
The United States wants to get started and "snatch" the soil on the back of the moon? NASA said: China should abide by the Wolf Clause

author:Mo Wenchu

Can't afford to lose! NASA demands that China hand over lunar soil, otherwise China will be "guilty of it", bypassing the "Wolf Clause" and forcing China to cooperate in lunar exploration.

NASA is eyeing China's lunar soil

Piff is not guilty of his guilt! The United States wants to get started and "snatch" China's moon-backed soil.

CNN reported that the United States was not happy when it learned that China had announced that it would share the moon's back soil for scientists to study. NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said that the U.S. shared lunar samples with the international community through the six Apollo moon landings, and that China "should do the same."

The United States wants to get started and "snatch" the soil on the back of the moon? NASA said: China should abide by the Wolf Clause

In order to ensure that American researchers do not violate the "Wolf Clause" when applying for samples, Chinese should follow instructions and guardrails. The lunar specimens are in China's hands, but the United States is "yelling at China" as the holder, we can't help but ask, who gave Nelson and other politicians the courage?

In fact, the United States has always been arrogant, and in its opinion, the lunar soil obtained by China is its own, and China is "unworthy" to possess these extraterrestrial rarities. I just want to say that the United States has thought too much, China is not a "puppet", China is a natural royal family, and China has the ability to say no to the United States.

The progress of China's lunar exploration has made the United States worried

A few points.

First, the United States is in a hurry and may really start "grabbing".

The way of snatching is needless to put pressure on China, in the name of cooperation, to force China to share the lunar soil; Or send many scientists to participate in China's research on lunar soil. Assuming that the above measures do not work, Biden may step in with China to help NASA salvage the game.

The United States wants to get started and "snatch" the soil on the back of the moon? NASA said: China should abide by the Wolf Clause

Second, the United States doubts China's strength.

Because of the information cocoon, many foreigners are full of incredulity when they hear China's Chang'e-6, believing that China is just an ordinary developing country and does not have the strength to catch up with the United States in the field of lunar exploration, which is the same as Westerners driving Chinese electric cars, but always having doubts about the quality of Chinese cars.

Stemming from stereotypes about China, developed countries, including the United States, have always branded China, which makes them unwittingly preconceived when reporting any news about China's progress. NASA is a prime example of this, and since it's willing to pretend to sleep, let it be.

The United States wants to get started and "snatch" the soil on the back of the moon? NASA said: China should abide by the Wolf Clause

Third, lunar soil is too valuable, and the United States must do everything possible to obtain samples.

According to the China National Space Administration, the lunar soil taken by Chang'e-6 is significantly different from that collected by Chang'e-5, and the reaction is in humidity, one is dry and powdery, and the other is slimy. In addition, lunar soil has been confirmed by China to contain solar wind-derived water, graphene, and "Chang'eite", and it is feared that China will make more major discoveries in the soil on the back of the moon.

Before the manned landing on the moon, it is necessary to find a way to step on the point in advance, and it is best to make the lunar soil the basic material for the construction of a lunar research station, and China has taken a big lead in this regard, using 3D printing technology to simulate the scene of building a house on the moon, and China has also made a five-star red flag for the first time with basalt with a similar composition to the lunar soil.

With this in mind, the United States is not in a hurry. It's just that the United States really has no choice but to continue to create a public opinion trap for China and force China to hand over the moon's back soil according to its own ideas, which is different from the United States forcing Mitsubishi, Alstom, and Nokia to hand over their core technologies.

The United States wants to get started and "snatch" the soil on the back of the moon? NASA said: China should abide by the Wolf Clause

Fourth, the United States is worried that China will be the first person to land on the moon in the 21st century.

Nelson vowed that the United States would strive to send American astronauts to the moon in the second half of 2026, while China's plans lagged behind, only before 2030. The United States is capable of winning the race to the moon with China, despite the difficulties of spaceflight and manned spaceflight.

If the empire is left with only a mouthpiece, then the 'scramble war' between China and the United States around the lunar highlands can basically be concluded: China is the first country to send astronauts to the moon in the 21st century, and the United States can only give up the position of space hegemon and let China become the absolute speaker in this field.

The United States wants to get started and "snatch" the soil on the back of the moon? NASA said: China should abide by the Wolf Clause

Fifth, the United States must make reforms.

Some people think that the "Wolf Clause" is hindering Sino-US cooperation in the field of space exploration, but this is not the case. Due to the exclusivity of competition, one side of China and the United States will inevitably win in the end, and the losing side will be ruthlessly abandoned by history.

Imagine that China's manned moon landing has become a general business, China has hit the cost of the moon landing to a minimum, and who will risk taking a flight on an American test spacecraft.

It is impossible for the United States to give priority to everything and China to lag behind in everything. The current thinking of the United States is that I can't have any opponents, and I must be better than those of my opponents, otherwise the empire will not do it, and even take the initiative to turn the table, NASA, as the executive agency of the United States, is willing to do a lot of dirty work for the government.

The United States wants to get started and "snatch" the soil on the back of the moon? NASA said: China should abide by the Wolf Clause

In short, the more the United States opposes, the more China insists, and if it really can't resist the "soft grinding and hard bubble" of the United States, China can openly sell the remaining lunar soil specimens in three to five years, and the price of the highest one will be $100 billion per gram of lunar soil. Because with the gradual advancement of the lunar space station program, in 5 or 10 years, China may really have a surplus of lunar soil.

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