
Yu Minhong: The reason for the poor development of the Northeast region is not the geographical location, but the people

author:It is also V

In today's China, the Northeast region has always been regarded as one of the regions with relatively lagging economic development. However, the reason for this situation is often attributed to geographical limitations, but Mr. Yu Minhong offers a very different view: the root cause of the poor development of the Northeast region is people, not geographical location.

For years, the Northeast has been facing a serious brain drain problem. This is not an accidental phenomenon, but due to the long-term economic backwardness and stagnation of development in the northeast, many people who can afford it choose to leave the region and seek better development opportunities in more developed cities or regions. This brain drain has led to a serious shortage of talent reserves in Northeast China, which in turn has affected the development and progress of the region in terms of scientific and technological innovation and industrial upgrading.

Yu Minhong: The reason for the poor development of the Northeast region is not the geographical location, but the people

Talent is the key to promoting scientific and technological innovation and industrial upgrading. In today's knowledge-based economy, technological innovation is one of the important drivers of economic growth and competitiveness. However, due to the serious brain drain in Northeast China, there is a lack of a large number of high-quality talents in the region, which has a serious impact on scientific and technological innovation and industrial upgrading. In the absence of sufficient talent support, it is difficult for enterprises and institutions in Northeast China to carry out effective R&D and innovation, which makes it difficult for the region's industrial structure to achieve effective transformation and upgrading, thus restricting the sustainable development of the economy.

The brain drain has also led to an imbalance in the talent structure of the Northeast region. With the outflow of a large number of capable talents, the talent structure remaining in the Northeast region is increasingly inclined to aging and low education. As a result, the Northeast region is facing serious challenges in attracting and cultivating high-level talents, and it also restricts the potential for future development of the region.

The lack of innovation awareness in Northeast China has become one of the important factors restricting its development. Compared with other regions, enterprises and institutions in Northeast China are relatively conservative in innovation, lacking innovation awareness and innovation ability, which has led to the slow progress of the region's industrial structure transformation and upgrading, technological innovation, etc., and it is difficult to keep up with the pace of the times.

Yu Minhong: The reason for the poor development of the Northeast region is not the geographical location, but the people

The long-term traditional industrial development model in Northeast China has led to a relatively weak sense of innovation among enterprises and institutions. In the past, the economy of Northeast China mainly relied on traditional heavy industry and resource-based industries, and the development of these industries often focused on scale expansion and cost control, while ignoring technological innovation and product upgrading. Therefore, enterprises and institutions lack attention and investment in innovation, resulting in a lack of innovation awareness.

The scientific and technological innovation system in Northeast China is relatively weak, and there is a lack of scientific and technological talents and R&D platforms to support innovation and development. Compared with developed regions, Northeast China has relatively little investment in university research institutions and enterprise technology research and development centers, and the attraction and training of scientific and technological talents are also facing many difficulties. As a result, the development of technological innovation and emerging industries in Northeast China has been restricted, and it is difficult to cultivate competitive innovative enterprises and industrial clusters.

Yu Minhong: The reason for the poor development of the Northeast region is not the geographical location, but the people

The Northeast regional government also falls short in terms of innovation policies and support. Compared with other regions, the government in Northeast China has relatively insufficient investment in innovation policies, investment in science and technology, and the construction of an innovation and entrepreneurship environment, and lacks support and guidance for innovative enterprises and projects. This makes it difficult for innovative enterprises to obtain sufficient policy support and resource guarantee in Northeast China, which restricts the development of innovation activities and the transformation of achievements.

The bureaucratic and conservative ideological problems that exist in the Northeast region have seriously affected the economic development of the region. Yu Minhong pointed out that bureaucracy and conservative thinking are deeply rooted, hindering the process of reform and opening up, and bringing many difficulties to the development of the northeast region.

Bureaucracy has led to inefficiency in government administration in the Northeast. The cumbersome administrative procedures and lengthy approval process of government agencies make enterprises spend a lot of time and energy when going through relevant procedures, which affects the normal operation and development of enterprises. Bureaucracy also leads to inefficient policy implementation, making it difficult for government departments to solve problems encountered in the development of enterprises in a timely and effective manner, further hindering the development and growth of enterprises.

Yu Minhong: The reason for the poor development of the Northeast region is not the geographical location, but the people

Conservative thinking makes the development of Northeast China relatively conservative, lacking openness and inclusiveness. For a long time, the economic development of Northeast China mainly relies on traditional heavy industry and resource-based industries, which meets the economic needs of the time to a certain extent, but with the changes of the times and the adjustment of the economic structure, this model no longer meets the current development needs. However, under the influence of conservative thinking, the government and enterprises in Northeast China tend to have a conservative attitude towards emerging industries and new development models, and lack the awareness of innovation and change, which leads to the lag and backwardness of economic development.

It is true that the reason for the poor development of the Northeast region is not the geographical location, but the people. Problems such as brain drain, lack of innovation awareness, bureaucracy and conservative thinking have restricted the development potential of the Northeast region. Therefore, in order to change the development situation in Northeast China, the key lies in solving the problems of these people, stimulating people's innovative vitality, breaking the shackles of bureaucracy and conservative thinking, and injecting new vitality and impetus into the development of Northeast China.

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