
Is the cold air blowing on the scales when food becomes heavier? Master Bao responds to the weighing controversy

author:New Finance Watch
Is the cold air blowing on the scales when food becomes heavier? Master Bao responds to the weighing controversy

Today (July 1), Master Bao was accused by consumers of weighing and not peeling, and the store manager explained that the air conditioner blew on the scales and caused it to become heavier, which caused heated discussions.

Subsequently, #鲍师傅店铺称变重是冷气吹到秤上#冲上热搜. In the afternoon of the same day, Master Bao's official customer service responded that all products in the company's stores will be "peeled" when they are sold externally, and the company is verifying and investigating the online news.

Is the cold air blowing on the scales when food becomes heavier? Master Bao responds to the weighing controversy

Master Bao said that "the food becomes heavier because the cold air is blown onto the scale"

Mr. Wang, a consumer, said that some time ago, he and his friends went to the Guangzhou Dashadi store and Shipaiqiao store of Master Bao's pastries to buy cakes, but found that the clerk did not "peel" when weighing and selling. "It was they who sold us the plastic box in the outer packaging, including the weight of the cake." According to the shopping records provided by him, at about 15 o'clock and 19 o'clock on June 9, they successively bought cakes of 14.34 yuan and 35.60 yuan at Master Bao's Dashadi store and Shipaiqiao store.

Mr. Wang said that after discovering the problem, they found the merchant, and the staff of the Dashadi store first defended that it may be due to the air conditioning blowing in the store, which caused an error in the weighing, but finally admitted that there was a problem with the weighing. He said that at present, the two stores are refunding one and paying ten.

According to the live video provided by Mr. Wang, after shopping at Master Bao's Shipaiqiao store, they took out the electronic scale and weighed it again, showing that a box of seaweed-flavored crispy flop cake with a total packaging of about 247.6 grams and a shopping receipt of 248 grams, and another box of coffee cake with packaging of about 272.3 grams and a shopping receipt of 274 grams. The weight shown on the receipt is similar to the weight of the two boxes of cakes with packaging, or even heavier when the receipt is displayed.

In this regard, the manager of Master Bao's Dashadi store said, "The weather has been hot recently, and a fan was put on the scale, which happened to blow on the scale, resulting in more weight." He said that the matter has been dealt with and the customer will be refunded one and ten for the customer.

The manager of Master Bao's Shipaiqiao store also gave a similar explanation. The store manager said that there is indeed a weight deviation, which may be that the air conditioner is blowing on the scale, and he has negotiated with the customer to deal with it, and he will refund one and pay ten. However, Mr. Wang did not accept the store manager's explanation of the reason for the weight deviation.

Previously, Master Bao was exposed to food safety problems many times

Previously, Master Bao was also exposed to food safety problems.

In July last year, some consumers complained that they had eaten foreign objects suspected of being fingernails from the hawthorn crisp purchased by Master Bao, and the news attracted attention. On July 17, the staff of the Shanghai Bao Shi Pastry Huaihai Middle Road Store told the media that they had indeed received complaints and were currently verifying with consumers, but judging from the pictures provided by consumers, the foreign body was meat floss instead of nails. The master will wrap his whole body before entering the food workshop, and "there will be no nails in the food".

On July 14 last year, Ms. Ma from Zhengzhou, Henan Province, reported that she had black hair when she ate a pastry she bought at Chef Bao a few days ago, which the store said was brush hair. Ms. Ma said that there were hair follicles on the hair, which could not be brush hairs. On the 15th, the staff of Master Bao's International Trade Store said that this hair is a brush bristle, and the brush is a wool brush.

On November 7, 22, a netizen on a social platform broke the news that Master Bao on Yan'an Road in Hangzhou had a mouse standing and leaning against the crack in the window of the counter glass. After the Shangcheng District Market Supervision Bureau learned the relevant information, the law enforcement officers immediately went to the pastry store involved to conduct an on-site investigation and interviewed the person in charge of the store, and then the store was closed for rectification, all the food in the store has been destroyed, and a comprehensive sanitize work was carried out in the store.

Founded in 2004, Chef Bao was formerly known as Bao Tsai Cake House, a small bakery next to Communication University of China. Chef Bao's main products are meat floss, scallops, grape cakes, tarts, etc., and the store focuses on the window-type pick-up mode. According to the data, as of February 19, 2024, Master Bao has 169 directly-operated stores across the country, mainly distributed in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Beijing, Tianjin and other places. According to Chef Bao's official website, Chef Bao's pastry has three stores in Tianjin, including Anshan West Road store, Aocheng store, and Dagu South Road store.

Is the cold air blowing on the scales when food becomes heavier? Master Bao responds to the weighing controversy

Editor-in-charge: Jiang Saisai

Executive Producer: Zhang Xiaonan

Source: Southern Metropolis Daily, New Yellow River, Xi'an Evening News, @上城发布

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