
She was preparing for the cave room on her wedding night, and her husband ran out to find his ex-wife, and she saw a scene that made her teary-eyed

author:Entertainment analysis
She was preparing for the cave room on her wedding night, and her husband ran out to find his ex-wife, and she saw a scene that made her teary-eyed


Text: Entertainment Analysis

Editor: Entertainment Analysis

This article is a short story and the content is purely fictional

Please watch rationally and do not sit in the opposite seat


Trust is the cornerstone of marriage. However, when the seeds of doubt take root in the heart, even the strongest foundation can create cracks.

Wang Lu and Feng Jun's wedding has just ended, and the new house is still filled with a festive atmosphere.

For this newly formed family, 32-year-old Wang Lu is full of expectations.

Although Feng Jun is married for the second time, he is kind and honest, and he takes good care of Wang Lu, which makes her feel unprecedented happiness.

"Husband, we will be good in the future and never separate." Wang Lu snuggled in Feng Jun's arms and said sweetly.

"Fool, of course we'll always be together." Feng Jun scratched Wang Lu's nose dotingly.

At this moment, Feng Jun's mobile phone suddenly rang. He glanced at the caller ID, and his expression instantly became serious.

"I'm sorry, wife, I have an urgent matter and need to go out."

"But husband, today is the first day of our wedding, where are you going?" Wang Lu was a little puzzled.

"I'll be back soon, you wait for me at home!" Feng Jun hurriedly put on his coat and rushed out of the house without looking back.

Wang Lu sat on the edge of the bed in a daze, and a trace of uneasiness rose in her heart. She crept to the window and saw Feng Jun get into a taxi and quickly disappear into the night.

"Could it be his ex-wife looking for him? Is there still a connection between them? ”

All kinds of speculations flashed through Wang Lu's mind, and the seeds of doubt began to take root in her heart.

She gritted her teeth and decided to go along and find out. Wang Lu quickly changed his clothes and chased out.

Before she knew it, she was in a hospital. Through the window of the ward, Wang Lu saw a scene that broke her heart:

Feng Jun was holding a little girl's hand, his eyes full of distress and guilt......

Wang Lu's heart sank layer by layer with the elevator. She couldn't believe her eyes, how could Feng Jun be here?

And who is that little girl? Countless questions swirled in her mind, and a cloud of doubt enveloped her heart.

She plucked up her courage and walked into the room. "Feng Jun, who is this kid?" Wang Lu forcibly suppressed the sourness in his heart and asked as calmly as possible.

She was preparing for the cave room on her wedding night, and her husband ran out to find his ex-wife, and she saw a scene that made her teary-eyed

Feng Jun turned around and looked at Wang Lu in surprise. "Wife, why are you here? I'm sorry, I should have told you first. He said apologetically.

"Don't be in a hurry to apologize, you make it clear to me first, who is this kid? Why did you come to the hospital at night to see her? Wang Lu's tone carried a hint of questioning.

Feng Jun sighed and shook Wang Lu's hand. "This is my daughter, Mu Mu. Her mom called to say she had food poisoning, so I rushed over. ”

"Your daughter? And what about your ex-wife? Where is she? Wang Lu's heart seemed to be pinched by someone.

"She'll go down to get the medicine and she'll be back in a moment." Feng Jun lowered his head, as if he didn't dare to look directly into Wang Lu's eyes.

Wang Lu felt dizzy, she didn't know whether to trust Feng Jun or her instincts.

She looked around, there were only the three of them in the room, and the smell of disinfectant water filled the air, making people feel suffocated.

Just then, the door to the ward was pushed open and a young woman walked in.

She was holding a few boxes of medicine in her hand, and when she saw Wang Lu, she was obviously stunned. "Feng Jun, who is this?" She said with some crampedness.

Wang Lu looked at the woman, she looked a few years younger than herself, dressed plainly, with a tired face on her face.

Wang Lu's heart suddenly swelled with sourness, and she realized that she seemed to have become an outsider in the family.

"Feng Jun, let's go back." Wang Lu whispered that she felt that she was about to lose control of her emotions.

Feng Jun looked at Mu Mu in embarrassment, and then at Wang Lu. "Wife, you go back first, I'll accompany Mu Mu for a while."

"You talk slowly, I'll go first." Wang Lu barely squeezed out a smile, turned around and walked quickly out of the ward.

Tears blurred her eyes, and she couldn't understand why fate would strike her on the head when she had just found happiness.

She sat on a hospital bench and let the tears flow. She remembered Feng Jun's promise, remembered their wedding, and everything was like an illusory dream.

She began to wonder if she really knew Feng Jun and whether she should marry him.

Wang Lu's heart seemed to be torn apart, and the pain was unbearable. She didn't know how to deal with this broken marriage next......

Wang Lu sat alone on a bench in the hospital, her tears drying up, leaving tear stains. Her heart felt as if it had been crushed by someone, and the pain was unbearable.

She was preparing for the cave room on her wedding night, and her husband ran out to find his ex-wife, and she saw a scene that made her teary-eyed

She didn't understand why Feng Jun left her on the wedding night and ran to the hospital alone to take care of his ex-wife's daughter.

"Could it be that he still has an old love for his ex-wife? Or did he not forget the woman at all? ”

All kinds of terrible thoughts flashed through Wang Lu's mind, each of which was like a sharp blade, stabbing her heart with blood.

She remembered Feng Jun's promise, remembered their wedding, and everything was like an illusory dream.

She began to wonder if she really knew Feng Jun and whether she should marry him.

At this moment, the door of the ward opened, and Feng Jun walked out. When he saw Wang Lu, a trace of guilt flashed on his face. "Wife, I'm sorry to keep you waiting."

Wang Lu took a deep breath and forced himself to look directly into Feng Jun's eyes. "You and your ex-wife, what the hell is going on? Between you, what else do I not know? ”

Feng Jun sighed and sat down beside Wang Lu. "Wife, listen to me. Mu Mu and her mother and I have divorced, and there really is no relationship between us. ”

"Then why did you come to the hospital without telling me? Why didn't you tell me the truth? Can you tell the truth that I won't let you come to see your daughter? Wang Lu's voice trembled a little.

"I just don't want you to worry, I don't want you to feel like there's anything wrong with our marriage." Feng Jun held Wang Lu's hand, his eyes full of apology.

"But if you do this, it will only make me suspect that you have no feelings for your ex-wife."

Wang Lu broke away from Feng Jun's hand and stood up. "Feng Jun, we have just gotten married, and you already have a secret to hide from me. How can I trust that you won't have anything to hide from me in the future? ”

Feng Jun was stunned, he didn't seem to expect Wang Lu to have such a reaction. "Wife, listen to me, I swear, I will never hide anything from you in the future."

Wang Lu smiled bitterly, her eyes full of disappointment. "Feng Jun, I'm tired, I want to be alone and quiet."

After speaking, she walked out of the hospital gate without looking back, leaving Feng Jun standing alone in place.

Wang Lu walked aimlessly on the street, and the pain and confusion in her heart drowned her like a wave.

She didn't know if she could still believe in Feng Jun or if she could still believe in marriage.

She stopped and looked up at the stars in the night sky. They seemed to be telling her something, and they seemed to laugh at her innocence.

"Maybe, I really shouldn't have married him." Wang Lu muttered to herself, tears blurring her eyes again.

At this moment, Feng Jun's ex-wife chased after him.

She looked at Feng Jun's ex-wife, and her heart tightened, could it be that she was here to show off to herself?

She was preparing for the cave room on her wedding night, and her husband ran out to find his ex-wife, and she saw a scene that made her teary-eyed

At this moment, Feng Jun's ex-wife Li Meng spoke: "I'm really sorry, it's a bit presumptuous for me to chase after me like this." ”

"Feng Jun told me just now, you are his current wife, you just held a wedding today, congratulations."

"I didn't mean to call Feng Jun out in the middle of the night, I didn't know that he got married today, and I didn't know that today was your wedding night."

"It's just that my daughter suddenly got food poisoning, and I didn't know what to do for a while, if I knew that today was such an important day for you, I would definitely not choose to contact him at this time."

"I hope you can forgive me, forgive Feng Jun, he is really a very good man, it was my reason back then, and I also paid the price for it."

After Li Meng finished speaking, Wang Lu looked at Li Meng in a daze.

She really didn't expect Feng Jun's ex-wife to say so much to herself, and she instantly felt that it was her own small belly.

She hurriedly said to Li Meng: "I'm angry with him just because he didn't tell me anything, if he explained the situation to me at that time, I would never say anything, I'm not the kind of unreasonable person." ”

At this time, Feng Jun also chased after him and said to Li Meng: "Mu Mu is awake, look for your mother, go over quickly!" ”

Li Meng smiled and said to Feng Jun and Wang Lu: "Feng Jun, thank you!" I sincerely wish you a happy wedding and a happy 100 years of marriage! Then I'll go back first. ”

Feng Jun and Wang Lu nodded and watched Li Meng leave.

Wang Lu choked up and said, "I'm sorry, I blame you." I shouldn't have doubted you, I shouldn't have quarreled with you. ”

Feng Jun's eyes were full of pampering: "Fool, how can I blame you?" It's that I didn't make it clear to you and made you misunderstood. ”

Wang Lu shook her head, tears blurring her vision. "No, I'm being too selfish. I only cared about my own feelings, but I didn't think about your difficulties. ”

Feng Jun gently stroked Wang Lu's face and wiped away the tears on her face.

"Wife, it's me who is wrong, I should tell you everything, not hide it from you."

Wang Lu nodded, and the guilt and remorse in her heart gradually turned into a warm current.

She realizes that true love is not about suspicion and suspicion, but about honesty and trust.

Only by opening up to each other can an unbreakable emotional foundation be established.

She was preparing for the cave room on her wedding night, and her husband ran out to find his ex-wife, and she saw a scene that made her teary-eyed

Feng Jun smiled, his eyes full of love. "Mu Mu is my daughter, of course I have to fulfill the responsibility of a father. What's more, she is an innocent child and should not have to endure these pains. ”

Wang Lu's heart suddenly swelled with warmth. She realized that Feng Jun was not only a good husband, but also a responsible father.

His love not only belongs to her, but also to this little life that needs to be cared for.

Wang Lu clenched Feng Jun's hand, his eyes full of admiration. "You are the kindest and bravest man I have ever met."

Feng Jun looked at Wang Lu with emotion, his eyes flashing with happiness.

"Wife, with you by my side, I have the courage to face all difficulties. You are my source of strength. ”

A warm current surged in Wang Lu's heart, and she knew that although this accident had tested their feelings, it also made their love more firm and pure.

She understands that true love is not smooth sailing, but working together to overcome difficulties and support each other.

Wang Lu smiled, tears shining with happiness. She knows that although their love has gone through ups and downs, it will eventually usher in a rainbow.

Because they have the most solid foundation: sincerity and trust.

Wang Lu and Feng Jun looked at each other and smiled, their eyes full of expectations for the future. They know that as long as they love one another, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

"Wife, let's go home." Feng Jun said softly, his tone full of pampering.

Wang Lu nodded, and a warmth welled up in her heart. She knows that no matter what difficulties lie ahead, they will hold hands and face them together.

Back at home, Wang Lu was pleasantly surprised to find that Feng Jun had decorated his home in a warm and romantic way.

With a bouquet of flowers on the table and their wedding photos on the wall, everything was so beautiful.

"Husband, thank you." Wang Lu said movingly, with a happy glint in her eyes.

Feng Jun smiled and kissed Wang Lu's forehead gently. "Wife, I love you. I want to spend my life to make up for my previous mistakes and love you well. ”

She was preparing for the cave room on her wedding night, and her husband ran out to find his ex-wife, and she saw a scene that made her teary-eyed

A warm current surged in Wang Lu's heart, and she knew that this man was worth her love for the rest of her life.

In the days that followed, they began a happy new life. Feng Jun quit his job and opened a small shop with Wang Lu to sell their own handicrafts.

Every day, they walk into the store hand in hand, bringing warmth and happiness to customers.

Their faces are always filled with happy smiles, because they know that each other is the greatest happiness.

They hugged each other tightly, and the sun shone on them, illuminating their happy smiles. At this moment, all the pain and misunderstandings are gone, leaving only pure love and hope.

This story teaches us that true love requires honesty and trust. Only by opening up to each other can an unbreakable emotional foundation be established.

On the road of love, we will inevitably encounter difficulties and setbacks.

But as long as we have a sincere heart, resolve misunderstandings with love, and overcome difficulties with trust, we will definitely be able to protect this hard-won relationship.

Love needs to be managed with heart and proven with action. Only in ordinary days, with little care and care, can the flower of love bloom undefeated.

Let us all learn to look at each other's imperfections with an appreciative and tolerant eye. Let us all treat this love that belongs to us with gratitude and cherishment.

I believe that as long as we love with our hearts, we will surely reap happiness and joy. Let's join hands and walk towards a better future together!

This work is a short story, and the plot is purely fictional, and if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental. All people, places and events are artistically crafted and are not intended to offend or disparage any individual, group or organization.

Art comes from life, but it is higher than life, the plot of the article is accidental and one-sided, just to increase readability, without the purpose of attracting people's attention, can not be generalized, can not rise to reality, the ultimate purpose is to make readers understand, to achieve the purpose of advocating positive social energy, no vulgarity and other bad guidance.

The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.
