
The party flag is flying high on the front line of the grassroots level丨China Children's Art Theater Comprehensive Party Branch: Promote business with party building and practice the original intention

author:Cultural Tourism China Headlines

"Please pick one of the blind boxes in front of you!" "I think this case violates the first ...... of Article 81, Chapter VII of the Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China." I don't think Gu here has violated the rules...... "In the conference room on the 4th floor of the China Children's Art Theater, there are voices of reading and discussing from time to time, and a party discipline knowledge quiz called "'box' you learn the "Regulations" together" is underway.

This is the theme of the Party Day activities carried out by the comprehensive party branch of the China Children's Art Theater, the branch secretary Ju Xin led the party members of the branch to study the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" in stages, and then entered the answering session, the contestants can randomly select a blind box to answer the question, each answer to a question, the party members present will send warm applause, when drawing a more difficult question, the non-answering contestants will also give advice, and the atmosphere of the event is warm.

Innovating the way of party building and promoting the transformation of the party's political advantages into business innovation advantages has always been an important direction for the Party Committee of China Children's Art Theater to lead the work of all party branches. Through these innovative measures, the continuous improvement and efficient operation of the business of the theater administration department have been effectively promoted. Thanks to the solid progress of the Party Committee of the theater in the leadership of the branch party building in recent years, in 2022, the comprehensive party branch of the theater was rated as the "top four" party branch of the central and state organs.

Promote the standardization and standardization of party branches

China Children's Art Theater has always adhered to the principle that building a good party branch is a major task and key topic to implement the main responsibility of governing the party and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to develop in depth. In recent years, the Party Committee of the Theater has adhered to the clear work orientation of "grasping the branch" unswervingly, strengthened the exploration of the internal characteristics and laws of the party building work of the art unit, and strived to improve the standardization and standardization of the party branch, creating a new situation in the work of the party branch.

Founded in September 2020, the comprehensive party branch of China Children's Art Theater is composed of party members from the theater administrative department, considering the diversity of personnel structure and professional knowledge, they actively explore the standardization and standardization of the branch, and strive to seek the combination of party building and business, and strive to achieve a win-win situation between party building and business.

To promote the standardization and standardization of branches, we must find an effective and powerful starting point. The comprehensive party branch adheres to the principle of proceeding from reality and determines the working idea of "the branch secretary grasps the responsibility of the main owner, the branch members perform their duties and responsibilities, and all party members participate together". We adhere to the "Work Manual of Party Branches of Central and State Organs" as the basic follow, improve the "three meetings and one lesson", party fee collection, party membership management and other systems, standardize organizational life, meeting record style, and constantly improve the level of standardization and standardization of the branch, and the quality of work has been significantly improved. The members of the theater discipline inspection committee regularly participate in the activities of the branch and give full play to the supervisory role.

In terms of learning, the branch flexibly formulates learning plans according to the characteristics of Party members' work, combines centralized learning with independent learning, and adopts various forms such as "pairing to help learn", "order selection" and "branch evaluation", to carry out high-quality party history learning and education, study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and urge party members to read the original works, learn the original texts, understand the principles, and follow up and study the latest important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping.

The branch also actively expanded learning channels, combined with the theater to rehearse the classic play "Newsboy", and taught the theme party class of "Zhou Enlai's People's Feelings"; Organize the viewing of excellent stage, film and television works such as "Wangdao" and "Changjin Lake"; He has successively carried out themed party day activities in the History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China, the National Museum of China and other places, and improved the effectiveness of learning in a variety of organizational activities.

Promote cadres to take responsibility and grow healthily

Party building work is an important force to promote the responsibility and healthy growth of party members and cadres. On the one hand, the comprehensive party branch of the theater improves the political consciousness and theoretical level of party members and cadres through the study of political theory in the organization system, and ensures that party members and cadres maintain a high degree of consistency with the party Central Committee ideologically. In 2021, all party members of the branch formed a team to participate in the relay race of party history learning and reading of the central and state organs, and won the first place in the participating team of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Recalling the process of participating in the competition, Ju Xin is still deeply impressed, "At that time, the competition time was a holiday, and I thought that the party members would relax because of this, however, unexpectedly, the enthusiasm of the party members of the branch was not reduced at all, and they were very well prepared." ”

On the other hand, the branch actively creates conditions for party members to be tempered and improved in practical work. The members of the comprehensive party branch are all staff members of the theater's finance, personnel, administration and other departments. "We are not on the front line of creation, and we know less about artistic production and creation. To this end, we invite artists to popularize creative knowledge for the party members of the branch, and carry out co-construction activities with relevant party branches, so that everyone can have a deeper understanding of the art production process, so as to provide more accurate services for the theater. Ju Xin plans to make this kind of joint learning and co-construction activities into a series of lectures in the next step, and invite stage art teachers to explain stage art knowledge and theater hardware structure to party members, so as to promote deeper communication between various departments of the theater.

Promote the improvement of service awareness with party building

In its work, the comprehensive party branch continuously strengthens the sense of responsibility and service of party members, carries out regular heart-to-heart talks, and keeps abreast of the ideological dynamics and actual needs of party members. In the practice of "I do practical things for the masses", in view of the problem that employees often can't eat hot lunches at noon, the branch, with the support of the party committee of the theater, purchased insulated lunch boxes to place meals to ensure that the food is still hot when picking up meals. Noting that the administrative staff worked at the desk for a long time and the cervical and lumbar spine were uncomfortable, the branch mobilized everyone to do aerobics between work to relieve discomfort. Promote the installation of ventilation equipment for the theater dressing room, and solve the problem of unventilated and high temperature in the dressing room. The branch is also very concerned about the physical and mental health of party members and cadres, and has organized everyone to watch psychological lectures many times.

"Little things are also an important part of party building work." Ju Xin said that under the guidance of the theater party committee, the comprehensive party branch cares about party members in all aspects of ideology, work and life, effectively enhances the cohesion of the party organization, and encourages party members to devote themselves to the party's cause with more enthusiasm.

Since the launch of party discipline learning and education, the Party Committee of the China Children's Art Theater has launched various learning activities such as "Party Discipline Stories Told by Everyone" and "Discipline and Law Small Classroom" in an innovative way in combination with the work rules of the art troupe and the high proportion of young party members, and has achieved good results. The party members said, "This way of learning is very novel, which allows us to consolidate the knowledge of party discipline in a relaxed atmosphere, and also deeply understand that party discipline is the code of words and deeds of every party member, and we must ensure that we can consciously abide by it in any environment and maintain the party's image." ”

Editor-in-charge: Wu Yue

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