
Explosions were heard at Scarborough Shoal, and the US military dropped seven bombs, and F-22 and F-35 arrived in full gear

author:Captain Long Yan

The Russia-Ukraine war, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and the current situation in the South China Sea. The United States can be seen everywhere, just as there is a saying in the outside world: "Wherever the world is in chaos, the United States must be a demon." Just as the world was focusing on the Middle East and Eastern Europe, violent explosions were heard in the direction of the South China Sea.

It is reported that four US F-35B vertical take-off and landing stealth fighters flew to the waters around Huangyan Dao, during which they fired seven GBU-32 precision-guided bombs in succession, accurately destroying a 230-kilometer target near Huangyan Dao.

The United States claimed that the Philippine Navy and Air Force played an important role in this operation. The Philippine unmanned reconnaissance aircraft performed well and successfully completed the set tasks. Some military experts believe that the current deterioration of the situation in the South China Sea is caused by the United States adding fuel to the fire.

Explosions were heard at Scarborough Shoal, and the US military dropped seven bombs, and F-22 and F-35 arrived in full gear

The United States itself is distracted by the Middle East and Eastern Europe, but it does not want its competitors to live a comfortable life, so it constantly supports the Philippines and provokes trouble.

It is clear that at a time when the conflict in the South China Sea is intensifying. The US military and the Philippine Navy and Air Force are jointly carrying out military missions, and the imaginary enemy they strike at is us.

The U.S. military said that for the first time, the Philippine Navy and Air Force entered the waters near Scarborough Shoal to carry out military missions. The implication is that the Philippines has achieved good results this time.

In fact, in the previous conflicts, the Philippines suffered a big loss in each case. Whether it was a harassment, a collision, or a water cannon attack, the Philippines fell into disadvantage, and its naval special operations team was disarmed and surrendered by us.

At the same time, the Philippine Navy's FA-50 light fighters do not have the ability to enter and exit the sea and air forces, and several outdated warships of the Philippine Navy are even more incapable of taking up their duties.

Explosions were heard at Scarborough Shoal, and the US military dropped seven bombs, and F-22 and F-35 arrived in full gear

Therefore, the only thing the Philippines can handle is an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft.

The Philippines itself does not have the strength to challenge China, but with the United States behind it, Philippine provocations in the South China Sea are becoming more frequent.

The promulgation of the "US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty" has given the United States, a country outside the region, an excuse to intervene in maritime affairs. Under the constant planning of the United States, the Philippines has formed a set of attack and harassment tactics, and the US military has taken the opportunity to put pressure on us.

The specific plan is for the Philippines to send small-scale ships and coast guard ships to carry out attacks and harassment to induce Chinese coast guard vessels to intercept them.

After the first step distracted the Chinese coast guard vessels, the Philippines sent drone reconnaissance planes to intrude into the waters and collect the positions of Chinese warships deployed on the periphery of the islands and reefs. The Philippines then shared the information it received with the U.S. Navy, which was on guard from afar while sending F-35B stealth fighters on mission.

Explosions were heard at Scarborough Shoal, and the US military dropped seven bombs, and F-22 and F-35 arrived in full gear

According to the plan of the US military, once the F-35B launches guided bombs and anti-ship missiles, it will be able to win with one move.

According to the news website of the US Naval Institute, this time the US military and the Philippines are in a joint military operation. The U.S. military dispatched C-130 electronic command aircraft to coordinate the mission of the 214th Fighter Squadron of the U.S. Marine Corps deployed at the field airfield in the northern Philippines.

After the Philippine unmanned reconnaissance plane entered the waters near Scarborough Shoal to collect intelligence, it was immediately transmitted to the C-130 electronic command plane, and then the C-130 electronic command plane issued instructions to the US Marine Corps.

It is reported that in order to cooperate with the F-35B to complete the mission, the US military also dispatched F-22 stealth fighters to carry out patrol missions on the periphery, and in the event of an emergency, the F-22 stealth fighters will intervene in the battle as soon as possible.

According to the analysis of military experts, the intention of the US military is to use F-22 stealth fighters to intercept PLA fighters taking off from airports on islands and reefs in the South China Sea.

If 20 or 30 years ago, the United States and the Philippines were in cahoots, we would still be afraid of it. It's just that now we already have 052D destroyers, 054 frigates, and even 055-class 10,000-ton destroyers, and the Philippine Navy is no longer able to get close to the relevant islands and reefs.

Explosions were heard at Scarborough Shoal, and the US military dropped seven bombs, and F-22 and F-35 arrived in full gear

As for the United States trying to find trouble, don't think about getting out of the way. Judging from the GBU-32 precision-guided bomb launched by the US military this time, I am afraid it is just a sound. The Hongqi-16 anti-aircraft missiles deployed on our destroyers and frigates have a range of 40 kilometers, and the Hongqi-9 missiles have a range of more than 100 kilometers, which is enough to intercept US bombs.

If the US military wants to make up for the range disadvantage of the GBU-32 precision-guided bomb, the F-35B stealth fighter must be close to the target, so that it will be exposed to the range of various missiles of our army. And the C-130 electronic command aircraft of the US military is weaker and will be knocked out first. At that time, the F-22 will not have a chance to enter the battlefield at all, and the battle will already be over.