
The battle of Moscow was reduced by only 200,000 German troops, but 300,000 people died of frostbite and frostbite.

author:Sue with the mountain ghost
The battle of Moscow was reduced by only 200,000 German troops, but 300,000 people died of frostbite and frostbite.


On June 22, 1941, Germany, together with Romania, Hungary, Italy, and Finland, formed an army of 5.5 million men and attacked the Soviet Union in four directions. Among them, the German army was divided into three army groups, namely Army Group North, Army Group Center and Army Group South, with 4,900 aircraft, 3,500 tanks and 190 warships.

At the beginning of Barbarossa, the German offensive plan was very smooth, even a little unbelievable, the German Army Group Center occupied Minsk, the capital of Belarus, in just two weeks, and surrounded and annihilated more than 300,000 Soviet troops on the Western Front, and then in the Smolensk and Kiev regions, the Germans managed to eliminate more than 1 million Soviet troops. At this time, the enemies on the northern and southern flanks of the German army had been cleared, and all that remained was to take Moscow.

At the beginning of October 1941, Hitler transferred part of the armored forces of Army Group South and Army Group North to Army Group Center, which at this time could be said to be strong, with three infantry armies, three armored groups, a total of 79 divisions, and a total strength of 1.93 million people, in addition to the German army with 14,000 artillery pieces and 1,800 tanks.

The battle of Moscow was reduced by only 200,000 German troops, but 300,000 people died of frostbite and frostbite.

The German army launched an offensive in early October, and the offensive was quite smooth at the beginning, although the rainy season in the Soviet Union caused great losses to the German mechanized troops, but the German army still surrounded the Soviet army in October through a pincer offensive of more than 700,000 people, and captured more than 650,000 people.

But after November, the most terrible enemy of the German army - General Winter arrived, the weather in the Moscow area plummeted in November, the terrible thing was that the German army did not prepare warm clothing, the severe cold made the German combat effectiveness drop greatly, many German troops were frozen to death and frostbite, and the entire palms and soles of the feet were frozen off not a few, and finally the Soviet army took advantage of the double difficulties faced by the German army and the lack of logistics, and carried out a counteroffensive in December and early January, and repelled the German army by 200-300 kilometers.

The battle of Moscow was reduced by only 200,000 German troops, but 300,000 people died of frostbite and frostbite.


If we only count the German combat attrition from October to January, the German casualties are actually not as bad as everyone thinks, and even similar to the German casualties in the French campaign. In October, the Germans lost 13,669 killed, 46,645 wounded, and 2,556 missing, resulting in a total of 62,870 combat losses. In November, the Germans lost 9,346 killed, 34,771 wounded, and 1,957 missing, making a total of 46,074 combat losses.

In December, the German army moved to the strategic defensive stage, and in the whole of December, the German army lost 8,131 people, 30,560 wounded, and 3,128 missing, a total of 41,819 people, and in January, the German army lost 10,460 people, 35,935 wounded, 3,526 missing, and a total of 49,921 combat attrition. The overall combat attrition of the German army in the Battle of Moscow did not exceed 200,000, of which the number of casualties was about 50,000, and the casualties were not serious, but the impact of the severe cold on the German army was too great.

After the arrival of winter in Moscow in November, the situation of the German army became very bad, because the logistics supply line was too far away, the German army could only choose to give priority to the transportation of more important weapons and ammunition and other materials, all the cold equipment was piled up at the railway station in Warsaw could not be transported, the severe cold caused the German non-combat death toll of more than 100,000, another 200,000 people were frostbitten or sick, and countless weapons and equipment could not be used because of the severe cold.

The battle of Moscow was reduced by only 200,000 German troops, but 300,000 people died of frostbite and frostbite.

‬在莫斯科战役的反攻阶段中,事实上苏军杀伤的德军并不算多,苏军在这一时期从来没有围歼过任何一支德军师级部队,最多也就是消灭了两个遭到了严重削弱的团级部队,这不是苏军不想,而是实在办不到。 But the cold became the best comrade-in-arms of the Soviet army, and the Germans suffered heavy losses.


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