
Shao Lijun: General Yang Hucheng suppressed bandits in Ju County

author:Nature and Society


*This article is excerpted from the second series of "Ju County Cultural and Historical Materials" (December 1984), written by Shao Lijun, and the original title is "General Yang Hucheng Ju County Suppresses Bandits"

Shao Lijun (1899.10~1986.4), also known as Lu Jun, Ziping, was a native of Shaojia Quantou Village, Liujiaguanzhuang Town, Ju County. In 1905, he began to study in a village school, entered Juxian County Primary School in 1912, graduated from Juxian B Agricultural School in 1915, and attended Huiwen Middle School run by the church in 1920. Two years later, he taught, and in 1922, he was admitted to the Qufu Second Normal School, and after graduation, he taught in Rizhao, Mengyin and other places. In 1927, he studied at a private university in Qingdao, and joined the Chinese Kuomintang. In 1929, he transferred to the Department of Economics of the National University of Peking until 1931.

In 1931, Lijun participated in the first national higher civil service examination of the Nanjing National Government. The national government and the Shandong provincial government made them study administrative business with the treatment of junior recommended officials. In August 1932, he was appointed as the magistrate of Boxing County, and returned to work in the provincial government secretariat in January of the following year. In April 1935, he served as the secretary of Zhang Ji's entourage, and in the summer of that year, he served as the magistrate of Xianyang County. In the autumn of 1940, he was transferred to Chang'an County Magistrate, and in 1942, he was transferred to the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Finance and the section chief of the Tianfu Grain Management Office. In the winter of that year, he was transferred to the senior class of the Kuomintang Central Party and Government Training Corps in Chongqing for six months, and after graduation, he temporarily stayed in the Third Division of the Military Commission's Attendant Office for inspection. In the winter of 1943, he was appointed as a member of the Shandong Provincial Government and director of the Department of Construction. In 1945, he was relieved of his post as director of the department, and stayed in the front for half a year as a senator of the provincial government, and returned to Chongqing at the end of the year to serve as secretary of the Finance Committee of the Central Party Department of the Kuomintang. In the following year, he went to Nanjing to organize the affairs of the Finance Committee to collect special donations from Kuomintang members. In 1947, he was sent to Jinan and the Shandong Provincial Party Department to take over five factories left by the Japanese puppet, including papermaking, flour, winemaking, ice refrigeration and cigarettes, and served as the director of the preparatory department of Jinan Xingji Company. In August 1948, he returned to Nanjing and served as an inspector of the Ministry of the Interior.

In April 1949, he left the Nationalist Government and lived in Shanghai. In the winter of 1950, he took the initiative to register as a reactionary party in Shanghai. He was sentenced in April 1951 and released from labor until April 1956, where he remained in the field for one year. In May 1957, he returned to his hometown to work as a farmer. Since 1981, he has been a member of the first and second CPPCC of Ju County, and later a member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC. He died in Jucheng in April 1986.


In August 1928, Liu Guitang (Liu Heiqi), a bandit leader in the Mengshan area, led a crowd into Juxian, claiming that he had accepted the recruitment of the Kuomintang Central Committee and was ordered to be stationed in Jucheng for training.

Liu Guitang is a habitual bandit for many years, with a cunning and brutal temperament, and has been committing crimes in the Lunan area for a long time, and the people have suffered greatly. Most of the bandits under him are outlaws who are roosters and dogs. As soon as this gang of bandits entered Juxian County, they committed adultery and plunder, committing all kinds of evil, making it difficult for businessmen and people to respond to the city, and the residents of the whole city were panicked and fled from each other. At that time, the county party headquarters of the Kuomintang in Juxian County had just been established, and they dared not speak out against their bad deeds.

At the beginning of February 1929, the 21st Division of the Yang Hucheng Division of the Second Group Army of the National Revolutionary Army was transferred from Taihe County in northern Anhui Province to the northward to exterminate the remnants of the Zhilu Allied Army and the large and small bandits of Zhang Zongchang and other old warlords in the southeastern part of Shandong, and to appease the localities. At this time, the people of Ju County had been ravaged by Liu bandits for half a year. When the news came that Yang Hucheng had come to Lunan to personally sit in Linyi, the Kuomintang Juxian County Party Department was entrusted by the businessmen and gentry of the county to send Fu Xinru and Wang ××, members of the Party Supervision Committee, to Linyi secretly to explain to Yang Hucheng the evil deeds of Liu Bandits in Ju and the wishes of the people of Ju County to call on Yang Jun to come and eliminate them. Yang Hucheng had long heard about Liu Guitang and their crimes, so as soon as he appealed, he led the 21st Division to Juxian in February.

Since Yang Hucheng led the 21st Division into Lunan and began to suppress bandits, Liu Guitang knew that he had done a lot of evil in Ju County, and he was afraid that he would not be able to escape from the disaster, so he took strict precautions everywhere. Xiazhuang Village and Dadian Town, the necessary place for Linyi to Juxian City, set up defensive strongholds in advance, built strong fortifications, and selected cronies and bandits to garrison in a vain attempt to resist the northward advance of the 21st Division. He also personally commanded in the big store. On the fourteenth day of the first lunar month, as soon as Yang Hucheng led his army into Ju County, he divided his troops into two ways to attack Dadian and Xiazhuang. As soon as the two sides touched, the battle was extremely fierce. In order to protect the dependents and assets living in Jucheng, Liu Bandit ordered desperate resistance to prevent the 21st Division from going north; As soon as the officers and men approached the enemy, they immediately threw themselves into battle with large blades and grenades. After a day and night of bloody fighting, the bandit leader Ding Daxiang (Liu Guitang's brother) who was guarding Xiazhuang was killed, and the rest of the bandits were also killed and wounded. The Dadian stronghold under Liu Guitang's personal command was also conquered, and Liu Bandit fled back to Jucheng with only a few bandits. In this battle, more than 280 bandits were killed, many people were rescued from the meat ticket (a hostage used to extort money after being kidnapped by the bandits), and the livestock and property looted by the Liu bandits were recaptured.

After Liu Guitang fled back to the city, he knew that it was difficult to gain a foothold here, so he carried out a great raid on Jucheng that night (the fifteenth day of the first lunar month), and even the guns of the Kuomintang garrison were fired, and then a large number of people were arrested and fled north along the Taiwei Highway with property, livestock, and dependents. After the 21st Division of Yang Hucheng entered Jucheng after fighting in Xiazhuang and Dadian for a while, seeing that the scene was miserable after the robbery and the order of the whole city was chaotic, he immediately organized soldiers to patrol along the city to prevent bad guys from taking advantage of the fire to rob. After the order of Jucheng was initially established and the residents were pacified, the troops were ordered to be lightly armed and continue to pursue Liu bandits.

Shao Lijun: General Yang Hucheng suppressed bandits in Ju County

Liu Guitang and the bandits were not far from Liu Guitang and the bandits because they had a lot of property and property in their dependents, their ranks were bloated and slow, and the 21st Division chased them to Guan Shuai (now a market town in Wulian County). Liu bandits panicked under the pursuit, and the people who were carrying them fled one after another, and women, livestock, and assets were abandoned along the way, and they were about to be surrounded and annihilated. At this time, Gu Zhen, the division commander of Zhang Zongchang's Zhilu coalition army, suddenly led his remnants to meet and intercepted the 21st Division.

After the fierce battles with Liu Bandits in Xiazhuang and Dadian, the 21st Division entered a long-distance pursuit before it had time to rest and replenish, and the physical strength of the officers and men had already been greatly consumed. In this passive situation, Yang Hucheng believed that if the enemy was not defeated, not only would it be impossible to continue to pursue and annihilate Liu bandits, but the 21st Division itself was also in danger of being defeated or even destroyed. Therefore, he encouraged the officers and men to carry forward the invincible spirit of the old Northwest Army and to resolutely resist and defeat the enemy. And he took the lead and led the guard company to the front line to command. Under his encouragement, all the officers and soldiers advanced without retreating, and fought bravely, so that Gu Zhen's army was finally exhausted. The 21st Division took advantage of the victory to launch a charge, crushing the enemy in one fell swoop, except for the division commander Gu Zhen and more than 200 cronies who fled, the main force was basically annihilated.

At this time, the officers and soldiers were extremely tired, and their subordinates pleaded with General Yang to rest for a while before pursuing the remnants of Gu Zhen. Yang Hucheng earnestly warned his subordinates: "It is not easy for our army to save the day this time. Now that the culprit has not been found, if we do not take advantage of this to cut it off, there will be endless disasters, and the elimination of the remnants of the Zhilu coalition army is also one of the main tasks of our march into Lunan, I believe that the army that won the battle can persist no matter how tired it is. The 21st Division reorganized its team and chased more than 20 miles in one go along the route of Gu Zhen's escape.

Shao Lijun: General Yang Hucheng suppressed bandits in Ju County

Gu Zhen and others were cooking in Bo'er Village, when they suddenly saw the officers and soldiers descending from the sky like divine soldiers, completely losing their ability to resist, and surrendered one after another. Gu Zhen himself saw that the general trend was gone, so he left his little wife and fled to Qingdao alone. The remnants of Zhang Zongchang's Zhilu coalition army in southeastern Shandong have been completely wiped out.

After the 21st Division was intercepted by Gu Zhen's division, Liu Bandit took the opportunity to escape and fled to the area of Beixing (originally belonging to Ju County, now classified as Zhucheng) to continue to do evil.

Shao Lijun: General Yang Hucheng suppressed bandits in Ju County

Liu Guitang lived with several bandit leaders in Beixing Village. As soon as Liu arrived, he looted everywhere, and the grain, livestock, and assets of the surrounding villages were forced to be strangled, and the masses of the people all gritted their teeth at him. It just so happened that at that time, the big sword meeting was popular in the village in this area. In order to protect the territory and the people, several leaders conspired to convene the village big knife meeting to attack and kill Liu Guitang and other bandits. Unfortunately, when the congregation gathered, it was surrounded by Liu bandits, killing many people on the spot, and the rest were scattered. Liu Bandit took advantage of this hysterical attack to take bloody revenge on the masses. They arrested more than 30 elderly and weak women and children, cut off their heads and hung them outside the north gate of Beixing Village for public display, and burned down all the houses in villages where the Dadao Society was organized, causing great losses to the people in this area.

After Yang Hucheng led the 21st Division to annihilate Gu Zhen's troops, he returned to Jucheng for half a month of rest and replenishment. When it was discovered that Liu bandit Guitang was still doing evil in the Beixing area, he secretly moved his troops to the vicinity of Beixing and surrounded Liu when the bandits gathered in Beixing Village. Under the blow of Yang Jun, Liu Bandit had already become a frightened bird, except for a few who resisted stubbornly and were killed, the bandit battalion commander and his family members were all captured. All the looted goods and livestock were seized, and the number of cattle, donkeys, mules, and horses alone amounted to more than 1,000. Liu Guitang's black team that endangered the people in Lunan was eradicated by Yang Hucheng for the first time. Liu Guitang himself only brought two personal guards to abscond from Anqiu in disguise.

Regarding Yang Hucheng's visit to Ju to suppress bandits, the third volume of the "Rebuilding Ju Zhi" compiled in 1935 is very clear. In February 1929, Yang Hucheng led the 21st Division of the Second Group Army to Juxian County, and in August of the same year, he was transferred to Henan to concurrently serve as commander of the Nanyang garrison. During his stay in Pakistan, some sporadic bandits and stragglers also disappeared and did not dare to harass the locality. Except for a few remote areas in Ju County, the territory is peaceful and the people are safe, and the local government is great. "Juzhou Chronicles" said: "Hucheng has been stationed in Ju for half a year, strict in controlling thieves, and the traces of 萑 (huán) 苻", which truthfully recorded the social status quo at that time and the exploits of General Yang Hucheng.

The author of this article (Note: In order to keep the original text as much as possible, it has been retained)

Shao Lijun (October 1899-) was a native of Shaojia Quantou Village, Liuguanzhuang Township, Ju County, and a patriot. During the Kuomintang period, he served as county magistrate and director of the provincial construction department. He is currently a member of the Standing Committee of the Ju County CPPCC.


Juxian Cultural and Historical Materials, Volume 2 (December 1984)