
Gu Fengming: Inside and outside should be combined to recover Ju County (1)

author:Nature and Society


*This article is excerpted from the first volume of "Juxian Cultural and Historical Materials" (October 1983), written by Gu Fengming, and the original title is "Liying and Waihe Recovering Juxian (1)"


Two-faced characters

In the winter of 1942, the situation of struggle in Shandong was very tense and acute. After the outbreak of the Pacific War in '41, the Japanese invaders wanted to build a so-called "North China military station base" to support the front-line operations, and put forward slogans such as "strengthening public order" and "three parts military and seven points political," and stepped up their sweeps and encroachment. However, the enemy has an insurmountable contradiction: First, there is a shortage of troops. As a result, a large number of puppet armies were recruited and used, and under the influence of the Kuomintang's "borrowing the strength of the enemy to oppose the puppet and anti-communism" and the "curve theory of saving the country", the recalcitrant army defected to the enemy one after another. In our struggle against the enemy, we are also fighting more and more against the puppet army. At that time, I was working in the Shandong Binhai Military Division. One day in December, Liu Zhonghuafu, director of the sub-district's political department, called me over and said: "Comrade Yu Hongju is going to be transferred to work in a big city in the enemy-occupied area, and you have decided to take over the work of the Mo Department of the Juxian Puppet Army, which he had previously handled." In the end, he explained the general policy: conceal the backbone, lay in ambush for a long time, accumulate strength, and wait for the opportunity.

I first went to a big village called Baitugou in the marginal area, which is a place where the outside is white and the inside is red, and the pseudo-village chief is our underground party member, and the party work in the village has a good foundation and is easy to cover. Those of us who do enemy and puppet work generally choose such a place to settle down, so that it is convenient for us to have contact with the puppet army on the one hand, and to get in touch with our superiors on the other. The liaison led me through a few winding alleys to a house. Comrade Yu Hongju is already waiting for me here. He briefed me on the situation of the puppet army in Ju County.

There are a total of 30 squadrons of the Juxian puppet army, with many leaders, many numbers, and chaos, and only Mo Zhengmin's 10 squadrons can be regarded as the strongest force in the Juxian puppet army in terms of numbers, equipment, and combat effectiveness, and they are the main objects of our work.

After Comrade Yu Hongju explained his work, I came into direct contact with the puppet army.

In the depths of the woods in the back mountain, there is a lonely hut, with few people and hidden terrain, which is the home of an old man who watches the forest. I met here with Wang Shaoshi, the head of the Mobu Ministry. This man was nearly half a hundred years old, and he had two small black beards on his shriveled pointed mouth. He is an authentic two-faced character: the eldest son is the leader of the puppet army squadron, and the second son is in the Eighth Route Army; He is the chief of the traitor team, but he is also a diplomat who fornicates with the "Eight Roads".

When we first met, he talked to me from all over the world while drinking pomegranate leaf water made by his fellow villagers, just like he had met old friends for many years. When talking about the future of the Anti-Japanese War, he said: "Little Japan is not a rabbit's tail, it can't grow, it can't grow. ”

I can't imagine being a traitor, and I am so outspoken. Slowly, I realized that there was no future as a traitor, his eyes closed, and the conversation turned, "At present, the devils are making a lot of trouble, and the strengthening of law and order is very powerful, and it is difficult to mix with the devils." However, we are in Cao Ying's heart in Han, when the time comes, won't it be anti-Japanese at that time? Haha, haha! ”

He's a slick and duplicitous man, but we have to start with him. Chen Shiquzhi, commander of the military region, asked me to take him to the base area to have a look and give him some education. We generously returned a machine gun that had been handed over to him, and in accordance with the rules of our army's hospitality at that time, we entertained this "guest" on four large plates and eight or six bowls.

Wang Shaoshi was very happy when he went back, thinking that when he saw the commander of the Eighth Route Army, his worth was also raised. dragged me to his house to take a photo, asked my wife to take out a bottle of wine, opened an anchovy by herself, and talked with me while drinking, talking and laughing. At one time, he said that the eight-way hospitality compound was a big plate, and it was magnificent, and at the same time, he said that he would return the machine gun, and he was righteous and had enough friends. I took the opportunity to say that in order to better secretly resist Japan and avoid "misunderstandings", I contacted so many bases by myself that I could not take care of them. After thinking for a moment, he agreed that we should send Comrade Gao Hee-ho to his office as a plainclothes reconnaissance officer in order to strengthen the relationship.

Since then, Wang Shaoshi's relationship with me has become closer. We also have a few comrades who do puppet army work without public identity and can only operate in the shadows outside. I ran around, kept in touch with him, and before I could go back, I ran to his house to stay overnight. Sometimes, he accompanied me and rode my bicycle around the bases, so that I could make a few more "friends", which was a very risky thing for him.

The spring of 1943 passed quickly, and although I had a good relationship with Wang Shaoshi, I was still on the periphery, and I told Wang Shaoshi that I wanted to meet his leader, but he did not say that it was inconvenient, so he deduced that there was no time, and that if I could not see Mo Zhengmin himself, this work would not be easy to do.


In order to meet Mo Zhengmin as soon as possible, in accordance with the instructions of the chief, I no longer turned around below, and through Wang Shaoshi's introduction, I moved to Mo Zhengmin's rear, and his "base camp" in the north of Ju County, Xiaoliuxing, went. The upper-level people I know gradually increased, and I slowly learned: There are also many contradictions between the enemies and puppets in Juxian, with different dreams in the same bed, intrigues, Mo Zhengmin wants to arrest the puppet army, and the devils do not trust them, who are not descendants, and adopt the policy of cutting and reorganizing and strengthening control. Therefore, Mo Zhengmin did not make a name for himself in Ju County. In July, our army liberated the Wulian Mountains in the northeast of the county. The Japanese invaders wanted to take advantage of our unstable foothold, concentrated their forces to drive us out, and planned a big sweep. The characteristics of this sweep were: the puppet army was driven to attack us on three sides in turn, and several larger puppet armies nearby: Zhang Buyun, Zhang Xizi, and Mo Zhengmin were all mobilized. We concentrated our forces on the enemy. More than forty battles were fought in a month, and the enemy's sweeping plan was finally crushed. The Fifth Brigade of the Imperial Association Army of Zhang Buyun's Army, who worked for the devil, was completely annihilated by us. As for Mo Zhengmin, who "cooperated" with us, only two squadrons fought with us, and the others did not suffer any losses.

Through this "cooperation" between Mo Zhengmin and us, the relationship has taken a step forward, but listening to the intermediary feedback, Mo Zhengmin's thinking has become more complicated with the development of the situation: follow the devil, the devil is unreliable, and the entire international situation is unfavorable to the Japanese invaders, the defeat has been revealed, and being a traitor is not a long-term solution. Rely on the Kuomintang, the Kuomintang troops in Shandong are running and running, and the enemy is surrendering to the enemy, and there is no strength to rely on. In the face of the extremely contradictory thoughts of this puppet army leader, I finally met with him in the bedroom of Dian Zhengmin in the city of Thamtan late one autumn night.

Mo Zhengmin is a tall man, his face is yellow and thin, he wears a white cloth suit, and his body looks very weak due to the relationship between smoking "white noodles".

"We are old friends, it was very inconvenient in the past, but this is the first time we have met!" He said slowly.

Mo Zhengmin was born in a poor family and used to work as a hired laborer. He is smart and capable, he likes to roam the rivers and lakes, there have been several ups and downs, and finally got into today's situation, therefore, personal heroism is very heavy, he usually talks, only likes others to talk about the situation, and does not like others to make ideas for him.

"The current international situation is very good, Germany's summer offensive was defeated by the Soviet Union, and the devils have also suffered defeats in the Pacific Ocean one after another, have you heard of these?" I only lightly talked to him about the current situation.

"I've heard some, well, crickets, I don't know much." He was just ambiguous, vaguely promised Tong, saw that Xiu was very cold, and soon yawned again, the first time we met, I didn't say much, so I came out.

Once alive, twice hot, after that, I was regarded as the "guest of honor" of the "brigade commander", and I often met with him and talked a few words in a few words. Soon after, for the sake of convenience, and for the sake of "secrecy," I put the name of "Fu Guan" with him, so that I could often go in and out of his team headquarters.

Mo Zhengmin's team site was originally the house of the Juxian Chamber of Commerce; The North House was the office of his secretary. Kaneno, an instructor who lives with devils in the west. A row of houses on the east side is the office of the Fu official, and most of the people who come and go live here. In this way, a delicate situation was formed, and there were devil instructors entering and exiting at the same gate, Wang Youmei, a spy sent by the Kuomintang, and, of course, representatives of our Eighth Route Army. Usually in and out, and bump into it, but they are all different and do not interact with each other.

At this time, Mo Zhengmin stepped on three boats, whether it was the devil, the Kuomintang, or the Eighth Route Army, he all adopted a distrustful attitude. Although I met him often, he always spoke humming haha, and there was no sincerity at all.

During this time, although there was no significant effect on Mo Zhengmin's education, we gradually established relationships with him in the puppet county government, police stations, Xinmin associations, hospitals, and other places, and we had assistants and eyes and ears everywhere through open contacts and secret activities.

At this time, the leaders instructed us to focus on cultivating a few capable figures, especially Mo Zhengmin's cronies, who can help us directly understand his thoughts, so that we can prescribe the right medicine and give education; Secondly, it is also very important to fight for squadron leaders, these people have military power in their hands, and they usually have weight in their words, and they can play a more direct role in critical moments.

Although Mo's troops were many, he mainly relied on a few backbones. Among them, the three captains, Wang Jieqian, are the worst, and it is not easy to contact them all at once; Wang Xiaohua, the squadron leader of the first brigade, is the son of Wang Shaoshi, has a relationship with his father, and is more familiar with us; Zheng Minglian, the leader of the spy squadron, is a bandit, superstitious about force, and simple-minded, and he has a relationship with Comrade Xu Degong, who is doing puppet army work, and there is no big problem; Only the backbone of the second brigade, Ma Yongping, the leader of the 14th squadron, is the most important figure.

Ma Yongping worked as a tailor in Qingdao when he was a child, and he was smart and flexible, and he could lead soldiers to fight. He is Mo Zhengmin's little countryman, and he is the first confidant general to follow Mo Chuangtian. His squadron is particularly well equipped, with two machine guns in the other squadron, and he has five or six, which is the main force of the main force in Mozambique. Don't transfer him to his side, and hand over the city defense to him. At that time, he was very majestic in the city, and he didn't buy much from the devils, and other spies and puppet soldiers were afraid of him and called him "King Mayama".

Before Ma Yongping entered the city, I met with him several times. When I got to the city, I often went to him, ordered a few dishes, asked for a bottle of wine, and talked while drinking. Sometimes when it comes to the situation of the puppet army, he complains after three cups:

"I can hear this, we have seen a lot of Kuomintang troops, they play anti-Japanese signs, they run when they see devils, and rob the common people when they see them, which is inferior to us. Fuck, it's not a bit righteous. In the 40th year, I threw myself to them, dismissed us squadron leaders one by one, sent them to the officer corps for training, ran all day without saying anything, and said that 'you people are also worthy of being officers', which is simply deceptive. The local Kuomintang is not a human being, and in the past we were considered to be the ranks of the Kuomintang, but they wanted to bring us down all day long. Let's talk about fighting, he can't beat it, so he will kill him without a gun, Xu Jianchao, this kid has a grudge against me for killing my father, and this account will have to be settled sooner or later. ”

Sometimes we also talk about the insidious viciousness of devils. He was full of grumbling:

"The devil has no conscience about us Chinese, and we have tasted his set. In Liangshan in 194O, the conditions of the two sides were good, but as soon as we passed, they turned their faces, handed over their weapons together, and escorted our garden group into the cabin, and we were transported to Guangdong to build a road, and we were beaten up, and almost lost their lives. Now in the city, too, a devil and a soldier have to bully people, and Lao Tzu won't buy his account to see what he can do to me. ”

Ma Yongping came from a relatively good background, and he has personally experienced the insidious and vicious methods of the enemy, as long as we mention it, it is easy to enlighten him to enlightenment, plus people are smart, the trend of the times, and the stakes are at stake. See more clearly; They have a lot of soft contacts with us, and as the days go by, they have received some ethnic education, and they are more inclined to us.

However, in the end, he was Mo Zhengmin's confidant, and he always said: "Our brigade commander (Mo served as a brigade commander in the recalcitrant army) is a smart man, and I don't think he will always be like this." I always follow the brigade commander anyway, you have negotiated the brigade commander, my surname is no problem Ma. "We encouraged him to play a role in front of Mo Zhengmin and help his boss get on the right path.

A contest

The southern part of Changxian County, the area of Xiazhuang, is the junction of the three base areas of Luzhong, Lunan and Binhai. In order to connect the three base areas, in March 1944, we made good contact with Mo Zhengmin and asked them to abandon the south and concentrate their efforts on keeping the north. When we eliminated the Xia Zhuang devils, as soon as the battle began, they immediately retreated.

This is another test of Mo Zhengmin's sincerity. After the negotiation, we then captured the captain of the devil squad through internal connections and blew up a turret. On that day, we waited for Mobu's second brigade to withdraw, but the first and second brigades did not leave, and Liu Zhenya, the captain of the second brigade, mobilized to hold on to help.

Xiao Huafu, director of the Shandong Military Region, instructed us a long time ago: "Don't be afraid of disputes, but flexibly apply my policies in disputes, educate him, improve him, and test him." "In the face of this treacherous puppet army, it seems that a conflict is inevitable. We ordered an attack and eliminated the devils. The second brigade of Mobe was also routed. Captain Liu Zhenya was captured alive by me.

At the same time, the troops of our Luzhong Military Region surrounded his large stronghold to the north - Jingqiu.

At that time, I returned to the base area, leaving only Comrade Gao Xihao at Wang Shaoshi to observe Mo's attitude.

Afterwards, Mo looked for Gao Xihao and said menacingly: "The surname Gao, bring the surname Gu and ask him what he does." He did not blame himself for not keeping his word, but instead fought against him.

The chiefs studied Mo's situation and thought that as a traitor, he should have an attitude of making meritorious contributions, but his attitude was so arrogant; Then, we can only educate him, not accommodate him. So I decided not to see him, and the answer to him was a letter of righteousness and solemnity:

“... Retreating to the south is conducive to resisting Japan, and it is also conducive to your side to ensure the north, and the two sides have already negotiated. If you don't leave at that time, you will take the blame on yourself, so why complain about others. …… endangering the anti-Japanese is disloyalty; If you do not do what you say, you do not believe it; Hurting the people and destroying relations is unkind and unjust; …… If we can rein in the precipice, our army will give priority to resisting Japan, be lenient, and not blame the past, and then we can renegotiate ....... If not, the development of the situation will be even more unfavorable to you, and it will be too late to regret it! I hope to think twice....... ”

Xia Zhuang did not hit Mo's descendants, he thought that he still had strength, there were devils to rely on, we had nothing to do with him, and ignored the accusations and persuasions in our repeated letters, but instead summoned the troops to speak: "One person and one gun must be done to the end, whoever gives up the stronghold without an order, digging three feet into the ground......" Wang Shaoshi and informed Gao Xihao that he could not guarantee his safety and told him to leave. Comrade Gao Xilian left Wang Shaoshi, but he did not leave Mobu. Because of his familiarity, he stayed in this squadron for a few days, and that squadron for a few days, and he propagated that we were justified, and on the other hand, he also left a thread for renegotiation.

Under Mo Zhengmin's reactionary mobilization, the three captains, Wang Jieqian, behaved the worst. His troops went out to rush out, and Li Yongguan, the leader of the Ninth Squadron, hunted down and killed a scout in our Luzhong and killed a squadron in our Luzhong District.

We still write again, hoping that he will pull back from the precipice. Wang Shaoshi replied that the three-day period is expired, and it will be broken.

At the beginning of the third day, our Luzhong troops conquered Jingqiu and dealt a heavy blow to the three major teams of Mo Zhengmin's descendants. Mo Zhengmin personally took the three main squadrons of Wang Xianghua, Ma Yongping, and Zheng Minglian to reinforce them, but they were blocked by our army on the way. In the chaos, Wang Xianghua was killed by their own rebellious army. Ma Yongping and Zheng Minglian didn't want to fight, so they took the opportunity to shout: "I can't hold it, I can't support it." So they retreated to the small willow line. The devil they relied on didn't give him any support at this time.

In this battle, we fought reasonably, advantageously and modestly, and the puppet army was in chaos. Liu Mingshuang and Meng Jingzhi were gloating and secretly happy. Yuan Haiyong, the captain of Mo Zhengmin's descendant, secretly sent someone to contact us in order to protect his own strength, saying: "I will maintain the past relationship here, and continue to contact us if I implement the conditions." Mo Zhengmin took out Liu Bei's technique, and cried when he saw people. But the treacherous person can't win sympathy, he met Zheng Minglian, Zheng Minglian said: "Lao Jiang still doesn't dare to provoke Balu, Wang Jieqian dares to provoke?" Although I am coarse, I will not be stupid like this, what else is there to say, the relationship is ruined by ourselves. ”

In order to find out the bottom of his subordinates, Mo Zhengmin found the squadron leaders to have a meeting together to study what to do next. At the meeting, he said in a tentative tone: "Wu Huawen has sent someone to come twice, give me the name of the division commander, let's go to him to do it!" However, no one at the venue said anything, no one agreed, and after a moment of silence, Ma Yongping stood up and said, "Let's go to Wu Huawen, and all the roads along the road are mountainous areas." If the Eighth Road stops a dozen, even if I die like Wang Xiaohua, it's nothing, but we have already lost eight squadrons last time, and if we come here again, we won't be able to eat it. Besides, half of the wives of our troops are in Ju County, how can they get away. When we get to Wu Huawen, I don't think it will be good for us, and after getting his subordinates, it will be difficult to turn over. As soon as Ma Yongping said this, it was like pouring a cup of cold water in a pot of boiling oil, beeping and popping, and suddenly the venue was chaotic, and everyone was talking about it.

After the meeting, Mo Zhengmin sent someone to find Gao Xihao and asked in a gentle tone: "You go find Mr. Gu, we can talk again." ”


In Mo Zhengmin's bedroom, I met him again. His spirit seemed unnatural, for he had a high fever for several days, and his mouth was foaming with many fires, and he was smoking opium.

As usual, every time I talk to him, I have to prepare a plan in advance according to the intention of my superior: what to talk to him and what attitude to adopt; All circumstances must be taken into account, and it is not possible to make a temporary statement. This time, the plan is a bit difficult to make. After fighting with him for a while, we will talk again, we are reasonable, and in principle we cannot give in, but we still have to think of a way to save some face for him, the "brigade commander," otherwise he will not be able to step down. I spoke these sins on his subordinates, and put a ladder for him so that he could step down. I'll start by saying:

"It's not a good time this time, and you can't go to the south. We shouted at Liu Zhenya and sent letters, but he ignored them. Fighting this thing, the soldiers are coming to the city, and it is not a joke when the fight starts. In the north, your Wang Jieqian came out to rob again, and he was simply riding on the necks of the common people and. If we don't fight this time, we won't be able to explain it in front of the people. It seems that you have to take care of these captains of yours. ”

"Forget it! Forget it! Don't mention the past,

Let's avoid misunderstandings in the future! He was a little impatient, as he spoke

While waving his hands.

Since Mo Zhengmin has been pushing everything to "misunderstanding" for a long time, I will push the boat down the river and propose how to do it more appropriately in the future. As a result of the negotiations, he agreed to send us additional liaison personnel. Semi-public liaison stations were set up in some of his bases. He wrote a letter of willingness to us, we gave him a letter of guarantee, and left each other written materials. Wang Jieqian, the captain of the 36th squadron, wrote a letter of repentance, and Li Yongguan, the captain of the 9th squadron, was dismissed. After a turmoil passed, Mo Zhengmin understood that our army did not fight him in the past, not because he had no strength, and indeed hoped that he would change his ways. His attitude has improved, he is more honest with us, and he is willing to listen to our opinions. The next step is how to deepen education, raise his understanding, and strengthen his determination to take the right path.

Mo himself has no partisan background, and many of his methods of dealing with problems were learned from novels such as Three Kingdoms and Water Margin. These are all necessary to negotiate with him and to discuss ideas.

Once, a traitor surnamed Lian came out of our brother unit who fought side by side, killed our regimental commander Fu and ran to him. We told him to give it to us. But he said solemnly:

"Cao Cao's generals of the Three Kingdoms, there are many generals, and those surnamed Lian specially came to vote for me, I will hand it over to you, won't the people of the world laugh at my surname Mo and can't tolerate people."

"Cao Cao of the Three Kingdoms, is this tolerant? He killed the faithless and unrighteous Lu Bu, leaving Zhang Liao, who was loyal to his master, a traitor surnamed Lian who betrayed his master and sought glory, what use did you keep him? I said.

"Alright! It also makes sense. You must be human, let's not do it openly, think of a way to give it to you. He finally agreed.

A few days later, Mo pretended to appoint a traitor to another place to be the captain of Fu, and called a plainclothes escort him. Inform us secretly. We sent people to arrest the traitor halfway and held a public trial.

I felt his temper, and I knew that he was smart, good-looking, practical, and did a lot of ideological work, just after tea and wine, or in individual conversations, combined with facts, and said a few words.

In September, the Japanese Kusanoqing Brigade set out to sweep, was wiped out by our army, and cooperated with the Japanese puppet army He Fang's first division, which was also defeated, He Fang took a few remnants of the defeated generals and fled to Ju County, and when he went out, he didn't even dare to open the city gate, only the city escaped. This is the material to educate Mo Zhengmin, which can inspire him to know that the devil is unreliable, and he should plan for his way out as soon as possible. I went to see him the next day.

He was smoking a big cigarette, according to the old rules, and when he saw me, he asked me to be polite, and I refused as usual.

"Alas! In a lifetime, the grass grows in autumn, you communists don't come to eat, drink and have fun, you are born and die all day long, why! He said with emotion.

"Eat and drink freely now, and in the future, I am only afraid of leaving a stench for 10,000 years."

I pulled the conversation over his head.

"The goose has left a voice, the person has left a name, and the thing that has been stinking for 10,000 years, my surname Mo will not do it, do you really treat me as a traitor?" Instead, he asked about me.

"And what are you?" I asked him a question. "Body

In Cao Ying, the heart is in Han! He said.

"Everyone should be Guan Yunchang, who beats Cao Cao."

"You can't say that, stay in the green mountains, and don't be afraid of no firewood. Save some strength now, you can still fight devils in the future, and the curve war of resistance is also a way! ”

Whenever the puppet army is reproached by conscience, the Kuomintang's "theory of coming out of line to save the country" has become the best fig leaf. This kind of self-deception cannot but be exposed.

"Why don't the common people call you the curve team, just the traitor team?"

"The eldest husband can bend and stretch, but he can't get a devil right now, so he has to let people say a few ugly words."

"Those who know the times are Junjie. What's the big deal about the devil, it's not the end of the Kusano Qing brigade meeting our Eighth Route Army. You are afraid of wolves and tigers in the past, and you have to be He Fang in the end. ”

I know that Mo Zhengmin said that when he saw He Fang coming down from the city, his heart was cold, and there were also rumors in the puppet army that Ju County was not guaranteed, and the Eighth Road was coming. I brought him up and reminded him.

"My surname Mo is not afraid of devils, and I don't want to be He Fang." He said with some excitement.

At this point, that's pretty much it, and I changed the subject.

Although he was squeezed out of the rags of the Kuomintang, he still had a strong sense of "orthodoxy" in his mind, and he always had illusions about the Kuomintang, and when he was considering his own way out, he always wandered between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party.

In order to choose his future, Mo Zhengmin once went to Qingdao and used the method of inviting guests to invite some Kuomintang spies to inquire about the situation and see what could be done. But these spies had no other way than to compliment him and encourage him to stick to Juxian and wait for the opportunity. And his heart was cold.

In addition, he was a bully landlord in Ju County, and found that some important personnel of the Kuomintang came and went to Ju County, and they all hid from him. He thought that he was not a member of the Kuomintang, and that he had no backstage to rely on in the Kuomintang; He also killed Ge Xingnong, the main figure of the local forces of the Kuomintang. Speaking of which, even if the Kuomintang comes, it will always be an "outsider" and will not do it any good.

In order to gradually raise Mo Zhengmin's understanding, every time I went to him, I talked to him about the current situation and brought him some books and propaganda materials to show him. In order to give him a clearer understanding of the relationship between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and the future of New China, we specially sent him Chairman Mao's "On New Democracy" and other books. He kept them all under the bedside.

Although he is increasingly inclined to us and wants to follow us, he does not trust our policies enough and is worried about his future.

Once I asked Ma Yongping what Mo had thoughts recently, Ma said: "He often mentions Liu Zhenya recently, saying that Liu Zhenya has done some bad things in Xiazhuang, but we have made a lot of trouble in the past, and in the future, as long as the Communist Party catches one, I am afraid it will not be able to bear it." ”

We arrested Liu Zhenya and didn't kill him, and after a few months of education, he was put back. Ma Yongping again. Ma said: "The brigade commander said: The Communist Party keeps its word and treats prisoners leniently, so that people can rest assured. ”

In July, the puppet army Wang Dao rebelled, and our Shandong Military Region appointed him as the commander of the 1st Independent Brigade, and the troops were not disbanded. However, the Kuomintang spies spread rumors, saying that Wang Dao had been killed and that all the troops had been wiped out. Mo Zhengmin was very concerned about this matter, and when we took Wang Shaoshi to the base area, we asked him to meet Wang Dao in person, and all doubts were dispelled. He also said: "My surname Mo is behind the royal road, but I must do it more beautifully than him." ”

On the basis of his ideological development, we met with him again in the name of the secretary general of the military region, and formally agreed to appoint him as brigade commander after the uprising. His doubts gradually decreased, his understanding of the uprising gradually improved, and his attitude became clearer and clearer.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Mo Zhengmin held a banquet. A car was sent to pick me up with Wang Shaoshi and others for dinner.

At the banquet, I half-jokingly said, "What a traitor meal we eat!" Mo said: "I'm afraid the traitor's rice won't last long!" "Everyone drank beer and toasted again and again. Mo took advantage of the wine, pulled me to have a drink, and said: "I, Mo Zhengmin, am also a proletarian, and there is no problem in doing the Communist Party in the future, so it's decided!" Lao Gu, you are a guide, let's make a close friend, everything depends on you in the future! ”

After that, he quit opium, demanded food and money from the enemy, and did not leave it in the city, but kept it in his reliable stronghold in the village. By all indications, he already had a plan anyway.

The inside should be combined with the outside

In mid-October 1944, the military region sent someone to retrieve me from the enemy area and confessed to my face that I had organized an uprising of the puppet army in Taixian County on 10 November, so as to cooperate with the opening up of the vast area of Jubei. This task made me excited and worried, especially when I heard that Xiao Hua, director of the Shandong Military Region, had said: There are so many puppet armies in Shandong, and it is necessary to create a typical example of internal and external cooperation. The Party Central Committee is also very concerned about this matter. The demands of the higher authorities were very strict, that they should destroy all the military, political, economic, cultural, and spy organizations of the enemy in Ju County, wipe out all the enemies, and bring out all the puppet troops as much as possible.

With a heavy and exciting task, I hurriedly left the headquarters and rushed towards Moss County.

When I came to Ju County, I first found Wang Shaoshi and the two captains and other Mo's cronies, and brewed for a while. It went well, there was not much disagreement, and an uprising was already inevitable. Everyone said in unison: "Let's go and talk to the 'brigade commander' together!" 》

In Mo Zhengmin's bedroom, I met him with several of his main leaders. After a chill, to get back to the point, when I conveyed to him the intention of the head of the military district, he pondered for a while and said, "No! As he said this, the air in the room suddenly became tense. Everyone was silent. There was no result in one round, and I was thinking about the next step in my mind, listening to his tone, he said "no", but it didn't mean "don't do it", I still wanted to drag it out. I said: "After so many years of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, if you want to contribute something to the people, although it is not too early, it is not too late, and it is really going to drag on the counteroffensive to you, and then if you want to contribute to the people, you will not have the glory you have now." Besides, the devil is building a cannon tower in the southeast of the city, and if it is dragged to the turret to be repaired, it will be very inconvenient for us to act....... It seemed that he was also a little nervous, hesitated for a while, and said, "Time is too rushed." Liu Mingshuang quit smoking in Qingdao, so he has to send someone to find it, right? As soon as he let go, the air eased, and everyone opened up one by one. Final verdict: yes to extend a few days!

The task of requesting an extension of time from the military district fell to me. The most modern means of transportation in the base area is a bicycle, and when it comes to difficult roads, you have to rely on two legs, and you need to disguise yourself from time to time to get to and from the fringe areas, although the time is short, there is still time to run. Fortunately, we made two trips back and forth, and because of our determination, the time for the uprising was set at 7 p.m. on November 14.

The preparations were carried out intensely and covertly. Every morning, Wang Deyi, the director of the hospital, went for a walk by the Chengmen River, actually drawing a topographic map. Gao Xihao led a few people from outside the city to the city on bicycles, all the way to Ma Yongping's bedroom. Bags of things were wrapped in beautiful blankets in the back of the car, but it was actually our sappers who brought explosives to blow up the cannon tower in the southeast of the city. This explosion will also be the general signal for the siege outside the city. In the evenings of several days in a row, Mo Zhengmin took two or three people to various places in the city, saying that they were inspecting defense affairs, but in fact they were looking at the terrain and studying military arrangements with the staff officers we sent into the city. Mo's Adjutant Liu went out of the city, saying that he had a mission, but he actually reported to the base area as a guide to lead our army into the city.

The same intense preparations are also underway at the headquarters of our army. In order to deal with the Mobu anyway, all of the Binhai Sixth Regiment, two battalions of the Special Service Regiment of the Shandong Military Region, and the Juxian Independent Battalion were designated as siege troops.

The inside should be combined with the outside, the siege problem is not big, and the more important thing is to block the reinforcements. The Shandong Military Region made up its mind to mobilize Italian troops, including the 1st and 4th Regiments of Luzhong, the 13th Binhai Regiment, the Taibei Independent Battalion, and the 1st Independent Brigade of Wangdao, which had recently revolted, as well as a garrison regiment and a teaching regiment, to form a formation in Jubei to block the enemy's southern reinforcements. Two regiments of troops were also deployed in the south of Juxian County to block the enemy's northern reinforcements.

The same intense preparations are underway at the local level. The Binhai District Party Committee, the Administrative Office, and the Juzhong County Government set up an urban work committee before the war, and 80 percent of the cadres in Juzhong County participated. At the same time, in order to completely destroy the enemy's defense in Ju County, 60,000 militia and masses were mobilized around Ju County alone, preparing to demolish the city and break the roads during the war.

The location of the assembly of the puppet army out of the city after the uprising was also determined. Our comrades in the enemy work team looked especially excited and nervous. 13 days ago, each of them hurried to their destination, found their own associates, and mastered the movement of the troops. On the long front of one hundred and twenty miles north and south of the enemy-occupied area in Juxian, all the strongholds were controlled, and the northern section was unified under the responsibility of our Comrade Lu Shiying and the first and third captains; The southern section is centered on the county seat, acting as a large unit in a unified manner, and I will help Mo Zhengmin organize and prepare.

Inside and out, the party, the government, the military, and the people are all busy nervously


The melons are ripe and falling

The day finally arrived on the 14th. Early in the morning, I came to Mo Zhengmin's office. He is fully armed, and he looks a little sluggish on weekdays, but today he is full of energy, and this is a good day for him to reform his evil and return to righteousness. However, the enemy is very close to us, and before 7 o'clock in the evening, if the arrangements are not good, and there is a disturbance, the enemy sends planes to bomb us, or reinforce by car, and the devils in the city move, it will be a mess, and the enemy and hypocrisy in the city cannot be wiped out, and it will be difficult to bring out the more than 3,000 people in the city.

Early in the morning, Arai, an economic adviser to the Japanese invaders, was to take 500 carts loaded with rice (peanuts) to Zhaoxian (a small town forty miles north of Ju County). This sudden event disrupted our deployment, did it let this villain slip through the net? No, you must catch them all. We will make a plan and temporarily select Yue Guijun, the leader of the 10th Squadron (a company commander of Liu Ming's double department, is a big man and very witty, Arai once blackmailed him in the summer, but did not force out the money, and confiscated all the guns of the 10th Squadron. At that time, Yue swallowed his anger, let him deal with this enemy today! Individually, he first explained to him about the uprising that night, and told him to take forty soldiers of his cronies to "escort" Arai, and on the way back, he arrested Arai and went straight to Niujiazhuang to wait for the troops. He happily accepted the task.

After breakfast, the decoration begins. The day before, Mo Zhengmin had already talked with Liu Mingshuang and Meng Jingzhi about the uprising, and these two had done some work before, but now seeing that Mo had agreed to the uprising and the general trend, we agreed to go with him. So Mo Zhengmin, Liu Mingshuang, and Meng Jingzhi separately called their squadron leaders to the room one by two, and assigned the task of uprising with half order and half persuasion. Our actions were in line with most people's wishes, and it was what they expected, and I watched as the squadron leaders walked out with excited expressions. Of course, there are a few who feel sudden and seem to be in a trance.

At nine o'clock, everything was arranged, but there was a commotion in the streets. Some sharp-eyed people saw Mo Zhengmin's family members leaving the city early in the morning, and they all guessed the scene. The guy who didn't know whether he was alive or dead also came to deliver information, saying: "The Eighth Route Army is not far from the city, and it is full of people stationed around, saying that it will fight Ju County tonight." "The gentry in the city also came in a panic to inquire about the news; Some of the common people help the old and the young, and ride donkeys and carts to go out of the city. The gates are temporarily closed. Mo Bu's mood also seemed a little anxious.

"Jingle bell ......" Suddenly the phone rang, Mo Zhengmin walked over and picked up the receiver: "Hey, who's it?" It's County Magistrate Ding, ah, what? No, it's a rumor, what's wrong? The people moved, hey, that is to ask you to use 500 carts to deliver rice, which will make the people uneasy, it doesn't matter, I have sent a team out to suppress - what? I heard that the Eighth Road was going to attack the city, and there was nothing to do, so I spread rumors...... Hey, I said county magistrate, what's going on with the cotton clothes fee? It's too cold, hurry up. ……”

"Fuck, it looks like they're feeling sick," and the county magistrate said I'm going to pull ten squadrons out of the city and eight ways to attack the city—and finally gave me a vague pass. Mo Zhengmin put down the telephone receiver and said with a calm face.

But one wave has not settled, and one wave has risen again. The Japanese devils built a bunker in the southeast corner of the city, and the south gate project of Mobe was still being repaired, but it was renovated facing the city. In the chaos of the streets, Ri sensed that something was wrong.

At about eleven o'clock, the devil instructor Kanano, with his Japanese-style waist knife, came to the office in person to ask questions. Mo Zhengmin was still calm, he sat face to face with the "instructor", his face was a little complacent, and said: "It's okay, the Eighth Road is coming, and we are sure to keep Juxian safe...... Ah, the fortifications of the city wall are repaired for Haxiangli? This is to prepare for street fighting, the instructor's reassurance. The devil saw that Mo Zhengmin's expression was stable, and he left "ah, ah".

"When, when, when......" The clock on the wall strikes twelve times, and it tells us that there are still seven hours before the time of the uprising, and as time passes, the confidence of victory is gradually driving out the fear of the final difficulties, but there are still many problems.

Shortly after lunch, Captain Yue called from Zhaoxian,

He did not disclose the difficulties in carrying out the mission, but we increased our concerns, because if we came back early, we would be exposed on the road, and if we didn't come back, we wouldn't be able to catch Arai.

At three o'clock, the sun was in the west, and the plainclothes team of our headquarters changed into the clothes of the puppet army outside the south gate and swaggered into the city. It was really pleasant to see our young men from the Eighth Route Army enter the city. But it also brought some trouble, and the young men wandered around the streets, and some of them even went to the city walls, and looked around with their eyes, which stood out, but it was not good to restrain them, and only when they were familiar with the streets, could they move at night. Let's shop! Don't worry about this distraction anymore, anyway, it's already more than three o'clock, even if the devil sees the flaw and wants to do it, we are also prepared, and it is no problem to hold on for two hours, not to mention that the large army of our army has come to the city, less than twenty miles away from the city, and a tight encirclement has been formed


At about four o'clock, Squadron Leader Yue called again and said: "Consultants" have set off from recruitment. …… At that time, I really couldn't suppress the excitement in my heart, and Mo Zhengmin also said: "Great, he walked up to five o'clock at the last hour, just halfway between Juxian and Zhaoxian, and now Arai can't run away, we can do it all, and not miss a single one." ”

After six o'clock, it was almost dark, and we began to act, arresting the instructors, catching the county magistrate, blocking the devils, blowing up the bunkers, and dispatching in several ways, each doing its own thing.

"Report to the captain, to die, to live?" Hu Shiquan, Xu Enbo, Wei Youchun, Liu Guitian and other Mo Zhengmin's cronies and orderlies were very happy after receiving the task of arresting the instructor and asked Mo Zhengmin for instructions together.


"Okay!" Four people with four box guns, opened the big nose, pushed the top door fire, inserted the gun in the chest, and went straight to the Japanese instructor Kanano's room.

"Report Instructor 1" was pacing up and down the stone platform at the door

Instructor Kaneno was stopped by the shout.

"What do you mean?"

"Adjutant Ding's daughter-in-law, please eat and drink with the instructor!"

"Okay, okay!" Kaneno seemed pleased.

"What kind of work over there?" Wei Youchun pointed behind Jin Ye, and when Jin Ye turned his head, Xu Enbo stopped him and hugged him.

Jin Ye easily pulled out the command knife beside him, but was knocked to the ground by Wei Youchun with a box gun. Kaneno's two orderlies ran out of the house with guns in their hands.

"We are all Chinese!" Hu Shiquan shouted, and the two orderlies obediently handed over their guns.

"What do you mean? Tae-kun's words! Kaneno shouted angrily.

"Eight grid tooth road, the bartender? Is there beer? The orderly deliberately teased him and vented his anger.

"Uh-huh," Kaneno didn't have time to defend himself, he was pushed to the bed in the house, and they gagged Kaneno with a towel, tied it up with leggings, and sent it to the brigade headquarters, where he was held in a small room.

At the same time, Liu Mingshuang and Chen Huqing, deputy members of the brigade, personally went to Ding Xiaofeng, the puppet county magistrate, to get straight to the point, and asked him to go with us to the anti-Japanese base area. The pseudo-county magistrate hesitated. "How?" Liu Mingshuang asked in a rough voice. The pseudo-county magistrate peeked at it, Liu Ming stood in front of him with a box gun in his chest, and immediately turned his mouth and said, "Ah, this, why didn't you tell me this news earlier?" I knew that I was ready and prepared, and I had to do something. While talking nonsense, he hurriedly packed his bags and obediently followed out of the county yamen. On the way, the deputy of the two brigades bent to the police station again, and someone had already arranged it there, and arrested Narita, the head of the Devil Police Division, the interpreter, and the Japanese adviser who had fled from Yishui.

At half past six, Mo Zhengmin and I, along with all the personnel of the large army, also went out. What a coincidence, just when I went out, I ran into an economic consultant, and this guy became our prisoner in a daze. We arrived at the south gate and looked not far away, and the newly built turret on the southeast corner of the devil was still standing strangely.

The highest turret in Jincheng has a devil squad leader to supervise the construction during the day, the devils go back after work at six o'clock, and the devils come to guard after seven o'clock.

Engineer Fan Baozeng held an eighty-pound bag of explosives and waited by the turret, but today this overseer devil was almost half past six and did not leave, so we had to send a few plainclothes to prepare to escort the explosives, and if necessary, to clean up this guy first. Coincidentally, at half past six o'clock the devil left on his own, and the sappers quickly picked up the explosives, drilled into the three-story wall, placed the explosives on the inside of the five-foot-thick stone brick turret, installed five detonators, and lit them as soon as the guns rang out in the city. Every squadron of devils in the city lives in the Japanese headquarters in Xiaoweizi. Xiaoweizi Gate faces south, outside the door is a more than 10-meter-long alley, outside the alley is the east and west streets, the genius is dark, we have sent the 12th squadron to block the alley. Soon after, in the dim light, more than a dozen devils could be seen coming out of the Japanese headquarters, and one in front of him was holding a crooked machine gun, ready to go to the turret to set up a sentry.

With a wave of his hand, the squadron leader opened fire on the alley, knocking down seven or eight devils at once, and the crooked handles were also surrendered. The devils in the small enclosure knew that the situation was not right, fired flares, and fired at me with heavy machine-gun fire, and the short wall at the mouth of the alley also collapsed, but the mouth of the alley had been blocked by our firepower and could not get out.

The sappers waiting in the southeast corner were anxious, and when they heard the sound of gunfire in the city, they knew that it was time to light the fuse. More than a minute later, there was a loud bang that shook the earth, and the four-foot-high turret of the towering city wall disappeared without a trace in the smoke.

On the night of Jucheng, in the midst of extreme turmoil, Nanmen Cave was the most lively place, and a team of athletes of the Eighth Route Army, under the guidance of the brothers anyway, entered the city to replace Mobu and took on the task of attacking the Japanese army. Mo Bu gathered into a four-way column, wearing a black mark on a white background with the word "Zheng" on his arm, and a person in front of him waving a white flag and constantly going out of the city. In the flow of people, there were also pseudo county magistrates, Japanese instructors, consultants, and the bully landlord Yu Jingwu, the culprit who had killed many anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians, was also arrested as a courtesy.

Before dawn, we rushed to Niujiazhuang to assemble, and at this time I was still worried, what happened to the Japanese consultant Arai, did he miss it? After a while, I saw Captain Yue, and he excitedly told us:

At half past four o'clock yesterday afternoon, they took two cars back to Ju County. But the consultant's car burned gasoline, and the car they sat in burned charcoal, and they couldn't catch up when they fell behind.

When he arrived at Zhaoxian, he said to Arai: "I'm afraid there are eight roads on the road, and I will sit with the advisor and protect the advisor." "Okay, okay!" Arai seemed to grasp his "loyalty" and sat in the cab with him, with a driver in between.

When the car drove eighteen miles, he called a stop and pretended to go down to urinate. He turned to the back of the car and told the soldiers to get out of the car as well. Unexpectedly, Arai, who had the most eyes, followed behind, "Squadron leader, what are you doing?" He took a step forward, grabbed Arai by the waist, twisted the two of them, and rolled down the ditch from the car road.

The soldiers who got out of the car still didn't know what was going on. He shouted loudly, "On the orders of our superiors, we are told to catch devils, brothers, we are going to join the Eighth Route Army." ”

The soldiers swarmed up, captured Arai, and killed two more devil soldiers. Arai, who was tied up, was still playing with a dead dog, and refused to take a step, so everyone tied his hands and feet together and put on two flat poles. Carry it to the meeting place like a dead pig.

The next day, the insurrectionary contingent of nearly 4,000 people was assembled, carrying 31 machine guns, 35 hand cannons, and more than 3,000 rifles, and drove into the free land of the motherland, the heart of the liberation industry, in the sunshine.


Juxian Cultural and Historical Materials, Volume 1 (October 1983)