
Old things of the Republic of China: Yang Hucheng and southeast Lu suppressed bandits

author:Nature and Society


*This article is transferred from the Internet (source: Dazhong Daily 2018-05-09), the authors are Lu Yu, Yan Chao, Zang Desan; Original title "1929, Yang Hucheng Lu Southeast Bandits"


90 years ago, in 1928, when the season was in winter, Linyi City ushered in a patriotic army. The general of this army is the national hero Yang Hucheng.

In Linyi for more than eight months, Yang Hucheng led his troops to fight in various parts of southeastern Shandong, quickly swept away several bandits, and eliminated harm for the people, which was an extremely valuable act in the turbulent climate of the whole country in 1928 and 1929. To this day, in many villages in the Yimeng Mountains, there are still vague stories of Yang Hucheng's suppression of bandits...

Bandits do evil as many as cattle hairs

At that time, in the Yimeng Mountains, the slightly wealthy villages organized militia groups and built walls of earth or stone, so that the people of the surrounding poor and weak villages could also come to take refuge. Today, there are many walls that have become landmarks in the village, but some have been demolished and are nowhere to be found.

Why did the construction of walls become the norm at that time? This is related to the brutality of the bandits. "At that time, bandits in the Yimeng Mountains were infested. For example, Liu Guitang, a bandit who was rampant in the Yimeng Mountains, nicknamed Liu Heiqi, occupied the mountains as the king, supported the army and relied on himself, and the most bandits reached more than 30,000 people, and the evil deeds spread throughout more than 10 provinces and autonomous regions across the country. Li Yong, a researcher of Linyi literature and history, introduced.

At that time, there was a ballad among the bandits that said: "If you want to make money, go to the Liu Tuan." "Follow the division commander everywhere, and I won't change the county magistrate." In the four years from 1925 to 1928 alone, more than 1,000 villages were ransacked by Liu Heiqi's bandits, more than 200,000 houses were burned, and more than 10,000 people were killed. Liu bandits successively created the Baimayu Village Bloody Case, killing 393 people; the catastrophe of Dasiyan Village, which slaughtered 947 people; The tragedy in Nanxiaoyi Village killed 346 people.

In addition, in Yishui, Mengyin, Gaomi and other mountainous areas of central and eastern Lu, there are Zhang Jiadong (Zhang Heiface), General Mao, Xue Chuanfeng, Yin Shigui, as well as "Little White Dragon", "Flying on the Grass", "Yunzhongfeng", "Eight Thousand Years Old" and other bandit stocks, which can be described as varied and numerous.

Bandit officials are even more corrupt. At that time, Shandong's military and political dignitaries from Tanaka Yu to Xiong Bingqi to Zhang Zongchang were all shouting to suppress the bandits, and all of them were shouting to arrest the bandits. Bandits are like sharp swords hanging upside down, and ordinary people are always in danger. Therefore, eliminating the trouble of banditry is really an urgent task for the people to be relieved of their suspense.

Yang Hucheng was transferred to Linyi to exterminate the remnants of the old warlord Zhang Zongchang and appease the locality, but he was concerned about the safety of the people and did his best to suppress the bandits. He was good at observing the people's feelings, had the courage to solve problems for the people, experienced bloody battles on the battlefield, worked hard for half a year, and led his troops to wipe out the stubborn thieves and bandits around Linyi in one fell swoop, and returned the people to peace. Tang Shiwen, an expert in Linyi literature and history research, said.

Hit the tiger and knock on the mountain first. As soon as Yang Hucheng's troops arrived in Linyi, they sent a regiment of officers and soldiers to defeat Liu Zhi's bandit Ding Daxiang in Linyi Tangtou, Junan's Xiaoguanzhuang, Banquanya and other places, capturing and beheading more than 80 bandits and surrendering 40 guns. Subsequently, Guo Jingtang's regiment was dispatched to Wangjiachang Village, Junan, where they killed the bandit leader Wang Lianqing and 40 bandits, and captured 35 rifles and 1 machine gun.

In January 1929, the officers and soldiers of the Yang Department pursued the bandits from Xuenan Village in Fei County to Zhujiatun, and the bandits occupied the village in an attempt to defend it. Officers and men launched a fierce attack, killing 180 bandits and seizing 80 guns. In the spring of the same year, when Yang Bu was suppressing bandits in Bushang Village, Chengdong Township, he found that the bandits had taken 150 villagers captive, and the officers and soldiers pursued and rescued them until Taoyuan Village, Jiangsu, where they could rescue all the captives.

General Yang Hucheng not only took the initiative to order the suppression of bandits, but also responded to local requests for help and suppressed bandits, and did his best. Once, Bancheng Village, Bancheng Town, Lanshan District, was suddenly surrounded by bandits at night, and the Ozhuang District Office called the division headquarters for help, and the general immediately sent a battalion of soldiers to run 40 miles and rush there to defeat the bandits and save the whole village.

The small people don't like to be in shape

After the troops were familiar with the environment in Linyi, Yang Hucheng began to lay out and beat Liu Heiqi. Liu Heiqi also sensed Yang Hucheng's threat to himself and was on guard. He heard that Yang Hucheng held a memorial service for the soldiers who died in battle in Linyi City, so he sent people to infiltrate Linyi City on the pretext of condolences and go to the detective to find out the situation. Unexpectedly, he was discovered by Yang Hucheng's subordinates and detained.

At this time, Liu Heiqi saw that the momentum was not right, so he hurriedly made battle preparations and waited for the action of Yang Hucheng's troops. He sent the battalion commander Jing Dequan to garrison Dadian Town as the front road, with Shi Yicheng as the supervisor, and sent bandits Ding Qicai, Deng Haifeng and others to garrison Juxian Xiazhuang to form a horn with Jing Dequan's army to prepare for the attack of Yang Hucheng.

At the end of February 1929, under the command of Yang Hucheng, the troops concentrated the main force to attack Liu Hei's seven divisions, except for one battalion stationed in Linyi City.

At that time, Liu Bandit lived in Ju County, and his main force gathered in Dadian in the southwest of Ju County (now Dadian Town, Junan County), with a total of about seven or eight thousand people. Yang Hucheng led the department, and the soldiers were divided into three roads, the left Zhao Shoushan department, the right road Wu Mian's department, and he personally led the middle road, pointing directly at Juxian and Dadian, outflanking and attacking.

The defense of the big shop was extremely strong, with a stone-to-ceiling wall, a turret on the wall, a trench outside the wall, and a battalion of troops around the four gates. It is rumored that Zhuang Yilan, a Jinshi of the late Qing Dynasty and the landlord of Dadian, was at home, and sent someone to Linyi to contact Yang Hucheng, reported the deployment of Liu Heiqi's troops in Dadian, and asked to attack as soon as possible.

Jing Dequan and Shi Yicheng tried in vain to rely on the strong fortifications of the big store to resist stubbornly. At dawn on February 22, Yang Hucheng gave the order to stack artillery shells into the polder, and then the attack horn sounded. The two sides fought fiercely until nightfall, and the bandits were gradually exhausted under the fierce fire attack of Yang, and were forced to retreat to Taoyuan, north of Dadian.

The unwilling bandits gathered the "volunteers" to fight back, in a vain attempt to recapture the bandits' nest. Yang organized forces to attack head-on, the bandits suffered heavy casualties, the main force was destroyed, and the rest fled in the direction of Juxian.

In the first battle of Dadian, hundreds of bandits were captured, which was a heavy blow to the habitual bandit Liu Heiqibu. Liu Heiqi, who was in his comfortable nest, heard that Dadian had lost and was afraid that there would be changes in Ju County, so he confiscated all the guns and ammunition of the public security bureau and the garrison, and indulged all the prisoners in the two prisons, abandoned the city and fled north.

In this regard, the "Declaration" published on March 4, 1929 reported that "Yang Hucheng's army cleared Juxian Rizhao and Liu Hei's seven divisions moved north". According to the source, Yang Hucheng's army was ordered by Sun Liangcheng, chairman of the Lu Provincial Government, to eliminate the miscellaneous army in Jiaodong, and its vanguard force was about 3,000. On the 20th, he surrounded the town of Dadian in Juxian County, and opened fire with 2,000 troops of Ding Jicai, the commander of the ninth brigade under Liu Hei's seventh subordinate in the city. As a result, Liu Bu did not support, that is, he retreated to the two cities in the realm of Rizhao Zhucheng. Xia Xingde, commander of the 8th Brigade stationed in Rizhao Liubu, saw that Yang's army was strong and feared being attacked, so he also led his troops to retreat to the vicinity of Zhucheng on the 25th. The two counties of Kexia Riju were garrisoned by the Yang army, and the miscellaneous army had been completely wiped out. According to the people in Rizhao, Yang Jun was very disciplined, and he did not commit any crimes in autumn wherever he went. In the past, when Liu Hei's seven divisions were stationed, the soldiers plundered at will, and the people were not able to make a living. Now I suddenly met this righteous teacher, so the general people do not like to be in shape, thinking that they will see the light of day again.

When the flag was victorious, Yang Hucheng encouraged the officers and soldiers to take advantage of the victory to pursue. The left route army Zhao Shoushan took the opportunity to occupy Juxian County and captured two mountain cannons, various guns, ammunition and other property. After sweeping away the Juxian bandits, Yang Hucheng commanded a brigade to march east to Rizhao, destroyed the Xia Xingde bandits, and occupied Rizhao City and Shijiusuo, and went straight to the coast of the East China Sea.

Beixing suppressed bandits and won many battles

On the basis of the victory in the first battle, after the troops rested for a while, Yang Hucheng led his troops from Juxian and Rizhao to the north, and began to march to another large gang, Gu Zhenbu. Gu was originally under the jurisdiction of the Beiyang warlord Zhang Zongchang, with about four or five thousand people, entrenched in the area of Zhucheng and Anqiu, and made an alliance with Liu Heiqi to cooperate with each other and protect themselves.

Treating Gu Zhen, Yang Hucheng adopted a combination of soothing and suppressing. At the beginning, Yang Hucheng sent personnel to Zhucheng to contact, and at the same time ordered the commander of the First Brigade, Feng Qinzai, to lead troops to follow up, hoping to meet the defense peacefully. Gu Zhen relied on the strength of his troops, and sent a brigade to the area of Baima Mountain and Beixing at the junction of Juxian and Zhucheng, and colluded with the remnants of Liu Heiqi who fled to this place, in an attempt to intercept Feng Qinya's brigade.

At this time, Beixing Village has become Liu Heiqi's den of thieves. Beixing Village is the hometown of Wang Jinmei, the founder of the Communist Party of China, and is located at the foot of Qiaoyou Mountain. The Wang clan in the village was looted by Liu Heiqi. The surrounding Yuanzhuang and other places will gather to plot to attack the bandits stationed in Beixing, and after being detected by Liu Heiqi, they will highlight the attack, and the knife will be dispersed. Liu Heiqi arrested more than 30 old and weak people, framed them as gangsters of the Knife Society, and brutally killed them outside the Beixing Dongwei Gate.

This move made Yang Hucheng shocked and angry, and he led his troops to attack Beixing. Beginning on March 11, Yang Hucheng's department and Liu Hei's seven divisions supported by Gu Zhen fought fiercely for a day and night. Gu Zhen was defeated and retreated, and fled to the area of Zonggou on the 12th, while Liu Heiqi fled in the direction of Anqiu.

In Zonggou, Gu Zhen of the Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit entangled the forces of the three regiments and confronted Feng Qinzai's brigade again before dawn on March 13. Feng Qinzai's brigade fought fiercely with it, and Gu Zhen led the remnants of the army to flee back to Zhucheng. Yang Hucheng's troops pursued the victory, and Gu Zhen abandoned all his family and cars, and fled to Dalian by sea. Yang Hucheng's troops occupied the county seat of Zhucheng on March 14 and seized a large amount of military supplies.

Wherever Yang went to the army, the autumn did not commit any crimes, and was supported by the local people, who volunteered to supply the troops with food and vegetables, guide the troops and transport the wounded, so that the troops had no worries. Yang is highly disciplined and has a good reputation in the local area, and even the captured bandits' property and family members are not allowed to be violated and bullied. After entering Zhucheng, Yang's guard Bai Zhijun once took a seized Gu Zhen's fur coat, and Yang found it and strictly ordered it to be handed over to the family members of the review. At that time, Gu's two aunts and wives, as well as cars and other belongings, were also intercepted, and Yang sent a letter to Gu, asking him to send someone to bring his family back. Gu was very grateful for this, and replied that he would change his mind.

It was precisely because of Yang's good discipline and the support of the masses that the suppression of bandits proceeded quickly and smoothly, so that Feng Yuxiang's commendation telegram was transferred from Linyi to Juxian and then to Zhucheng and could not be delivered. Feng said in a telegram: "My brother's attack on Jiaodong this time will win the battle, and the attack will be overcome, and the progress will be so fast that the telegram cannot be delivered." It wasn't until the end of the battle of Seventy Miles that Yang Fang read Feng Dian.

Repeated battles were victorious, and Yang's morale was greatly shaken. The local people also rejoiced, and automatically sent firewood and food to comfort the troops and thank General Yang for eliminating harm for the people. However, Yang Hucheng warned the troops: Eliminate all evil and continue to fight. They attacked one after another, and wiped out several bandits. For example, Han Yinsheng's department was ordered to blitz a group of bandits hiding in the deep mountains in the southeast of Ju County, and the bandits were outnumbered and quickly scattered. The anti-bandit forces occupied the bandits' nest and rescued dozens of "meat tickets" who had been kidnapped by the bandits, some of whom were young women who had been ravaged by the bandits. They also seized more than 100 looted livestock. Yang Hucheng ordered the "meat tickets" to be put back one by one, and the livestock were claimed by the original owners, and the people wept and thanked each other.

The black seven sins, the tile house is a nest

On March 12, 1929, Liu Heiqi fled to Anqiu and was "warmly received" by the locality. Seeing this situation, Liu Heiqiyi was abnormal and did not loot openly. However, Liu Hei's seven bandits were difficult to change, and within a few days, their original form was revealed, and they robbed more than a dozen villages in the south of the city, committing all kinds of evil. Liu Heiqi also extorted money from the squires in the city, claiming that if he did not hand over the number according to the amount, he would immediately burn down the whole city. The officials and gentry had no choice but to hand over 2,500 oceans.

In this regard, the "Declaration" of March 26, 1929 reported with the title "Liu Heiqi plundered in Anqiu (now Anqiu)": "After Liu Heiqi rebelled against Zhang Zongchang, the Yang Hucheng army stationed in Linyi attacked one after another. In a few days, Juxian and Rizhao will be recovered. Now Liu Heiqi has all opened to Anqiu and is stationed in more than 20 villages around the attached city. Liu himself was stationed in the city, and the wealthy families who had been captured by Rizhao before, some had absconded, and some had redeemed. When retreating along the road, it was handled in the law of Rizhao, so the wealthy households in the villages of Tonggou and Jiale were all prepared for supply with the camp. Any pedestrian from Nanxiang to Anqiu will be detained if there is any suspicion. In the villages where the Red Gun Society is encountered, most of them are not provided for, so the Liu family also vigorously hates, kills, burns, and will hear about it every day. When Liu exonerated the rich man, he would personally address the rich man, and the wording was extremely ridiculous. ”

On March 25, Yang Hucheng sent his pursuers to Anqiu. At 8 o'clock that night, the official army conquered Anqiu City. Liu Heiqi fled along the Jiaoji Railway, which was under the control of the Japanese army, in the direction of Changle. Before leaving, Liu Heiqi forcibly took away a number of strong men, and also "Jucheng" and other businesses in Anqiu Nanguan to grab a fine light.

After Liu Heiqi escaped, he successively took refuge in Yan Xishan, attached to Shi Yousan, Song Zheyuan, and was an official and bandit, wandering half of China and becoming a well-known "Shandong giant bandit". When Liu Heiqi returned to Shandong again, Han Fuyu encircled and suppressed many times without success. In November 1943, Liu Heiqi was killed by the Eighth Route Army in Fei County, ending his life of many evils.

After Yang Hucheng's class returned to Linyi, the rest of Liu Heiqi's troops committed crimes in the north of Linyi. In the area of Zhenjiatuan, Xia Wei Town, Yishui County, the stories of how the bandits broke the Wawu Cliff and how they were exterminated by Yang Hucheng's troops have been scattered. From the legends, many old people still said the names of people and vague old things such as "Yang Hucheng Troops", "Commander Xue" and even the single leader "Li Pengjun".

Wawu Cliff was occupied on the twenty-fifth day of the first month of 1929 by the bandits. The leaders of this group of bandits are called Shi Zengfu and Li Pengjun, and they originally followed Liu Heiqi to occupy Juxian County. After Liu Heiqi was driven out of Juxian County by Yang Hucheng, Shi Zengfu and Li Peng both fled north with Liu Heiqi. On the twentieth day of the first month, they robbed Yangzhuang Ji, and then Shi Zengfu and Li Peng fled with a small group of bandits to break away from Liu Heiqi.

Li Pengjun took two or three hundred bandits and fled southwest to the vicinity of Wawu Cliff. At that time, in the Wawuya cottage, there were people from Zhenjiatuan, Shiniuyu, Shanglizhuang and other villages. The bandits coveted the wealth in the cottage, and also saw the easy to defend and difficult to attack terrain of Wawu Mountain Cottage, so they moved the thief's heart to break the cottage.

If the bandits are beaten hard, it is very difficult to break into the cottage. The cunning bandits, using a usual method, bought a "hook" (i.e., a traitor) of Shanglizhuang at a high price as an internal response.

In the second half of the night of the 24th day of the first lunar month in 1929, the bandits touched the wall under the west gate of Wawu Cliff. The "hooks" in the village used tricks to deceive the sentry guarding the door. Before the bandits climbed over the fence wall, after all, they had no bottom in their hearts, and they were afraid that the "hook" would not be reliable, so they threw stones into the cottage to test it. At that time, there were a few people gambling in the stone house inside the wall, and someone heard the noise and asked: "There is movement, I'm afraid it's not the 'singles' coming, right?"

It just so happened that the "hook" who was scheming was also in the house, so he made a round and said, "This is the cat stepping on the stone." As a result, people who gamble continue to gamble. One by one, the bandits bravely climbed over the wall.

Then the bandits opened the gate, and the bandits swarmed through it. The bandits stormed the cottage and shouted in the night, both to embolden and intimidate. In the dark night of winter, people in their sleep hurriedly fled in the dark, and the strong young and middle-aged people could still jump off the wall and run away, but the poor old and weak women and children could not climb the wall, nor could they jump off the wall, so they could only find a place to hide.

After dawn, the bandits took big knives to find out the old people, women, and children hiding in the village, rushed together, and then interrogated and "sifted"; I left some as "meat tickets" and put some back to raise money. The grain and even the cattle and livestock on the Wawu Mountain were not taken away by the villagers at all, and all of them were taken by the bandits. Take pity on the old people and women who fell into the hands of bandits, and let them be slaughtered.

After Shi Zengfu and Li Peng occupied the Wawu Cliff, they committed Yaojiadianzi, Gaoqiao, and Yangzhuang in the east, and took the lower position, Huangshanpu, and Quanzhuang in the north, and did evil everywhere. On the third day of March of this year, the Wawuya bandits kidnapped the mother of King Dongsheng of Shanglizhuang and offered 200 silver dollars. Wang Dongsheng begged his relatives and friends to borrow only 188 yuan, and only 12 yuan was missing, and his mother was brutally killed. The ferocity of the Wawu Mountain bandits can be seen.

"It is our duty to eliminate violence and reassure the people"

"The Lijiading cottage in Jiejiaping Village, Dongtou Township, fortunately, was not opened by the bandits who occupied Wawu Cliff." Li Yong said that the bandits robbed Li's house and also chose the second half of the night. Before dawn, the bandits climbed the hill one by one from the back slope. At that time, there was a man-high yellow grass on the hillside, and the bandits were lying on their stomachs in the yellow grass and crawling upward. The person on duty that night was very careful, standing guard on the wall, and suddenly saw a hare running under the fence wall, and when he looked carefully, there were clearly thieves crawling under the yellow grass.

The watchman hurriedly shouted loudly, and when the people in the cottage heard about it, they immediately fought: to stone the bandits from the fence together. This stone is a polished "sharp edge stone", which is extremely powerful, and it makes the bandits hold their heads and run away. Now, in the village under the mountain, when it comes to Li Jiading's fight against bandits, people still praise the rabbit, saying that it is "rabbit reporting" that saved Li Jiading.

The people in the Yishui area have always called the bandits "singles". On the Panlonggu on the west side of Wawu Mountain, the reporter saw a stone tablet in the late Qing Dynasty, which recorded the process of the villagers building cottages before and after the attack of "singles".

Villagers who have been deeply affected by the scourge of "singles" have jointly submitted a letter to the Yishui County Government, requesting the government police force to suppress the bandits and eliminate the harm. At that time, the Yishui County Police Force was unable to encircle and suppress, so the county government invited Jiang Jiabin, the commander of the famous Ganyu People's League, to lead the regiment to come to encircle and suppress.

It is said that after "Commander Chiang" led more than 500 people to come, he was full of confidence in eliminating this bandit. But when it really started, there was no way. The ministry used Zhu Hengshan in Shiniuyu Village as a guide to attack Wawu Mountain, where the bandits were entrenched. Due to the lack of experience in mountain warfare and the inferior weapons of the militia groups, the command was ineffective. As a result, the stubborn bandits Shi and Li Chengjian led the crowd down the mountain, and the militia was caught off guard for a while and fled in all directions. Jiang was also almost captured, but fortunately Zhu Hengshan helped him on his horse, whipped and ran, and was spared.

At this time, Yang Hucheng returned to Linyi from Ju County. The people elected the deputies and went to the general together with the government to appeal for the suppression of bandits. The general said that "it is our duty to eliminate violence and calm the people", so he sent a company to live in the "old cat's nest". This company first sent a few people to reconnoiter the situation at the foot of the Wawu cliff, but unexpectedly, the situation of the company had already been discovered by the bandits. When the bandits saw a few soldiers at the bottom of the mountain, they disguised themselves as ordinary people and went down the mountain to fetch water.

The bandits carrying the burden went down the mountain to approach the soldiers of Yang Hucheng, but the soldiers did not notice it, and took off their coats to catch lice next to the mountain rocks. As a result, the bandits attacked suddenly, and several soldiers were brutally killed. Then, the soldiers of the company, with fast guns in hand, launched an attack on the mountain, but they were also beaten by the bandits, and they lost twenty or thirty soldiers.

General Yang Hucheng heard that he was filled with grief and indignation, and then sent a regiment to drag the cannon to Wawu Cliff to attack the mountain. When attacking the Wawu Cliff bandits, Yang Hucheng outwitted the victory. Because the bandits are entrenched on the top of the cliff, there is a stone city on it, the defense is strong, there is only one mountain road leading to the top of the cliff, there is a big man when the pass, ten thousand people do not open the trend, easy to defend and difficult to attack. He sent people to reconnoitre, and found that there was no water on the cliff, so he went to the spring at the bottom of the mountain to get water.

Therefore, Yang Hucheng ordered the troops to feint, secretly sent elite soldiers to guard the spring, and waited for the bandits to go down the mountain to get water, and then followed them up the mountain. The cliff guards were so hungry and thirsty that it was difficult to distinguish between the real and the false of the people who took the water from the mountain, and they did not dare to shoot rashly. At this time, Yang Hucheng ordered the artillery stationed on the east mountain to bombard the top of the cliff fiercely, and attacked up and down, winning a complete victory.

At the beginning of the attack, the artillery shook the sky, blasted open the gate of the cottage, exploded the inside and outside of the cottage, the rocks collapsed, and the smoke billowed out; The officers and men of the brave unit fired quick guns and machine guns, and the bandits in the cottage were beaten to pieces.

The soldiers of Yang Hucheng at the West Gate did not attack effectively. The bandits poured the money from the wall in baskets, and the soldiers were busy grabbing the money. Many bandits took the opportunity to use ropes and slid off the cliff to escape. Most of those who did not succeed were killed and executed by officers and soldiers.

After this battle, there were few stubborn bandits harassing in Yishui Xixiang. At the end of the battle, the enthusiasm of the people was high, and they carried the bodies of the martyrs down the mountain while working the army. The county magistrate sent personnel to take the remains of the martyrs back to the county seat, prepare a coffin, place it on the bank of the Yi River outside the West Gate, set up a tent to pay tribute, and then build a grave for burial. Temporarily write the names of the martyrs on wooden plaques and place them in front of the tomb. In the spring of the following year, the stone tablet was changed. The martyr's tomb is west to east, among the tomb group, a tall stone tablet is erected to commemorate, and in the middle of the tablet is the four big characters of "blue blood and flowers". The upper right side is engraved with the narrative of the 21st Division's suppression of bandits; On the lower left side, the words "Yishui County People Respectfully Stand" and so on.

General Yang Hucheng entered Lu for half a year, and then transferred to Yu, Rong Ma and Liang, and his merit was in Linyi, and his name remained through the ages. In a few months, he solved the remnants of Zhang Zongchang, eliminated Liu Heiqi's family background, and cleared the bandits in Yimeng Mountain, which can be called a tiger general. The people of southern Lunan, who had been ravaged by bandits for a long time, regained their stability and sincerely supported and praised General Yang Hucheng, who was close to the people and loved the people. Therefore, when they heard the news that Yang Hucheng was about to leave Linyi under order, the people spontaneously organized themselves and worked hard to keep them  


Transferred from the Internet (source: Dazhong Daily 2018-05-09)