
The seniors recalled that in order to open up the secret communication line of the war post, they once lived in the stinking sheepfold for more than ten days

author:It didn't rain at night
The seniors recalled that in order to open up the secret communication line of the war post, they once lived in the stinking sheepfold for more than ten days

On January 1, 1939, Dazhong Daily was founded in Shandong. In the autumn of 1939, Wang Guanjie was transferred from the Propaganda Department of the First Column of the "Sulu-Henan-Anhui" guerrilla to the "Dazhong Daily" and worked in the editorial department and the managerial department successively. Later, the distribution department of the newspaper was merged with the War Post to implement the "integration of mail and distribution", and Wang Guanjie came to the war post traffic front.

In January 1941, shortly after the "Southern Anhui Incident", the "Dazhong Daily" was stationed in the area of Yuejia 18 Village in the north of Fei County. At this time, Chiang Kai-shek's diehards set off a second anti-communist upsurge throughout the country, and the enemy and the puppet cooperated with each other to "encroach" and blockade our liberated areas, and implemented the "three lights" policy.

Many of the transportation arteries that the "Dazhong Daily" had to pass through to send to various places were damaged, and the newspapers could not be distributed, and they were all piled up there. It was extremely difficult to get the Dazhong Daily to the Yan'an Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao. At that time, because of the large number of readers of the "Dazhong Daily" and the fact that some newspapers were worn and torn, the Yan'an Library and other units requested that they be able to provide the "Dazhong Daily" with a monthly bound copy, which had to pass through the hands of hundreds or thousands of secret traffic and distribution personnel, and through the enemy's blockade lines, before it could be delivered to Yan'an.

In order for the Taishan branch to secretly transmit the "Dazhong Daily" from the Taishan District to the Qinghe area and Yan'an, it must pass through Laiwu County as a transit station, and from then on go west through Feicheng and the Jinpu Railway to the Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong, and Henan liberated areas, and then reach Yan'an. Laiwu County was the center of the Taishan region at that time, and it was a very important stop on the transportation line.

The route transmitted by Dazhong Daily to the Qinghe area was from Laiwu County to the north, through Zhangdian in Zichuan County, through the Jiaoji Railway, and then to the Qinghe area. Due to the blockade of the enemy, this line was broken. In April 1941, the party organization sent Wang Guanjie to open up the secret communication line between Taishan District and Qinghe District to transmit the "Dazhong Daily".

After receiving this task, Wang Guanjie disguised himself through a large area of enemy-occupied areas in Zichuan County and secretly arrived at Jiazhuang Village on the Zhangbo Railway Line. Jiazhuang is a secret transportation station on my way to Qinghe District, and further north from here is Zhangdian. Zhangdian is an important point on the Jiaoji railway line, and it is also a section where our side often passes by, and the enemy and puppet control are particularly strict, so the communication from Jiazhuang to Zhangdian to the north has been interrupted at that time.

Jiazhuang is a village on the Zhangbo railway line. In order to consolidate the so-called "enhanced security" order in the area they occupied, the enemy built a turret at the east end of the village, which was guarded by the Japanese themselves. At this time, the Japanese invaders were carrying out four "strengthening public order" activities in North China, and they were particularly strict in checking all pedestrians in enemy-occupied areas.

Under the cover of the underground party organization, Wang Guanjie lived in the village for more than 10 days, pretending to be a working person in the field during the day and living on the grass in the sheep shed at night. In April and May, the sheep shed was crowded with sheep and smelly, and it was not easy for the enemy plainclothes team to go to such a place.

In the enemy's turret in the east of the village, there was one of my underground party comrades who worked as a cook for the enemy, and he informed us in time of all the activities of the enemy in the turret. Wang Guanjie lived in the house of a comrade in the west of the village to prevent the enemy from carrying out a surprise search in plainclothes. In order to find reliable personnel and facilitate the establishment of a transportation station near the Zhangdian Railway, Wang Guanjie went to Zichuan County in disguise.

Wang Guanjie and the underground work comrades took advantage of the opportunity of the big gathering in Chengguan and pretended to be rushing into the city to gather the masses. In order to cope with the investigation of the enemy's pseudo-sentry in Chengguan, both of them carried a bag of Chinese herbs as cover. Wang Guanjie discussed it with the underground work comrades beforehand, because Wang Guanjie couldn't speak the local dialect of Zichuan Boshan, and if he was allowed to speak, the enemy would hear that Wang Guanjie was not a local, so something would happen, so let Wang Guanjie pretend to be dumb and deaf, neither hearing nor speaking. He is responsible for dealing with everything he encounters.

When the two of them came to the enemy puppet sentry in Chengguan, the enemy puppet sentry asked them what they were doing, and the comrades working underground hurriedly replied: "Both of us bought Chinese herbs from outside the city and brought them into the city for treatment. And pointed to Wang Guanjie and said: "He is mute and deaf, you speak, he can't hear." Wang Guanjie also pretended not to hear anything. In this way, the puppet army looked them up and down and let them into the city.

In order to make Wang Guanjie's work convenient and safe, the underground work comrades found a cave room for the newlyweds, invited the newlyweds to live in another room, and let Wang Guanjie live in the cave room, pretending to be the newlywed groom. In this way, although Wang Guanjie is in the heart of the enemy, he is very safe.

The two of them spent three days in the county town, found an underground work comrade who was related to Zhangdian, and through him, they got in touch with a reliable person in the village near Zhangdian, and finally opened up relations with Qinghe District through the efforts of all parties.

Due to the need for work contact, Wang Guanjie once went to a small village not far from Zhangdian and wrote a letter to contact the personnel who were engaged in transportation in front of him. The letter was in the form of a triangular letter, and the content was to inquire about the progress of his contact. For the sake of secrecy, use crypts and code names to express them.

However, they never expected that during the transmission of this letter in the enemy-occupied area, the messenger of the letter hurriedly pressed the letter under the inkstone of the village chief's desk when he encountered the enemy entering the village in plainclothes to search the village. The local village chiefs are all two-sided village heads, nominally enemy and puppet village heads, but in fact they are selected by our side. After the enemy entered the village chief's office in civilian clothes, they searched everywhere, and when they took the inkstone on the table, the letter was discovered, but the enemy and pseudo-personnel looked at it inexplicably, and after the village chief's explanation, it was over.

Later, after all kinds of efforts, a secret communication line from Jiazhuang to the Qinghe area was finally established through the vicinity of Zhangdian. It was May 1, 1941. On that day, everyone held a small "May Day" celebration meeting in Jiazhuang Village, the heart of the enemy and puppeteers, to celebrate the official passage of secret traffic from Taishan District to Qinghe District.

In those extremely difficult years, the newspaper distribution work of Dazhong Ribao was centered on Junan County, Binhai District, and several communication arteries were divided through guardtowers, strongholds, and blockade lines set up by the enemy and puppeteers:

(1) To the south to Linshu County, it is divided into two. one passes through the Longhai Road, leading to Central China; One goes west across the Yi River and the Shu River to reach the Lunan area. (2) From Junan County to the west through the Yihe, Shuhe and Linyi border junctions, to Luzhong District, and then to Taishan District, which is divided into two by Taishan District. one passes through Jinji Road, goes to Luxi, and then turns north China to Yan'an; The other crosses the Jiaoji Road in the north and reaches the Bohai area. (3) From Junan County to the north to Binbei and Zhucheng, cross Jiaoji Road, and go directly to the Jiaodong Liberated Area. In order to ensure that newspapers, periodicals, and mail can be transmitted quickly and safely, armed transportation teams have also been set up near the Jiaoji, Longhai, and Jinpu railways and on both sides of major rivers to deliver newspapers, periodicals, and mail, and to escort passing cadres.

Thanks to the arduous struggle of all the personnel of the war post, Dazhong Ribao was not only widely distributed in the coastal areas, but was also able to distribute it to the vast number of readers in several other liberated areas of Shandong in a relatively timely manner. Post offices at all levels in the province have set up newspaper and periodical distribution departments and sell books. After the books were printed by the Popular Press, they were sold through Haiyan Bookstore and Binzhong Bookstore (Xinhua Bookstore had not yet been established in Shandong at that time). The war postal distribution department regularly conducts investigations and studies on the distribution of newspapers, periodicals, and books in the liberated areas, sums up and exchanges work experience, and continuously improves the distribution work.

From 1941 to 1944, the international and domestic situation developed rapidly, the German, Italian, and Japanese fascist reactionary rule was crumbling, and the enemy's puppet military and political personnel were in constant panic.

In order to effectively coordinate with the powerful political offensive against the enemy-occupied areas, disintegrate the enemy, and win over the masses, the war postal personnel, under the leadership of the party committees in various localities, actively carried out the work of distributing newspapers and periodicals in the enemy's puppet areas. At that time, the following methods were mainly adopted:

(1) Through the enemy department, investigate and understand some reliable social relations in the enemy area, and mail them through the Chunghwa Post in the enemy area. (2) Through the opportunity of the armed engineering team to carry out activities in enemy-occupied areas, it will be distributed in a targeted manner. (3) Issuance is carried out through armed transport units that take advantage of the favorable conditions of frequent activities in enemy areas. (4) Through the secret traffic personnel and newspaper and periodical distribution personnel in the enemy-occupied areas, some social activities suitable for local habits are adopted to carry out distribution. (5) It is distributed through small traders and hawkers who travel between the liberated areas and the enemy-occupied areas.

As a result of the above-mentioned measures and methods, the staff of Shandong War Post have made great achievements in the distribution of newspapers and periodicals in enemy-occupied areas, effectively cooperated with the powerful political offensive launched by our party, our army, and the anti-Japanese democratic government against the enemy's puppet personnel, encouraged and educated the broad masses of the people in the enemy-occupied areas, shook and dismantled the enemy's puppet personnel, and laid a good political and ideological foundation for the rapid liberation of the enemy-occupied areas.

In the years of frequent wars and in the cruel years of struggle, the heroic and tenacious war postal workers, not afraid of hardship and sacrifice, heroically put forward the battle slogan: "Coexist and die with newspapers and periodicals and mail," "If newspapers can be published, we can send them," "Newspapers and periodicals can be delivered wherever the party and the government go," and "Wherever the army fights, mail and newspapers will be delivered."

With guns in one hand and mail and newspapers on their backs, comrades braved the rain of bullets and bullets to walk day and night through the enemy's blockade lines and pillboxes, running day and night on the long mail routes, and quickly and accurately delivering newspapers, periodicals, and mail to the vast number of soldiers and civilians.

Through the distribution of newspapers and periodicals in enemy areas, the "27" model selection activities, and the extensive campaign to make meritorious contributions, we have not only successfully fulfilled the task of war mail, but also emerged with many heroic deeds that can be sung and wept, and a large number of heroic figures have appeared. For example, two comrades, Pang Yao and Ge Chunting, heroes of Shandong's war post, Comrade Ling Wenqi, a hero of newspaper and periodical distribution in enemy areas, and many exemplary and advanced figures, are among the representatives. Nearly 400 war postal athletes sacrificed their precious lives for the postal cause of the Chinese people.

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