
Find out what you really want in your heart?

author:Oda Psychological Test Room

In our lives, we all have one thing we desire the most, if you were to put some furniture or decoration on the right wall of your room, what would you want to put on your first instinct?

Find out what you really want in your heart?

A. Bed

B. Television

C. Wardrobe

D. Plants

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A. What your heart desires is love

Not only for partners, family, friends, pets... etc., you will bet a lot of love. However, you lack a sense of reality and practicality, and you can't meet the psychological needs of the other person, so living together for a long time may make people feel bored!

Find out what you really want in your heart?

B. What you want in your heart is time

I want to have my own personal time, read, listen to music, do my own thing, and live my life in a leisurely way. If you want to get along with such a you, you and the other person must find common hobbies.

Find out what you really want in your heart?

C. What your heart desires is money

Although you may not seem stingy on the outside, maybe you are someone who looks at the deposit book and smiles when you are alone. In fact, you will be the ideal partner for the other party's marriage! As long as I am with you, I don't have to worry about money in the future!

Find out what you really want in your heart?

D. What your heart desires is something beautiful

You have your own set of tastes, and you don't think expensive things are valuable. You are a person who follows your own heart and personality, does not conform to your heart's preferences and beauty, and will never compromise easily, so you can be said to be an idealist!

Find out what you really want in your heart?
