

author:Hecheng Evening News

On the afternoon of July 1, Qiqihar Open University held the 2024 Campus Cultural Festival at the Grand Theater of the Municipal Workers' Cultural Palace, and nearly 600 people from all walks of life and student representatives came to the scene to watch a wonderful visual feast.

"Forty-four years of white horses, sweat and fruits", the "Campus Culture Festival" of Qiqihar Open University aims to showcase the achievements of the university in the fields of academic education, elderly education, community education, training education and lifelong education for all since its establishment 44 years ago. Through a series of cultural activities with rich connotations and diverse forms, the excellent traditional Chinese culture will be further rooted in the hearts of teachers and students, the revolutionary culture will be further firmly cast in the hearts of teachers and students, and the advanced socialist culture will be further sown in the hearts of teachers and students.


In the art show, the faculty and staff of the Open Education Teaching Department and the Academic Affairs Department of Qiqihar Open University performed the song and dance "Hand in Hand", Sun Jing, a student of the Peking Opera Performance Class of Qiqihar University for the Elderly, brought the Peking Opera classic "Heavenly Maiden Scattered Flowers", and the young teachers of the Youth Development Research Association of Qiqihar Open University brought the curtain drama "Awakening Youth" that combines light and shadow.


The poem recitation "Motherland" brought by the leadership team of Qiqihar Open University expressed their love and admiration for the motherland with real emotions and sonorous voices.


At last

The performance is in the song "Give Everything to the Party".

The curtain has come to an end

Leaders present at the event took the stage

Take a group photo with all the cast and crew

Quan Taixu, Secretary of the General Party Branch of Qiqihar Open University: "Qiqihar Open University has been established for 44 years, and the University for the Elderly has been founded for 10 years, on the great day of July 1, our teachers and students celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the great Communist Party of China in the form of a cultural festival. ”

Editor: Chen Li