
The United States made the mistake of rashly opposing China, Allah came out, the US military in Europe was threatened, and the French right wing rose

author:Mo Wenchu

When looking at international politics, we must not have diode thinking, otherwise, it is easy to fall into the subconscious misunderstanding, just like the United States, which regards Sino-US competition as a struggle for hegemony between the United States and the Soviet Union, and its understanding of the world situation is too shallow, and this is their biggest strategic mistake!

Is the United States at fault for rashly acting against China? China is on another level

According to a report by the Observer Network on July 1, recently, Singapore's senior diplomat Ma Kaishuo was a guest at the UAE Center for Strategic Studies, and he said at the meeting that the biggest strategic mistake made by the United States was to launch a competition with China without strategic planning, and the United States tried to contain China like the Soviet Union, but that could not succeed.

The United States made the mistake of rashly opposing China, Allah came out, the US military in Europe was threatened, and the French right wing rose

Mr. Ma's views are not surprising, as a well-known international diplomat who has repeatedly expressed confidence in China's rise in public, believes that the United States should abandon its containment strategy and work with China to create a world large enough for two great powers. It has to be said that his views are very correct and full of idealism, but it is a pity that his wishes are destined to not come true.

What was America's biggest strategic mistake? On the surface, as Ma Kaishuo said, it is because the United States did not do a good job of strategic planning, so it rashly took action to suppress China, and after Biden took office, he won over allies to oppose China, but the effect was always unsatisfactory, and it was okay to say that the United States was not prepared, but if you delve into its core, you will find that things are not so simple.

The United States made the mistake of rashly opposing China, Allah came out, the US military in Europe was threatened, and the French right wing rose

In their view, the world development model is a simple binary opposition, and the United States must defeat one opponent after another in order to continue to survive, and in the face of a rising China, the United States only needs to launch a bloc confrontation as it did with the Soviet Union, unite its allies to carry out strategic encirclement, and defeat China to solve all problems.

However, they do not realize that Chinese philosophical theories are on a different level, much more sophisticated than those of the United States. From China's point of view, the competition between China and the United States is not a wrestling of hands between the two great powers and a meaningless competition, nor is it a confrontation between two rules and orders. In other words, China has no intention of creating a new world order to compete with the old world dominated by the United States, on the contrary, China itself has deeply integrated with the old world of the past, and the goal now is only to make it better, nothing more.

The United States made the mistake of rashly opposing China, Allah came out, the US military in Europe was threatened, and the French right wing rose

China and the United States see the world in very different ways, which means that they are destined to achieve different results. The United States has fallen into the misunderstanding of diode thinking, so when Biden held the banner of democracy and launched a bloc confrontation, he himself created a large number of enemies for the United States, such as Russia, North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc., these countries are impacting American hegemony in various ways, and in order to implement the anti-China strategy, the United States continues to damage the interests of its allies, forcing them to choose sides and decouple from China's economy.

On the other hand, in the face of the new Cold War offensive of the United States, China did not buy it at all, and was not led by their nose. China has no intention of confronting any country, so on the world stage, China has always been the one that loves peace, promotes cooperation and seeks common development.

The United States made the mistake of rashly opposing China, Allah came out, the US military in Europe was threatened, and the French right wing rose

In the short term, it is true that the United States can rely on the residual power of hegemony to create huge pressure on China, but if we take a long-term view, the justice of the position will certainly come into play; in this world, China is not the only one who wants to reform the rules and order of the past, the world has suffered from US hegemony for a long time, and China's partners and friends will only increase, and the United States will eventually be alone, which is doomed to the end of their failure.

Why is it impossible for Ma Kaishuo's wish to come true? Because the American elite has been looking down on the world for nearly a hundred years, their thinking inertia is like this, full of the arrogance of the rulers, they will not hit the southern wall and will not look back, unless there is a change within the United States and a lesson is taught to those stubborn and old-fashioned political elites, they will never change the way they get along with the world.

The United States made the mistake of rashly opposing China, Allah came out, the US military in Europe was threatened, and the French right wing rose

Allah in Lebanon has finally come to its senses, and the United States has lost the Middle East

The United States is still immersed in the dream of world domination, unaware that the whole world has sounded the clarion call against hegemony, taking the Middle East region as an example, Allah Lebanon has joined the ranks of confronting Zionism, and it is this righteous act that has made them recognized by the entire Middle East region.

The League of Arab States announced that it no longer considers Lebanese Allah a terrorist organization, TASS reported on June 28. An Egyptian diplomat has publicly stated that the Arab League has officially lifted the terrorist label of Allah because the party plays a vital role in Lebanon's current and future political path.

The United States made the mistake of rashly opposing China, Allah came out, the US military in Europe was threatened, and the French right wing rose

In fact, this decision of the Arab League has clearly told the United States that the Middle East will no longer accept the rule of US hegemony, and if Israel continues to act recklessly, it will be besieged by all countries in the region. You know, the situation on the Lebanese-Israeli border has been extremely tense, because Israel continues to massacre Palestinian civilians and commit genocide in the Gaza Strip, Lebanon has used missiles and drones to attack Israel many times before, trying to force the other side to leave Gaza, and Israel, as a small bully in the Middle East, of course, can't swallow this breath, for several days, Netanyahu has been sending troops to northern Israel, urging the United States to send weapons and materials, ready to attack Lebanon proper.

At this juncture, the League of Arab States declares that it no longer considers Allah a terrorist organization, and it is sending a message to the United States and Israel that if they attack Lebanon, they will be enemies of all Arab countries. Moreover, the seriousness of the matter does not stop there, after Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Ali Khamenei warned that if Israel launched an attack on Lebanon, Iran would also deal a devastating blow to Israel, which means that if the United States and Israel dare to mess around, their opponents will be the entire Middle East.

The United States made the mistake of rashly opposing China, Allah came out, the US military in Europe was threatened, and the French right wing rose

In the past, the main reason why the Middle East region was divided and chaotic was that Saudi Arabia and Iran were at odds, and the contradictions between the two countries not only contained the religious differences between Sunnis and Shiites, but also represented the clash of the two civilizations of Arabia and Persia.

But not surprisingly, America's ambitions were ultimately disappointed. Because of China's mediation, Saudi Arabia and Iran have achieved a certain degree of reconciliation, coupled with the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel has gone too far, making the United States and Israel become demons in the eyes of all forces in the Middle East, and the basis for unity in the Middle East has finally emerged.

The United States made the mistake of rashly opposing China, Allah came out, the US military in Europe was threatened, and the French right wing rose

As an Arab country, Palestine is wantonly bullied by Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, which are also members of the Arab civilization, dare not come forward, and are afraid of Israel, but the resistance groups are very tough, whether it is the Lebanese Allah and Hamas organizations fighting on the front line, or the Houthis blocking the Red Sea, they are supporting Palestine, and if the League of Arab States does not stand up again, they will not be able to hang their own faces.

In short, with the Arab League openly recognizing the political status of Allah in Lebanon, the situation in the Middle East has changed, and the resistance groups have finally come to the fore and have the opportunity to be the masters of their own affairs, and the United States will definitely be kicked out. From the perspective of Sino-US competition, the change in the situation in the Middle East is itself a self-renewal of the world order, and China has also played a key role in this process, and the US hegemony is about to lose the Middle East.

The United States made the mistake of rashly opposing China, Allah came out, the US military in Europe was threatened, and the French right wing rose

Will Europe drive out the US military, or will terrorists take advantage of the opportunity to cause chaos?

The problems in the Middle East are serious, but the challenges facing the United States go far beyond that: just recently, US military bases in Europe have sent warning signals that they are threatened with terrorist attacks, and Europe is the core interest of US hegemony, and now the fundamentals seem to be shaking.

According to Taiwanese media reports on July 1, due to the possibility of terrorist attacks against US military personnel or facilities, several US military bases in Europe have been raised to alert levels, including the US European Command in Stuttgart, Germany. A U.S. official told the media that it had been at least 10 years since the alert level had been seen, and that it usually meant that the military had received credible information that a terrorist attack could come at any time.

The United States made the mistake of rashly opposing China, Allah came out, the US military in Europe was threatened, and the French right wing rose

The United States' concerns are not groundless, as the recent World Cup football tournament in Germany and the upcoming Olympic Games in France have brought higher security risks to Europe, and if terrorists take the opportunity to create chaos and attacks, they are likely to point the finger at the United States.

Not long ago, the EU Parliament election has just ended, and the voting results show that the political wind is turning to the right is obvious, and most European countries are unwilling to accept the control of the United States; in this context, many real power institutions in Europe are still controlled by pro-American factions, such as NATO Secretary General, European Commission President and other positions, which are also held by pro-American politicians. So as to realize their own political demands.

The United States made the mistake of rashly opposing China, Allah came out, the US military in Europe was threatened, and the French right wing rose

In addition to the European right, the Islamic State group is also a force to be reckoned with, the group has repeatedly carried out terrorist attacks in Russia, causing hundreds of deaths, the facts show that in this world, there is no hornet's nest that they dare not poke, if the Islamic State group wants to muddy the waters in Europe, it is also a good choice to attack the US military base.

Whether Europe wants to drive out the US military, or the terrorist forces want to take advantage of the opportunity to cause chaos, what is certain is that the US overseas military bases are no longer safe, the cost of maintaining world hegemony has risen indefinitely, and the old world order dominated by the United States is becoming more and more untenable.

The United States made the mistake of rashly opposing China, Allah came out, the US military in Europe was threatened, and the French right wing rose

The French right wing rises and new hope is born

Even if the United States is reluctant, withdrawing from Europe is already an inevitable end, and it is only a matter of time before this scene becomes a reality, and the recent election of the National Assembly in France, the victory of the right, to some extent, sounded the death knell for transatlantic US-EU relations.

According to the Financial Times, on June 30, the election for the lower house of the new French National Assembly kicked off, and the turnout was unusually high, setting a new record in 30 years, while the French far-right party National Alliance received the most support, established the status of the main political force, and France is about to usher in a nationalist government.

The United States made the mistake of rashly opposing China, Allah came out, the US military in Europe was threatened, and the French right wing rose

The rise of the French right-wing towards nationalism is actually an inevitable result. Friends who have been to France in recent years should know that dark-skinned people now almost occupy Paris, and the fertility rate of the native French people is still very low.

From the overall situation in Europe, French President Macron has been promoting European integration, but the results are very unsatisfactory, he wants to be heart-to-heart with other European countries, but others always play with him, many small European countries are actually puppets of the United States, in this environment, to achieve European integration, it is simply unrealistic, then it is conceivable that France wants to protect its own interests, there is only a choice to turn right.

The United States made the mistake of rashly opposing China, Allah came out, the US military in Europe was threatened, and the French right wing rose

In the final analysis, Europe has come to this point because of the excessive interference of the United States. The United States wants Europe to maintain consistency and be easily controlled by itself, but it also does not want to see Europe too united and pose a threat to itself. On the one hand, the Biden administration exaggerates the threat of Russia, provokes Russian-European relations, and unites Europe outside Russia, and on the other hand, it controls some small countries, suppresses the political claims of Germany, France and other big countries, and deliberately creates divisions.

Now that France has made the choice to move towards far-right nationalism, then the EU and NATO will be weakened, the continent will become more fragmented, and the situation in Germany and France is very similar, and the rightward trend will inevitably spread rapidly until it engulfs the whole world.

The United States made the mistake of rashly opposing China, Allah came out, the US military in Europe was threatened, and the French right wing rose

Each European country only values its own interests, and the transatlantic US-EU relations are over, and the US troops stationed in Europe have to leave. Of course, at the same time as the old order disintegrates, new hope will be born, and China's Belt and Road Initiative is booming and will surely become a bridge to the new world.

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