
The civil war has begun! Cao Xingcheng said the DPP should remove the KMT, which could not play its role


Text: Zhang Youhua

From June 27 to 29, especially on June 29, UMC Chairman Cao Xingcheng said in an interview that the DPP should recall KMT representatives who have dealings with the mainland from north to south, so that the Taiwan region will not be influenced by the mainland.

The meaning of his words is probably in three ways. First of all, from now on, the DPP should mobilize the strength of the whole party to remove Fu Laiqing and others, and the group of public opinion deputies who went to Beijing from April 26 to 28 have a very clear goal. Second, if these representatives of public opinion are dismissed, the DPP will be the master of the country. He believes that the DPP can "resist China and protect Taiwan" by being the master of the country, so that the Taiwan region will not be influenced by the mainland. Third, the significance of the beacon fire indicator everywhere is very strong. Because as long as these are deposed, almost all of them are the representatives of the new generation of the Kuomintang. Once dismissed, the KMT may not be able to propose a suitable candidate.

The civil war has begun! Cao Xingcheng said the DPP should remove the KMT, which could not play its role

This strategy moved from the north to the south, letting the Kuomintang know how powerful the DPP is, and it can be said that Cao Xingcheng's strategy is vicious. Since the end of last month, after the five reforms of Taiwan's legislature passed heated debates, a series of DPP proposals, such as the reconsideration bill, have been rejected. The next step that everyone is most concerned about is the struggle between the DPP and the KMT over the issue of recall.

Originally, this fire was about to start burning, and Cao Xingcheng had to add firewood to this fire. Because everyone knows that Cao Xingcheng has sufficient resources. If he speaks out, surely he will invest money. This is because it is necessary to remove the representatives of the people's will in the legislature of the Taiwan region. Take Taipei's Xu Qiaoxin as an example, she has to spend at least NT$5 million to start. Now Cao Xingcheng has put forward this proposal to the DPP, which is to invest funds, which is a great threat to the KMT.

When Cao Xingcheng said this, he did not mean that the Kuomintang was completely dismissed, but that the Kuomintang was relatively weak at present, and there were probably only 10 popular representatives, and among these 10 popular representatives, the vote rate did not exceed half. Second, they are the representatives of the new branch of public opinion. Although they have a constituency operation, they are just beginning to take root. This kind of recall means that the former representative of the people's opinion in this place was the Democratic Progressive Party, but because of the incident, he lost less than 3% to 5% of the votes, which is within the margin of error. So let's vote 10 first, and once we get rid of these DPPs, we can also nominate our own people, and then take back this constituency. Once there are 10 seats, there will be 20 seats back and forth, and when the DPP becomes the largest party, the KMT and the People's Party will not dare to oppose the DPP.

Cao Xingcheng has another indicative significance, after the new branch of public opinion is finished, those who went to Beijing with Fu Laiqing will also be dismissed, so that Beijing will cut off this communication channel, and even give Beijing a little color. Of course, these are all fantasies of him, and these representatives of public opinion may not listen to Beijing, but he wants to link him.

In addition, Cao Xingcheng also mentioned "resisting China and protecting Taiwan". It's just that he doesn't have to go to the battlefield, and he can go out of the Taiwan region at any time, and even the grievances and hatreds between him and Beijing will be so deep. Based on these three points, his main purpose is to "resist China and protect Taiwan," and to remove the pro-China public opinion representatives, and to ensure that the Kuomintang will never be able to dominate the political situation in the Taiwan region after this time.

The civil war has begun! Cao Xingcheng said the DPP should remove the KMT, which could not play its role

Some people believe that Cao Xingcheng should be included in the list of "22 Articles" and even surpass Lai Qingde. It's just that if he says that he surpasses Lai Qingde, maybe he has not yet reached this level, but he can only be included in the list of diehard "Taiwan independence" elements. Because he was originally born in the blue camp, he is now even more engaged in "Taiwan independence" than the green camp. It can be said that the more such characters, the more destructive.

Therefore, if the DPP really wants to start a recall war, more than the recall of the Kuomintang, as long as there are 6 seats, then it will be the original 51 seats plus 6 seats, and it will reach 57 seats. Then even if there is a majority in the legislature, he will no longer look at the face of the People's Party, and the 8 votes of the People's Party are equivalent to abolition.

This time, the DPP proposed a recall war to recall the representatives of the people's will, and this move was very powerful. At that time, if the DPP succeeds in recalling six seats, the leader of the legislature will be re-elected, and Han Kuo-yu will also be elected, so this battle is indeed very important. If Zhu Lilun really can't cope with it, the Kuomintang will really be finished.

As a matter of fact, the DPP has no other opinions on Cao Xingcheng's dismissal. Because to remove a person, it costs 250 million to fill a seat. If you really want to strike 10 seats, then at least more than 2.5 billion. Second, once it is really stopped, the Kuomintang will also have the strength to remove the DPP, and the Kuomintang will also have the strength, but it is necessary to use this way to get the jade to the point of burning. This can be discussed, but it may not be necessary. Third, Cao Xingcheng proposed this kind of bill in the position of a guest secretary. Once it is really launched, there will be recalls almost every month. If it continues to be troubled until 2026 and 2028, even if Lai Qingde has a majority of seats, the political situation Lai Qingde may not be able to go on.

There are too many people in Taiwan who think that it is very easy to recall, but in fact it is irrational and costly, and more importantly, of course, the Kuomintang has to face it. It's just that the Kuomintang is always an afterthought, so although the Kuomintang is the largest party, the reason why the people in the entire Taiwan region do not support the Kuomintang is that this largest party cannot run the DPP. Ma Ying-jeou has been in power for 8 years, and I have given all the seats to the other party, even 3/4, but I still can't get the DPP.

The civil war has begun! Cao Xingcheng said the DPP should remove the KMT, which could not play its role

The Kuomintang should not underestimate Cao Xingcheng's proposal this time, at least there is a sense of intimidation in these opinions. If this continues, even if the Kuomintang can keep its position as the largest party, who else will support the Kuomintang. Because it can't play any role for the first party, the problem now is in this place.

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