
NATO slanders China for fomenting war in Europe; If China had sided with the United States and Russia, the world would have already started a third war long ago

author:Shinobayashi said

NATO has once again poured dirty water on China, slandering China for "supporting Russia and inciting a war in Europe", and China has repeatedly clarified its position. Chinese experts tell the truth: if China had sided with the United States or Russia, the Third World War would have already begun!

NATO is pouring dirty water again: China is inciting war in Europe

Is China inciting a major war in Europe? Xiao Lin felt that anyone would be baffled by this question, what was this talking about? But Shinobayashi notes that at least NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is convinced of this:

On June 30, Japan's Yomiuri Shimbun reported that outgoing NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg accused in an interview with the agency, "China is inciting the largest conflict in Europe since World War II." ”

NATO slanders China for fomenting war in Europe; If China had sided with the United States and Russia, the world would have already started a third war long ago

How could this NATO leader have such a strange idea? Shinobayashi took a closer look at the report, and it turned out that he was again entangled in the so-called "military technical support" provided by China to Russia to help Russia win the war in Ukraine, he pointed out that Russia is producing drones and missiles, and China exports the most modern technology and electronics to support it.

To tell the truth, for NATO to insist on this statement, Shinobayashi is indeed quite helpless. Since the Americans began to spread such rumors last year, the entire Western world seems to be stunned, and every once in a while, someone has to jump out and mention it. It's just that before, when mentioning this matter, most Westerners were still just "talking about the facts", and all the discussions revolved around the Russian-Ukrainian war itself, but now, Stoltenberg's words have raised the situation to a more serious level - isn't this so-called "European war" a "third world war"?

But is what China is doing really that serious?

NATO slanders China for fomenting war in Europe; If China had sided with the United States and Russia, the world would have already started a third war long ago

According to Shinobayashi, this is actually to answer three questions:

First, does China really provide Russia with "the most modern technology and electronics" to help Russia win the war?

Xiao Lin believes that bilateral economic, trade, and technological exchanges between China and Russia are a matter for China and Russia, and outsiders have no right to point fingers and make irresponsible remarks. In addition, facts are facts, China does not provide what it does not provide, China does not support Russia's war, does not provide corresponding military support to Russia, it is in China's interests, this is a fact that can be determined with a little logical thinking, and China has no need to prove its innocence to a group of outsiders.

When the West says this, it is purely a crime that wants to add to it.

NATO slanders China for fomenting war in Europe; If China had sided with the United States and Russia, the world would have already started a third war long ago

Second, has the Russia-Ukraine war really reached the point of detonating a "big war"?

Shinobayashi believes that the Western world is obviously deliberately exaggerating the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Shinobayashi does not deny that this war is indeed a landmark event for the openness and comprehensiveness of the contradictions between Russia and the West, and it is also the first anti-Western shot fired in the world, but the facts have proved that Russia does not have the strategic strength to comprehensively challenge the West, or even take the whole of Ukraine, and then gain an inch against other European countries - this war is more like the last roar that Russia is forced to send out to the Western world.

So under this premise, if China provides Russia with a little "modern technology and electronic products", can it really make Russia turn over and win a complete and rapid victory over Ukraine, and then pose a real strategic threat to the entire Western world?

Shinobin believes that if the situation is really as serious as Stoltenberg said, then Stoltenberg will not have the leisure to sit here and talk freely.

NATO slanders China for fomenting war in Europe; If China had sided with the United States and Russia, the world would have already started a third war long ago

Third, is it necessary for China to trigger a so-called "big war"?

In fact, at the very beginning of the war, China immediately made it clear that it hoped to resolve the relevant contradictions through diplomatic means, and even more hoped that peace would come at an early date. And if you think about it a little, you will know that China is absolutely sincere when it says this:

In 2023, the total bilateral economic and trade exchanges between China and the EU will reach the order of 780 billion US dollars, and due to factors such as the Russia-Ukraine war, this data has actually decreased by 7.1% compared with the previous year. Will China accept such losses to continue?

The cooperative relationship between China and Russia is far from reaching the point where China is willing to voluntarily give up such huge interests in Europe in order to support Russia.

On the contrary, on the NATO side, Shinobayashi believes that as a military organization left over from the Cold War era, it is the most eager for this kind of "world war" type of all-out camp confrontation, and in order to ensure its own continued existence, it is the most necessary to take the initiative to deteriorate this local war into a world war; As for the United States, the leader of NATO, it has sufficient motivation to take the opportunity to cut off the relations between European countries and Russia, to break off Europe's dream of independence and independence, so as to ensure the sustainability of its hegemony in the world.

NATO slanders China for fomenting war in Europe; If China had sided with the United States and Russia, the world would have already started a third war long ago

So why does such a military organization with bad intentions have the face to take the initiative to accuse China?

Shinobayashi noted that in the interview, Stoltenberg was also "above board":

"NATO does not see China as an adversary, but China is posing a challenge to our values, interests and security." Therefore, NATO "needs to strengthen its partnership with Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand in order to increase pressure on China and stabilize the situation in the Asian region."

Therefore, for a long time, NATO is just trying to find a sufficiently "reasonable" excuse for its expansion into East Asia -- if you China supports Russia in Europe to engage in a "world war", then of course our NATO has a reason to go to East Asia, win over local countries, and establish a "defense line" directly at China's doorstep to defend "world peace."

Stoltenberg's logic is so absurd and shameless that Shinobayashi noticed that even the Russians couldn't stand it - on July 1, local time, Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that "I believe the Chinese government itself can make a due evaluation of this."

NATO slanders China for fomenting war in Europe; If China had sided with the United States and Russia, the world would have already started a third war long ago

If China had sided with the United States and Russia, it would have escalated into World War III long ago

Of course, Shinobayashi also noticed that Stoltenberg did not understand the truth that "China cannot be pushed too quickly." In the interview, he still cautiously said that NATO will still be an alliance between North America and Europe, and the implication is that he will not consider letting Asian countries join it, nor will he make a decision at the upcoming summit on the previously announced plan to open a NATO liaison office in Tokyo.

But now they dare to spread rumors that China is going to incite a war in Europe, and NATO is marching into East Asia and directly encircling China at China's doorstep like encircling Russia, is this still a very distant thing?

NATO slanders China for fomenting war in Europe; If China had sided with the United States and Russia, the world would have already started a third war long ago

In fact, on June 28, Zheng Yongnian, dean of the School of Public Policy of Hong Kong Chinese University (Shenzhen), publicly complained that about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, he once told American friends, "If China chooses a side, whether on the side of Russia or the United States, the third world war may have begun." ”

And now that the war has not begun, it just proves that China has not chosen a side yet, and the Russian-Ukrainian war is still controlled in the category of local wars.

So under this premise, does NATO really think that it is really a good thing to take the initiative to stimulate China and drive China to Russia?

Shinobayashi feels that NATO should really have enough self-knowledge in the face of China.

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