
To build a strong financial area, have confidence and determination!

author:Luohu release


An upgraded version of the new financial policy on Luohu

With real money

Supporting business growth

It has received many praises

"The reason why we chose to land in Luohu is because it attaches great importance to the development of science and technology innovation industries and strategic emerging industries, as well as this well-known business environment and perfect industrial facilities." Wang Xinuo, deputy general manager, said that for enterprises settled in Luohu, the government's support in the fields of capital, technology, market and talent is very strong.

Su Zishen, Vice President, said: "Every new policy released is iteratively upgraded on the basis of the existing policy, exploring how to more accurately implement the central policy, implement the demands of enterprises, and build the entire ecosystem more perfectly. Therefore, I am very confident in the high-quality development of Luohu's financial industry. ”

Luohu actively "goes out" and "brings in"

With full sincerity

To excellent enterprises at home and abroad

Keep throwing olive branches

A set of series combos punched down

More and more excellent enterprises

Aim at Luohu for development

To build a strong financial area, have confidence and determination!

Luohu is a traditional financial region

It is also the pioneer of Shenzhen finance

To build a strong financial area, have confidence and determination!
To build a strong financial area, have confidence and determination!

In recent years, Luohu has continued to enrich the "1+3+N" industrial policy system, and spent 1 billion yuan of real money to help enterprises reduce costs, increase efficiency, and develop and grow. Among the measures to support the high-quality development of the financial industry released recently, the upgraded financial policy package has attracted the attention of many enterprises.

In this upgrade, Luohu has built a "1+2+1" financial support policy system, namely, (digital yuan, wealth management) and.

To build a strong financial area, have confidence and determination!
To build a strong financial area, have confidence and determination!


Luohu implements the central deployment

Inject in the terms of the policy

Proposed by the Central Financial Work Conference

Do a good job in science and technology finance, green finance,

Inclusive finance, pension finance, digital finance

"Five Great Articles" element

In addition to retaining the support of 100 million yuan for the purchase of office space by financial institutions and the support of 50 million yuan for the headquarters of licensed financial institutions, the scope of traditional financial support has also been expanded, and other high-quality licensed institutions such as non-bank payment institutions, public fund subsidiaries, securities business departments, shipping insurance centers, and financial leasing have been newly included as support objects.

To build a strong financial area, have confidence and determination!

After the policy is introduced

Luohu will also take the initiative to "send the policy to the door"

To build a strong financial area, have confidence and determination!

"We continue to practice the concept of 'industry first, enterprise first, something to serve, nothing to disturb', not only a propagandist of the policy, but also a waiter of the enterprise." Deng Minyi, director of the Luohu District Financial Services Department, said, "In our daily work, we are more concerned with enterprises. While doing a good job in policy publicity, interpretation, acceptance, and approval, and making full use of support funds, Luohu will also continue to implement key services such as space support, financing docking, and talent security. ”

In 2023, Luohu will achieve an added value of 103.36 billion yuan in the financial industry, with a year-on-year growth rate of 8.5%, accounting for nearly 20% of the city's total, and the growth rate of the added value of the financial industry will be higher than the city's average level for two consecutive years, ranking first among the city's three financial agglomeration areas (Futian, Luohu, and Nanshan).

At present, there are 104 licensed financial institutions in the district, ranking second in the city. Among them, three of the only five foreign-funded corporate banks in Shenzhen are rooted in Luohu; Fifteen of the top 20 property insurance companies in the city gather in Luohu, and the premium income accounts for half of the city's property insurance.

To build a strong financial area, have confidence and determination!

In order to further consolidate the advantages of the financial industry

Promote the agglomeration and innovative development of financial institutions

Luohu has been optimized

"Luohu District, Shenzhen supports the financial industry

Several measures for high-quality development》

(hereinafter referred to as the "Measures")

"Shenzhen Luohu District on high-quality construction

Some measures of the ecological demonstration zone for the application of digital yuan》

(hereinafter referred to as the "Ten Measures for Digital RMB")

"Shenzhen Luohu District on high-quality construction

Some measures in wealth management clusters》

(hereinafter referred to as the "Ten Measures for Wealth Management")

《Several Measures》

New targets such as non-bank payment institutions, public fund subsidiaries, securities business departments, and shipping insurance centers have been added, and the support has been comprehensively improved. Among them, the support for the purchase of office space by financial institutions is up to 100 million yuan, the headquarters of licensed financial institutions are supported by up to 50 million yuan, and the support for the settlement of insurance institutions, securities company headquarters, securities asset management, public funds, foreign-funded financial institutions and other entities has been greatly improved.

"Ten Measures for Wealth Management"

Aiming at venture capital and venture capital entities, a series of provisions have been added to attract wealth management entities, encourage patient capital, and promote the development and growth of key institutions while helping the development and growth of the real economy. Among them, private securities institutions can enjoy up to 40 million yuan of support, private equity institutions can enjoy up to 30 million yuan of support, and patient capital investment incentives are added, with a maximum reward of 2 million yuan; Enterprises settled in the wealth management cluster can enjoy up to 70% office rent subsidy for three consecutive years.

To build a strong financial area, have confidence and determination!

For newly settled businesses

The government's support for enterprises to settle down is very important

Directly related

The initial operation and stable development of the company

To build a strong financial area, have confidence and determination!

"As a financial institution, support funds can provide strong support for the company, reduce financial pressure, enable the company to focus more on business development and market expansion, and accelerate the pace of development." Zhu Zhijie, general manager of the brokerage, said.

In addition to the government's support for enterprises, the choice of Luohu also depends on the development of the financial industry in the area. Zhu Zhijie believes that Luohu has gathered a large number of licensed financial institutions such as banks, securities and insurance, and has a complete financial ecological chain. These advantages provide good conditions and opportunities for the development of the company.

To build a strong financial area, have confidence and determination!


Luohu Digital Currency Reform Obtained

National, provincial and municipal affirmation

This time, the "Ten Measures for Digital Yuan" was introduced

Reform for the Luohu digital currency

More "new forces" have been introduced

"Ten Measures for Digital RMB"

On the basis of investing 100 million yuan in special support funds in three years, third-party payment institutions (non-bank payment institutions) will be added to support it, with a maximum of 5 million yuan; Add and optimize the platform economy terms, with a maximum reward of 1 million yuan; Add support measures for convenient payment demonstration business districts, and give promotion incentives of up to 300,000 yuan to demonstration business districts; The three-year rent-free clause will be retained, and enterprises in the park can enjoy rent-free office space of up to 2,000 square meters, effectively promoting the construction of a new pattern of digital economy development in Luohu.

Digital Shield Technology

It is one of the companies that enjoy rental support

To build a strong financial area, have confidence and determination!

"Luohu has given a rental subsidy for the office space we are using, which has greatly reduced our operating costs." Wang Xinuo said that from the early stage of contact, he could deeply feel Luohu's concept of "there are people to manage problems, people to lead business, and people to help development".

The launch of the "Ten Measures for the Digital Yuan".

It has not only ushered in the tide of enterprises in the field of digital currency

will also be to a certain extent

Promote the high-quality construction of Luohu

Digital RMB Application Ecological Demonstration Zone

Taking Shudun Technology as an example, the company is a state-level specialized and new "little giant" enterprise, which is the company's first layout in Shenzhen, and the first stop is Luohu. Wang Xinuo said that Luohu District has the advantages of pilot implementation, policy guidance, and financial innovation in building an ecological demonstration zone for the application of digital RMB.

To build a strong financial area, have confidence and determination!


In the high-quality development of the financial industry

What are the plans for Luohu?

See spoilers

To build a strong financial area, have confidence and determination!

"We plan to implement actions such as headquarters agglomeration, innovation leadership, Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation, empowerment of entities, and ecological security, and are committed to building Luohu into a financial headquarters cluster, a Shenzhen-Hong Kong consumption pilot area, a digital RMB application ecological demonstration area, an insurance innovation characteristic cluster, and a gold financial characteristic area." Deng Minyi said that Luohu will release the evaluation results of the "Hongling Financial Innovation Demonstration Project" in the second half of the year to explore opportunities for financial cooperation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, and help Shenzhen accelerate its development into an economic center city with more global influence and a modern international metropolis.

Build a strong financial district

Luo Hu has confidence and determination

Information source: Shenzhen News Network Liu Jiamin, Propaganda Department of Luohu District Party Committee, Luohu District Financial Media Center

Overall integration: Luohu release

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