
The predecessors recalled the peculiar railway struggle in early 1946, repairing to a high standard during the day and leaving no railroad tracks at night

author:It didn't rain at night
The predecessors recalled the peculiar railway struggle in early 1946, repairing to a high standard during the day and leaving no railroad tracks at night

The Kuomintang Xuzhou Railway Bureau embarrassed our Lunan Railway Bureau, and the trains that came to form a very chaotic group required to be numbered within an hour, but our side made them up in half an hour

On August 15, 1945, Japan announced its surrender. At this time, Jin Huaigang was studying at the Party School of the Shandong Branch, and the next day he was ordered to leave the Party School and rush back to Lunan and arrived at Sangcun, the seat of the Lunan District Party Committee, on August 18.

The district party committee talked to Jin Huaigang when assigning work: In order to meet the needs of marching along the railway line and in big cities, it was decided to set up a railway working committee on the basis of the railway team and the Yanji Wugong team (later renamed the Second Railway Brigade), with Wang Shaoyong, director of the urban work department of the Lunan District party committee, concurrently serving as secretary, Jin Huaigang as deputy secretary, and Liu Jinshan, Zheng Ti, Jiang Degong, and Wang Yulin as members.

The task of the Railway Working Committee is to lead the struggle along the Jinpu Railway in a unified manner, including armed struggle, the workers' movement, and underground work in the city, and cooperate with the PLA to conquer or take over the city and receive the enemy's arms.

After Jin Huaigang and others accepted the task, they did not have time to further study and deploy, that is, due to military needs, they immediately joined the comrades of the railway team in the vicinity of Xuzhou, and lived in a village on the east side of the mountain in Nanmao Village, Liguoyi, about 30 miles away from Xuzhou.

When the team stopped, they immediately sent two comrades to Xuzhou to reconnoitre. When the scouts arrived at Xuzhou Station, they saw that the Japanese at Xuzhou Station were in a mess, like headless flies, and many people went to the station to grab things, but no one asked. After looking at it, the two comrades immediately returned to the station and reported the situation to the leadership.

The railway team immediately sent a detachment to Xuzhou Station, intending to control this foothold, and at the same time send people to report to the Lunan Military Region. However, this small detachment could not get in and was intercepted outside the outer blockade circle of Xuzhou. The Kuomintang government did not allow the Japanese soldiers to surrender to the Eighth Route Army, and was heavily guarded, and was also preparing to reorganize the puppet army into Kuomintang troops.

After a few more days, the enemy's defense became more and more tight, and the Kuomintang receiver had arrived in Xuzhou. In addition to using the puppet army to control Xuzhou, the Kuomintang also sent a small number of regular troops to Xuzhou. In mid-September, the Railway Working Committee received instructions from the district party committee and hurriedly withdrew, because the place where the working committee was located was very prominent, and it was impossible to rely on a small armed force alone, so the railway working committee and the railway team withdrew to the vicinity of Lincheng Station to stand by.

There were many scattered Japanese in the Lincheng area, because the railway was stripped by our side, and there was no other means of transportation, so they walked from Xuzhou to Jinan, preparing to return to Qingdao through the Jiaoji Railway. The Railway Working Committee set up a checkpoint near the sand ditch to collect military goods brought by the enemy. Some of these Japanese brought small pistols, which they said were for self-defense. However, it has been verified that among these people, not only Japanese civilians and their families, but also Japanese soldiers who have changed into civilian clothes.

The Railway Working Committee handled the surrender of the Japanese army's ironclad train. This ironclad train had more than a dozen carriages, one locomotive carrying, armed with cannons and heavy machine guns. This ironclad train came out of Lincheng and was ready to go to Xuzhou via Shagou and Hanzhuang. As a result, not far from Lincheng Station, the railroad in front of it was destroyed by us, and just as they were about to retreat, we used explosives to blow up the railroad tracks behind him. This Japanese army cannot advance or retreat. In this case, we sent an ultimatum to surrender within a time limit.

Because this ironclad train has been "dealing" with the railway team for many years, it knows that the railway team is difficult to deal with. The Japanese army still wanted to delay the time and wait for reinforcements, but in the chaotic situation, they did not know when they would be able to come to the reinforcements, and they did not dare to stay on the ironclad train for long, for fear that the railway team would blow them up, so they sent representatives to talk to our side.

Political Commissar Zheng Ti and Captain Liu Jinshan of the Railway Brigade went separately to the Japanese Army Wing Headquarters and the Brigade Headquarters to negotiate.

At first, the Japanese army was reluctant to disarm all of them, and only agreed to hand over heavy weapons and not light weapons. We said no, we had to hand over light and heavy weapons. After several days of reasoning and struggle between Comrades Zheng and Liu, the enemy finally agreed to surrender their guns.

At that time, there were more than 20 people in the short rifle team of the railway team, all of them in civilian clothes, and the military appearance was very untidy. Although there is a pike, they are all plainclothes. The Railway Work Committee immediately reported to the Lunan Military Region. The military region sent a special service company to serve as the main force of the railway team to give us a strong momentum. In this way, the enemy surrendered his guns. "Railway Guerrillas" has a description of this, which is basically true.

After receiving the weapons of the Japanese army, the railway team continued to operate in this area, working separately as railway workers and local people. At this time, the Railway Working Committee won over the stationmaster Li Xiangfu and his son Li Zuyu of Guanqiao Station to our railway team.

At the end of 1945, the Kuomintang Chen Daqing's troops arrived in Lincheng, and the situation of the struggle deteriorated further. The Tianjin-Pu Railway controlled by the Japanese was only a point and a line, that is, it occupied a few stations and organized some puppet troops along the railway line to watch the turrets. But when the Kuomintang troops came, it was different, and he occupied a large area.

When the Japanese occupied the railway line, we were able to cross the railway at night. However, as soon as the Kuomintang troops came, they occupied dozens of miles of road width on the left and right of the railway. In this way, it will be very difficult for us to cross the railway. In addition, they have also transferred the puppet army that has a relationship with our side. As a result, our contact with Huxi was cut off.

Since 1942, the railway team has been tasked with the arduous and arduous task of protecting the smooth flow of communication lines. Back then, Liu Shaoqi and Chen Yi passed through the Tianjin-Pudong Railway from here. When Liu Shaoqi crossed the Jinpu Road, he instructed on Weishan Lake: The railway team should no longer constantly go to pick up the railway and get things, and the main task of the railway team should be to maintain the east-west communication line of our country and maintain the connection between East China and Shandong and the central government.

Since the Kuomintang army arrived in this area in 1945, they have cut off our main road of communication. Our troops also had to retreat a little and could only move east of the sand ditch.

In the winter of 1945, our army captured Teng County. In this way, the north of Lincheng, including Guanqiao, Nanshahe, Tengxian County, and Yanzhou, are all under our control, and the situation has greatly improved. Therefore, Jin Huaigang gathered several members of the Railway Working Committee together, studied the situation at that time, and made work arrangements. At the beginning of 1946, the number of members of the Railway Working Committee increased, and the organization minister Ma Zhongchuan (changed to Feng Keyu after May) and the propaganda minister Zhao Jinxian also improved.

On January 16, 1946, the Military Adjustment Department was established and negotiations with the Kuomintang began. Around January 20, Wang Shaoyong accepted the task to go to Xuzhou to serve as the CCP representative of the military adjustment department's group in Xuzhou. When Wang Shaoyong left, the district party committee decided that Jin Huaigang would act as secretary.

A very important part of the peace talks was that the Kuomintang infiltrated the liberated areas and transported a large number of troops to the north under the pretext of opening up railway communications, under the pretext that the Communist Party did not have the ability to manage the railways and did not know how to build the railways. Our side made a-for-tat confrontation and said: "The railways in the liberated areas will be built by the people in the liberated areas. ”

At the beginning of February 1946, on the basis of the Railway Working Committee, the Lunan Railway Bureau was established, with Jin Huaigang as the director, Liu Jinshan as the deputy director, and Zheng Ti as the commissioner and the head of the Xu Yan section. The task given to the Railway Bureau by the Lunan District Party Committee is to not only raise the banner of actively building roads, but also to do everything possible to prevent the construction of railways so that the enemy's conspiracy to transport troops north will not succeed.

At Hanzhuang Station, Wang Shaoyong, on behalf of the CPC, negotiated with representatives of the other two sides of the military adjustment group on the train, and Jin Huaigang negotiated with a director of the Kuomintang Xuzhou Railway Bureau at the station. The other party kept saying that I couldn't manage the railway, and I couldn't build the railway. The Lunan Railway Bureau gathered all the road maintenance workers on the liberated stations to repair them.

To this end, the railway bureau also mobilized, and the workers were very active and enthusiastic. During the day, our side built the railways at a high speed and high standard, and at night mobilized the masses to completely tear off the railways. In order to get it thoroughly, the masses were also mobilized to transport the railroad tracks to a place more than ten miles away from the railway.

During the negotiations the next day, our side said that we railway workers were all building the railway, but because you were anti-communist and anti-people, and the masses did not agree to build the railway, they were stripped off at night and all the tracks were taken away. The Lunan Railway Bureau asked the Kuomintang for the rebuilding of the tracks. It's like this every day, repairing during the day and picking up at night.

One day after the Spring Festival in 1946, the Kuomintang Xuzhou Railway Bureau, in order to give us a problem, made an excuse that I could not manage the railway, drove a train with a very chaotic formation into Hanzhuang Station, and asked us to reorganize it within an hour.

Hanzhuang Station is a very simple station, with only two tracks and a short fork leading to the warehouse. At such a station, it is difficult to assemble a very chaotic train in less than an hour. However, two comrades, Zhao Yanxiang and Bureau Baolin, young workers from Zaozhuang, were very witty in organizing the group in more than half an hour, which made the Kuomintang people who wanted to find excuses have to admire them.

Later, the comrades of the Lunan Railway Bureau listened to several very upright workers of the Kuomintang Xuzhou Railway Bureau: Originally, these Kuomintang officials and masters wanted to make it difficult for the liberated areas, but they did not expect you to be so beautiful, and they had no reason to talk about it more.

Although Hanzhuang Station is small, we are equipped with a strong force. The stationmaster is the old stationmaster Li Xiangfu, the deputy stationmaster is Zhao Yousan, and the main signalmen are Zhao Yanxiang and Ju Baolin. The road workers are also very good comrades. Therefore, the Kuomintang's conspiracy to "encroach" on the liberated areas under the pretext of building roads did not succeed.

In April of the same year, the KMT-CCP peace talks reached an impasse, and the struggle to build the road stopped. At this time, the Lunan Railway Bureau had already moved to Zaozhuang and began to run training classes, organize workers to study, and organize their families to engage in production.

The railway bureau had no money to pay the workers, so it organized the workers to use the coal from Zaozhuang to burn and engage in production to save themselves. Wang Zhi, the former deputy captain of the railway brigade, was qualified to serve as the chairman of the labor union of the railway bureau, and he led the production to save himself. The Seventh Division of the New Fourth Army also sent more than 60 county, district, and township cadres to the Lunan Railway Bureau to the north, and the Lunan District Party Committee also sent several cadres to serve as directors of the Railway Bureau.

At that time, the director of the vehicle service was Su Songliang (also known as Chen Yukui), the director of the maintenance department Wang Chuan, the director of the public works department Ni Zhiliang, the director of the accounting department Shi Tianfang, the director of the general affairs director Jiang Degong, and the deputy director Zhang Tao. The cadres of the Railway Working Committee and the Railway Bureau are basically fully equipped. In May of the same year, the Lunan District Party appointed Han Qufei as the secretary of the Working Committee. Jin Huaigang is no longer acting secretary of the working committee, but full-time director of the Lunan Railway Bureau.

After that, the main task of the Jin Lunan Railway Bureau was to train cadres, organize railway employees from liberated stations to participate in training courses, recruit some children of railway employees, and also recruit some young intellectuals along the railway line to open railway schools. Several directors of the railway bureau were responsible for teaching.

In early September 1946, peace talks broke down and schools were closed. In early October, Jin Huaigang was ordered to leave Zaozhuang. At this time, the Lunan Railway Bureau was divided into four: first, Jin Huaigang led most of the cadres of the Railway Bureau, including the cadres from the New Fourth Army and some members of the short gun team of the Railway Team, to establish the Lunan Military Region Military Station; the second is to assign all students to Bohai District to continue to participate in railway cadre training; third, the rest of the comrades were assigned to the local main forces; Fourth, a small number of comrades should be left to continue the covert struggle.

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