
Why can't babies sleep on their own and need to be coaxed? It is also a symbol of cleverness and should be rejoicing

author:The end of the baby's story

Hello everyone~ I'm Xiaoyu

A mother from Heilongjiang asked an unbelievable question:

Why do babies have such high sleep needs but can't fall asleep on their own?

Babies can sleep for about 20 hours a day since birth, and babies can sleep on their own in the first month after eating. However, at the age of two months, a qualitative change has occurred.

From the age of 2 months, your baby sleeps:

When you are sleepy, you won't sleep by yourself, and when you are sleepy, you cry, and the more sleepy you are, the more noisy you are. Moreover, the sleep of two-month-old babies is shallow, and it is particularly easy to wake up.

Countless mothers at the age of two months are in the state of sleeping, either sleeping or on the way to sleep, especially Fei Ma.

Therefore, in order to improve your happiness index, you should master the skills of sleeping well and improve your happiness index from the beginning of the second month of age.

Why can't babies sleep on their own and need to be coaxed? It is also a symbol of cleverness and should be rejoicing

The baby can't fall asleep on his own, and he has to be coaxed, which is actually a sign of cleverness.

At the age of two months, the baby's perception is basically mature and can feel a sense of security.

If the mother accompanies the baby, the baby can feel the company, and can also get a great sense of security, which can effectively improve the quality of sleep.

On the contrary, if the baby is not accompanied by his mother, he will naturally lose his sense of security and reduce the quality of sleep, which should be paid attention to.

This also reflects that the baby's brain development is very good and sensitive.

Why can't babies sleep on their own and need to be coaxed? It is also a symbol of cleverness and should be rejoicing

However, babies always need sleep and can't fall asleep on their own, mothers will be very tired, and if the impact of falling asleep is not successful, this should also be valued.

If you fail to sleep, you will face the baby's sleep:

Disturbance can cause a lack of oxygen to the brain

Disturbance, which can cause frequent spitting up

Sleepiness will inhale air flatulence


Therefore, the impact of the baby's sleep is also great, and mothers should also master the skills of sleeping, which is conducive to more effectively soothing the baby to sleep.

Why can't babies sleep on their own and need to be coaxed? It is also a symbol of cleverness and should be rejoicing

When it comes to putting babies to sleep, there are still differences in ways and methods.

It may be the same method, but it can easily have a soothing effect for other babies, and it is useless for their own babies.

This is also related to a lack of security and bedtime conditions.

Some babies have a sense of security, but the conditions before going to bed are not met, and some babies recognize people, recognize the environment, drink milk before going to bed, sleep with milk, or need a certain toy.

Although the two-month-old baby is small, the pursuit of habits is still very high, and these are the factors that affect the success or failure of sleeping, and mothers need to pay attention to it.

The same is to sleep, the effect of mother's hug and grandma's hug is completely different.

Therefore, there are two requirements for sleeping, one is the baby's sense of security, and the other is the baby's bedtime habits, both of which are indispensable.

In addition, we should also pay attention to the performance of the baby's body, so as to better escort the baby's growth and development, and mothers should not be negligent.

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]

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