
Scientific Materials Station: Fueiceel® BM02 Observable Battery Test Hardware (Two Electrodes)

author:Scientific Materials Station

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Scientific Materials Station: Fueiceel® BM02 Observable Battery Test Hardware (Two Electrodes)
Scientific Materials Station: Fueiceel® BM02 Observable Battery Test Hardware (Two Electrodes)

Product Description:

Fueiceel® BM02 Observable Battery Test Hardware (Two Electrodes) is a test fixture specially developed by the Scientific Materials Station for fixing and connecting lithium (sodium, potassium, aluminum, magnesium, calcium, etc.) batteries for electrical performance testing, with an electrode area of Φ6mm-Φ20mm (Φ16mm standard size), and can be customized according to user needs. This battery test hardware makes it easy for you to perform electrochemical experiments. And, its compact and ergonomic design allows the user to use it easily in the glove box and ensures perfect airtightness and reproducibility of the analysis.

Users can choose different materials of housing, metal electrodes, etc. according to the experimental needs. The polymer housing is resistant to the most aggressive solvents, making it highly resistant and ensuring excellent durability over time.

This fixture is designed to ensure a stable and reliable electrical connection of the battery during the testing process, and is mainly used in battery performance testing, cycle life testing, and safety testing in laboratory and industry.

Here are some details about the two-electrode battery test fixture for lithium batteries:

Key features:

High-precision clamping: The fixture can accurately fix the battery electrodes, ensure the stability of the battery during the test, and avoid the test errors caused by poor electrode contact.

Good electrical contact: The fixture is made of highly conductive materials (stainless steel, gold-plated stainless steel, corrosion-resistant titanium, gold-plated titanium optional) to ensure the stability and accuracy of current and voltage signal transmission.

Durability and stability: The fixtures are designed to be robust and able to maintain consistent performance over multiple uses, as well as the ability to withstand high temperatures or chemical environments that may arise during testing.

Adaptable to a variety of battery types: The fixture design can usually be adapted to different sizes (Φ6-Φ30mm) and different types (lithium, sodium, potassium, aluminum, magnesium, calcium batteries, etc.).

Observable: The fixture is designed with an observable window (e.g., for Φ16mm battery test hardware, there is a Φ10mm observation window) to facilitate real-time observation of the internal situation of the battery


Battery performance test: The fixture is used to connect the battery with the test equipment to test the voltage, current, capacity, energy and internal resistance of the battery.

Cycle life test: In the multiple charge and discharge cycle test, the fixture ensures that the electrical connection of the battery is stable and accurate cycle life data is obtained.

Safety test: The fixture provides a stable electrical connection in safety tests such as overcharge, overdischarge, and battery thermal runaway to ensure the reliability of the test results.

Membrane conductivity testing: Fixtures can be used for conductivity testing of some membranes.

Precautions for use

Ensure good contact: Before each test, check that the contact points of the fixture are clean and conductive to avoid test errors caused by poor contact.

Avoid short circuits: During connection and operation, pay attention to avoid short circuits at the contact points of the positive and negative electrodes to prevent battery damage or safety accidents.

Regular maintenance: Regularly inspect and maintain the fixture to ensure that its mechanical and electrical properties are stable and its service life is prolonged.


The two-electrode battery test fixture for lithium battery is an indispensable tool in the battery testing process, which can ensure the stability and accuracy of battery testing. Through the correct use and maintenance of fixtures, the efficiency and accuracy of battery testing can be effectively improved, and reliable data support can be provided for the R&D and production of batteries.

Detailed battery test types and accessories price reference

Scientific Materials Station: Fueiceel® BM02 Observable Battery Test Hardware (Two Electrodes)

Where to buy:

1. Mobile Taobao (official Taobao store: Scientific Materials Station)

2. Click on the link to enter the Taobao web page

3. Other contact information

电话:+86 130-0303-8751/+86 156-0553-2352


For quotation, please contact: Email:[email protected]

Scientific Materials Station: Fueiceel® BM02 Observable Battery Test Hardware (Two Electrodes)

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