
@菜农朋友 The rainy season is approaching Field management should pay attention to these →

author:Bozhou Municipal People's Procuratorate

The high temperature and rainy season in summer are the seasons when diseases, insects and weeds are frequent, which will affect the growth and development of vegetable crops and the quality of products, so it is necessary to do a good job in field management.

@菜农朋友 The rainy season is approaching Field management should pay attention to these →

Zhang Tao, deputy director of Bozhou Green and High-quality Agricultural Products Development Center, said that nightshade vegetables are prone to growth and seedling diseases under high temperature and high humidity conditions, such as cataplexy, blight and stem rot. In the process of management, vegetable farmers should control temperature and water, and pay attention to good shade nets and insect nets. After planting, pay attention to controlling the amount of watering, watering to do small water frequently, dry and wet, to prevent excessive humidity and infection of seedling diseases.

@菜农朋友 The rainy season is approaching Field management should pay attention to these →

For melon vegetables, the main thing is to control the growth and increase the yield. In the process of management, vegetable farmers should pay attention to temperature and water control to prevent melons and vegetables from growing vigorously under high temperature and high humidity conditions, strengthen night temperature control at night, increase ventilation, and strengthen the transformation and transportation of nutrients.

@菜农朋友 The rainy season is approaching Field management should pay attention to these →

In addition, leafy vegetables cultivated in the open air, during the rainfall concentration period, pay attention to drainage and waterlogging to prevent water accumulation from causing roots. When the harvesting standard is reached, it should be harvested in time to prevent it from rotting in case of rain and reduce the value of the commodity.

@菜农朋友 The rainy season is approaching Field management should pay attention to these →

Finally, Zhang Tao suggested that vegetable farmers pay close attention to the weather forecast, fix the greenhouses before the heavy rain arrives, check them in time, and repair the damaged greenhouses; After the rain, seize the time to carry out field management, such as clearing the ditch and loosening the soil, and removing the stump and diseased leaves in time. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the prevention and control of vegetable diseases, supplement the application of nutrient fertilizers, increase the nutrition of fruits and vegetables, and quickly restore the growth of disaster-stricken vegetables.

Source: Bozhou Audiovisual Network

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