
Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"


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Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

Text: Yu Yu

Edited by Yu Yu


The question of why men are so has plagued mankind for thousands, and with the advancement of technology, a surprising theory has gradually emerged: men may have two brains.

This statement sounds outrageous, but scientific research seems to provide evidence for this, what kind of discovery made scientists come to such bold conclusions?

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

The duo of the brain: the unique division of labor between the left and right hemispheres

Imagine what would happen if your brain was split in half by an invisible knife, which sounds like the beginning of a horror story.

But the fact is that each of our brains is made up of two hemispheres, and in men, this division seems to be even more pronounced.

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

Scientists have found that the male left and right cerebral hemispheres have a clearer division of functions, and the left brain is like a sophisticated computer, good at processing logic and analyzing problems.

The right brain, on the other hand, is like a whimsical artist, dominating creativity and spatial perception, and this unique division of labor allows men to excel in certain areas.

For example, have you ever noticed that in math and science, there always seem to be more prominent males than females?

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

It's no coincidence that the left-brain dominance of men gives them the upper hand in logical reasoning and number crunching.

But there's another side to the coin, the right brain of men, while strong in creativity and spatial perception, is a bit clumsy when it comes to dealing with emotions and social skills.

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

This explains why some men appear so straight when it comes to expressing feelings, and this difference in brain structure not only affects men's abilities, but also shapes their behavior patterns.

For example, men are more likely to be attracted to visual stimuli, which may be related to their spatial perception of the right side of the brain.

It is important to note that this division of labor between the left and right brains is not absolute, and the connection between the two hemispheres gradually strengthens with age and experience.

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

It also reminds us that human potential is limitless, and through acquired efforts, we can completely make up for our innate shortcomings.

So whether this difference in brain structure is the root cause of male lust, the answer is not so simple.

Brain structure is just one of the many factors that influence male behavior, and there are many more aspects that need to be explored to fully understand the issue.

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

A Symphony of Hormones: The Close Relationship Between Testosterone and the Brain

If the brain is the command center of the human body, then hormones are the mysterious forces that influence this command center.

In men, the most striking hormone is testosterone, a substance known as the male hormone that not only shapes men's physical characteristics, but also deeply affects their brains and behaviors.

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

You may be asking how testosterone affects the brain, and scientists have found that testosterone has a profound effect on brain development and function.

Testosterone has been involved in shaping the structure of the male brain since the fetal period, which explains why boys and girls exhibit different behavioral tendencies from an early age.

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

Even more surprisingly, scientists have found striking similarities in gene expression between the testicles and the brain.

This discovery has led to testicles being nicknamed the second brain, and while this statement may sound exaggerated, it does reveal an important truth: our bodies are a highly unified system.

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

High levels of testosterone directly affect men's cognitive function and behavior, and high levels of testosterone are often associated with greater spatial cognition, a higher tendency to take risks, and a stronger libido.

From a neuroendocrinological point of view, lustful behavior in men may be partly due to the effects of testosterone.

Testosterone stimulates areas of the brain associated with libido and reward, making men more sensitive to sexual stimuli, but that doesn't mean men can't control their behavior.

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

It's important to note that testosterone levels can vary with age, health, and even daily habits.

For example, exercise can temporarily increase testosterone levels, while chronic stress may lower testosterone levels, reminding us that by making lifestyle changes, we can influence our hormone levels to some extent.

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

However, we can't attribute all male behavior to the effects of testosterone, human behavior is extremely complex and influenced by a variety of factors.

So whether this close relationship between testosterone and the brain is destined for male behavior patterns, the answer is no.

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

Although it is true that physiological factors influence our tendencies, we still have the freedom of choice, and the purpose of understanding these physiological mechanisms is not to justify certain behaviors, but to better understand ourselves and thus make more informed choices.

After exploring the effects of hormones, we can't help but wonder if there are deeper reasons that affect men's behavior beyond their current physiological state, and in order to answer this question, we need to look further into the past.

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

Evolutionary Footprints: From Survival Instinct to Modern Distress

When we trace the history of mankind, it is not difficult to find that the roots of many modern behaviors can be found in our evolutionary process.

Male lustful behavior is no exception, and from an evolutionary psychology perspective, this behavior may stem from the instincts that our ancestors formed in order to survive and reproduce.

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

Imagine that in ancient times, men who were more interested in the opposite sex and more actively looking for mates were more likely to pass on their genes.

This tendency has been reinforced over a long evolutionary period and eventually becomes an instinct engraved in the DNA.

This explains why, even in modern society, many men still show a strong desire to choose a mate.

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

The brain's reward system plays a key role in this process, and when a man sees an attractive person of the opposite sex, the brain releases neurotransmitters such as dopamine, creating feelings of pleasure.

This mechanism helped to promote reproduction in primitive societies, but in modern societies it can lead to some inappropriate behaviors.

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

However, evolution does not happen overnight, our brain structure and behavior patterns are the result of millions of years of evolution, while the development of modern society is only a few thousand years old.

This mismatch has led to a conflict between primitive instincts and modern social norms, and it is worth noting that while evolution has given us certain tendencies, it does not mean that we are unable to control our actions.

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

One of the most precious human abilities is self-reflection and self-control, where we can become aware of our instinctive impulses and choose whether or not to follow them.

At the same time, we cannot ignore the importance of individual differences, and while evolution has shaped the common characteristics of human beings, the specific manifestations of each person are very different.

Some people may be inherently less interested in the opposite sex, while others may be extraordinarily enthusiastic, and these differences may stem from small variations in genes or may be caused by the environment in which they were raised.

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

Growing up has a profound impact on a person's behavior, for example, men who were insecure in childhood may show a stronger desire to seek intimacy in adulthood.

This reminds us to be more cautious when judging the actions of others, as each person has a unique story behind them.

However, understanding the causes of our actions does not mean that we should indulge everything, but rather that it is because we understand the existence of these instincts that we can better control them.

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

Modern society requires us to transcend primitive instincts and establish a more civilized and rational mode of behavior.

So since lustful behavior is in some way determined by evolutionary and physiological factors, the answer to whether we should accept it or not is not simple.

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

To answer this question, we also need to consider another important factor: socio-cultural influences, so let's move on and see how the social environment shapes our perception of this behavior.

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

Cultural Imprints: Male Behavior in a Social Perspective

When we discuss men's lustful behavior, we can't ignore an important dimension: socioculture, like a mirror, not only reflects our behavior, but also shapes our perception of those behaviors.

In different cultural contexts, the same behavior may be evaluated very differently, imagine that in a society that emphasizes male dominance, men's lustful behavior may be seen as normal or even commendable.

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

In a society that is more gender-focused, this behaviour may be considered inappropriate.

This difference tells us that our definition and attitude towards lust is largely shaped by social culture.

What used to be considered normal masculine behavior can now be seen as offensive or disrespectful, and this change is a challenge for many men as they need to find a balance between biological instincts and social expectations.

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

However, this change has also had a positive impact, prompting us to rethink what healthy relationships are and what true respect is.

More and more people are realizing that the real charm lies not in the blind pursuit of the opposite sex, but in the establishment of equal and respectful relationships.

Understanding and empathy play an important role in improving lustful behavior, and when we realize that this behavior may stem from deep psychological needs or social pressures, we are able to view it in a more inclusive manner.

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

Education is crucial in this process, and with proper sex and moral education, we can help young people better understand and control their impulses and learn to respect others.

At the same time, we need to create a more open and inclusive social environment where people can discuss these issues openly and honestly, rather than treating them as taboos.

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

It is important to note that while social culture has a profound impact on our behavior, each person still retains his or her own choice.

We can choose to follow social norms or we can choose to challenge them, and the key is to understand what the consequences of our choices will be, and to be accountable for them.

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"


Through a scientific lens, we have gained a deeper understanding of male lustful behavior, which is not just a simple physiological response.

Recognizing this, we should look at this phenomenon with a more inclusive and understanding attitude, and at the same time encourage everyone to pursue healthy and harmonious interpersonal relationships under the premise of abiding by social ethics and laws.

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"


October 17, 2011 "Smart Woman's "Killer Weapon" for Dealing with Lustful Men

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"

People's Information released on May 10, 2021 "The Most Important Androgen in Men's Body - Testosterone"

Why are men ""? Now it has been scientifically confirmed: because men have two "brains"
