
To celebrate "July 1st", more than 20 fitness teams gathered in Peima Village, Dainan Town

author:Beautiful new Taizhou

On the evening of June 30th, the people's big stage square in Peima Village, Dainan Town, was brightly lit and melodious, and the art show to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China was held here, and nearly 300 extras from more than 20 fitness teams in the town and the surrounding areas showed their style here.

To celebrate "July 1st", more than 20 fitness teams gathered in Peima Village, Dainan Town

Liu Yonghua, secretary of the general party branch of the village, said that today is the birthday of the party, and Peima Village has developed from an ordinary village to a demonstration village of livable and beautiful villages in Jiangsu Province, a demonstration village for ecological civilization construction in Jiangsu Province, a characteristic pastoral village in Jiangsu Province, an ecologically livable and beautiful rural demonstration village in Jiangsu Province, a characteristic pastoral village in Taizhou City, and a demonstration village for rural revitalization in Taizhou City. The reason why we invite extras to perform in our village is that we must always listen to the party, follow the party, and gather the majestic force of building Chinese-style modernization.

To celebrate "July 1st", more than 20 fitness teams gathered in Peima Village, Dainan Town
To celebrate "July 1st", more than 20 fitness teams gathered in Peima Village, Dainan Town
To celebrate "July 1st", more than 20 fitness teams gathered in Peima Village, Dainan Town

Before the opening, all the actors and the crowd sang "Singing the Motherland" in unison. "The five-star red flag flutters in the wind, and how loud the victory song is, singing about our dear motherland, from now on to prosperity, prosperity and strength......" Loud singing resounded in the night sky of the square.

The performance kicked off with the song and dance of the Peima Village fitness team "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China". More than 10 peasant women sang and danced to sing everyone's hearts, and the stage and the stage became a sea of songs......

The aerobics "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party" performed by the Dai Nan Happiness Square Fitness Team is refreshing to integrate singing and dancing.

The aerobics "Blooming Flowers That Never Wilt" performed by the Shenlun fitness team in the surrounding towns reflects people's pursuit and love for the beautiful environment.

The aerobics of the Jiangyan People's Park Fitness Team near Peima "Dreams Bloom" and "Maple" are dizzying with their cheerful rhythm.

To celebrate "July 1st", more than 20 fitness teams gathered in Peima Village, Dainan Town
To celebrate "July 1st", more than 20 fitness teams gathered in Peima Village, Dainan Town

There were 26 performances throughout the performance, and an exquisite "cultural feast" was presented to the villagers of Peima.

Article source: Dai Nan release

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