
The price of appeasement: The Czechs mobilized 1.5 million troops in '38 and eventually surrendered without firing a shot.

author:Sue with the mountain ghost
‬如果说人类历史上哪一场会议最肮脏、最邪恶,1938年9月份由德法英意四国首脑出席参加的《慕尼黑会议》绝对榜上有名,这次会议所达成的《慕尼黑协定》更是将英法的绥靖政策推行到了巅峰,随意割让其他国家的领土,只是为了保障自己的安全,但最终英法的如意算盘还是被德国的铁拳所击碎。 The saddest thing is that the Czechs have mobilized more than 1.5 million troops, but in the end they surrendered to Germany without firing a single shot, giving Germany a large amount of weapons and equipment.
The price of appeasement: The Czechs mobilized 1.5 million troops in '38 and eventually surrendered without firing a shot.


The full name of the Munich Agreement was the Agreement on the Cession of Sudetenland to Germany in Czechoslovakia, which was an attempt by Germany to expand abroad. As early as June 1937, Nazi Germany had plans to invade Czechoslovakia, codenamed the "Green Plan".

In March 1938, Germany merged with Austria through a referendum, and the Austrian people at that time saw that their brothers in the north were doing so well and couldn't wait to merge, and finally agreed to the merger with a support rate of more than 99.1%.

The price of appeasement: The Czechs mobilized 1.5 million troops in '38 and eventually surrendered without firing a shot.

Hitler said that according to the "14-point policy" proposed by US President Wilson in 1918, Germany had the right to merge the Sudetenland through "national self-determination".

On September 29, 1938, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain flew to Germany for the third time in half a month, and together with French President Daladier, German Führer Hitler and Italian leader Beni Mussolini, held a four-nation summit of Britain, France, Germany and Italy in Munich, Germany. After an hour and 45 minutes of talks, the four countries signed the Munich Agreement, which ceded the Sudetenland to Germany.

The price of appeasement: The Czechs mobilized 1.5 million troops in '38 and eventually surrendered without firing a shot.


Czechoslovakia was part of the Austro-Crèsian Empire before World War I, and due to the deliberate bias of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Czechoslovakia became the most industrially developed region within the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which made Czechoslovakia the seventh largest industrial country in the world after the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Due to its strong industry, Czechoslovakia was able to arm more troops, for example, the famous Skoda Arsenal was a strong guarantee of Czech security.

At the beginning of the Sudetenland crisis in May 1938, the Czechoslovak government realized the gravity of the situation and quickly launched a general mobilization throughout the country, and by late September 1938 the number of Czech troops had risen rapidly, to 1.5 million men, including 20 infantry divisions, 2 mobile divisions, 4 cavalry divisions, and 138 separate border battalions. Each Czech infantry division had three infantry brigades and an artillery regiment, and the hard power was not much different from that of Germany.

In addition, the mobile divisions and armored cavalry divisions of the Czech army were established according to the model of the French army, and each division had a cavalry brigade and a tank brigade, which was very powerful, and the German army had not yet carried out general mobilization at that time, and the total strength deployed on the front line was only 7 divisions. However, the million-strong army formed by the Czechs had no chance to fight for their homeland, and after the signing of the Munich Agreement, the Czech army was forced to lay down its arms and turn to join the German army to fight for Germany.

The price of appeasement: The Czechs mobilized 1.5 million troops in '38 and eventually surrendered without firing a shot.

‬在慕尼黑协定之后德国并没有放弃对外扩张,在1939年3月份德国吞并了捷克剩余领土,并将南斯洛伐克和外喀尔巴阡地区给予了匈牙利,并且将斯洛伐克变成了保护国。 Control of Czechoslovakia was an important part of Germany's foreign expansion, and with the support of Czech heavy industry, Germany burst out with a stronger fighting force.

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