
Announce it to the world! Shen Fei officially announced that the J-31B, the original side double bomb bay, F35 will be thrown into the garbage heap

author:Mu Feng said

Recently, Aviation Industry Shenfei released the promotional video "We Walk Together", reviewing the 73-year history of Shenfei from 1951 to 2024, and developed a variety of fighter jets, covering from one generation to five generations, fighter models include J-5, J-6 and J-7 fighters, and the third-generation J-8 fighter is also impressively listed. During the introduction of the Su-27 fighter, spanning the fourth generation fighter.

Announce it to the world! Shen Fei officially announced that the J-31B, the original side double bomb bay, F35 will be thrown into the garbage heap

After Shen Fei localized the Su-27 fighter, he developed J-11, J-15 and J-16 fighters, and the most important thing is to rely on his own strength to develop the fifth-generation J-31 fighter, and the new J-31B "Falcon Eagle" stealth fighter appeared at the end of the promotional video, which is also the first time that Shen Fei disclosed the J-31B new stealth fighter.

Announce it to the world! Shen Fei officially announced that the J-31B, the original side double bomb bay, F35 will be thrown into the garbage heap

It is worth noting that the J-31B fighter made history by using the original side double bomb bay, which means that the side bomb bay can carry two close-range combat bombs. At present, all countries are pursuing stealth performance in the development of stealth fighters, using internal bomb bay design to reduce the radar reflection area, such as Russian Su-57 fighters, American F-22 and F-35 fighters, China's J-20 fighters, of which F-22 and J-20 fighters are designed with side bomb bays + main bomb bays, the advantage of this is that it can carry as many air-to-air missiles as possible.

Announce it to the world! Shen Fei officially announced that the J-31B, the original side double bomb bay, F35 will be thrown into the garbage heap

The bomb bay mode of the J-20 fighter, the main bomb bay is equipped with 4 medium and long-range air-to-air missiles, and the left and right bomb bays can be equipped with 1 close-range combat bomb, which allows the J-20 fighter to be equipped with two combat missiles + 4 medium-range missiles in the execution of air combat, as for the American F-35 fighter, subject to the number of engines, and the design of the side bomb bay is not used, the main bomb bay can be equipped with 4 AIM-120 air-to-air missiles, or 2 air-to-air missiles plus 2 ground ammunition combinations.

Announce it to the world! Shen Fei officially announced that the J-31B, the original side double bomb bay, F35 will be thrown into the garbage heap

Around the world, both China and the United States have developed two stealth fighters. As far as the Chinese Air Force is concerned, the J-20 fighter is benchmarked against the F-22 fighter, and the J-31 or J-35 fighter is benchmarked against the American-made F-35 series fighter. With the reduction of the number of F-22 fighters by the U.S. Air Force, the F-35 fighter will be an important stealth fighter for the U.S. military, boasting about the overall performance of the F-35 fighter in the world, emphasizing stealth performance, claiming that the radar cross section (RCS) is about 0.065 square meters, which is the strongest stealth fighter in the world.

The shortcomings of the F-35 fighter are very obvious, and the overweight caused by "short, thick and fat" is described as "fat electricity". According to the data released by the U.S. Department of Defense, the F-35 fighter has more than 800 design flaws, including stealth performance and fuselage materials, etc., and the most important thing is the accident caused by the defects, which directly caused the fighter to crash many times, and the U.S. Air Force has repeatedly announced the grounding of the F-35 fighter.

Announce it to the world! Shen Fei officially announced that the J-31B, the original side double bomb bay, F35 will be thrown into the garbage heap

The U.S. Air Force Accountability Bureau has stated that as the world's most expensive fighter, the unit price of the F-35 fighter is as high as 100 million US dollars, the average availability rate of the F-35 fighter is about 55%, and the ability to perform the mission "completely" is close to zero, far below the target of 85% to 90% of the "executable mission rate". Therefore, the F-35 fighter is not as advertised by the United States, plus it has its own shortcomings.

According to the U.S. military plan, the F-35 fighter relies on radar stealth performance to defeat non-stealth fighters, but the opponent prepares stealth fighters with stronger performance, then the advantages of the American-made F-35 fighter will be gone, and the F-35 fighter has very good air combat performance, and the same disadvantage in close-range combat, which will directly open the gap with the opponent's stealth fighter.

Announce it to the world! Shen Fei officially announced that the J-31B, the original side double bomb bay, F35 will be thrown into the garbage heap

As a benchmark model, the J-31B stealth fighter is an upgraded version of the J-31 fighter, which is likely to be basically the same as the J-35 stealth carrier-based aircraft, directly using a combination of the main bomb bay and the side bomb bay. Compared with the U.S. F-35 fighter, the ammunition loading capacity is stronger, while the J-31B fighter pays more attention to air combat performance, with two engines, the J-31B has stronger combat capabilities.

In maneuverability, it surpasses the American-made F-35 fighter. In terms of stealth, the American-made F-35 fighter is proud of its stealth performance, and the J-31B fighter is superior. The Hong Kong media once announced that the important parameters of the J-35 fighter include stealth performance. It is reported that the radar reflection cross section (RCS) of the J-35 fighter is only 0.01 square meters, which is comparable to the stealth parameters of the J-20 and F-22 fighters.

Announce it to the world! Shen Fei officially announced that the J-31B, the original side double bomb bay, F35 will be thrown into the garbage heap

In comparison, the radar reflection cross section of the American-made F-35 fighter is 0.065 square meters, which means that the J-31B fighter has a very obvious performance advantage in stealth, as for super-maneuverability, such as close-range combat confrontation, the F-35 fighter is equipped with 1 F-135 engine, and it is not as good as the J-31B fighter equipped with two turbofan-19. The maximum thrust of the turbofan-19 engine can reach more than 10 tons, the total thrust of the J-31B fighter can reach 200,000 tons, and the F-135 engine of the F-19 fighter exceeds 19 tons.

Announce it to the world! Shen Fei officially announced that the J-31B, the original side double bomb bay, F35 will be thrown into the garbage heap

At least in terms of stealth performance and super-maneuverability, the J-31B fighter is not weaker than the F-35 fighter, if in the future air combat, the J-31B fighter can defeat the F-35 fighter. Once the J-31B fighter is put into service, the F-35 fighter will be finished, and there will be no advantage at all.

Announce it to the world! Shen Fei officially announced that the J-31B, the original side double bomb bay, F35 will be thrown into the garbage heap

Next, the J-31B fighter will enter the fast lane, which is likely to be targeted by the Air Force, and the naval version is the J-35 carrier-based fighter, when the Chinese Navy and Air Force will fully enter stealth. The J-31B fighter has stronger stealth performance and stronger combat performance, equipped with active phased array radar and advanced avionics technology.

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