
Just ask for money! Recently, a number of elderly people received a call from their "grandson".

author:Fenghua Procuratorate


92-year-old Grandma Wang

Received a call from "grandson".

Crying to her

"Grandma, the doctor said that it would cost 50,000 yuan for medical expenses"

Grandma Wang, who lives in Xiaoying Street

The landline at home suddenly rang

The other party claimed to be her "grandson"

As soon as he came up, he said in an eager tone that he had caused a big disaster

Got into a conflict with someone else in the supermarket

Accidentally knock the other person's head on the edge of the product shelf

A lot of blood was shed

The doctor said that he would pay 50,000 yuan for medical expenses

Just ask for money! Recently, a number of elderly people received a call from their "grandson".

The crying and choking of the "grandson" made Grandma Wang panic instantly

Immediately decided to go to the bank and withdraw money

Just out of the house

Grandma Wang suddenly thought

In the past, the people's police have come to the door to do this kind of anti-fraud propaganda

I suspect that I may have encountered a scam

Decisively dialed 110

Just ask for money! Recently, a number of elderly people received a call from their "grandson".

After the police of the Xiaoying Police Station received the report

Immediately rushed to Grandma Wang's house

I learned that Grandma Wang did not transfer the money

I also contacted the old man's granddaughter-in-law

It was determined that the grandson was sleeping at home

"That's a scam! Don't transfer money."

The police gave Grandma Wang a detailed analysis of the scammer's routine

Finally, Grandma Wang said to the police

"With you, we're much more settled

Without you, my heart panicked."



An old couple living in Wangjiang Street

Suffered the same scam

The other end of the phone also called them their "grandson"

Just ask for money! Recently, a number of elderly people received a call from their "grandson".


The old couple also accepted it

The anti-fraud knowledge disseminated by the police has seen through the scam

"Thanks to the police who came to the door before

has advertised similar scam routines,

That's how we saved the money in our card."

Just ask for money! Recently, a number of elderly people received a call from their "grandson".

Uptown Police Alert:

1. Remind the elderly to pay more attention to calls from strangers on the landline at home, if you find that the elderly have transferred money for the younger generation, you must understand the verification and call the police for consultation.

2. After answering the phone, verify the identity of the caller first, it is difficult to distinguish the authenticity by the voice alone, and you can ask more private questions such as the nickname of relatives and friends, living habits, etc. for additional verification.

3. If it involves transfer and remittance, please be sure to meet with family members and friends for verification, and do not transfer and remit money directly.

4. If you are accidentally deceived, please report to the police as soon as possible.

Source: Uptown Police

Edited by Guo Rong

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