
Li Auto launched a limited-time car purchase policy for the 9th anniversary; Wang Hua refuted rumors that the Xiaomi car factory was suspended

author:Rim secrets

【Tech Dogs】

We learned from Li Auto that in order to celebrate the company's 9th anniversary, a series of limited-time car purchase discounts have been launched.

From July 1 to July 15, consumers who order Ideal L6, L7, L8, L9 and Ideal MEGA models can enjoy a limited-time car purchase gift of up to 17,000 yuan and preferential financial rates.

At the same time, Li Auto's latest sales data shows that in June 2024, Li Auto delivered 47,774 new vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 46.7%.

Deliveries in the second quarter reached 108,581 units, up 25.5% year-on-year, compared to 188,981 deliveries in the first half of the year.

Li Auto launched a limited-time car purchase policy for the 9th anniversary; Wang Hua refuted rumors that the Xiaomi car factory was suspended

As of June 30, Li Auto's cumulative deliveries have reached 822,345 units, ranking first among China's emerging brands in terms of total deliveries.

In addition, the number of Li Auto's retail centers nationwide has reached 497, covering 148 cities, and there are 421 after-sales maintenance centers and authorized sheet metal painting centers, covering 220 cities.

In terms of charging facilities, Li Auto has put into use 614 Li Supercharging stations, providing a total of 2,726 charging piles, providing consumers with convenient charging services.

Recently, many rumors have said that due to various reasons such as high temperature in the workshop, the Xiaomi car factory will be shut down, and the delivery of vehicles will also be delayed.

In this regard, Wang Hua, the head of Xiaomi's public relations, recently issued a denial.

Li Auto launched a limited-time car purchase policy for the 9th anniversary; Wang Hua refuted rumors that the Xiaomi car factory was suspended

At the same time, he also said that after the start of double-shift production in June, the monthly delivery of Xiaomi SU7 series has exceeded 10,000 units, and the delivery will be further accelerated from July 1, and the delivery cycle is expected to be shortened by up to 5 weeks after locking the order.

Wang Hua also introduced that the Xiaomi automobile factory is about to carry out a new round of production line optimization and maintenance, in order to further improve production capacity, and the delivery volume in July will continue to exceed 10,000.

Li Auto launched a limited-time car purchase policy for the 9th anniversary; Wang Hua refuted rumors that the Xiaomi car factory was suspended

According to the Xiaomi Auto app, the current delivery date for the Xiaomi SU7 Pro version is 26-29 weeks later.

In order to alleviate the anxiety of users waiting for the car, Xiaomi Auto has also launched a lock order waiting for user care, and users who have a waiting period of more than 3 months will receive surprise gifts from Xiaomi Auto from time to time.

Note: The above comprehensive information comes from Fast Technology

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