
The enrollment of the China Criminal Police Academy, the physical examination and interview lines have dropped significantly, or it may be related to the geographical location

author:Ajia talks about education
It is the dream of many students to apply for the police academy, and there are many reasons behind it, such as the professionals trained by the police academy will play an indispensable role in maintaining social order and ensuring people's safety in the future; Students will have a strong sense of professional honor and mission during their work.

The employment situation of police academy graduates is relatively stable, and there is a great chance to enter the public security system and become enviable civil servants. Not only that, students receive strict discipline management, physical training and practical ability cultivation in the police academy, which can help students shape a good psychological quality and good physical condition.

The enrollment of the China Criminal Police Academy, the physical examination and interview lines have dropped significantly, or it may be related to the geographical location

However, the requirements of the mainland police academy are relatively strict, and students not only need to meet the corresponding college entrance examination score line, but also pass the physical fitness test, physical examination, political examination and other aspects of the assessment.

In recent years, more and more students have applied for the police academy, and colleges and universities have continuously raised the admission threshold in order to better screen talents, for example, the Chinese People's Public Security University will enroll students in Henan Province in 2024, and the score line and the pitch line have been greatly raised, especially the science male interview physical examination entry line is 597 points, while last year it was only 569 points, a full increase of more than 30 points, and the provincial ranking has increased by more than 4,000, which shows how fierce the competition is.

The enrollment of the China Criminal Police Academy, the physical examination and interview lines have dropped significantly, or it may be related to the geographical location

In 2024, the China Criminal Police College will open enrollment, and the score line for physical examination and interview will be significantly reduced

The difference between public security colleges and universities is that the score line of this year's enrollment of the China Criminal Police Academy has been lowered, especially in Henan, where the enrollment score may show a sharp downward trend, Henan is a large province for the college entrance examination, and the competition for candidates is fierce.

However, the Chinese Criminal Police Academy's enrollment score in Henan is relatively friendly. Compared with 2023, the score line for boys in liberal arts is 466 points and 484 points for girls, compared with 2023, the score line for boys in liberal arts has dropped by 87 points, and the score line for girls in liberal arts has dropped by a full 127 points, which is undoubtedly good news for candidates in Henan.

The enrollment of the China Criminal Police Academy, the physical examination and interview lines have dropped significantly, or it may be related to the geographical location

In addition, from the perspective of provincial rankings, Henan's liberal arts boys ranked 63,389, and last year's ranking was 21,011, down 42,378 liberal arts girls, and also down more than 47,000

The recruitment cut-off for science boys has also been lowered, and in 2023, the score line for male physiology in Henan will be 552 points, and the score for girls will be 590 points. The 24th men's physiology recruitment line was 429 points, down 123 points, and the female physiology recruitment line was 606 points, up 16 points. In terms of rankings, the provincial ranking of science boys this year has dropped by more than 200,000 compared with last year, and the provincial ranking this year is 271716.

The enrollment of the China Criminal Police Academy, the physical examination and interview lines have dropped significantly, or it may be related to the geographical location

By comparing these data, it is not difficult to find that in 2024, the score line of the physical examination interview for enrollment in Henan Province will be significantly lowered by the China Criminal Police Academy, which is very different from other public security colleges in the secondary enrollment.

Some students may say that the gold content of the Chinese Criminal Police Academy is not as good as that of other institutions, and in order to complete the enrollment plan, they can only reduce the score for admission. In fact, the strength of the China Criminal Police College is very strong, known as the leader in the ranks of the mainland criminal police, the strength is very strong, and there is a group of excellent teachers.

The enrollment of the China Criminal Police Academy, the physical examination and interview lines have dropped significantly, or it may be related to the geographical location

According to relevant statistics, the overall employment rate is more than 97%, and the university is named after China, which has a certain influence and is sought after by many students and parents. However, this year's score line in Henan has been sharply lowered, which can't help but make it a little difficult for candidates and parents to understand.

The enrollment of the China Criminal Police Academy, the physical examination and interview lines have dropped significantly, or it may be related to the geographical location

The decline in the enrollment score of the China Criminal Police Academy may be related to the geographical location

Netizens have different opinions on the decline in the score line of the China Criminal Police Academy, and some speculate that it is because the number of students enrolled in the school is decreasing, so that candidates dare not report.

In fact, this is not the case, according to relevant data statistics, in 2023, the China Criminal Police Academy is expected to enroll 74 people in Henan, including 63 male candidates and 11 female candidates, and this year the China Criminal Police Academy plans to enroll 86 people in Henan, an increase of 12 over last year, including 74 male students and 12 female students.

The enrollment of the China Criminal Police Academy, the physical examination and interview lines have dropped significantly, or it may be related to the geographical location

The school has expanded its enrollment to Henan Province, which should be able to attract the attention of more candidates, but why do so few students apply for the exam? In this regard, netizens speculated that it may be related to a more remote geographical location.

The school is located in Liaoning, a city in the north of the mainland, and there is a certain gap between it and the developed cities in the south in terms of economic and educational resources, and the distance is relatively far, many candidates in Henan do not want to cross thousands of miles to study in Liaoning.

The enrollment of the China Criminal Police Academy, the physical examination and interview lines have dropped significantly, or it may be related to the geographical location

In contrast, Henan candidates are more willing to apply for the Zhengzhou Police College or Nanjing Police College, which has led to an increase in the scores of the other two police colleges, while the China Criminal Police College needs to reduce the score according to the actual situation in order to complete the enrollment plan.

There is another reason why the score of the China Criminal Police Academy is low, and the college belongs to the second batch of enrollment, while many subordinate police academies are the first batch of enrollment. It is also reasonable to lower the enrollment score line, which can increase the chances of the second freshman being admitted, which also reduces the school's shortlisted score as a whole.

The enrollment of the China Criminal Police Academy, the physical examination and interview lines have dropped significantly, or it may be related to the geographical location

Conclusion: The China Criminal Police Academy has been significantly lowered in Henan Enrollment Physical Examination and Interview County, but this does not mean that the school has relaxed the entry threshold, and the students who are fortunate enough to be admitted must still be strict with themselves during the university, study hard while training seriously, and prepare for the police recruitment examination after graduation.

The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement is deleted quickly

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