
Recovered more than 1,000 yuan! A "small card" pulled out 43 suspects

author:Nanyang Demonstration Zone Politics and Law

The two men went out day and night, and posted pornographic "small cards" on their private cars. Once someone can't resist the temptation and scans the QR code on the card, they will fall into the trap laid by telecom scams and pornographic websites.

Recently, 25 people including Yan Moumou, who were prosecuted by the Danjiangkou City Procuratorate of Shiyan City, Hubei Province, were suspected of producing and disseminating obscene materials for profit, Wang Moumou was suspected of illegally using information networks, and Li Moumou was suspected of helping information network criminal activities. In view of the large number of defendants and the complexity of the case, the case will be sentenced at a later date. Previously, the court also prosecuted Xiao Wu and two others for the crime of producing and disseminating obscene materials for profit, and is awaiting the court's verdict. Another 14 people committed relatively minor crimes, pleaded guilty and accepted punishment and actively returned all illegal gains, and are planned to be relatively non-prosecuted. Up to now, more than 1,000 yuan has been recovered in the case.

On June 30, the prosecutor in charge of the case briefed the Jimu News reporter on the whole story.

Recovered more than 1,000 yuan! A "small card" pulled out 43 suspects

The scene of the trial

Brush up on videos to make an attractive "part-time job"

"Find someone to make stickers, and earn 500+ a day." In July 2023, Xiao Wu (pseudonym) swiped a short video platform, and after seeing this news, he immediately clicked in if he wanted to earn some living expenses.

"Add me QQ, let's talk." Xiao Wu then added the QQ of the "acquiring number", and the "acquiring number" told Xiao Wu that he only needed to buy a printer, print and distribute the sticker content every day, and paste it on the rearview mirror of the main driver of the car, 0.7 yuan a piece, and promise to settle wages according to the number of sheets, claiming to be "absolutely reliable".

"I thought it was just a small advertisement, so I immediately agreed and bought a small printer online." Since then, Xiao Wu has begun to take orders from the "acquiring number". In the dead of night, randomly look for cars parked in the neighborhood or on the side of the road, and insert small yellow cards in the rearview mirror, wiper or door handle of the vehicle.

The first time I got started, Xiao Wu printed more than 900 stickers, the first two times were more than 300 stickers, and the third time was 320 stickers, making a profit of 192 yuan. Xiao Wu, who tasted the sweetness, invited his friends Xiaohong, Xiaojiu (both pseudonyms) and others to jointly distribute small pornography-related cards. Xiao Wu is responsible for contacting the "acquiring number" to receive orders, and then paying Xiaohong and Xiaojiu a remuneration of 0.55 yuan. As of the time of the case, Xiao Wu made a total profit of more than 6,000 yuan from the "acquiring number", more than 5,000 yuan was used to transfer money to Xiaohong, Xiaojiu and others, with a personal income of about 1,000 yuan, and a total of more than 8,000 small cards were posted.

"This kind of small yellow-related card is pasted on the rearview mirror of the car, and the children who send them to school can see it, and the impact is very bad." At the end of July last year, some citizens reported to the police that their cars were placed with "small cards" with vulgar content and induced illegal crimes. Subsequently, the public security organs filed a case for investigation and arrested the criminal suspect Xiao Wu and others.

On May 7 this year, the Danjiangkou City Procuratorate filed a public prosecution with the court for the crime of producing and disseminating obscene materials for profit, and considering that the two Xiaowu and the others were minors at the time of the crime, they voluntarily pleaded guilty and accepted punishment, and recommended that the Xiaowu and the other two be sentenced to corresponding punishments. At present, the case is awaiting the court's verdict.

Follow the line and dig deep to dig a complete criminal chain

The person who posted the card was caught, but who exactly is the "acquiring number"? In the course of handling the case, the prosecutor in charge found that there were still criminal clues on the other end of the network.

The police quickly identified a gang that produced and disseminated obscene materials. After review, from December 2022 to September 2023, the criminal suspect Yan Moumou found in the QQ group that he could make money by posting pornographic cards, and in order to seek illegal benefits, knowing that the cards issued were pornographic pictures and the QR code linked to pornographic websites, With the criminal suspect Sun Mou, who met in the small card posting group, he received a fee of about 0.8 yuan for each card printed and posted, and the two teams issued pornographic cards from the development of the cooperation between the previous family and sent orders downline at a price of 0.7 yuan or less to earn the difference.

The prosecutor in charge of the review found that there was a clear division of labor in the team. "There is a special person who sends links to pornographic websites and electronic backboards every day, and makes them into pornographic cards that can be printed and pasted directly. Send it to the downline through QQ and extranet platforms, and the downline will report the amount in the declaration group and print and post it. The prosecutor in charge told reporters.

At the same time, in order to facilitate the settlement of wages, the "acquiring number" requires that while issuing small pornographic cards, a video is recorded with a mobile phone to record the time, place and specific amount of "work". After the posting, the reviewer counts the number of offline posters and the situation of valid orders by watching the video to make a statistical table, record who posted how many orders in which city, how many valid orders are, and calculate the remuneration according to the statistical table. Payroll and commission are paid to the virtual currency wallet through virtual currency.

"It is guaranteed to receive orders in the group, and there are people who make guarantees in the group." The undertaker prosecutor reviewed and found that in order to prevent the upper and lower lines from running orders and not settling the bills, the upper and lower lines will join the aircraft group, and the upper line needs to give the guarantor a deposit and commission.

From August to September 2023, the criminal suspect Li Moumou clearly knew that his predecessor organized the posting of pornographic cards and was suspected of using the information network to commit crimes, but still helped his predecessor count the number of posters on his downline and helped him pay his downline wages. According to statistics, Li worked for a total of 24 days and received a total of 432 "U coins" from his family.

There are many people involved, and the court will announce the verdict at a later date

"We are equivalent to 'official', the people in the group will be relieved when they see us settled, and the group owner will not run away without paying the money, which proves that the business of the group is guaranteed by the capital stake, and at the same time, it can better attract people into the group to develop the business." Since August 2022, the criminal suspect Wang Moumou has helped engage in guarantee business at a guarantee company, all of which are for the promotion and guarantee of black and gray products related to illegal crimes such as the posting of pornographic cards.

Not only that, if there is a transaction dispute in the group, Wang Moumou also mediates as an intermediary, resolves the dispute through the deposit, and collects 5% of the total amount of the online deposit as a handling fee on a monthly basis, and the remaining margin will be refunded when the online does not do the business.

After review, the guarantee company where Wang Moumou worked also received the business of "issuing advertisements". If someone wants to send business advertisements in a large group, they need to find the guarantee company's bot to recharge, and the bot will automatically send ads after receiving the money. Or manually recharge, transfer the money to Wang Moumou, and Wang Moumou will manually release it to the guarantee group with more than 3,000 members. As of the incident, Wang Moumou made a total profit of 1.5598 million yuan.

Recovered more than 1,000 yuan! A "small card" pulled out 43 suspects

The scene of the trial

Skynet is magnificent, negligent but not leaky. On June 21, the Danjiangkou City Procuratorate prosecuted the above-mentioned criminal suspects, holding that the defendant Yan Moumou and 25 others collected fees from their superiors for the purpose of making and disseminating obscene materials, and that the facts of the 25 defendants' acts were clear, and the evidence was credible and sufficient, and they should be investigated for criminal responsibility for the crime of producing and disseminating obscene materials for profit. Defendant Wang XX used information networks to publish information on violations and crimes, and the circumstances are serious, and his conduct shall be pursued for criminal responsibility as the crime of illegally using information networks. Defendant Li XX clearly knew that others were using information networks to commit crimes, and provided assistance to them in committing crimes, and the circumstances were serious, and his conduct should be pursued for criminal responsibility for the crime of aiding information network criminal activities.

"Up to now, more than 1,000 yuan has been recovered in this case." The prosecutor in charge told reporters that during the trial, the defendant pleaded guilty and accepted punishment in court, and felt deep remorse and self-blame for his criminal behavior. In view of the large number of defendants and the complexity of the case, the case will be sentenced at a later date. (Photo provided by the correspondent)

(Source: Jimu News)

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