
That's all it takes care of your parents, you have to have someone who can do more

author:A clump of twisted flowers

In the past few months, I have been beating gongs in my siblings to collect hardship fees.

Then the second brother and the eldest brother saw it and also transferred the hardship fee to the elder sister.

That's all it takes care of your parents, you have to have someone who can do more

In April, the hardship fee was collected

That's all it takes care of your parents, you have to have someone who can do more

Hardship pay will be collected in May

That's all it takes care of your parents, you have to have someone who can do more

In June, the hardship fee will be collected

That's all it takes care of your parents, you have to have someone who can do more

The eldest brother, the second brother, and me, each of us gave my sister 1,000 yuan a month for hard work.

My mother gives my sister 1,000 yuan a month for food.

My mother has a little money in her hand, how much it is, I don't know the specifics, anyway, it's more than me.

In the past few years, when the interest rate was high, my mother spent enough interest. Now that the interest on deposits has dropped, eighty percent is not enough?

My mother is 87 years old, she spends the money in her hand, what do you keep it for?

Besides, if my mother has a sick and needs a lot of money, the four of us have an average score, which is all good.

Therefore, my mother is also carefree, and she spends money when she has money.

Old friends know that my sister has always lived with my parents. Now that my sister is retired and she is alone, and my mother can take care of herself, I think it's good for them to live together.

Haha, when I say this, some friends are afraid that they will scold me, saying who wants to live with the elderly, why don't you live with the elderly.

I'll scold me, haha, I'm telling the truth, that's what I think.

Wouldn't it be nice for my sister and my mother to be companions?

If there is no my mother, my sister will be alone today and tomorrow, how lonely it is.

Besides, my mother is not like my father now, she needs to wipe and pee, and my mother can take care of herself.

Anyway, if I change and am single, I am willing to be a companion with my mother (the premise is that my mother can take care of herself, like my father, she can't take care of herself, it's too tired).

Then, there is an income of 4,000 yuan a month (my sister still needs to get 1,000 yuan, so it's 4,000), isn't it good?

Of course, it would be nice to have a sister who is willing to replace me a few times a year and let me go out for a walk.

Some relatives, distressed sister, persuaded me: Twist girl, you tell the two brothers, one person takes care of your mother for three months, you can't let your sister pay alone, and your mother didn't give birth to a sister alone.

To be honest, I won't say that.

Isn't that nothing to do?

Sister didn't say anything, the wind and waves were calm, they were all good, I "should be long" to say: one person for three months.

Then I'm purely sick.

What sister thinks, we can't guess, because you and I are not sisters.

We don't speculate on others.

If my sister brings it up and says that I can't do it alone, let's hire someone or take shifts, if my sister says so, my brothers and I ignore it and don't help, it's not right for us.

Sister didn't say anything, maybe sister thinks this is good, I have to say that this is not good, it can't be like this, we have to work shifts with four people, one for three months. What do I want to do, lest the world be chaotic?

My mother gave birth to four children, and I definitely can't all four children gather around my mother.

It's either the eldest or the second, the second or the third, the third or the fourth, in short, there has to be someone by my mother's side to take care of her.

You can't just do nothing for the four of you, let's go back and revolve around my mother.

So, one person takes care of my mother, and the other three are not filial, what kind of logic is this?

"It doesn't matter if you take 1,000 yuan, who lacks that 1,000 yuan."

"Throw the old lady to my sister, why is my sister unlucky."

It's not about throwing the old lady to the sister, but it has to be thrown to someone.

I can understand my relatives' thoughts, and if I throw my wife to me, my relatives will be indignant about me.

What to do, the only way is to go with four people, or one person for three months.

The eldest brother is 70 years old, there is something wrong here, something is wrong there, and his personality is anxious. Let the eldest brother take care of my mother for three months, and ask for the eldest brother's life, and my mother can't agree to it, in front of the eldest brother, my mother is uncomfortable.

My sister is single, my mother can take care of herself, and my sister has been living with my mother.

Sister said: I don't care, none of you want to hide from Qingqing, one person for three months.

Sister can't speak.

Some of the relatives said it again, and if you can't say it, you will catch the big wrongs.

Oh, not really.

Doesn't my sister live with my mother? We don't need to take money, now that my mother is older, we can take 1,000 yuan each, isn't it good. In case my mother is like my father one day, she needs to be taken care of 24 hours a day, and she can't let my sister work alone.

Last year, I took care of my mother in Harbin for half a year, and I didn't feel that I had suffered a loss, nor did I feel that my brother and sister were not filial.

This year, my sister didn't use me, if my sister said that you would come to exchange me for a few months, I would go without complaint.

That's all it takes care of your parents, you have to have someone who can do more.

Absolute fairness simply does not exist in this world.

My eldest brother often said: the wind that can walk the wind, the rain that can walk the rain, how strong and how powerful.

In the matter of taking care of our parents, our brothers and sisters did not get angry with each other, pulled each other's skins, did not turn their faces, and even did not get along with each other.

That's good, what kind of bike do you want?

That's all it takes care of your parents, you have to have someone who can do more