
Guo Youlin: My memories of the anti-Japanese struggle in Ju County

author:Nature and Society


*This article is excerpted from the first volume of "Ju County Cultural and Historical Materials" (October 1983), written by Guo Youlin, and the original title is "My Memories of the Anti-Japanese Struggle in Ju County"


In November 1937, when the Chinese nation was facing a critical juncture of life and death, the people of Juxian County under the leadership of the party lit the torch of armed resistance against Japan in Pearl Mountain, and established the first people's anti-Japanese armed force in southeastern Shandong under the direct leadership of the Shandong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Juxian People's Anti-Enemy Self-Defense Regiment. In accordance with the decision of the provincial party committee, in March 1938, this armed force merged with the armed forces launched by the party organization in Yishui County to form the Sixth Brigade of the Fourth Shandong Guerrilla Detachment of the Eighth Route Army, which was soon reorganized into the Second Detachment of the Shandong Column of the Eighth Route Army. Under the leadership of the party, this armed force became a propaganda and anti-Japanese and national salvation task force and combat team in the southeastern part of Shandong in the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Many of the commanders and fighters of this unit bravely sacrificed their lives on the battlefields of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation, and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea; some died of illness after 40 years of hard work for the party's work, and some continue to work hard for the construction of the four modernizations.

During the "Cultural Revolution," Lin Biao, the "Gang of Four," and their minions, out of ulterior motives, adopted despicable means of distortion and fabrication, falsely accused the people's armed forces led by the party as the armed forces of the landlords and the Kuomintang, and falsely accused Comrade Liu Yanguang, one of the main responsible persons of the self-defense regiment and a member of the Communist Party of China who had sacrificed his life for more than 30 years, as the leader of the armed forces of the landlords. Many comrades who had worked in this unit were brutally persecuted, and many of the bereaved families of martyrs were also implicated, resulting in a heinous and unjust case. After the "Gang of Four" was destroyed, the party Central Committee put things in order and put an end to the unjust case, and after learning about the above-mentioned situation, the relevant departments of the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) directly contacted the relevant local units and conscientiously dealt with the problem. This is a cordial remembrance of the martyrs, a great comfort to the bereaved families, and a great encouragement to the survivors.

I have lived in this unit for a long time, and together with my comrades, I have done a little work for the establishment and development of this unit under the leadership of the party. In order to truthfully record the history of the revolutionary struggle, to let future generations understand the situation at that time, to comfort the martyrs who have died and their bereaved families, and to encourage the survivors to embark on a new Long March, I feel that it is my duty to truthfully record my own personal experience and what I know about the establishment of this people's army in accordance with the spirit of the Party's instructions, and to serve as part of the Party's historical materials in the region. It also tells people that as long as you are a revolutionary who is selfless, loyal to the revolution, upholds principles, and is upright, history will eventually make a correct evaluation.

1. Accept the party's tasks

After the July 7 Incident, Pingjin fell, and the Japanese invaded North China. Under the leadership of the party, the mood of the people of the whole country for the war of resistance was unprecedentedly high, and the actions of the war of resistance spread all over the urban and rural areas. At that time, I was studying at Jinan Normal School (formerly the First Normal School), and in order to prevent the students' anti-Japanese activities, the school did not allow the students to stay on campus and live on campus.

However, our classmates, who have been doing rescue work under the leadership of the Party for a long time, strive to unite a part of the teaching staff and students who sympathize with and support the War of Resistance Against Japan. Strive to stay in the school to carry out anti-Japanese rescue activities, and ask the school to welcome the exiled students from Pingjin to come to the school. We went to the Northeast Army (I remember Liu Duoquan's Division) who were fighting against the Japanese invaders in the north of the Yellow River. When they saw a large amount of food (mainly flatbread) piled up on the station, the damp and raw hair did not actively transport it to the front, and the soldiers in front could not eat, everyone was very sad. In order to compromise with Japan, the Kuomintang Han Fuqu government rejected the Northeast Army's anti-Japanese war actions, deliberately causing all kinds of difficulties on the battlefield

It is difficult, such as the wounded soaked in the rain for a long time and do not help to transport to Jinan. This situation deepened our dissatisfaction with the Kuomintang government and our reverence for the anti-Japanese fighters. We also went to the countryside to carry out propaganda and went to the station to greet and see off our comrades-in-arms from Pingjin who had gone south. In short, the situation of the National War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the demands of the broad masses broke through all kinds of obstructions by the Kuomintang Shandong Government and school authorities, and gradually launched an in-depth salvation movement among the citizens. At this time, we heard the news that a group of political prisoners would be released from prison, and everyone was very happy. Soon this information was confirmed. I remember one day in the beginning of September in the 37th year. Comrade Zhao Jianmin came to Jinan Normal School. Later, I met Comrade Yao Zhongming again. It is generally said that when their body and mind are devastated by the enemy for a long time, they will be mentally tired. But that's not the case at all. The noble expressions they exude have a profound impact on everyone who comes close to them. When Comrade Jianmin conveyed the party's instructions and calls to me, it was just a few days after he was released from prison. At that time, we had a long talk in the student dormitory downstairs in the northeast of Jinan Normal School, which was one of the places where students carried out anti-Japanese rescue activities, and there were also Wang Zhiding, Guo ×× and Xiao Gu, who loved to sing anti-Japanese war songs, lived in the building.

When I saw him coming from afar in the courtyard, in my excitement and excitement, an unspoken phrase struck me: "Ah, they are now free!" Indeed, anyone who has only once visited the prison will feel the preciousness of freedom at this moment.

Comrade Jianmin is a native of Guanxian County, and there is only an old mother in the family, and he was admitted to the first village normal in order to seek the revolutionary road. I went to school in Jinan with my father since I was a child, and under the leadership of a progressive teacher, I participated in a collective memorial meeting for the death of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, received education to introduce Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary deeds, participated in demonstrations and propaganda activities to protest against the May 3 tragedy in Shanghai, and personally experienced the persecution of the May 3 tragedy in Jinan. After the Japanese invaders occupied the Jinan power plant, some of the employees who did not go to work were fired, and I dropped out of school because my father was unemployed. In the more than three years since he returned to the countryside, it was an era of warlords fighting, banditry rampant, disasters and famines, sword meetings rising together, and the people struggling to make a living. Such an environment has cultivated in me a hatred of imperialism and dissatisfaction with the old society. In order to find a way, in 1932, he was also admitted to the Shandong Provincial No. 11 Rural Normal School in Jinan, and happened to be a classmate of the fourth level with Comrade Jianmin. For a few years, we studied at the same table, slept in the same room, and were very close to each other. He was not only my classmate and friend, but also my guide to participate in the revolution. After being admitted to this school, which has the foundation of underground party work, under the education and influence of the party, I participated in the party-led reading club during the winter vacation, and after the school started, I joined the party's peripheral organization "Rubble Society". Through the study of progressive literature and periodicals, I gradually understood that private ownership was the source of all the darkness of the old society, and that only the Communist Party could fundamentally solve this problem, and from then on I began to embark on the road of revolution. Later, his participation in the "Federation of Students," "Minxian Xian," and his participation in the party were mainly the result of receiving concrete help from Jianmin, Zhongming, and other comrades on the basis of the above. In the autumn of 1936, after learning that the arrested comrades Jianmin, Zhongming, and other comrades had been transferred to the detention center of the Pulimenwai District Court, I took turns visiting them with Li Yinlong, a classmate of the First Division. A kind classmate once advised us that we would pay attention to the correctional department if we went to see a political prisoner. We said that we couldn't go, and the classmate said, "Okay, take the registration card of the provincial hospital to ask for leave, and I will renew your leave if you are late." ”

At that time, even those who went to visit them were like breaking the law, and each time after being subjected to unreasonable threats of interrogation, they were confined to the inside and outside of the large wooden railings with wooden railings and iron posts, and there were jailers watching in the middle waiting for the people you wanted to meet, and at a time a row of five or six people met at the same time, and the windows were far apart, and in just a few minutes it was so difficult to finish the few words you wanted to say! Especially when you see with your own eyes that the person you are going to meet is being walked towards you as a criminal, an indescribable sadness and resentment immediately intertwine in the depths of your heart, and it educates people and makes them know love and hate!

That night, he lived in my dorm room, and we slept in the same bed and talked all night. He told me how he was betrayed by the traitor Liu Beige on Dongliushui Street outside the West Gate. When this wicked traitor went up to hug him, he took the fake ticket and shouted to the people around him: "This is a fake ticket!" ”…… He also talked about the struggle in prison and the process of being released from prison; He also talked about the situation at that time and the tasks of the Party, and finally conveyed to me in detail the Party's instructions. He said: "The new situation has given us new tasks, and the party has asked us to take off our long shirts and go to the countryside to mobilize and organize guerrilla units and build anti-Japanese armed forces. In a few days, I am going to go to the Fan Zhuxian Department in Liaocheng, Tongxi to help organize the anti-Japanese armed forces, how about you go with me? "I am very pleased to agree. Two days later, when I was preparing to pack, Jian Min and another comrade (later known to be Comrade Wang Yongfu) came, and he said: "The situation has changed somewhat, I will leave tomorrow, and I want you to go to Ju County, because there is no one there, and you are from Ba County, so you should take advantage of this favorable condition to open up work." After I leave, you will have to contact Comrade Yao Zhongming, who is now living in the 17th Primary School outside Ganshiqiao. "Before leaving, he left me some of the Liberation magazine, the National Salvation Times, and other materials.

Comrade Yao Zhongming is also my classmate in the township teacher, he is the second level and I am the fourth level. Due to the good school spirit of the rural normal school, the relationship between classmates is obviously different from that of other schools in terms of politics, study, and life. It's not the common phenomenon of high-level contempt and bullying of junior grades, but as soon as you enter school, you feel that someone is helping you educate you, and there is an invisible force influencing you. I grew up in Jinan, but this is the first time I've seen such an environment. Later, I heard that the Township Teacher Party Branch was a model branch, and it created this new school spirit and relationship. Therefore, although Comrade Zhong Ming was a senior student, he brought us closer to each other in common activities. When we went to prison, we asked other classmates to see them separately. This meeting was the first time he had been released from prison. He explained to me the specific tasks of Huiju County: first, to mobilize progressive intellectuals and primary school teachers to carry out anti-Japanese and life-saving activities; the second is to select people who have some understanding of the party and prepare to establish party organizations; The third is to mobilize and organize anti-Japanese armed forces. In the end, he said: "I will soon go to Changshan County, and the place of contact in the future will be Changshan County Middle School. "After I broke up with Comrade Zhongming, I took the prepared luggage and rushed to the railway station, and returned to Juxian County by the Jiaoji Railway to Weixian and the Taiwei Highway.

Second, the situation in Ju County

Ju County is my hometown. The people here have a glorious tradition of struggle. There have been many moving deeds in history that resisted the rule of feudalism and warlords. When the Northern Expeditionary Army arrived in Juxian County in 1928, peasant associations were quickly established in various parts of the county, and mass struggles such as overthrowing local tyrants and shoddy gentry, overthrowing corrupt officials and corrupt officials, abolishing exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes, and boycotting Japanese goods were carried out vigorously and vigorously. Later, during the reign of the warlord Han Fuyu, the masses here also organized and took up arms to fight against the Han Department Zhanshutang Division and the Qichang Brigade in the reign of the warlord Han Fuyu, and this struggle finally developed into a joint action of the people in Juxian and Yishui.

Although this struggle of considerable scale was also defeated, the firm and stubborn fighting spirit of the masses of the people could never be suppressed.

The masses in this area also had a deep hatred for the Japanese invaders. The brutal rule that Korea suffered after its demise is well known in both urban and rural areas. In particular, the people hated the crimes of the Japanese invaders after they occupied the three northeastern provinces of our country. All historical facts have shown that the broad masses in this region have a strong demand for anti-imperialist and anti-feudal struggle. Under the reactionary rule of the Kuomintang, it was illegal to resist Japan and save the country. Therefore, at a time when the great enemy is present, the masses of the people in this region have neither ideological nor organizational preparations for the war of resistance. "What should I do when the devil comes?" "Who are we relying on?" This is the anxious mood of the broad masses of the people, and it is also the voice of the masses who strongly demand the War of Resistance.

On the second day after I returned to Ju County, I went to Wuhuaying Village to find Comrade Wang Yumin, who had long been associated with the Anti-Japanese Salvation Organization and had expressed great support for the Communist Party's ideas. After talking with him and analyzing it, we knew that the situation on the ground was quite chaotic, and the enemy's frenzied attack on us had already shaken the region. In order to prevent the people from arming themselves to resist Japan and defend their homes, the Kuomintang reactionaries have taken advantage of their military, political, and economic favorable conditions to subordinate officials everywhere. As a result, there were countless commanders and "anti-Japanese troops" in various names in various localities, including the Guangfu Army, which was directly under the Kuomintang Military Commission, the so-called Kuomintang lineage, the Fifth War Zone, the Shen Honglie system, and the Zhang Liyuan system. Some of them really hoped to organize an armed resistance against Japan under the leadership of the Kuomintang government, but many of them did so in order to take the opportunity to recruit troops and promote their official positions and make a fortune. Therefore, from the day they took over the commission, they began to ask for guns, money, and donations, and they tied up, hanged, tortured, and smashed the people like bandits. People all hope that there will be a real anti-Japanese force to lead them to resist Japan and maintain local order.

The overwhelming majority of the local intellectuals had a very high anti-war sentiment, but some had vague understandings and illusions about the Kuomintang, so many people were deceived by the Kuomintang government and its other reactionary organizations into their political training offices, training classes, and anti-enemy support associations. Some of these organizations opposed the anti-Japanese activities of the Communist Party and the masses from the very beginning. They can publish anything in their newspapers, but they resolutely refuse to publish such a significant proclamation as "Mobilizing All Forces to Fight for Victory in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression" published by the Central Committee of our Party. These powerful "national salvation" officials and a handful of pro-Kuomintang intellectuals ran out before the enemy could begin their offensive on Juxian. Duan, who is also the director of the Political Training Department, first said goodbye. Some of the others went to the rear to resist the war under the pretext of going to the rear, while others compromised and went home, and some became surrenderers.

On the other hand, some progressive intellectuals, elementary school teachers, and local enlightened people were all worried in the face of the harsh reality that the Japanese invaders were advancing and the Kuomintang army was crushed for thousands of miles. Some of them did not believe in or opposed the Kuomintang, and some were considered useless by the Kuomintang. Under the impetus and influence of the upsurge of the National War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, these people are suffering and are seeking a way to resist Japan and save the country everywhere. At this time, some people were very happy when they heard that Guo Youlin had a connection with the Communist Eighth Route Army, and they immediately felt hopeful. Some immediately said that they would work under the leadership of the Eighth Route Army of the Communist Party! This situation illustrates how correct and necessary the party's decision to send people to Juxian is true. The people here need the party!

At that time, the party's strength here was still very small, and at first I was the only one who came back from Jinan with the party's tasks and some books and documents on mobilization and organization of the anti-Japanese war. In addition, there are also some primary school teachers Wang Yumin, Lai Runnong, Cao Minglou, and Li Zepu who have united and influenced in the rescue activities. On the surface, the party's strength is very small, but the party's stand of resisting Japan and saving the country is the urgent demand and desire of the broad masses. This is the basis for the emergence and development of the party's great strength, and this is the basis for the rapid birth and development of the party's armed forces, the Juxian People's Self-Defense Corps.

In view of the above situation, I talked with Comrade Wang Yumin about the task of returning this time, and he asked to join the party and mobilize the masses together under the leadership of the party to organize anti-Japanese armed forces. We also analyzed the ideological situation of each person he contacted one by one, and decided that he would be responsible for the work in Dongxiang and Nanxiang of Juxian County. After that, he immediately took action and found Cao Minglou, a teacher in Jujiangtai, Cao Jiting, a young farmer who had attended primary school in Pozi, Wang Jitang and Yin Cifen, teachers in Shantouyuan Village, Wang Yupu, Zhao Zijun, and Dong Shaoyun, rural industrialists and businessmen, and Sun Faqi, a hired worker, as well as comrades Zhang Xueming, Liu Dengwu, Du Xin, and Yang Shusen in his village. Then Wang Yumin and I went to Lujiaguxi to find Ma Fengxiang (Ma Hua), Ma Xingwu and other comrades to work. (Ma Fengxiang was my classmate in the first normal school) and later from Shantouyuan Village to Xinzhuang, Chewanggou and other villages. Then go to Tangjia Lake and Ting River. In this way, the work of the entire eastern and southern townships was carried out. Comrade Wang Yumin played a great role in the work of opening up Ju County, and he was such a good comrade who worked for the party for decades, but died under the butcher's knife of the "Gang of Four" without sacrificing himself on the battlefield. Wang Ruqing, Wang's cousin, worked as a small clerk in Jinan and Qingdao in the old society, and later became unemployed and worked as a primary school teacher in Wuhuanying Village, and he had a relatively wide range of contacts among the local middle and upper classes, and also had a certain ability to move, through his introduction, I met Comrade Liu Kecheng (renamed Liu Yanguang), who was only 25 or 6 years old when he joined the party, who was the head of Gaofang Township at that time.

Comrade Yanguang was a native of Lanjiaguanzhuang in Juxian County, his family was a landlord, his own family had produced several well-known teachers in the past, he himself had gone to university in Beijing, and he had been deeply influenced and educated in the student salvation movement, and he was extremely dissatisfied with the reactionary policy of the Kuomintang in losing power and humiliating the country. He was a politically progressive young man, bold and courageous, simple in life, close to the masses, and outspoken in his opinions. After I talked to him about the party's propositions and the question of organizing anti-Japanese armed forces, he said with certainty: "The Kuomintang betrayed the country to seek glory and fight a civil war...... They won't really fight. He also said: "The student salvation movement in Peking must be led by the Communist Party, but we can't find it. Don't look at the rumbling of the Kuomintang, when the time comes, it will run faster than anyone else. He said that the company supports the organization of anti-Japanese armed forces under the leadership of the party. He also asked about the situation in the whole country and in Jinan. We also talked about how to organize the anti-Japanese armed forces, and he eagerly read the party periodicals, party newspapers, and pamphlets propagating anti-Japanese resistance. I stayed with him for a few days. Later, I talked with him, Wang Danqing, Du Hongxi, and others about the specific plan of stretching and weaving the armament, and he was willing to take out a few guns from his house and take out all the arrears of grain stored by the township office as a supply for the troops; he also agreed to mobilize the young people from all villages who were willing to come out to resist the Japanese in the name of the township office to go to the township office to lay a foundation. At the same time, he made a request that he wanted to join the party. Comrade Liu Yanguang played a great role in organizing the anti-Japanese armed forces, and he has always been firm in the complicated struggle. To this day, quite a few comrades still say that it is difficult to express his performance in a few words, but there is one thing in common: that is, without his firm efforts, our anti-Japanese armed forces would not have been established so quickly. Unfortunately, this comrade died in 194O. On February 2 of this year, during the funeral, the Japanese traitor team also went to surround the burial place in the east of Baijia Lake. I didn't expect that 30 years after the martyr's sacrifice, he would be falsely accused of being the "head of the landlord's armed forces" and insulted by digging up the grave and whipping the corpse. From this incident, it can also be clearly seen whose life the "Gang of Four" and the like are fighting.

We have also actively worked on the No. 1 Elementary School (Chengli Elementary School) and the No. 4 Elementary School (Chenjiatun Elementary School) in Juxian County, which are ruled by the Kuomintang and local forces. When I went to the city primary school to find Zhang Shuda and others to work, I happened to meet Comrade Pang Huichuan who had talked with Bo Guanyi at Bojiadianzi Primary School in Xixiang, Juxian County. He is a native of Xinjiaguanzhuang in Juxian County, a farmer's son, upright, full of a sense of justice and patriotism. When he was in school, his good moral character and academics had a certain influence on students and teachers. This time, after we further discussed the situation and tasks at that time, he immediately expressed without hesitation that he hoped to join the Communist Party and carry out the work of resisting Japan and saving the country under the leadership of the party.

He said: "In the current national crisis, there is no way out...... and in the end, he was very happy to express his willingness to go to Chengxi Township to carry out work, and soon the work in that area was rapidly carried out. Later, we discussed with Comrade Lai Runnong, who had long been in contact with the anti-Japanese salvation in Chenjiatun Primary School, how to carry out the work among the school's teaching staff, and we also worked with Principal Mao Xingfan, whom I had known in Jinan, to win his sympathy and recruit some teachers to participate in the local work. Later, a mimeograph machine kept by Comrade Guo Yinnan, which was secretly reprinted by the special branch of Juxian County, was donated by this primary school. Zhang Shuda, who began to believe that the Kuomintang could lead the War of Resistance, when he saw that the Kuomintang troops were fleeing when the Japanese were still far away from Juxian County, he took Li Xike and others to join our political office. They run to us, and they have a certain impact on the outside world.

After a month of intense work, the anti-Japanese activities in Ju County were vigorously launched. Our Party's stand of resisting Japan and saving the country and the Eighth Route Army's actions in persisting in the War of Resistance have influenced, inspired, and attracted the broad masses of the people in this area, many progressive intellectuals and other progressive personages, and even some not very enlightened landlords and gentry have come to us to ask how to get in touch with the Eighth Route Army. Comrades who have been organized are more like they have been given a new lease of life... Kind of running around with confidence. When they went there, the work was carried out there, and because of the active work of the comrades, the Wuhua Camp in the south of Juxian County; southeast of Pozi, Shijing, Lujia mushroom west; Baxi's Nigouzi, Lanjiaguanzhuang, Xinjiaguanzhuang, and Buffalo Village soon became the basis for the party's work. At this time, the party members and the broad masses urgently demanded that we build up our arms as soon as possible. In accordance with the Party's instructions, we lost no time in organizing an anti-Japanese armed contingent at Pearl Mountain.

3. The establishment of anti-Japanese armed forces

The tall and beautiful Pearl Mountain is located in the middle of a continuous mountain range of about 20 miles in the southwest of Ju County. Dengshan East looks at a plain, and the town road is vivid; in the west, the hills are undulating until the Yimeng Mountains; In the south of the mountain, there are Danshan Mountain and Earth Mountain; There are Haopo Mountains, Wangfu Mountain, and Fulai Mountain in the north of Shunshan, and then there are tall snow-capped mountains in the north, forming a natural barrier of the ancient city of Juguo from north to south.

Fulai Mountain is famous in history. There are more than 3,000-year-old ginkgo trees on the mountain, and its body is surrounded by eight circles, and the leaves are lush and towering. Before the Cultural Revolution, the temples here were neat and tidy, and the monuments were numerous. According to historical biography, the ancient writer Liu Xian once wrote "Wenxin Carving Dragon" here, and it was the place where Lu Hou and Juzi met during the Warring States Period. Hence the name "Big Tree Dragon Pan Hui Lu Hou". Every early spring festival, there is a grand temple fair, the people who come to meet from far and near are crowded, both old and young are vying to hug the big tree to drink the spring water, climb the peak, the table and stool can be set up on the tree for the visitors to rest and eat tea, sit and watch the grand meeting of the mountain scenery. The monk said: When it is quiet here, the book is repaired without dawn, and the sound of reading the scriptures spreads through the valley. After liberation, trees were planted, and the scenery became more elegant. It has now become a key cultural relics protection area.

Pearl Mountain is not higher than Fulai Mountain, but it has been said by people since the Anti-Japanese War and has become a rising star in the mountains. It can be used as a metaphor of "the mountain is not high, there is a fairy, then the name". The reason why it is famous is because at the time of the life and death of the Chinese nation, the Communist Party members who dedicated themselves to the revolutionary cause and the anti-Japanese soldiers under their leadership, under the direct leadership of the Shandong Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, responded to the party's call in November 1937 and rose up to form a party's anti-Japanese armed force here -- the Juxian People's Anti-Enemy Self-Defense Regiment, that is, the main component of the second detachment of the Shandong Column of the Eighth Route Army.

A few nights before the establishment of the anti-Japanese armed forces, Liu Yanguang, Pang Huichuan, and others, together with a few people who carried out the lookout and vigilance, went from the township office to the Sanguan Temple on Pearl Mountain, repeatedly studied the composition of the armed contingent, and decided to use the open and legal favorable conditions as a cover to organize the contingent in the name of the head of Gaofang Township, and also decided to convene a meeting of village chiefs to gather the young people from various villages who were willing to come out to resist Japan and form the first squadron, and asked Du Hongxi of Xingjiazhuang to be the squadron leader and Wang Xuemin of Chewanggou to be the instructor. At the same time, it was decided to organize the strong members of the four communes below the township level into a standing contingent that would not leave work and undertake the tasks of guarding shifts, keeping guards, and conducting night checks to maintain local order. Some people say, "This way you have eyes and ears." At the same time, night schools were set up in each village as a place for learning culture and promoting anti-Japanese resistance. There are also Buddhist members who have been won over, led by Shi Jinyin, to form the second squadron of the Self-Defense Regiment at Chenjiatun Primary School. These actions were followed by separate operations after the meeting. At the meeting of village heads, Comrade Liu Yanguang announced the opinions of our organization team, and I also carried out mobilization work at the meeting. From then on, the anti-Japanese activities to save the country were carried out in an all-round way, and the self-defense regiment headquarters of the township office became the center of external activities. Many village chiefs and gentry were willing to send their personal guns and village guns to the township office and ask for receipts, so that other so-called "anti-Japanese soldiers" would not go to ask for guns and donations day and night.

On November 10, 1937, the first squadron of the "Gaofang Township People's Anti-Enemy Self-Defense Regiment" was formally established on Pearl Mountain, and under the leadership of the party, the first revolutionary armed force of the people of Ju County was victoriously born. The torch of resistance against Japan began to burn in this corner. This was the time when the Japanese invaders were frantically attacking the mainland.

At the same time as this part of the armed forces was organized the standing forces of the four societies. The establishment of the standing unit maintained local order and calmed the mood of the masses, and then the second squadron headed by Shi Jinyin was also established in Chenjiatun Primary School.

After the establishment of the armed forces, the number of personnel continued to increase, and a series of problems arose with them, such as equipment, provisions, and training of troops. Several of our responsible persons lacked experience in leading the troops, and there was an urgent need for experienced Red Army cadres from above. At this time, Comrade Zhong Ming's reply came, saying that the military and political cadres were all there. Everyone was very happy when they heard this, and it was decided that I would go to Changshan Middle School immediately. I went to Changshan Middle School via Weixian and found Comrade Zhong Ming. He and Comrade Liao Rongbiao, in their capacity as instructors, were intensively running a "peasant training class" there to train grassroots party and military backbones, and their work was very intense. I stayed here for a week and gave a comprehensive report on the work in Ju County. In addition to talking to me about the principles and policies of work and the knowledge of party building, Zhong Mingjian also told me that he would be in charge of the work in this area in the future, and that the work in Ba County would be directly led by the provincial party committee, and that he would ask me to report to the provincial party committee again and solve the cadre problem. He wrote me two letters of introduction. After I arrived in Jinan, I inquired with Mr. Tian Peizhi, who was in the Political Department of the 12th Army, and learned that the provincial party committee had moved to Tai'an. That night, I took the Jinpu car to Tai'an. At dawn, I went to Tai'an No. 3 Middle School to find the office of the provincial party committee (the public name is the Pingjin Exiled Alumni Association), and handed over the two letters to Comrade Sun Youwei, only to learn later that Tao Lin and Sun Youwei were Sun Taolin alone. The next day, Comrade Sun Taolin and Comrade Liu Juying listened to my report, and after a day or two, they put forward specific instructions on the work of Ju Tan, and at the same time, the provincial party committee decided to set up a special branch of the CPC in Ju County, which was directly led by the provincial party committee. I am the secretary, and Liu Yanguang and Pang Huichuan are the special members; The unit still used the legal form to continue to develop and expand under the original name, with Liu Yanguang as the regiment commander. In the end, he said that there were very few cadres in the Red Army and could not be sent there for the time being, and then the provincial party committee would send cadres to inspect the work. After talking about the work, I took the documents I was sent to leave Tai'an and returned to Jinan, preparing to return to Juxian from the original road. At that time, the Japanese had occupied Dezhou, the situation in Jinan was tense, and the Jiaoji Railway was bombed and suspended, so I returned to Tai'an, stayed in the No. 3 Middle School, and left the direction of Caiwu and Xintai with Liu Juying, Cheng Peng and other comrades early the next morning. I plan to hike back to Ba County via Xintai, Mengyin, and Yishui. On the first day, we stayed at the house of a comrade surnamed Qin in Jiangou. The next day, after I walked to Yangliu for breakfast, Zhu Shaoqing, the mayor of the Polish Kuomintang, detained me, and fortunately, Zhang Antao (my classmate) in the valley negotiated on the phone (Zhang Zhi's parents are the head of the district), they sent two people to send me to the valley, and after dinner, I stayed there, and on the third day, I went to Mr. Liang Zihang's house in Aoyang, Aoyang, east of the city, through Xintai County through Xintai County with comrades Wang Xuerong and Dong Yuju as companions, and then returned to Yingxian without two Yu. After talking to the comrades about the situation of going to the provincial party committee and the instructions of the provincial party committee, everyone's enthusiasm was even higher.

Fourth, move forward in difficulties

In December, Comrade Li Zhonglin, who was appointed by the provincial government, came and stayed at my house for more than a month, inspected and inspected the work of several key villages, conveyed to the comrades the situation at that time and the party's instructions, and personally talked with Wang Yumin, Liu Yanguang, Pang Huichuan, and other comrades, agreed to their demands for party building, and established party organizations in several villages. After the Spring Festival, he went to Pang Huichuan's house for a few days, and returned to the provincial party committee through Yishui. He left me an underground transportation line to the provincial party committee in the future, Yishui is Shao Defu (Ma Huangzhuang), the new Taimeng Yin junction Yedian Li ××'s house, from there to Liuxinggou in Laiwuxi.

The instructions of the provincial party committee, the specific help and guidance of Li Zhonglin and Tongluo, and the establishment of the special branch in Juxian County have given a great impetus to the work in this area, especially the development of the young revolutionary armed forces, and it can be said that this is a new starting point for the anti-Japanese work and the rapid development of the revolutionary armed forces in this region.

In February 1938, in light of the new situation in which the Japanese invaded Ba County, the Kuomintang troops retreated, and Xu Heizi's "guerrillas" fled, the Special Branch immediately notified all party members and secret guerrilla groups to assemble at Pearl Mountain. The small people's armed force of the People's Anti-Enemy Self-Defense Corps in Gaofang Township, Ba County, quickly developed under the leadership of the party and with the support and support of the masses. At the time of the reorganization of Yantuanzhuang in the west of Pearl Mountain, it had developed from two squadrons to three brigades and one spy squadron, armed with a total of more than 600 people. Liu Yanguang was the head of the regiment, I was the political commissar, and Pang Huichuan was the chief of staff. Several divisions were also set up under the regiment headquarters: Li Xiyin was appointed chief of the quartermaster department, Cao Boxian was appointed chief of the ordnance repair department, and there were also political offices, liaison offices, and secretariats. At this time, due to the expansion of the scope of activities, the name of the unit was also changed from the original "Gaofang Township People's Anti-Enemy Self-Defense Regiment" to "Juxian People's Anti-Enemy Self-Defense Group".

Under the tense situation of the enemy's frenzied attack on Juxian, after all the Kuomintang troops withdrew south and Xu Shusheng's (Xu Heizi) guerrillas fled to the southeast, this fighting unit was always active in the area of Juxian and Junan, and never left the masses there. In the midst of a chaotic situation, it persisted in the struggle to maintain local order. In the course of the struggle, it protected the masses, and the masses supported it, and now after the tempering of the struggle, we already have some backbone capable of leading the ranks. In addition to the comrades mentioned above, there are also the following comrades:

Comrade Du Hongxi, the captain of the first brigade (former squadron leader), who had worked in the Northeast Volunteer Army for many years, was once killed by bandits on the way home. Later, Comrade Zhang Baichuan served as the captain and Comrade Kong Futing served as the instructor (at the beginning, he also called an instructor), both of whom were from Xixinzhuang, Juxian County, and received the party's education and ideological progress when they were studying in Linyi Township. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, they carried out anti-Japanese activities in the local area. Due to the lack of party leadership and the lack of a clear direction for the work, somehow, after being introduced by the Shantouyuan branch, under the leadership of the special branch, he showed a high degree of revolutionary enthusiasm, actively participated in the party's armed forces, and soon became the leading backbone of the troops. The foundation of the first brigade was poor, and after a period of work, the appearance of the unit quickly changed, which is inseparable from their role.

For Captain Du's situation, see the attached article "A War Without a Gun" at the end.

The captain of the second brigade was Zhang Shisheng (formerly known as Zhang Qu, a classmate of Pang Huichuan), his home was Dahu Village, the root of Juxian County, and when the enemy occupied the village, he wanted to transfer his family and children to Xixiang. The composition of this brigade was rather complicated, but it also played a considerable role in the struggle after several rectifications under the leadership of him and his later acting captain, Liu Fuwu.

Sun Faqi, the leader of the Third Brigade, and comrades Wang Yumin and Cao Minglou in charge of political work. Captain Sun is a native of Pi County, Jiangsu, and has been asking for food since he was a child, and later worked as a hired laborer for the landlord. Before the Anti-Japanese War, the whole family fled to Ju County, and lived in Shihe Village, Nanxiang, Ju County, where Zhao Zijun, a more progressive clerk, was very sympathetic to him, and saw that his wife and his wife lived in the garden house with two children and asked for food or could not eat, so he found a job in the kiln, picking clay pots, clay pots and other kiln goods to sell, so that life would be better. At the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Comrades Zhao Zijun and Dong Shaoyun worked with him, and he did not hesitate to ask to join the Communist Party and the secret guerrilla groups led by the Party. After the establishment of the team, he began to serve as the leader of the new squadron (the team was mostly composed of local party members), and after the team was reorganized, he served as the team card. This comrade class consciousness is high, the revolutionary stand is firm, the impartiality is selfless, the hard work is simple, the people are sincere, and the style of workers and peasants is very obvious. After serving as the captain, he was respected by all the cadres and soldiers of the team, and the three teams he led became the backbone of the self-defense regiment. When he was the captain of the brigade, his wife and children still begged for food for a living, and did not reach out to the public to ask for any relief. When his son was a little older, he was sent to the army as a soldier and died an unfortunate death in the battle against the Japanese invaders. At this time, Comrade Sun Faqi was also wounded and disabled, but after demobilization, he still actively worked for the party. All his demobilization money was used to buy apple saplings, which were cultivated in large quantities on Fulai Mountain, and later all of them were handed over to the government. He was also often invited by the county community to give reports on the memories and comparisons of young people, the deeds of hard struggle, and to educate them on revolutionary traditions.

Under the leadership of Jia Changji, Wang Zhenshan, and other comrades, the spy squadron worked day and night to undertake such arduous tasks as reconnaissance and intelligence, cracking down on traitors, communicating and liaison, and urging supplies.

In the complete absence of experience and economic base, there are many difficulties in building a people's armed force. In particular, at that time, the power was still in the hands of the Kuomintang, and the Kuomintang reactionaries were always trying to stifle and annex this nascent revolutionary seedling. This adds to the complexity of the struggle. However, as long as we have the support of the party's leadership and the masses, and as long as we resolutely implement the party's line and policy of uniting in the war of resistance, we will certainly be able to overcome all kinds of difficulties and advance from victory to victory.

First of all, after the establishment and development of the troops, how to solve the problem of weapons and equipment is the first problem we encountered. In the beginning, we only had one mimeograph machine, when the first squadron was established, there were more than a dozen clay guns, the second squadron was full of broadswords and spears, and when the new squadron was assembled, there were only seven grenades brought by comrades Zhao Zijun and Sun Faqi. At this time, some comrades advocated using the Kuomintang method to donate guns or to start guns at night, but the special branch and other comrades resolutely opposed this practice and severely criticized some comrades who had caused a bad influence by doing so. We adopted the method of mobilization and education to repeatedly publicize to the masses the importance of taking out guns to build anti-Japanese armed forces, and the township offices issued receipts for borrowing guns, which could be used to deal with the guns of other guerrillas. In this way, the initial equipment problem was solved smoothly, and a dozen guns were borrowed at one time in the eastern and western camps alone.

Secondly, the supply of troops is also a big problem. What should we do if we could not extort money from the masses like the Kuomintang guerrillas, but we did not have our own open political power to solve the problem? At first, we used the grain arrears from the Gaofang Township Office (i.e., the grain that had not been paid to the Kuomintang county government), but later we relied on donations from Comrade Liu Yanguang and the upper-class social relations and enlightened people in the villages. Once, we adopted the method that everyone is accustomed to going home for the Spring Festival, and solved the problem that the festival cannot enrich and improve life. Later, after the study of the special branch, it was decided to expand the scope of activities and fund-raising, and in accordance with the party's policy, a piece of grain was confiscated from the traitor's land, and in addition to distributing it to the masses who had no food to survive the spring famine, the army also kept a part of it. At that time, the spring famine was serious, and many poor peasants could not live, and when they heard that the Anti-Enemy Self-Defense Corps was going to distribute Zhang Qi's grain, everyone helped the old and the young and rushed to receive the grain. In the days when the grain was distributed, thousands of people came from dozens of miles from far and near, and the grain was quickly distributed under the specific organization of Li Xiyin, the chief of the military quartermaster, and Jia Ziqing. The people picked and picked, and the backs were carried on their backs, and they happily received the grain for crossing the famine. The crowd was invigorated and expressed their gratitude for the actions of the Self-Defense Regiment. Our current action was in sharp contrast to the Kuomintang guerrillas' wanton expropriation and profligacy. As a result, it has won the support and praise of not only the broad masses but also the enlightened people of all social strata. This measure also cracked down on the act of betraying the country and defecting to the enemy and expanded the party's influence. Later, the second detachment set up semi-political public offices at the local level. After repeated struggles with the Kuomintang government's grain system, the issue of supply was relatively secured. For example, if Zhang ×x of Jiulipo, the director of the grain and straw department of the second district, refused to give grain, he still stubbornly and resolutely refused to give it after negotiations, and the soldiers of Wang Hanchen's squadron suffered a serious attrition because they could not eat. At this time, several of us, including Zhao Zijun, Zhang Xingsan, Ma Xingwu, and others, immediately arrested Zhang, escorted him to the army, and forbade him to meet with anyone in his family, and threatened to send him to the headquarters. This time, he panicked, and quickly invited many famous local gentry such as Tang Zirong to intercede with us and make peace, and proposed that no matter what the conditions were, they could be discussed, and they should not be sent to the headquarters. (mainly afraid of shooting), because the command has just executed two habitual bandits. This was a serious blow to the reactionary landlords and landlords who sabotaged the people's anti-Japanese acts.

The clothing of the troops is also a huge problem. Comrades such as Zhao Zijun, Wang Yupu, and Dong Shaoyun who made great contributions to this project were included. Comrade Wang Yupu is anxious for justice and righteousness, has a sense of justice and patriotism, and has a wide range of contacts in the local area, running his own dyeing workshop and running a primary school. It has a certain appeal among some industrialists and businessmen and the masses in Juxian and Rizhao. During the reign of the warlords, the Broadsword Society was also organized to fight against the warlords and bandits. Although he was over 50 years old at that time, his enthusiasm for resisting Japan and saving the country was very high. At the beginning of 38 years, he joined the party, and in addition to mobilizing many young people to join the army, he played a great role in the military logistics of our troops, especially in solving the problem of single cotton clothing. When the team members came out, they wore plain clothes, and when it was hot, they changed the cotton ones to clips, and the long ones to short ones, and they made up for them. To solve this problem, the military uniforms from the Sixth Brigade to the Second Detachment during this period were mainly provided by them to raise donations and raise funds. Later, when Comrade Wang Yupu was the director of the Juzhong Administration (county magistrate), he died honorably in the anti-stubborn struggle. Comrade Zhao Zijun was nearly 40 years old, worked as a clerk for many years, was loyal, calm and sophisticated in his work, and after the establishment of political power in the liberated areas, he was a leading backbone of the industrial and commercial system, and died of illness in the later stage of the "Cultural Revolution." Comrades Dong Shaoyun and Ma Xingwu are cadres. Never work tirelessly to carry out the task.

Everywhere the team arrives, the beginning is also a big problem. Not like now, there were barracks and bedding. At that time, you had to live in the houses of the common people when you went there, but there were few houses for the poor, the big landlords were not allowed to live there, the soldiers did not want to live, and the village chief did not arrange for you. In the big villages, we often stayed in hotels, temples, and oil mills, and the soldiers all complained that horse manure would kill people. It's even more difficult in small villages. It takes a lot of things to live in some households for a shift or a platoon. The eldest girl and little daughter-in-law in this family didn't even dare to come out to cook. Some of them went to live at the neighbor's house who didn't live in the party at night. It can be seen that it is a very arduous task to change among the masses the bad influence of the old society and the military forces. In terms of laying grass, the wheat grain is warmer, but it is very slippery, and I run away after a few turns. When I woke up in the morning, I still slept on the ground. The grass doesn't run, but it's hard and not warm, and it's still very good at pulling clothes. Some soldiers were close to home and went home to repair their clothes, shoes and socks, and their daughters-in-law felt pain in their hearts, but they still comforted him with joking words and said: "Let's count the wages when the devil is gone, listen!" This shows the hard life of our revolutionary fighters combined with the love and interest of friends.

Strengthening the political building of the armed forces and making them have the distinctive characteristics of the people's army is an important source of our army's combat effectiveness and a fundamental condition for ensuring the healthy growth of the armed forces. After the uprising, we attached great importance to this aspect of work, first of all, the establishment of politics

Under the leadership of the special branch, each squadron was equipped with political staff as much as possible, and actively and secretly developed the party's strength, established the party's organization, and provided a guarantee for the development of the unit politically and organizationally. From the very beginning, our contingent learned from the fine style of the Red Army, and although there were some things that we read or listened to in books, we conscientiously resisted to the extent that we understood them at that time.

In terms of mass discipline, from the very beginning, we strictly enforced the regulations of not taking the people's things, borrowing and returning the goods for damages, doing the work of passing on the work to the people, and being polite to the masses. Because at that time, there were many so-called "anti-Japanese troops" of all kinds who had become very unpopular among the masses. Therefore, in this regard, the comrades of the whole team have been specially asked to pay attention. In order to enforce mass discipline, in addition to punishing those who have committed serious violations of discipline, we have also held a mass meeting in Inkstone Town, where we have tried and executed disciplinary offenders who robbed the people of their money and property with guns. This disciplinary offender was personally reported to the No. 1 Brigade living on Pearl Mountain, and the comrades in charge of the first squad quickly found out the robbed money from him.

For example, the responsible comrades of our whole team at that time were almost all approved by the masses for the election of special branches. I remember that on one occasion, when everyone publicly recommended Comrade Zhang Baichuan as the captain of the No. 1 Brigade, he repeatedly said that he was not up to the task, and finally told him: Mastering the armament is our important task. That's how he accepted it. But he was still afraid that he would not be able to do it, so he recommended Comrade Zhu Zhongxiang to be the captain of Fu. and Sun Faqi Guozhi was originally a person who escaped from the famine and begged for food as a laborer, because he was hired as a soldier when he was young and had a good quality, and he also became the captain of the new squadron (later changed to the three major teams) under the recommendation of everyone. When he first attended the meeting at the regiment headquarters in Yankezhuang, some people saw him squatting under the door wearing a small ragged jacket, and they felt that he did not look like a captain, but after asking for a long time, everyone expressed their admiration for his uncle's daring, firm, straightforward, decisive and conscientious and responsible spirit.

Our democratic style is also manifested in the relationship between superiors and subordinates as brothers, from the general person in charge to the members of the team, they can give each other opinions. For example, when Comrade Liu Kecheng was in contact with a gentleman in some places in the past, he accepted to invite him to smoke a big cigarette. At a squad leader training class meeting shortly after the establishment of the No. 1 Squadron, some squad leaders criticized him, and he admitted that he was wrong at that time, and made changes in his actual actions in the future


The composition of the second brigade is more complex and less disciplined. At the beginning of its establishment, there was a time when Captain Zhang Shisheng was not in the unit due to an incident, and Gao ××, who was temporarily in charge, and Squadron Leader Dong Xiangrong engaged in blackmail together, which had a very bad impact on the troops. We took this seriously and purged the leaders. He also used this incident to conduct discipline education for the troops, which achieved very good results and won the appreciation of the masses.

5. Grow in battle

In the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, there were various local forces in the area, and class relations were very complicated. A weak, newly established armed force like ours is in a very serious situation and is often confronted with complex situations that are difficult to deal with. Under these circumstances, we have profoundly realized the great significance of the party's united front policy, and it is precisely by relying on this magic weapon that we have been able to gain a firm foothold and achieve development relatively easily. We work with people from all walks of life, and as long as they support the anti-Japanese resistance, we will unite with them. Some of the enlightened gentry and middle and upper class people in the area had a soft relationship with us, and played a great role in donating cloth and supporting the troops. Some of them are very old, but they are still running around for the supply of the troops, which is very hard. Although some of them later embarked on the road of reaction, it was beneficial for the development of our work for a period of time.

Comrade Zhang Dusheng from Inoue Village in the north of the city is a student at Qilu University. Have a certain understanding of the party. He once said: "The only one who can fundamentally solve China's social problems is the Communist Party of China." He was unable to attend work due to ill health. But in the end, he introduced three more progressive people and said that he could talk to them. One is Comrade Xie Huanwen, head of Lipo Township, Nanxiang Township, Yingxian County, although I did not find him at the crossroads of his house, but later I learned that he had been appointed by the commissioner and organized a squadron in Lipo Township. With the help of our party comrades, he resolutely participated in the four detachments and made considerable contributions to the work throughout the war years, and later died of illness. I don't have much contact with him, but he has a firm stance, serious and pungent work, and his sincere and straightforward words and deeds to people, like Comrade Liu Yanguang, are impressive. The first is Meng Jingzhi in the west of Juxian County. He said that he was ready to help the district chief Ying Yu organize the armament. I hope to maintain a friendly relationship with us. Because they wanted to find a future in the Kuomintang Commissioner Langli, they finally took a long detour: they sympathized with the revolution, participated in the revolution, and broke away from the revolution with the team when they were in difficulty. When the enemy put pressure on him, he surrendered to the enemy, and finally when we launched a political offensive against the enemy puppet army, he joined the other puppet army in the uprising. The third person is Zhang Peizhen, who was originally a primary school teacher, and later climbed to the position of township chief and regiment head, and the path he took: from sympathy and stubbornness to carrying the commission of the district head on his back, and followed his "benefactor" Xu Heizi to surrender to the enemy. After the liberation of the country, he absconded to Shanghai and was finally sentenced to death by the people's government.

There was also Zhang Shuda, who took the wrong path, who also did a good thing for us at that time: First, when the office of the second detachment decided to move to Juxian County to work in order to expand its political influence, it was Zhang who published a five-day notice on the first page of their county newspaper "Moss County Xinguang". By the time the Kuomintang department found out, it was too late. The second is that after Xu Heizi escaped, he took a few teachers and students to our political office to do propaganda work for a period of time. Because his family was a fairly large landlord in Xixiang and the director of education in the county, he had a certain influence among some Kuomintang intellectuals. Later, because this person couldn't stand the hard life, after the situation eased, he returned to Xu's grain system. When Xu Bu defected to the enemy, he went to a relative's house to become a teacher. At the same time, a "meeting of 10,000 people" was held in the city to welcome Xu Heizi back from the provincial capital of the Kuomintang, and a big drama was staged for three days. When it was announced that its officials and guests would come to the rostrum, we interjected in the middle and walked to the chair with several district heads who knew each other while talking. After Shi Hansan, chairman of the conference, finished talking about "people don't walk without heads, and birds don't fly without heads" and other sycophants, the regiment leaders pushed each other, and no one wanted to speak first. We seized this opportunity to propagate our party's proposition of uniting to resist Japan and save the country as the second speaker, and at this time, the party, government, military, academics, local gentry, and the broad masses in the audience paid great attention to the representatives of the Eighth Route Army. Afterwards, the county party department traced down who agreed to the coming to power of the representatives of the Eighth Route Army. Another example is Zhang Peng (a middle-level officer of the Northeast Volunteer Army), the target of the united front introduced by the province, and his subordinates go to get guns wherever they go, but they don't go to Gaofang Township. When Pang Huichuan and I went to his house in Sujiagou, he said: "We are a family in the Northeast, and we are also a family here. "In particular, the party members and comrades who did secret work in the New Sixth Division of the 69th Army and the 57th Army (Northeast Army) gave great support to the development of our work in an open and legal capacity. In addition, the Ju County Movement Committee, the Political Department, and the subordinate youth teams have also played an important role in the development of local work through the active work of our comrades.

While developing the united front, we also adhered to the principle of independence and self-determination, upheld the party's leadership, and waged a-for-tat struggle against all Kuomintang troops that tried to eat us. At that time, Xu Heizi, Liu Zhendong, Wang Delin, Zhang Liyuan, and others all tried to use the method of the Commissariat to incorporate our troops into their system and annex us, but we resolutely rejected them.

From the birth of our armed forces, the first person who wanted to annex us was Xu Heizi, when our team was pulled up, as the county magistrate, with the ruling idea that the whole county belonged to me, he pretended to send a political worker Bao Ziyi to go, saying that he wanted to appoint us, and Xu Heizi was surprised by the nails, and the shelf of the earth overlord was not placed; Embarrassed and angry, he then came to the second step, and under the pretext that we were disturbing the local order, he used banditry to capture a part of the members of the second squadron in the middle of the night in December. After repeated negotiations, he had nothing to say before he called back.

After the enemy fled and occupied the county seat, Xu Heizi fled. At this time, he wanted to use us to protect him, so he sent a chamber of commerce president, Yu Xing, to lobby with weapons and supplies as bait, but our answer was still the same as the first time. It didn't work out, and he held a grudge even more. Then they used the original means to deal with us, but this time we were vigilant, in order to unite the war of resistance, when Xu Heizi's pistol team was fast into Lanjiaguanzhuang (the township office, where the regiment headquarters is located), we pulled the team to the Pearl Mountain to make preparations, and on the other hand, we sent people to reason with the people they led, and in this case, they also ran back.

There are other systems that are going to be delegated to us. Some of the names of the commissions are very large, and the wishes are also very high, and it is precisely because "the problems of weapons and supplies can be solved" that there is also a very loud name for the internal struggle of "refusing to appoint". Sometimes it's more difficult than the fight against the outside. Several members led by Wang Ruqing wanted to take over the committee several times, but they were all stopped. The last time was when they refused the appointment of the "Second Column of the Kuomintang Sulu Theater", and they even proposed: "Provincial Party Committee, Provincial Party Committee still doesn't know where it is?" "Because when the argument was undecided, some comrades said that we were armed under the leadership of the provincial party committee. They had threatened with "we're out of here" and "we're going to do it". But their firm stance was not affected by them. Later, we talked with Comrade Ji Xian, the chief of the second column, and explained that we were armed under the leadership of the Shandong Provincial CPC Committee and could not accept ......the appointment of the second column

He was very much in favor of our refusal to accept the committee, and at the same time he said, "Since you are an armed force under the leadership of the Communist Party, I will also work here, and I will not go back." "Since Comrade Ji Guang has clearly expressed his attitude, those who have speculative ideas are even more isolated. This was the fiercest ideological struggle against annexation and speculation. It is a struggle to grow in unity or to be annexed and divided.

The reason why the struggle to resist the committee was more difficult internally was that after the troops left their hometowns, there was indeed such a situation: that is, they were operating in the name of the "People's Self-Defense Corps for Resisting the Enemy," and it was better to eat in the name of commanders and detachment leaders appointed by the Kuomintang military and political system. For example, mobilizing people, guns, supplies, etc., there are many obstacles. Some villages, which were controlled by landlords and feudal forces, let out their air and said that we were a chaotic party, in order to resist us from going to live in other villages. In addition, some of the people who agreed to take over the committee at that time did not completely want to defect to the Kuomintang, because this was the place where the difficulties were.

In short, the Kuomintang has exhausted all despicable means against us in an attempt to eliminate us in accordance with its reactionary policy of limiting, dissolving, and destroying the Communist Party. First of all, you are not allowed to mobilize the masses to organize anti-Japanese armed forces; After that, it is for you to be commissioned; Then he emphasized his local law and order. What is even more poisonous is the establishment of grain and straw committees from counties to districts and townships to control all the grain and straw handed over by the masses. If you ask the village for food again, it will be additional extortion and increase the burden on the masses. It is in this way that they use to limit and undermine the relationship between our troops and the masses. There are also rumors and slanders, saying that "occupying territory is the goal, saying that the War of Resistance is an excuse, and in the future, we will kill all the old and young who have land and property, and leave young people as soldiers." ...... "Saying that we are preaching the equality of officers and soldiers is incitement, etc. There was a period when some people in the upper echelons and even the general public did not dare to approach us. No matter how big or small the village is, they don't want us to live there. This has caused us difficulties in food, shelter and a bad reputation, and difficulties in expanding our armament.

In February 1938, the Japanese invaded Juxian along the Taiwei Highway southward, and the regular Kuomintang troops scrambled to retreat first. The common people said that Xu Heizi was "forty miles away from hearing the wind and meeting one hundred and one", and he couldn't form an army. The enemy occupied Juxian County almost without bloodshed.

When the enemy had just invaded and occupied Ba County, it became our non-stop combat mission day and night to cooperate with the friendly troops (Pang Bingxun's Division) who were retreating south to reconnoiter and lead the way, monitor the enemy, and find gaps to block the enemy's attack. When the situation was extremely tense and chaotic, our scouts took advantage of the favorable conditions of the local people to bravely and often in the middle of the night to touch the enemy's temporary garrison -- Xiguan and Dahu villages, which were close to the county seats, to carry out reconnaissance activities. It was a direct complement to the only time that friendly forces had fought in the enemy's attack to the south. Some scouts of the Kuomintang army squatted with us all day long and did not dare to go out, and only after we had relayed the intelligence reconnaissance to them did they go back and report with gratitude.

Xu Heizi's team is really "forty miles away from the wind", and they are usually very majestic to the common people, but as soon as they hear the enemy's gunfire, they run around non-stop. When the enemy had not yet crossed the Yangjiadianzi Bridge, Yu Xingtang, Yu Rui and other departments, as well as Zhang Shuda and Li Xike from Xu Heizi's political training office, all ran to us in unison. Yu Ruisan was so frightened that he couldn't even speak, and he showed a very sincere and honest appearance, asking us to take care of them. And said: "This is not something we can do, and we ask that the team be handed over to our leadership." After research, we organized the three divisions of Yu Rui into one of our squadrons at that time. With his son Yu Chunhe as the captain, we refused his request to the Yu Xingtang Department, which had officials but no soldiers.

There were also soldiers of the Kuomintang army who were caught by us and ran out of order, so that people could not recognize him as Han Hao or the "national army", because they were not wearing the original clothes, and they were simply four different things. Fortunately, they were frightened by the enemy and told them to squat in one place and not be allowed to come out, and they were very obedient. When the situation eased a little, we sent people to send them back to their original units.

When the enemy attacked Juxian, the local traitors openly held organization and maintenance meetings everywhere to welcome the "imperial army" and comfort the "imperial army". In order to crack down on those traitors who were frenzied and took the lead in carrying out activities, our special task force, led by Wang Zhenshan, Li Diankui, and several other comrades, got rid of the traitors in Gaofang Village one night××× and published our first anti-traitor notice.

The first demolition of the bridge and the Bo Road: After the enemy occupied the city of Taixian, he immediately went south to attack Linyi, and a team of cars kept coming and going on the Taiwei Highway day and night. In order to hinder the enemy's advance, we organized the strength of two squadrons, and set out from Hebei Village one night in the first month of the old calendar, and arrived at the Taiwei Highway in a very short time, and immediately burned the Huanghuagou Damu Bridge, and destroyed a section of the road and electric wires. At dawn, telephone poles and clumps of wire were surrounded by people in Hebei Village, as if to celebrate the victory.

This action of ours immediately provoked a frenzied attack of the enemy, and the enemy went out early the next morning. When our team had just moved to Lime Kiln Village, the people of Zhuangtuan Village ran to tell us before dawn that the devils had arrived in Zhuangtuan. By the time the enemy left Zhuangtuan Village, our troops had all been pulled up to Fulai Mountain. Here every member of the team was prepared for battle, and some soldiers asked to go to the village to ambush and wait for the capture. The two or three hundred enemies did not dare to move forward again, but only fired a burst of machine guns at Fulai Mountain and then rushed back.

This demolition of bridges and roads is a great exercise for the people's armed forces who have just been born. When the telephone pole collapsed and the wire on it rang, some team members were scared and said that the devil had made a phone call. When the shovel and pickaxe touched each other, some people whispered: Who is this? When the bridge was burned, a lot of hay was used to burn it, and later someone asked for kerosene in the village, so that the bridge was quickly set on fire.

In the face of this actual test of struggle, our newly established contingent has clearly displayed the true colors of the people's army. We have always stayed in Juxian and persevered in the struggle with the local people.

These actions of ours have not only won the support of the broad masses of the people, but have also played a certain role in opening up the situation in this region and in opening up all aspects of work.

These actions have tempered the troops in actual struggle, boosted their morale, expanded the influence of our party, and enhanced the comrades' courage in daring to fight against the Japanese invaders.

Sixth, the confluence of victory

The third time I went to the provincial party committee for instructions.

Since the fall of Juxian County, our ranks have expanded rapidly. Under these circumstances, the need for cadres was even more felt, and it was especially hoped that the higher authorities would send Red Army cadres with combat experience. In March, we went to the provincial party committee again to report on our work and asked for cadres. This time, Sun Taolin, Jing Xiaocun, and other comrades conveyed the decision of the provincial party committee: The armed forces of Juxian County and a part of the armed forces organized by Shao Defu and other comrades in Yishui were combined to form four detachments (a detachment directly under the provincial party committee) and six brigades, and Lu Bin was appointed as the captain and political commissar. After this decision of the provincial party committee was brought back, everyone reorganized and prepared for several days, broke through all difficulties and obstacles, and on March ×, we set off towards Nanquanzhuang in Yishui. It was in that place that these two native people's armed forces converged. The comrades of the Yishui unit who participated in the rendezvous included Li Daodao, Li Huaide, Li Zirong, Li Qinghe, Kong Yumian, Kong Chubai, Wang Hanqing, Li Ruifu, and other comrades. Some young comrades looked at their armbands and stretched out their thumbs and said, "We are the official Eighth Route Army. After the convergence, the team was reorganized, with Lu Bin as the captain and political commissar, Shao Defu as the political commissar, Li Zhonglin as the director of the political department, and I as the staff officer, and also the work of the local party in Ju County. The brigade consists of five squadrons and one special service squadron, as well as four standing squadrons.

In the course of the development of our armed forces, due to our low political level and naivety in our work, there have been many serious shortcomings and mistakes in our work. First of all, there are serious "left" actions in the development of partisans. At that time, the conditions for selecting personnel were: to be honest, to resist Japan, to be resolute, and to be able to bear hardships and stand hard work. The so-called finding out the bottom is to know the details of the other party's background and background; The so-called honesty is not to steal, not to touch, not to ghost, not to be bad. However, these conditions are measured by personal opinions, that is, Lao Zhang's introduction of team members is based on Lao Zhang's views. Lao Wang's introduction team members take Lao Wang's opinion as the standard, if everyone thinks Lao Zhang or Lao Wang is not good, then anyone he introduces must also be considered. The local comrades on this issue have been even more prominent, whether they are recruiting party members or members of guerrilla groups, they have repeatedly emphasized the principle of honesty, and some comrades have even put forward: "The more honest the better, and the more incapable of saying and not being able to say, the better." At the forum, Comrade Pang Huichuan also said with deep feelings: At that time, Comrade Lao Li repeatedly stressed the need to be "honest." … In terms of the army, it is not easy for a person who does not have a little social connection to join the army, and even when he is taken in, he must find a reliable guarantor. This kind of detachment from reality, which was completely out of step with the political situation at that time, seriously affected the development and growth of our contingent. For example, Liu Chongxi, the Kuomintang commander of the light pole, grew to more than 1,000 people in less than three or four months of his activities in Jubei Township, and Zhang Peng, the ××× commander of the Liberation Army, had only two people when he arrived in Juxian, but in a very short period of time he also developed nearly 1,000 people.

We also made the same mistake in terms of reorganizing the team, from the time the team was pulled up to the time before the rendezvous, we did a few reorganizations, and the problem was not very big. Especially when the team was reorganized in Zhangjiashao for the last time before the convergence, every member of the team was required according to the conditions of subjective imagination. Even the retention or disbandment of each squadron took this approach. Under such circumstances, a considerable part of the team members were purged, and many of the team members who went to Yishui at that time carried two guns, and in this way, some of the guns were stored in the homes of comrades in several places because they could not be brought. Village. Such as the Xin family official Zhuang Pang Huichuan comrade's family. The disbanded personnel did not go home, but after our team left, they took out all the guns we had and organized themselves again. When these players first regrouped, they had a lot of opinions about us. But then they took the initiative to send someone to contact us. When our troops drove from Yishui to Yingxian, a large number of comrades among them still returned to our troops. The Juxian Independent Battalion was formed. He also sent comrades Liu Yanguang and Kong Chubai to serve as battalion commander and political commissar respectively.

7. Go to the provincial party committee for the fourth time

Shortly after the convergence, it was discovered that Robin had committed serious acts of sabotage, and as a result of his sabotage, difficulties were caused on all fronts of the troops. The responsible comrades of the squadrons had opinions. At that time, the team was far away from the provincial party committee, the local people's foundation was poor, the supply was not guaranteed, there was no food and clothing, and the situation was very difficult. I couldn't get food, so I had to wander around to eat. Once, when the team drove to Beixinzhuang, the people closed the gate of the village and did not allow them to enter the village, and only after negotiation did they send someone to send a day's rations, like a begging person. Later, when I drove to Gezhuang, once Liu Yanguang and I went to Zhujia Zhuangzi in Yishui Nanxiang and his father-in-law's house to borrow six loads of millet, which temporarily solved the urgent need. In such a situation, the troops were ideologically confused, emotionally unstable, and seriously attritional.

At the critical juncture when we encountered serious setbacks on the road to the development of the troops, the party organization held a meeting of cadres, seriously criticized Rubin's mistakes, and decided that I would report to the provincial party committee again.

This time, I went to the provincial party committee and found Zhangzhuang in Laiwunan, and met Guo Hongtao, Sun Taolin, Wang Bin and other leading comrades. After hearing the report, the provincial party committee decided to remove Robin from his post. In addition, three Red Army cadres, Luo Jiwei, Wu Kun, and Yang Kun, were sent to the Sixth Brigade to strengthen leadership.

The leading body of the unit was adjusted, with Comrade Luo Jiwei as the captain, Comrade Wu Kun as the captain of the Fu brigade, and Comrade Yang Kun as the political commissar. The comrades were in high spirits, the leadership of the troops was greatly strengthened, and the appearance of the troops was rapidly changed; Comrades Luo, Wu, and Yang were all Red Army cadres with rich experience in struggle under the party's many years of training. First of all, they attached great importance to political education, brought with them a complete set of political work systems with the Red Army units, held frequent meetings of activists, trained backbone forces, and educated commanders and fighters in the traditions of the Red Army, so that the political quality of the troops was quickly improved. Military training is tightly grasped. He got up early every day, led the troops out to drill and attend classes, and was nervous and lively on the training ground. They also attached special importance to mass work and set up a working group for the democracy movement, with Comrade Yang Kun personally serving as the head of the work group and I as the head of the group. It has greatly promoted the work of opening up new areas and the construction of stations. It was done that the troops went there, and the work was carried out there. In this way, the troops have been consolidated and developed again. Comrades Luo Jiwei, Wu Kun, and Yang Kun (now known as Wu Ruilin) all participated in the 25,000-mile Long March, and came to Shandong from northern Shaanxi after the start of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Comrade Luo Jiwei was later transferred to the Longhai detachment and died heroically in the battle. Comrade Wu Kun had many scars all over his body, but he still insisted on working. These three comrades have made great contributions to the building of this unit.

As a result of the above-mentioned work, the situation has been opened up in all respects, and the logistical supply of the troops has also been markedly improved. Before leaving for the southeast of Shandong, they made new military uniforms and transported them to Yuanjiachengzi, where the soldiers took off all kinds of civilian clothes, and the Jin Department changed into neat gray single military uniforms, and the military appearance and spirit were completely new. Some comrades said happily: "In this way, it looks like an anti-Japanese army."

In July, in accordance with the instructions of the provincial party committee, in order to carry out the work in the southeastern part of Shandong, the troops were stationed in Yuejiagou and Duozhuang belts in Ba County from Yuanjiachengzi via Sima Dianzi and Gongpo Mountain, and at the same time the name was changed to the "Second Shandong Guerrilla Detachment of the Eighth Route Army," and all the original cadres were not moved. The troops left Yishui and drove back to Ju County, and the comrades were all in high spirits and high spirits. After a period of arduous twists and turns, it finally ushered in a new stage of smooth development. Later, in addition to the two battalions directly under the second detachment and a special service company, there were also the Juxian Independent Battalion, the Rizhao Independent Battalion (Zhu Xinzhai Division) and the newly built Third Battalion (Zhang Xing's Third Division), and later there were two independent battalions in Zhucheng.

After returning to Juxian, the troops' personnel and equipment continued to increase, and their combat effectiveness increased rapidly. When we were stationed in Yuejiagou, we found that there were some bandits in Houtuan who were swaggering and deceiving there in the name of the New Sixth Division and us, and under the command of Yang Kun, Wu Kun and other comrades, we completely eliminated them in one battle. The so-called New Sixth Division, headed by Fu Guan, and several bottles of "white noodles" (heroin) and others were escorted to the division headquarters for processing. The local people said happily: "These plague gods and demons can be moved to Zhang Tianshi this time." ”

In August of that year, the name of the unit was changed to "The Second Detachment of the Shandong Column of the Eighth Route Army," and the provincial party committee sent comrades Liu Yong and Jing Xiaocun to the unit to serve as commander and political commissar respectively. A special committee was set up within the party, with Comrade Jing Xiaocun as secretary to lead the work of the counties in the region. Under the leadership of Liu Yong, Jing Xiaocun and other comrades, the second detachment galloped and fought in the southeast of Shandong. Later, they fought a battle in Wadian and Zhujie in Zhucheng, which dealt a blow to the reactionary arrogance of the enemy and the puppet in the Zhujiao area for the first time, and created favorable conditions for carrying out the work in that area. I remember that two years later, when we disguised ourselves to work in Nanxiang, Jiaoxian County, which had been occupied by the enemy, the people in Songjiazhuang and other villages still clearly remembered the comrades of the Second Detachment of the Eighth Route Army working there at that time. Those who have participated in the Agricultural Rescue Society and the Children's League have secretly told us about this activity as a very glorious event in history. But he doesn't say anything except when he says he knows you after he knows you. They often say, "Those people are so nice, you haven't seen them before!" ”

At this time, the troops were divided into two parts, the front and the rear. In the name of the rear headquarters of the second detachment, the special committee of southeastern Shandong was stationed in the area of Sangyuan in Beixiang, Juxian County, to lead the work in the entire southeastern Shandong region.

The main force was led by Comrades Liu and Jinger to go to Zhucheng and Rizhao to open up work through recruitment. In the end, Comrade Liu Yong led the troops and Director Xu Binzhou were stationed in Boli. We also had a Haikou (Gongkou) and set up a tax office there, which increased the revenue of financial materials. Soon after, Comrade Gao Keting was appointed secretary of the special committee, and the work in southeastern Shandong was further developed. In May 1939, the second detachment went to Luzhong to participate in the anti-sweep. The organization decided that I would go to the Jiaoxian County Party Committee to open up the work in the area, and my public identity was that of the director of the Jiaoxian Office of the Second Detachment. Since then, he has left the unit and has been doing underground party work and urban work in the occupied areas. At the beginning of 1943, in order to open up the line of communication from the East China Bureau to the Jiaodong District Party Committee, under the leadership of the East China Military Region, the Jiaodong Military Region and the Binhai Military Region each transferred a part of their troops to form the Ludong Detachment (east of Taiwei Road). The main task is to open a passage road in Zhucheng, Jiaoxian, Gaomi, Laiyang and other places occupied by the enemy and puppets. It was not until after the surrender of the enemy, the Great March, and the War of Liberation that the Primorsky area was left.

With the development of the revolutionary situation, the army grew rapidly and grew into a strong local armed force of our party active in the southeastern part of Shandong. After several reorganizations, most of the comrades of the original unit were upgraded to the main force of our army, like a trickle of water, merging into the surging torrent and becoming a cell of the great body of the Eighth Route Army. During the years of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, they fought in the south and in the north, bravely killed the enemy, and made due contributions to the revolutionary cause of the Chinese people.

8. Profound experience

Looking back at the history of the development of this part of our party's armed forces, those vivid facts are a great encouragement to the people and an extremely profound education. It has enhanced people's understanding of strengthening the party's leadership, strengthened people's confidence in victory, and strengthened people's fighting spirit in the future.

Recalling the road our team has traveled, from scratch, from small to large, from weak to strong, it is an extremely tortuous, complex and arduous road. But under the leadership of the great party, it was finally victorious, and this is the victory of the party and the people! Everyone who participates in this struggle under the leadership of the party will not only feel honored and proud of the victory of the party and the people, but will also personally appreciate the importance of the party's leadership. - She is the guarantee of the victory of the people's armed forces. Look at the path taken by the armed forces of the Kuomintang reactionaries: development, stubbornness, compromise, surrender to the enemy, and perish. All of them are rampant for a while, and they will stink for thousands of years. At that time, the Kuomintang had money, guns, military and political advantages, and long-term ruling experience, so why did it finally go to extinction? There is only one reason: that is, he embarked on the road of anti-communism and anti-people, and their leadership was the Kuomintang reactionaries. History tells people that whoever wants to oppose communism, the people, and the law of social development will perish.

At the same time, historical facts also tell us that those who waver in accepting the party's leadership or who break away from the party's leadership are bound to take a detour.

The above facts vividly illustrate an irrefutable truth: under the leadership of the party, those who organize and grasp the truth are always invincible. We should always maintain the revolutionary spirit of the arduous pioneering work, always maintain the confidence and enthusiasm for the revolutionary cause in those years, unite as one, and forge ahead bravely. Then we will be invincible in the new long march of building the four modernizations.


Juxian Cultural and Historical Materials, Volume 1 (October 1983)