
Trapped at home and abroad! The blue and green parties continued to recall, and the people's problems ended without a problem, and they sighed in their backs


Text: Zhang Youhua

What to think! What to do? How? This is the biggest problem Lai Qingde is facing now. At present, the DPP seems to have eaten "ecstasy" and keeps shaking its head every day.

They are now over-excited, and the so-called over-excitement is from the beginning of the "Five Bills" to the advent of the era of the general recall. After the "five-point bill" was sent to the judicial organs, the case was immediately divided, and the temporary punishment of the "constitutional interpretation" will come out in August or September, and as long as the results are announced, Taiwan will fall into an endless state. Now three more things have happened, the first "blue bird to the countryside action", due to the weather in Taiwan, now the mobilization energy is gradually declining. But Lai Qingde told the heads of the local party departments to mobilize as much as possible, and if the mobilization is not effective, everyone will wait and see. On 21 July, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) held a "Central Review Committee" to elect members of the Standing Committee, so now various factions and local party departments are vigorously carrying out the "Blue Bird Going to the Countryside Action" and using the mobilization of numbers to increase the momentum. This is a new development, so now the DPP Secretary General Lin Youchang's speech is becoming more and more spicy, which is completely different from the gentle and frugal Lin Youchang in the past.

Trapped at home and abroad! The blue and green parties continued to recall, and the people's problems ended without a problem, and they sighed in their backs

The second DPP's "Beam Demolition Campaign" exceeded 36,000 on June 30. Of course, no matter 36,000 or 40,000, in short, Lai Qingde must be recalled. The recall letter will now be sent to the "Central Election Committee" on July 5, and after the "Central Election Committee" has been approved, a vote will be held in September. As long as we get all the way from Keelung City, which Taiwan voted for, to Pingtung, Taiwan will enter a point where there will be no peace, because the Kuomintang will finally be as good as a stream. The so-called good is to recall the five Keelung city councilors who initiated the recall, including the chairman of the city council.

Under the confrontation in this situation, the DPP said that the KMT should not use political revenge, so who is doing this kind of thing? Ke Jianming spoke two weeks before the interview, so I'll let you wait and see. As a result, they elected 10 KMT legislature representatives as targets for recall, and now they add a Xie Guoliang, so what does the DPP want?

Trapped at home and abroad! The blue and green parties continued to recall, and the people's problems ended without a problem, and they sighed in their backs

Third, Lai Qingde has to work hard to the end, from the "five-point bill" to the "general strike", and even in the future, Lai Qingde has clear instructions. Lai Qingde himself said that he wants to wash people's hearts, and the best way to cleanse people's hearts is "if it is not my race, its heart will be different", anyway, use my small strength to work hard to the end. Therefore, after these three items came out, the DPP was very excited as if it had eaten "ecstasy," and besides, after the party departments in various localities took office, they were faced with these things. The DPP is not good at governance, but it is good at political mobilization. The Kuomintang is now going to carry out an anti-strike move, the DPP is going to do it, and the Kuomintang is also going to do it.

Second, the reason for the recall of the two parties is that those who have good relations with the mainland are listed as priority targets, that is, the representatives of public opinion who went to Beijing from April 26 to April 28 are now all on the list. So Lai Qingde came to power to this day, and there is only one word for him, war. He said that he would fight the Kuomintang to the end, but the question was whether a person who no longer wanted to govern and wanted to hold elections every day could let Taiwan drag out the eight-year predicament? Now that Taiwan is under pressure from the mainland outside and there is a war on the island, what should the common people do? Some people say that this is the style of democracy, but democracy must pay a corresponding political price, and his political price is that everything is wasted.

Trapped at home and abroad! The blue and green parties continued to recall, and the people's problems ended without a problem, and they sighed in their backs

Taiwan has not given the people an answer to many things now, except for the vaccines, masks, screening agents and the so-called high-end mentioned in the Kuomintang's "Five Bills". At present, there are still some latest cases in Taiwan, such as the merits of Lai Qingde who went to participate in the training of officers and men of the "Sea Tiger" submarine on 30 June. The second "Kinmen 14 February" incident has not been dealt with by Lai Ching-te to this day; third, many cases have now been sunk into the sea, including the direct passage into the Tamsui River, and the "Coast Guard" said that it would be announced at an appropriate time, but now it will be handed over to the judicial organs for investigation anyway, and there has still been no result for more than six months, and all the cases have ended without a hitch, and this is the biggest crisis facing Taiwan.

The Taiwan authorities do not give an account to the people about everything, and this is the political dilemma that Lai Qingde has faced since he came to power. If we want to open up this political dilemma, we can tell Lai Qingde that if we continue to fight like this, even if Lai Qingde is in power alone, what way will there be to improve Taiwan's people's livelihood problems? What is the way to grow? This is the most depressing moment for the people of Taiwan in July.

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