
How do you make a Bichon Frise shine every day? Secrets of daily care revealed!

author:Captain Hago

The Bichon Frise, the little guy with soft marshmallow-like hair, bright black eyes, and an eternal smile, has warmed the hearts of countless people. Next, let's explore a few key things to keep in mind when raising a Bichon Bear.

How do you make a Bichon Frise shine every day? Secrets of daily care revealed!

1. Bichon's appearance and daily care

1. Grooming every day: Bichon hair is one of their biggest characteristics, so you need to brush your hair 1~2 times a day for about 15 minutes each time to keep your hair clean and supple and avoid hair balls.

2. Bathe regularly: Although the body odor of the Bichon Frise is not large, it also needs to be bathed regularly. It is recommended to bathe once a week, or every two weeks in winter, and use a shampoo and conditioner specially designed for Bichon Frises.

3. Trim your toenails: Bichon Frises have toenails that grow quickly and need to be trimmed regularly to prevent them from scratching or causing other health problems.

How do you make a Bichon Frise shine every day? Secrets of daily care revealed!

2. Bichon Health and Diet

1. Healthy Diet: Bichon Frises eat smaller amounts but have high nutritional requirements. It is recommended to feed with small meals and frequent meals, and dog food with a small amount of meat and vegetables to ensure balanced nutrition. At the same time, avoid feeding hard-to-digest foods such as leftovers and chicken bones to prevent gastrointestinal problems.

2. Regular deworming and vaccination: For the health of Bichon Frises, they need to be regularly dewormed internally and externally, and vaccinated on time. Starting in the eighth week after the birth of the Bichon cub, the canine vaccine is 6 and the rabies vaccine is given 3 months later, and annually thereafter.

How do you make a Bichon Frise shine every day? Secrets of daily care revealed!

3. Bichon sports and companionship

1. Moderate exercise: Although the Bichon Frise is petite in size, it also needs a moderate amount of exercise. Take it for a 30-minute walk downstairs every day, or let it move freely at home to meet its exercise needs.

2. Need the company of their owners: Bichons are more dependent on their owners and need more time to spend with them to avoid making them feel lonely.

How do you make a Bichon Frise shine every day? Secrets of daily care revealed!

Fourth, the problem of tears stains in Bichon

The Bichon Frise is prone to tear stains due to its unique facial structure. Tear stains not only affect the appearance of the Bichon, but may also hide hidden health risks. Here are some ways to prevent and reduce tear stains:

How do you make a Bichon Frise shine every day? Secrets of daily care revealed!

1. Clean your eyes regularly: Use a specialized eye cleanser or saline solution to clean Bichon's eyes regularly to remove secretions and dirt and reduce bacterial growth.

2. Trim eye hair: Trim the hair around the Bichon eye area regularly to avoid irritating the eyes and causing tearing.

How do you make a Bichon Frise shine every day? Secrets of daily care revealed!

3. Adjust diet: Some Bichon tear stains are related to diet, long-term consumption of high-fat, high-salt food, easy to cause tears, try to change the dog food, choose low-oil and low-salt dog food, help manage tear stains.

How do you make a Bichon Frise shine every day? Secrets of daily care revealed!

5. Bichon Oral Hygiene and Hygiene

1. Wash the ears, eyes, and anal glands: Wash the ears, eyes, and anal glands of the Bichon Frise once a week to ensure that its body is clean and free from germs.

How do you make a Bichon Frise shine every day? Secrets of daily care revealed!

2. Brush your teeth regularly: For the oral health of the Bichon Frise, it is necessary to brush their teeth regularly, or provide teething sticks, teething dog treats, etc., to help clean teeth and prevent problems such as dental calculus.

How do you make a Bichon Frise shine every day? Secrets of daily care revealed!

Conclusion: So, are you ready to start your Bichon daily care journey?

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How do you make a Bichon Frise shine every day? Secrets of daily care revealed!

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