericks, and the Warriors really didn't give him enough respect?

Klay Thompson joins the Mavericks

Today, Klay Thompson joined the Mavericks by signing and trading, which means that Klay Thompson ended his thirteen-year career with the Golden State Warriors!

This news should come out at about 3:30 a.m. Beijing time today, I woke up at four o'clock in the morning, and quickly touched my mobile phone, after reading it, I couldn't sleep, some words were really held in my heart for a long time, don't vomit unhappy!

Klay Thompson left the Warriors to join the Mavericks, and the Warriors really didn't give him enough respect?

First of all, we wish Klay Thompson all the best in the Mavericks and win the fifth championship as soon as possible, but now I want to talk about the conflict between Klay Thompson and the Warriors, that is, Klay Thompson thinks the Warriors don't respect him, I don't understand why Klay Thompson has this idea, I don't know where the Warriors don't respect Klay Thompson?

In the 2019 Finals, Klay Thompson torn his cruciate ligament, that offseason, the Warriors management did not say a word, carrying the pressure of all the fans, 140 million in 4 years, and the maximum salary was extended with both hands, is this disrespectful to you Klay Thompson?

Klay Thompson left the Warriors to join the Mavericks, and the Warriors really didn't give him enough respect?

In November 2020, Klay Thompson suffered a ruptured Achilles tendon in training, two major injuries in two years, he did not play in any games for the Warriors, Curry was isolated in every game, the Warriors swooped all the way from the championship team to the weak team of fish belly, the dragon was played by shrimp in shallow water, and the tiger was bullied by dogs in Pingyang

But even so, the Warriors management did not give up on Klay Thompson, still took money to support him, and was unwilling to easily send away the champion hero, is this disrespectful to you Klay Thompson?

Klay Thompson left the Warriors to join the Mavericks, and the Warriors really didn't give him enough respect?

In the summers of 2022 and 2023 for two consecutive years, two consecutive offseasons, Klay Thompson almost trained 0, saying that he suffered PTSD and was afraid of training injuries, this outrageous behavior, you see if anyone in the Warriors blames him, right? Every year, Klay Thompson has to use the first 20 or even 30 games to find form

At the beginning of last season, Klay Thompson's outside shooting rate plummeted to 30%, but Kerr still believed in him and was still unwilling to let him play off the bench.

In the play-off game last season, after playing the Kings, Curry said directly in an interview, he couldn't imagine that he didn't have Klay Thompson by his side, he wanted to force Klay Thompson to stay, is this disrespectful to you Klay Thompson?

Klay Thompson left the Warriors to join the Mavericks, and the Warriors really didn't give him enough respect?

I want to say that during Klay Thompson's thirteen years with the Warriors, Curry, Dream Green, Warriors management, and every Klay Thompson teammate have given him infinite respect and tolerance

What about Klay Thompson? Did he respect the Warriors? Did he respect the trust that Curry and Kerr had placed in him? Did he respect his teammates' hard work?

In the second round of the 2023 playoffs, in the life-and-death battle between the Warriors and the Lakers, Klay Thompson shot 3 of 19

In the 2024 play-offs, the Warriors will play the Kings, and it will be another battle of life and death, with Klay Thompson shooting 0 of 10

To put it mildly, for two consecutive years, the Warriors did not die at the hands of the enemy, but at the hands of Klay Thompson, and the Warriors fans were aggrieved

Klay Thompson left the Warriors to join the Mavericks, and the Warriors really didn't give him enough respect?

I suggest to those fans who want to rehabilitate Klay Thompson now, you take a look at Klay Thompson's games in the past two seasons, and see which game he didn't make an unbelievable shot? Take a look at a game where he really put the team's victory ahead of his personal interests?

Perhaps it is useless to say that it is at this point, and a return to Golden State is unlikely for the remainder of Klay Thompson's career

It is better to forget each other in the rivers and lakes, and we finally wish Klay Thompson, hoping that he can shine in the Lone Ranger and get his wish as soon as possible!

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