
It's outrageous! Boeing wants to "dump" China, US media: the titanium alloy that falsified the record came from China

author:Guan Wen Shi said


It's outrageous! Boeing wants to "dump" China, US media: the titanium alloy that falsified the record came from China

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources and are repeated at the end of this article

I was really convinced, I had eaten all kinds of "melons" from Boeing recently, but I didn't expect that all of a sudden this "melon" would show signs of eating ourselves. At present, there are very big signs that Boeing seems to be ready to push our heads on our heads for a series of "crotch-pulling" performances in recent years.

It's outrageous! Boeing wants to "dump" China, US media: the titanium alloy that falsified the record came from China

This is going to make us "blame" for them! To be honest, if you can't do it yourself, you can't do it, and looking for someone else to "top the pot" for you can't change the fact that you are "not good" now! And to talk about how they are going to operate the "dumping pot", we have to start with the batch of "fake alloys" that broke out before. [Beer]


Various safety accidents continue to occur at Boeing

It's outrageous! Boeing wants to "dump" China, US media: the titanium alloy that falsified the record came from China

If you want to say that in recent years, the most "filter-broken" company, it has to be said that Boeing must be the first to bear the brunt, as it is still the leading company in the global aviation industry, the good reputation that has been accumulated is declining at an alarming speed.

In fact, you don't need to deliberately look for it, you only need to search casually with your hands to see that Boeing's various quality problems can be said to be shocking. For aircraft, safety should be said to be the top priority, but it is clear that Boeing now has no way to provide sufficient guarantees.

It's outrageous! Boeing wants to "dump" China, US media: the titanium alloy that falsified the record came from China

In addition to the business of their civil aviation production line, other projects seem to be full of all kinds of problems, not to mention any too distant topics, I think it is still hanging in the sky, and the two astronauts must have something to say in their hearts! After all, people really can't go home now, and they were expected to come back in 8 days!

It's outrageous! Boeing wants to "dump" China, US media: the titanium alloy that falsified the record came from China

How long has it been now? The most important thing is that you can push the estimated date again and again, and now you don't give people the exact time to come back, and directly vaguely say what "July at the earliest", and now it's July, we have to see what reason they can come up with to continue to "delay".

It's outrageous! Boeing wants to "dump" China, US media: the titanium alloy that falsified the record came from China

You have to know that you can't handle the problem when you are down, and now you still expect a few of them to deal with it for you in heaven? Anyway, now their various statements are full of a "hard mouth" flavor, anyway, "data is being collected now", "you can come back at any time", but when you ask what specific date you will come back, the answer is "to be determined".

It's outrageous! Boeing wants to "dump" China, US media: the titanium alloy that falsified the record came from China

In fact, it can be seen from his remarks that in fact, this project can be said to be "unfinished", and now everyone will see how to deal with this "mess" in the end. And from the various circumstances of this project, in fact, you can see the epitome of Boeing over the years.

It's outrageous! Boeing wants to "dump" China, US media: the titanium alloy that falsified the record came from China

In fact, this is also a common problem of many glorious industrial enterprises in the United States in the past, and now these large companies are pursuing financial results, profits and growth, mainly to be responsible for shareholders and make high stock prices to obtain profits. Therefore, the production design must deliberately cut costs. Moreover, Boeing is too close to the FAA (National Aviation Administration), and many of the FAA regulations are Boeing members back then, so to a certain extent, it is "testing its own products".

It's outrageous! Boeing wants to "dump" China, US media: the titanium alloy that falsified the record came from China

After doing this for a long time, I can only say that everyone understands it, and if it goes on like this, there will be ghosts without failures and accidents. What's more, in order to improve "efficiency" and output, they have outsourced a lot of work, and the control of product production and quality is getting lower and lower, and for the sake of output, they can only constantly lower the inspection standard.

It's outrageous! Boeing wants to "dump" China, US media: the titanium alloy that falsified the record came from China

This is also the source of many tragedies, for example, this year there was an accident after the inspection, and even found a variety of strange wrench screws or something from it, it can be said that these most basic quality inspection can not solve the problem, which can completely show how serious the internal problems are.


Non-standard titanium alloy material!

It's outrageous! Boeing wants to "dump" China, US media: the titanium alloy that falsified the record came from China

In such a situation, if it is said that in order to "reduce costs and increase efficiency", it can be said that it is "normal" to use some substandard parts at the end. It's better to say that they can find such a problem, which is already "impressive"! According to US media reports, the relevant agencies have begun to investigate and found that the "titanium alloy" used in a batch of parts is problematic.

It's outrageous! Boeing wants to "dump" China, US media: the titanium alloy that falsified the record came from China

It stands to reason that this shouldn't be news, everyone is waiting to watch the fun and see what "big work" Boeing can do this time, but what people didn't expect is that this time the "melon eating" actually ate on their own body. They actually claimed that this batch of unqualified "titanium alloys" was produced by Chinese companies.

It's outrageous! Boeing wants to "dump" China, US media: the titanium alloy that falsified the record came from China

But if we look back at the chain they provide, we will clearly feel that their intention to "dump the pot" is too obvious. According to the information they provided, the materials were first purchased from China by a Turkish company in 2019, but were later sold to the market and eventually bought to produce Boeing parts.

Good guys, can you go around a little bit in between? And the most abstract thing is that the name of the so-called "Chinese manufacturer" cannot be found at all, or the contract receipt that can be proved to be our production or something, basically relying purely on the so-called "informed sources", combined with his various strange operations, it is difficult not to suspect that their purpose is actually to "pull us into the water".

It's outrageous! Boeing wants to "dump" China, US media: the titanium alloy that falsified the record came from China

And there is a very strange point in this matter, because if they want to buy titanium alloy, they can buy it directly and publicly, why go to the market to buy the so-called "Turkish company imported from China and resold the Italian processing order and finally provided to Boeing", what is the purpose of this?

After all, anyone who has done trade should know very well that trading this thing is to add money once, and he is not doing charity, what is the meaning of buying this kind of material that has been poured several times? So this made many netizens put forward a possibility, he did this, most likely to throw the "pot" of his recent security accidents to China, and use this to distract the people from questioning him.

It's outrageous! Boeing wants to "dump" China, US media: the titanium alloy that falsified the record came from China

In fact, Boeing is doing the purchase from China, mainly because he can't choose. This is because, in fact, most of the titanium alloys in the world are mainly produced by three countries, namely China, the United States, Japan and Russia. Among them, China is the absolute majority, accounting for more than half of the share, followed by Russia, the United States, Japan and some small countries occupy a small share.

It's outrageous! Boeing wants to "dump" China, US media: the titanium alloy that falsified the record came from China

And this thing is indispensable in many fields, after all, it is light and high, and it is even unobtainable for many industries. For example, among civil airliners, one will use up several tons of titanium alloy, and those space vehicles are used in a large area, accounting for more than half of the overall aviation industry, and Boeing has completely eliminated Russia's supply before.

It's outrageous! Boeing wants to "dump" China, US media: the titanium alloy that falsified the record came from China

But there are no problems with so many formal cooperation projects, but such a "messy business" that has turned around and doesn't know how many hands it has turned around is suddenly ready to turn to China, as long as you look at it, you know that there are "ghosts" in it. And it doesn't matter what channel it is, why didn't your Boeing's own inspection department play a role at this time? For this kind of project that is more secure than ever, the detection can't even distinguish the non-compliant metal? Doesn't that mean that the problem is even more serious?

It's outrageous! Boeing wants to "dump" China, US media: the titanium alloy that falsified the record came from China

Therefore, deindustrialization and hollowing out can be said to be like the "geriatric disease" of manufacturing, at first glance there are no obvious diseases in the body, but in fact, every organ inside has begun to age and fail. At this time, Boeing is not thinking about how to rebuild the internal quality system and do a good job of its own. Instead, he secretly tried to transfer the contradiction to others.

It's outrageous! Boeing wants to "dump" China, US media: the titanium alloy that falsified the record came from China

It can only be said that with such an attitude and method, I am afraid that these are not the end now, and it is very likely that there will be "endless troubles" in the end! Forget it, let's wish the two astronauts on the space station can come back safely!


[1] China Economic Net - 2024.07.02 "Heavy damage to Boeing's reputation! American "Starliner" spacecraft stranded in space》

[2] Yicai - 2024.06.17 "Titanium parts sold through forged documents were used on the plane? Boeing Airbus Response》

[3] Flush Finance - 2024.06.15 "Boeing Airbus was exposed to use problematic titanium materials, and U.S. regulators said that Boeing's regulatory hands were too loose"

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