
The terrifying "fat island" of Nauru: The whole island is basically super fat, why are they so obese?

author:Science early flights

In this era of "thinness is beauty" and "health is beauty", there is actually a country where people are "rich" in super fat people, and the people are basically pot-bellied, and the obesity rate is as high as 90%. This country is called Nauru, a small island nation in the Pacific Ocean, why are the people of Nauru developing towards obesity?

The terrifying "fat island" of Nauru: The whole island is basically super fat, why are they so obese?

Almost all of them are super fat countries

Nauru is an island nation with a land area of 21.1 square kilometers and a population of 13,000. Nauru, located in the Pacific Ocean, is surrounded by the sea on all sides, the sea and the sky are the same color, the scenery is beautiful, and the island has a tropical rainforest climate, so there are many fruits such as coconuts, bananas and pineapples.

Historically, Nauru was a country with a difficult fate, having been colonized by many countries one after another, and did not enjoy independent sovereignty until early 1968. The people of Nauruan have lived on this small island for generations, and along with the fate of this island, they have been administered by countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand, and the claustrophobic human environment has been strongly impacted by mainstream Western thought.

The terrifying "fat island" of Nauru: The whole island is basically super fat, why are they so obese?

In addition, Nauru was occupied by Japan between 1942 and 1945 and became the target of militaristic aggression. Since 1798, when the British-owned steamship known as the Empire of the Sun Never Sets, landed, Nauru's civilization was shaken and its economic development was restricted, and the Nauruans had survived in this situation.

The terrifying "fat island" of Nauru: The whole island is basically super fat, why are they so obese?

It is very difficult for Nauruan people to be aware of their situation, and it is difficult for them to have a sense of preparedness in times of peace. Since the entry of Western capital into this small island, many fat people have inexplicably begun to appear on the island. There is no worry in these Nauruans, only the joy of feasting, and the tranquility of having nothing to do and nothing to do.

Nauru is one of the most obese countries designated by the United Nations and is one of the hardest hit areas by the super fat people. It is understood that Nauru's national obesity rate has exceeded 90%, 96% for men and 93% for women.

The terrifying "fat island" of Nauru: The whole island is basically super fat, why are they so obese?

Revealed: Why Nauru is home to super fat people

Almost all of Nauru's citizens are obese, even obese to the point of affecting their health, and obesity is at risk of diabetes. Some people wonder why there are so many super fat people in Nauru, and what factors influence the obesity of these people? Could it be that there is some mysterious power in this vast Pacific Ocean?

In fact, the reason why Nauruans are "fat all over the country" is more due to the influence of food culture and eating habits.

The terrifying "fat island" of Nauru: The whole island is basically super fat, why are they so obese?

In the past, Nauru was baptized by Western thought, and Western food culture and dietary preferences naturally spread to this small island nation, and polysaccharide, high-calorie foods such as hamburgers, canned food, and French fries gradually became the staple food of Nauruans.

These meals are not only delicious and addictive, but also convenient and quick, which has set Nauruans on the path of profligacy, allowing them to eat multiple high-calorie meals a day. These delicious meals of polysaccharides stimulate the taste buds of Nauruans, making them immersed in a gastronomic paradise and sinking into the daily intake of food, which has long formed a "overeating" and a taste bud-stimulating eating style. This is what motivates the Nauruans to become obese, and the notion that "fat is beautiful" has also profoundly influenced the Nauruans.

The terrifying "fat island" of Nauru: The whole island is basically super fat, why are they so obese?

Many Nauruans believe that obesity and idleness are signs of abundance, and that the fatter you are, the more affluent you are. At that time, the Nauruans were deeply influenced by Western thought, and were proud of their Western-style life, pouring a lot of hamburgers and a lot of alcohol into their mouths.

The terrifying "fat island" of Nauru: The whole island is basically super fat, why are they so obese?

The doctrine of timely hedonism has spread throughout the island nation, and the Nauruans, who have become accustomed to being on a par with the West, are intoxicated with the indulgence of their taste buds, and they itch all over their bodies without eating high-calorie foods such as French fries, frosted cakes, and grilled sausages for a day.

I knew that just a small piece of butter and cheese could make people fat, and that fragrant fries and fried chicken would take a pot of oil to fry them. In the long run, there was a "sense of terror" in Nauru that was full of fat people.

The terrifying "fat island" of Nauru: The whole island is basically super fat, why are they so obese?

However, when you eat it, you have a lot of fun, and after a long time, all kinds of drawbacks will emerge. The first is the health threat of diabetes and various chronic diseases. Secondly, being overly obese will also have an impact on daily life, such as impaired mobility, poor breathing, and easy wheezing. These health problems have finally attracted the attention of Nauruans, although they are still greedy for the taste buds brought by Western food, but in order to be healthy and enjoy life better, many pot-bellied people have become aware of losing weight and started the road to lose weight.

However, their weight loss journey is more like eating after a meal, and after the evening, you can often see groups of super fat people, moving their heavy steps, walking slowly on the road around the island. Looking at the sudden and huge size of these Nauruans, perhaps their weight loss front will be very long.

The terrifying "fat island" of Nauru: The whole island is basically super fat, why are they so obese?

Nauruans who have money, leisure and resources

Although Nauru is a small island nation and has been invaded many times in the past, this does not mean that its people are not rich. On the contrary, with the exploitation of Western capital, Nauru has made its citizens live a life of wealth and leisure by exchanging resources for economy. It has been asked how rich the Nauruans really are. It is understood that some Nauruans are disgusted that money comes too quickly and too much, and often do not use US dollars as money, such as 20 US dollar bills and even put them in toilets by gimmicks.

The terrifying "fat island" of Nauru: The whole island is basically super fat, why are they so obese?

The reason why these Nauruans made such a strange move has nothing to do with the island's economic policies. As far as the eye can see, Nauru is so big, with a pitiful consumer market and a lack of recreational facilities. In addition, Nauru attaches great importance to education and has special funds for education, and Nauruan people have nowhere to spend their money, so there is a strange behavior of taking money and not using it properly.

The terrifying "fat island" of Nauru: The whole island is basically super fat, why are they so obese?

Where did the Nauruans get so much money? In fact, Nauru, which is surrounded by the sea and has been left alone, is quite scarce in both fresh water resources and agricultural resources, but due to the frequent visits of seabirds, thanks to the "nourishment" of the valuable guano of these seabirds over the years, Nauru has created rich phosphate resources.

Nauru relies on the export of these high-quality phosphate resources in exchange for a strong economic return. With money as a backing, the Nauruans are quite comfortable, and it is understood that there are 1,200 civil servants in the capital alone in this small island nation. However, most of them are "in name only", and after all, there are not so many government affairs to deal with.

The terrifying "fat island" of Nauru: The whole island is basically super fat, why are they so obese?

Nauru, known for its obesity, has become an island of terror in the eyes of the world, just because the obesity rate of this island country is so high that even the WHO can't stand it. Nauru, which used to have money and leisure, is facing a variety of difficult situations, one is the gradual lack of resources, and the other is the threat to national health caused by "the whole country is fat", thank you for reading.

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