
At the high school class reunion, he sent his crush Banhua home, but when he got home, Banhua pushed him down

author:Entertainment analysis
At the high school class reunion, he sent his crush Banhua home, but when he got home, Banhua pushed him down


Text: Entertainment Analysis

Editor: Entertainment Analysis

This article is a short story and the content is purely fictional

Please watch rationally and do not sit in the opposite seat


"Hi~ long time no see, you're still so beautiful!" Chen Kai praised sincerely.

The Han Linlin in front of her was as beautiful as she was in high school, and the years didn't seem to have left any traces on her face.

"You too, haven't changed at all." Han Linlin looked at Chen Kai with a smile, and a trace of indescribable emotion flashed in her eyes.

At the high school reunion, the two talked happily after a long absence, as if they had stepped back in time to the classroom ten years ago.

Chen Kai, 28, is a technical director at an Internet company.

He is introverted, hardworking, and has a simple life, and his only hobby is playing games.

And Han Linlin, the same age as Chen Kai, is a well-known yoga instructor with a cheerful and lively personality and is sociable.

Ten years ago, Chen Kai had a crush on Han Linlin, but he never had the courage to confess. Ten years later, the two reunited, and Chen Kai's heart rippled again.

At the end of the party, Chen Kai offered to send Han Linlin home, and Han Linlin gladly accepted. The two talked and laughed, reminiscing about the bits and pieces of high school.

As soon as they entered the house, Han Linlin suddenly twitched her calf, her center of gravity was unstable, and she suddenly fell on Chen Kai. Chen Kai was caught off guard and fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Han Linlin endured the pain in her wrist and hurriedly apologized to Chen Kai, and two red clouds flew up her cheeks.

"It's okay, you're not hurt, are you?" Chen Kai asked with concern, but his heart was mixed.

Was this unexpected hug arranged by God, or was it a coincidence?

Chen Kai didn't dare to think about it, but silently helped Han Linlin up, and asked her with concern if she had fallen.

Han Linlin hurriedly waved her hand and said, "I'm fine, thank you just now, I will invite you to dinner another day, I will thank you for your 'life-saving grace'." Han Linlin said to Chen Kai with a smile.

"Okay, then it's settled." In Chen Kai's heart, the flame of hope was rekindled.

The accident of that day, like a pebble, was thrown into the calm lake, causing ripples.

The next day, Han Linlin kept her promise and asked Chen Kai out for dinner. The two chose a quiet Western restaurant and ordered a bottle of red wine.

"I'm really sorry about yesterday." Han Linlin said sincerely, with apologies in her eyes.

"It's okay, I understand." Chen Kai said with relief, but there was a hint of sweetness in his heart.

At the high school class reunion, he sent his crush Banhua home, but when he got home, Banhua pushed him down

After three rounds of drinking, the two gradually let go of chatting. They talked about their jobs, interesting things in life, and their old school days.

"I remember when I was in high school, you always sat silently in the corner of the classroom, burying your head in your studies." Han Linlin recalled, "The teachers all said that you had a bright future. ”

"Why, I'm just an ordinary person." Chen Kai said modestly, but he was secretly happy in his heart, it turned out that Han Linlin had been paying attention to himself all along.

After dinner, the two took a walk along the river. The night is gentle, the river breeze is light, and the atmosphere is beautiful and romantic.

"I remember you used to like to play basketball and represented the school in tournaments." Chen Kai said that Han Linlin's heroic posture of sweating like rain came to mind.

"yes, it was nice back then." Han Linlin sighed, "I'm too busy with work now, and I don't have time to exercise." ”

"Why don't we find a time and fight again?" Chen Kai proposed, faintly looking forward to it.

"Okay, that's it!" Han Linlin readily agreed, a hint of excitement flashing in her eyes.

In the following month, the two began dating frequently. They watch movies together, go shopping together, eat food together, and exercise together.

Every time we get together, we get to know each other better and have a deeper relationship.

With the deepening of exchanges, some problems have gradually surfaced.

Chen Kai found that Han Linlin's life circle is very wide and she often participates in various social activities, but she is an otaku and is not sociable.

He began to worry about whether he would be able to integrate into Han Linlin's world.

Han Linlin also found that Chen Kai was sometimes too passive and lacked initiative.

She hopes that Chen Kai can express his thoughts and feelings more actively, instead of always giving silently.

The difference in personality between the two gradually became a hidden danger and planted the seeds of conflict.

With the deepening of the exchange, the contradictions between Chen Kai and Han Linlin gradually surfaced.

Han Linlin invited Chen Kai to her birthday party. At the party, Han Linlin's friends are all social elites, with elegant conversation and decent manners.

Chen Kai felt that he was out of place, and his heart was full of inferiority and embarrassment.

At the high school class reunion, he sent his crush Banhua home, but when he got home, Banhua pushed him down

"What's wrong with you? I've been sullen. Han Linlin asked with concern.

"It's nothing, maybe I'm a little tired." Chen Kai smiled reluctantly, but his heart was bitter. He felt that he was not worthy of Han Linlin, and he could not integrate into her world.

After the party, the two walked on their way home. The night was silent, except for the footsteps of the two men.

"Chen Kai, I think we need to talk." Han Linlin suddenly spoke, her tone serious.

"What are you talking about?" Chen Kai's heart tightened, and he had a faint sense of foreboding.

"I don't think we're a good fit." Han Linlin sighed, her eyes full of disappointment, "Our lifestyles are too different, I don't know what our future holds." ”

Chen Kai felt a suffocation, as if an invisible hand was holding his throat. He looked at Han Linlin in disbelief, his heart was like a knife.

"Is it because of tonight's party? Is it because I'm not good enough to be worthy of you? Chen Kai asked bitterly, his voice trembling a little.

"It's not like that." Han Linlin shook her head, her eyes a little moist, "I just think that we may all need some time to think about what we want." ”

Chen Kai was silent, and he felt a deep sense of powerlessness. He loves Han Linlin, but he doesn't know how to bridge the gap between the two.

"Maybe you're right." Chen Kai finally said, his voice low, "We may all need some time." ”

The two were separated and returned to their own worlds. Chen Kai locked himself in his home, did not eat or drink, and washed his face with tears all day long.

He kept asking himself, why did it become like this? What exactly did he do wrong?

Han Linlin is not much better. She often sits alone with a blank look in her eyes. She kept thinking about the bits and pieces she was with Chen Kai, and her heart was full of remorse and reluctance.

Just when both of them thought that this relationship would end like this, fate took an unexpected turn.

Just a week after Chen Kai and Han Linlin broke up, an accident happened.

That day, Chen Kai was working overtime in the company when he suddenly received a call from an unfamiliar number.

"Hello, is it Mr. Chen Kai?" An anxious voice came from the other end of the line.

At the high school class reunion, he sent his crush Banhua home, but when he got home, Banhua pushed him down

"I am, may I ask who you are?" Chen Kai asked suspiciously.

"I'm a doctor at the central hospital, Miss Han Linlin is with us, she was in a car accident and is now being rescued."

Chen Kai felt that the world was spinning, and the phone almost slipped out of his hand. It was as if his heart had stopped beating, and it became difficult to breathe.

"I'll be right here!" Chen Kai almost shouted this sentence, and then rushed out of the office.

He drove like crazy, and Han Linlin's smile kept flashing in his mind. He hated himself, hated why he broke up with her, hated why he couldn't protect her well.

When Chen Kai rushed to the hospital, Han Linlin was out of danger. She was lying in a hospital bed, her face pale and her head bandaged.

Chen Kai held her hand, and tears couldn't stop flowing. He gently stroked her face, his heart filled with remorse and self-blame.

"I'm sorry, Linlin, it's me who is bad." Chen Kai choked up and said, "I shouldn't let you face this alone. ”

Han Linlin slowly opened her eyes and smiled weakly.

"It's not your fault, fool." She whispered, her voice still a little weak, "This car accident has made me understand one thing. ”

"I learned that life is so fragile and we shouldn't waste time on pointless arguments."

Han Linlin looked at Chen Kai affectionately, her eyes were full of tenderness, "Chen Kai, I don't want to be separated from you anymore." ”

Chen Kai's heart trembled suddenly, and tears burst out of his eyes again. He hugged Han Linlin tightly, as if he wanted to integrate her into his own blood.

He choked up and said, "I swear, I will always be by your side and be good to you for the rest of my life." ”

In the ward, the two hugged each other tightly, tears intertwined. Outside the window, the sunlight poured in, illuminating their faces and their future.

This emotional turmoil made their love even more indestructible. It makes them understand that true love is not smooth sailing, but working together to overcome difficulties.

They have learned tolerance, understanding and trust, and how to protect each other in the face of adversity.

In the days to come, they will face more storms and trials. But they firmly believe that as long as there is each other, there is no obstacle that cannot be overcome.

Another year has passed, and the relationship between Chen Kai and Han Linlin has become deeper and deeper. They decided to get married and began to prepare for the wedding.

On the day of the wedding, the sun was shining and the flowers were in full bloom. Chen Kai and Han Linlin held hands and walked into the palace of marriage with the blessings of relatives and friends.

"I do." They said to each other with tenderness and firmness in their eyes.

After getting married, they moved to a new city and started a new life. Chen Kai found a better job, and Han Linlin opened a yoga studio and realized her dream of starting a business.

Although life is busy, they always love each other. Every morning, Chen Kai would give Han Linlin a gentle kiss.

At the high school class reunion, he sent his crush Banhua home, but when he got home, Banhua pushed him down

Every night, Han Linlin will prepare a delicious dinner for Chen Kai, and they share the bits and pieces of life together and face the ups and downs of life together.

A few years later, they had children of their own. Watching children grow up day by day, they feel the meaning and continuity of life.

They understand that love is not just a matter of two people, but also the responsibility and mission of a family.

As the years go by, their love has gone through ups and downs, but it has become more and more mellow. Their hair was dyed with white frost, but the tenderness in their eyes never changed.

On the day of the golden wedding anniversary, Chen Kai and Han Linlin returned to the campus of that year to relive the starting point of their love.

"I didn't expect that we have gone through 50 years." Han Linlin sighed, the corners of her eyes were a little moist.

"Yes, 50 years, it's not long, it's not short." Chen Kai smiled and squeezed Han Linlin's hand, "But with you, every day is worth it." “

As the sun set, the figures of the two stretched very long. They walked hand in hand, smiles of happiness and satisfaction on their faces.

From the youthful campus days, to the mature middle-aged years, to the golden wedding moment in the twilight years, Chen Kai and Han Linlin's love road has been bumpy and unswerving.

True love is not achieved overnight, but needs to be watered with time and painstaking efforts.

It requires the joint efforts and dedication of two people, the tolerance and understanding of each other, the need to support each other in adversity, and move forward hand in hand.

Their stories also tell us that love is not the whole story of life, but it can bring infinite power and meaning to life.

With the support of love, we have the courage to face all difficulties and challenges; With the company of love, our life path is no longer lonely and lonely.

Love is the most beautiful scenery in the journey of life and the most precious gift in the course of life.

Let us all be like Chen Kai and Han Linlin, take care of our love with our hearts, light up each other's lives with love, and write a glorious chapter of life with love.

This work is a short story, and the plot is purely fictional, and if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental. All people, places and events are artistically crafted and are not intended to offend or disparage any individual, group or organization.

Art comes from life, but it is higher than life, the plot of the article is accidental and one-sided, just to increase readability, without the purpose of attracting people's attention, can not be generalized, can not rise to reality, the ultimate purpose is to make readers understand, to achieve the purpose of advocating positive social energy, no vulgarity and other bad guidance.

The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete.


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