
Baby Companion: Pregnancy Preparation! Physical examination and nutritional supplements are indispensable!

author:Mi Baby Companion

While trying to conceive, both couples should prepare physically and mentally to increase their chances of conception and ensure the health of the baby. But sometimes it can take a while to get pregnant successfully, even with adequate preparation. So the process of preparation is crucial. We have proposed three aspects of preparation, hoping to help couples better and more secure to welcome the arrival of a new life.

Baby Companion: Pregnancy Preparation! Physical examination and nutritional supplements are indispensable!

Physical preparation

Baby Companion: Pregnancy Preparation! Physical examination and nutritional supplements are indispensable!
Baby Companion: Pregnancy Preparation! Physical examination and nutritional supplements are indispensable!


Physical examination

Baby Companion: Pregnancy Preparation! Physical examination and nutritional supplements are indispensable!
Baby Companion: Pregnancy Preparation! Physical examination and nutritional supplements are indispensable!

Health check-up: Both husband and wife should have a comprehensive physical examination, including but not limited to blood routine, urine routine, liver and kidney function, sexually transmitted disease screening, genetic disease screening, and basic health indicators such as thyroid function, blood sugar, and blood pressure. Women should also have gynecological examinations, such as uterine and ovarian function tests, and cervical smears; For men, a semen analysis is done to check the quality of sperm.

Nutritional supplementation and dietary modification: Maintain a balanced diet and increase foods rich in folic acid (e.g., green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, etc.), as folic acid is important for the prevention of fetal neural tube defects. At the same time, supplement vitamins and minerals in moderation and avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol.

Baby Companion: Pregnancy Preparation! Physical examination and nutritional supplements are indispensable!


Lifestyle habits

Baby Companion: Pregnancy Preparation! Physical examination and nutritional supplements are indispensable!
Baby Companion: Pregnancy Preparation! Physical examination and nutritional supplements are indispensable!

Lifestyle adjustments: Quit smoking and alcohol, and avoid exposure to harmful chemicals and radiation environments. Get enough sleep and maintain a moderate amount of exercise, such as walking, yoga, swimming, etc., can help improve physical fitness and reduce stress.

Weight management: Being too heavy or underweight can affect fertility. Both men and women should maintain a healthy weight range with a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9.

Baby Companion: Pregnancy Preparation! Physical examination and nutritional supplements are indispensable!

Mental preparation

Baby Companion: Pregnancy Preparation! Physical examination and nutritional supplements are indispensable!
Baby Companion: Pregnancy Preparation! Physical examination and nutritional supplements are indispensable!


Mental preparation

Baby Companion: Pregnancy Preparation! Physical examination and nutritional supplements are indispensable!
Baby Companion: Pregnancy Preparation! Physical examination and nutritional supplements are indispensable!

Communication and support: Couples should fully communicate their expectations, fears, and worries about the future, and understand and support each other. Establish an open and inclusive communication environment to face the pressures and challenges that may arise together.

Emotional management: There may be setbacks in trying to conceive, such as not being able to conceive right away. Learning to deal with disappointment and anxiety head-on can be strengthened by reading books, attending fertility workshops, or consulting a psychologist.

Baby Companion: Pregnancy Preparation! Physical examination and nutritional supplements are indispensable!


Relieves stress

Baby Companion: Pregnancy Preparation! Physical examination and nutritional supplements are indispensable!
Baby Companion: Pregnancy Preparation! Physical examination and nutritional supplements are indispensable!

Stress relief: Practice meditation, yoga, or other relaxation activities to help relieve stress in daily life and work and maintain a good state of mind.

Mental health preparation: Preparing for pregnancy can be stressful and uncertain, and couples should communicate more together to cope with possible mood swings. If necessary, you can seek help from a counselor.

Baby Companion: Pregnancy Preparation! Physical examination and nutritional supplements are indispensable!

Material preparation

Baby Companion: Pregnancy Preparation! Physical examination and nutritional supplements are indispensable!
Baby Companion: Pregnancy Preparation! Physical examination and nutritional supplements are indispensable!

NO.5 Material preparation

Baby Companion: Pregnancy Preparation! Physical examination and nutritional supplements are indispensable!
Baby Companion: Pregnancy Preparation! Physical examination and nutritional supplements are indispensable!

Economic planning: Evaluate the cost of childcare, including pregnancy check-ups, childbirth expenses, baby supplies, education funds, etc., and develop a reasonable family budget and savings plan.

Safe living environment: Check whether there are potential safety hazards in the home, such as sharp corners, poisonous plants, unstable furniture, etc., and remodel them in advance to create a safe living space for your baby.

Baby Companion: Pregnancy Preparation! Physical examination and nutritional supplements are indispensable!


Childcare supplies

Baby Companion: Pregnancy Preparation! Physical examination and nutritional supplements are indispensable!
Baby Companion: Pregnancy Preparation! Physical examination and nutritional supplements are indispensable!

Learn parenting knowledge: Participate in maternity courses, read parenting books, learn about pregnancy care, childbirth and infant care skills, and prepare you for becoming a parent.

Buy essentials: Prepare some basic baby items such as cribs, clothes, diapers, bottles, etc., according to your personal situation, but don't overstock up, as actual needs may change over time.

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