
Wary! Many people have been deceived! Beware of these "trick" scams

author:Nanyang Demonstration Zone Politics and Law

Recently, the results of the college entrance examination have been announced one after another, and the enrollment and admission work of colleges and universities is about to start. Some criminals take advantage of the eagerness of candidates and parents to commit fraud by fabricating false information, falsely exaggerating publicity, and creating anxiety about applying for exams. Remind the majority of candidates and parents to be vigilant↓↓

Claims to be able to go to university "on the inside".

Multiple people have been defrauded in millions of dollars

Recently, the Wujin District Procuratorate of Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province announced the details of a recruitment fraud case involving the examination, in which the suspect lied that he had a "way" to help children with insufficient test scores go to college, and successively defrauded many victims of millions of yuan. In the past two years, Mr. Li's family has been defrauded of more than 4 million yuan by his friend Qiang in the name of helping their children go to college and buying commercial houses at low prices.

On the one hand, it was very difficult for Qiang to fabricate the quota for the commission trainees, and on the other hand, he boasted to Mr. Li's family, saying that he could solve Li Xiaomou's school problem. Mr. Li spent 600,000 yuan for this and finally got the so-called quota.

Mr. Li originally thought that 600,000 yuan would be able to solve the problem of his child's college education, but he didn't expect that the matter would not end there, and Qiang continued to ask Mr. Li's family for money on the grounds that the matter might be exposed.

Wary! Many people have been deceived! Beware of these "trick" scams

At the end of August 2021, on the day Qiang Moupeng and Li Xiaomou set off to report, Qiang suddenly announced a "bad news" to everyone. In order to deal with the so-called report, Qiang asked Mr. Li for more than 370,000 yuan.

Until January 2022, Qiang said that the matter had been settled, and the two children could continue to go to school, but "because of the serious local epidemic, this semester needs to be self-schooled." In order to dispel the concerns of his family and Mr. Li, Qiang took advantage of the summer vacation to bring the two children to the school to "re-enroll in the enrollment procedures".

After receiving the photos of the two children at the school gate sent by Mr. Qiang, Mr. and Mrs. Li were not only relieved, but also very grateful for Qiang's efforts.

Wary! Many people have been deceived! Beware of these "trick" scams

Until the winter vacation of 2023, because he could no longer use the "epidemic" as an excuse to let his children self-study at home, Qiang had to agree to take his two children to school to report to school after the year, but the day before the children left, Qiang suddenly disappeared, and the two children repeatedly checked their school registration information on the official website, but they never found it. At this time, everyone suddenly realized that the so-called quota for colleges and universities was a big lie.

Believe that you can "spend money to go to college"

A number of parents of candidates have been deceived

Qiang's deception not only convinced the victim, Mr. Li's family, that it was true, but also that other victims heard that they could get an internal quota for college by spending money, and they also took the initiative to find Qiang and begged him to enroll their children who did not meet the admission score.

In 2022, Mr. Zhang's family learned about "operating enrollment" through Qiang's wife, and successively transferred more than 700,000 yuan to help her daughter study in a university in the province.

Chen Bin, Prosecutor of Wujin District People's Procuratorate: Because Qiang has a wide range of social circles and has indeed helped the victim before, the victim thinks that Qiang has many relationships, acquaintances, and ability. While Qiang falsely claimed that Mr. Zhang's daughter was going to college, Mr. Li and his wife were successively defrauded of more than 2 million yuan for Qiang's fictitious group purchase of low-cost housing and operational promotions.

Wary! Many people have been deceived! Beware of these "trick" scams

On June 28, 2023, the People's Procuratorate of Wujin District, Changzhou City, prosecuted Qiang for the crimes of fraud, forgery of state organ documents, and forgery of identity documents. After review, the court found that the defendant Qiang had fabricated that he could help the victim Mr. Li's son and Mr. Zhang's daughter be admitted to relevant colleges and universities through connections, and helped the victim Mr. Li to be promoted, and also fabricated information on preferential group purchase of houses, and defrauded the two victims of their property for a long time and many times, with a total value of more than 4.72 million yuan.

It was also ascertained that in 2019, Qiang had been asked by others to promise to help the three children of migrant workers go to school, and because they did not meet the enrollment requirements, Qiang instructed others to forge the household registration book and house ownership certificate within the school district, and then the judge made a judgment in court.

College admissions

Be vigilant in these four situations

The Ministry of Education issued a reminder on June 29 to remind candidates and parents that they should understand and confirm the examination enrollment policies and information from official channels. Once you encounter a situation where you lie that you can go to a good university or major by spending money, or you can go to college if you don't have enough scores, you should keep a clear head and call the police in time to avoid being deceived.

The Ministry of Education reminds that the majority of candidates should be vigilant when encountering the following four situations.

When you receive a "suspected cheating" text message, be alert to falling for a scam

Do not trust any text messages and phone calls related to cheating and violations in the college entrance examination, especially do not easily click on relevant links.

"Internal channels" are not desirable, and "internal metrics" are not credible

There is a strict process for college admissions. The enrollment plan of colleges and universities shall be announced to the public by the provincial enrollment examination agency. Colleges and universities that have not completed the enrollment plan in the province of enrollment must be admitted through an open call for volunteers, and there is no so-called "internal index". Candidates and parents should be highly vigilant against such fraudulent information that "spending money can buy university places" and do not fall for scams.

Recognize the different types of education, and don't be careless and "go to the wrong school"

At present, in addition to general higher education, there are various forms of adult higher education, distance network education, and self-study examinations for higher education. Different enrollment categories have different admission requirements, so candidates and parents must carefully distinguish between them.

Forge the admission letter and keep your eyes open and look carefully

The 2024 college entrance examination escort action has coordinated with relevant Internet platforms to carry out authoritative identification on the official websites and WeChat public accounts of provincial admissions and examination institutions and universities. Candidates and parents should look for the "official website" logo, confirm the admission information through the official release and certification website, do not open the website link from unknown sources, and do not easily transfer money without verifying the authenticity of the account.

Source: A set of CCTV's WeChat public account comprehensive "News Live Room" and CCTV news client