
Warning education + special party class, focusing on "discipline"!

author:Bozhou Municipal People's Procuratorate

Establish rules and regulations in the direction of party discipline and have a strong atmosphere

Stimulate new momentum for the innovation and development of the procuratorial cause

Warning education + special party class, focusing on "discipline"!

July 1 today is the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, in order to carry out in-depth party discipline learning and education, strengthen the discipline awareness of party members and cadres, and promote the study and reform of the case, this morning, the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate held a party discipline study and education warning education warning education and discipline party class report meeting, the provincial procuratorate party secretary, procurator general Chen Wu emphasized in teaching a special party class, to continue to study in depth General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on party discipline learning and education, adhere to the pragmatic, focus on the shortcomings of the problem, with party discipline to clarify the direction, rules, positive atmosphere, Strong immunity, constantly stimulate the Anhui procuratorial team's pragmatic and pragmatic performance momentum, and strive to provide a strong disciplinary guarantee for promoting the modernization of procuratorial work.

Warning education + special party class, focusing on "discipline"!

▲Chen Wu, Secretary of the Party Group and Procurator General of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, gave a special party class.

"The reason why our party has been able to continue to glow with vigorous vitality and maintain strong combat effectiveness is inseparable from the emphasis on discipline study and education." Combined with detailed historical materials, Chen Wu led everyone to learn the party's valuable experience in strengthening discipline construction in various historical periods, emphasizing the need to deeply understand the connotation and requirements of the party's self-revolution, firmly grasp the fundamental direction and scientific path of discipline construction and party discipline study and education, and adhere to the unity of politics and people's nature, the unity of systematization and pertinence, and the unity of theory and practice.

An important way to strengthen the building of discipline and to carry out the study and education of party discipline is to persist in being problem-oriented. Chen Wu closely followed the connotation requirements of the "six disciplines" in the party class, combined with the province's procuratorial practice and the people, cases, and things around him, analyzed the problems and their causes in a methodical manner, and put forward targeted measures.

"Political discipline is the most important, fundamental and crucial discipline, and it is the rules that Party organizations at all levels and all Party members must abide by in terms of political direction, political stance, political speech, and political behavior." Chen Wu stressed: As political organs, legal supervision organs, and judicial organs under the leadership of the party, procuratorial organs should strictly observe political discipline in order to profoundly understand the decisive significance of the "two establishments," enhance the "four consciousnesses," strengthen the "four self-confidences," and achieve the "two safeguards." That is, they must uphold the party's overall leadership and the centralized and unified leadership of the party Central Committee, resolutely implement the regulations on requesting instructions and reporting on major matters and the regulations on political and legal work, strictly implement the ideological responsibility system, and focus on all procuratorial work from the political point of view and from the rule of law. In the face of major issues of right and wrong and on issues of political principle, we should keep a clear head and take a firm stand. "At present, the focus is to firmly establish a correct view of political performance, conscientiously implement the key work of the Supreme People's Procuratorate such as 'procuratorial protection of enterprises' and 'inspection and protection of people's livelihood', and provide high-quality and efficient procuratorial products around the strategic positioning of the provincial party committee's 'three places and one district' and the goal of 'seven strong provinces', so as to ensure that the work deployment of the party committee and the higher courts is implemented in the province's procuratorial organs."

Chen Wu pointed out that the procuratorial organs, as the party's law enforcement and judicial organs, and all party members and cadres and police officers must strictly abide by organizational discipline in order to establish a strong sense of organization, set an example in maintaining the party's unity and unity, and abide by the party's organizational principles, and adhere to the centralization on the basis of democracy and the democratic assembly under centralized guidance on major issues, major matters, and major sensitive cases, so as to ensure that the procuratorial personnel of the whole province maintain a high degree of consistency with the party Central Committee ideologically, politically, and in action. It is necessary to keep in mind the first identity of Communist Party members, establish a correct organizational concept, strictly obey organizational arrangements, consciously accept the leadership and supervision of party organizations, and ensure that the party's organizational principles are strictly implemented in the procuratorial process.

Chen Wu stressed that it is necessary to strictly abide by the discipline of honesty and integrity, establish a firm concept and awareness of discipline and law, constantly strengthen self-vigilance and self-restraint, and always implement the spirit of discipline and law, the requirements of discipline and law, and the boundaries of discipline and law in judicial case handling, so as to be vigilant and stop in action. It is necessary to cultivate a sense of awe, persist in using power impartially, stress principles rather than feelings, handle and handle cases in strict accordance with policy requirements and legal provisions, and do not go beyond the thunder pool. It is necessary to consciously accept supervision, regard criticism and supervision as concern and help, strictly abide by the eight central regulations and their detailed implementation rules, and always have a heart of self-discipline and always think about the harm of greed.

"The essential requirement of mass discipline is to practice the party's fundamental purpose and implement the party's mass line." Chen Wu emphasized that the key to procuratorial organs strictly abiding by the discipline of the masses is to get close to the masses, rely on the masses, deeply understand the people's needs for the rule of law, and continuously enhance the people's sense of access to the rule of law by improving the quality and efficiency of legal supervision work. It is necessary to earnestly protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people, deepen the special action of "inspecting and protecting the people's livelihood", and do a solid job of handling the "small cases" around the people. It is necessary to actively respond to the people's judicial concerns, deepen the work of "echoing the people's voices and warming the prosecution", and do a good job of procuratorial work that the people can feel, understand, and benefit. It is necessary to constantly enrich the ways of serving the masses, and seriously deal with behaviors such as ignoring the demands of the masses and having an arrogant attitude towards the masses.

Chen Wu emphasized that the essential requirement of work discipline is to perform their duties and responsibilities and take responsibility, and that procuratorial personnel strictly abide by work discipline is to carry forward the spirit of responsibility, focus on the main responsibility and main business of legal supervision, and more consciously put procuratorial work into the overall situation of the work of the party and the state to think and plan, grasp the work with the attitude of "seeking the ultimate" and achieve results, and strive to do things without evading difficulties and facing difficulties. It is necessary to carry forward the style of pragmatism, base ourselves on the responsibilities of the post, be good at learning business, sink into the front line of case handling to find out the situation, find problems, and propose measures, and practice the basic skills of investigation and research. It is necessary to firmly establish a sense of rules, strictly grasp the "style of meeting, study, and work style" of the organs, deepen the study and education of the awareness of efficiency, confidentiality, diligence and thrift, strictly implement the management system of the organs, and effectively deal with the phenomena of procrastination, prevarication, perfunctory, and off-duty and cross-posting.

"Life discipline is the norm of words and deeds that party members must abide by in their daily life and social interactions 'outside the eight hours'." Chen Wu pointed out that procuratorial personnel should strictly abide by the discipline of life; on the one hand, they should temper their party spirit, cultivate moral sentiments, persist in cultivating themselves with morality, establishing rules with morality, and acting with morality, strictly restrain their own ethics and behavior, correctly handle the relationship between public and private, right and wrong, and righteousness and profit, and in particular, purify their "circle of friends" and "life circle," prudently handle the relationship with lawyers, parties, and other service recipients, and behave innocently and do things cleanly. On the other hand, it is necessary to cultivate a good family style, build a clean family, and manage well their spouses, children, and other relatives.

Chen Wu stressed that carrying out the study and education of party discipline is an important measure to strengthen the building of party discipline and promote the comprehensive and strict management of party governance and procuratorial work to develop in depth. It is necessary to deepen the establishment of rules and regulations, strengthen long-term permanent governance, do a good job of cleaning up the source, create a good atmosphere, improve the chain of responsibility, form a closed loop of work, and further promote the study and education of party discipline to go deeper.

Warning education + special party class, focusing on "discipline"!

The warning education meeting also conveyed and studied the circular of the Provincial Party Committee Burden Reduction Office and the General Office of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection on three typical problems of rectifying formalism as a typical problem of reducing the burden on the grassroots level, as well as the circular of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on 10 typical cases of procuratorial personnel violating discipline and law, and reported in writing the cases of violation of discipline and law by procuratorial personnel of procuratorial organs throughout the province. The responsible persons of the four party branches and dispatched institutes of the provincial procuratorate reported on the development of party discipline study and education.

Lu Jianwu, member of the party group and deputy procurator general of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate, presided over the meeting. The leaders of the Anhui Provincial Procuratorate at home, full-time members of the procuratorial committee, and representatives of all cadres and policemen and retired cadres of the organs and dispatched institutes attended the meeting at the main venue and branch venues respectively.

Source: Anhui Procuratorate

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