
Judging overfeeding, in addition to the amount of milk, there are 3 signals, and you know that you have the bottom in your heart

author:The end of the baby's story

Hello everyone~ I'm Xiaoyu

Post-00s Jiangsu mother said:

When the baby was two months old, the amount of milk was cut in half, and in the first month, he ate 100ML each time, and he thought that he could increase the amount of milk at the age of two months, but he didn't expect to be cut in half, and he could only eat 50ML each time.

Now, the baby is three months old, and the baby's height and weight are lagging behind and falling out of the growth curve. At the age of 3 months, the baby was diagnosed with developmental delay.

Yesterday afternoon, the mother also took the baby to the hospital for a comprehensive examination, and the development in other aspects was very good, but it did not grow a lot of flesh, and then the baby was diagnosed with spleen and stomach deficiency.

Therefore, the impact of overfeeding on the baby is very great, it may be very deep, and the impact is also very long-term. Many babies were overfed when they were infants, and now they have become sick children, and there are many such cases around us, which is enough to alert us.

Judging overfeeding, in addition to the amount of milk, there are 3 signals, and you know that you have the bottom in your heart

In the circle, there are often mothers who compare the amount of milk with their babies, thinking that the baby eats more is a manifestation of good development.

However, each baby's milk volume is different, which cannot be the object of comparison, after all, the baby's birth weight is different.

Some babies are born eight pounds, some are only five pounds, and premature babies are even lower.

NORMALLY, THE AMOUNT OF MILK REQUIRED FOR A KILOGRAM OF BABY IS 100-150ML PER DAY. Sometimes the baby's exercise is high, and the demand is higher when he eats more.

Therefore, the baby's weight will affect the demand for milk, which mothers still need to know, otherwise it is easy to suffer.

Judging overfeeding, in addition to the amount of milk, there are 3 signals, and you know that you have the bottom in your heart

How can you tell if your baby is overfeeding? In addition to the amount of milk, you should also pay attention to the signals of your baby's body.


Height and weight gain

Height and weight are a symbol of your baby's development, and they will continue to grow along the growth curve.

However, the baby's milk volume is very high, but the height and weight do not increase, which should pay attention to the baby's spleen and stomach deficiency, which is also likely to be caused by improper feeding.

At the stage of 0-3 months, the most common thing is that the baby is overfed, which should be paid special attention to.


Your baby's mental state

The baby eats a lot, and the mental state is also signaled, which mothers should understand.

Some babies are not in a good mental state, which should be paid special attention to.

If the baby eats too much, it will also cause excessive pressure on the baby's skull, resulting in the baby's cerebral hypoxia, which can easily lead to the baby's cerebral hypoxia and mental malaise, and mothers should pay attention to this.

Judging overfeeding, in addition to the amount of milk, there are 3 signals, and you know that you have the bottom in your heart


Baby's poop

The baby's poop should be taken seriously, after all, the baby's poop suggests different signals.

When the baby's stool is dry and constipated, it should also be noted that the baby's intestinal peristalsis may be slow, which may be affected by the reason that the baby eats too much.

These signals are usually indicated when a baby is overfed.

There are basically standards for the amount of milk that babies can give at different ages:

0-1 month old, the baby's milk volume is 30-60ML each time;

1-2 months old, the baby's milk volume is 60-90ML each time;


There may be fluctuations in the amount of milk for each baby, and it is best for mothers to control this range to avoid overfeeding the baby. After all, the baby eats too much and has a great impact, which should be paid special attention to, mothers should not be negligent.

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]