
Small hands join big hands, and the community celebrates their birthdays happily!

author:Hecheng Evening News

To celebrate

The 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

Carry forward the great spirit of party building

Enrich the spiritual and cultural life of community residents


Glorious Street Advanced Community

Small hands join big hands, and the community celebrates their birthdays happily!

The cheerful folk dance "Heavenly Road" kicked off the performance, the children performed the dances "My Stage" and "Skewer African Drums", and the Charming Advanced Art Troupe performed solo, chorus, folk dance, etc.

Small hands join big hands, and the community celebrates their birthdays happily!
Small hands join big hands, and the community celebrates their birthdays happily!

Subsequently, all the staff of the community sang "The Most Beautiful Singing to Mother" to add luster to the "July 1st". At the same time as the singing and dancing performance, there was also a quiz with prizes, and everyone answered the questions enthusiastically.

Editor: Chen Li