
The "July 1st" event shines on the childlike heart, and the soul of the party is eternal!

author:Yu Jiangrong Media

On the occasion of the arrival of July 1st, the Tenglin Left-behind Children Care Home in Huaqiao Town, Yujiang District held a rich theme party day activity "July 1st Party Soul Eternal - Red Festival of Old Party Members and Left-behind Children", on the same day, the bright red flag fluttering in the wind, the Party Committee of Yujiang District Social Organization, the Party Branch of Yingtan New Union, the Party Branch of the Chinese Herbal Medicine Association and 45 left-behind children welcomed the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Party together, carried forward the great spirit of party building, cultivated the feelings of loving the party, and drew on the strength to forge ahead.

The "July 1st" event shines on the childlike heart, and the soul of the party is eternal!

At the beginning of the event, the old party members reviewed the oath of joining the party and did not forget the original mission. The sonorous voice and surging emotions stirred in everyone's hearts.

The "July 1st" event shines on the childlike heart, and the soul of the party is eternal!

Immediately afterwards, the fiercely competitive party history knowledge contest kicked off. In the rush to answer questions, the Xiangyang team took the lead in scoring, and the Eagles were not to be outdone and grabbed a question. When the question "In which year was the founding of the Communist Party of China" appeared, Yang Xiaoyu replied in a crisp voice: "In 1921. The veteran party members burst into warm applause for the left-behind children.

The "July 1st" event shines on the childlike heart, and the soul of the party is eternal!

Followed by the compulsory question link, as well as the question in the form of a lottery, the students in the cheerful and fierce competition to gain a wealth of knowledge of the history of the party, the old party members to see the left-behind children have such a deep understanding and mastery of the knowledge of the history of the party, deeply gratified.

The "July 1st" event shines on the childlike heart, and the soul of the party is eternal!

In the next session, Yang Zhi, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Left-behind Children's Home, led the left-behind children to light birthday candles, and everyone made a wish together, wishing the motherland to achieve complete reunification at an early date. After that, the leaders of the party branches who participated in the activity and the volunteer teachers distributed love gift bags to 45 left-behind children.

The seeds of patriotism and love for the party took root and grew in the hearts of the children. Chen Qingming said: "My biggest feeling today is that I have gained a lot of party knowledge in such a cheerful situation. Let me understand that our current happy life is bought by countless communists with their blood, so we must study hard, establish ideals, increase our skills, and let morality, intelligence, physical fitness, aesthetics, and labor develop in an all-round way. ”

The red flag to the party, forge ahead. "I feel very fortunate and blessed to live in this wonderful era. Joining the party is the most regretless choice in this life, and it is the honor of a lifetime to be able to do things for the party. Jiang Hongying, a member of the Party branch of the Children's Home, said that he would always keep in mind his identity and responsibilities to make the title of Communist Party member more resounding.

The "July 1st" event shines on the childlike heart, and the soul of the party is eternal!

The event ended successfully in warmth and emotion. Yang Zhi said that during the summer vacation, he wanted to build the party branch in the left-behind children's home, built on the bank of the river, as a guard post for left-behind children, and he and the party members of the branch worked together to be the guardian of left-behind children's drowning prevention. (Chen Jianhong)