
Israel has made a big mistake, Syria has secretly completed two major things, and reshaping the pattern is very detrimental to the United States and Israel

author:Captain Long Yan

In this chess game in the Middle East, there are masters in the layout, and Israel has become a chess piece after all. Since the outbreak of the conflict in Gaza last year, the situation in the Middle East has received intense attention from the outside world. Let's first take a look at the general situation so far, it is not difficult to see that Israel has fallen into an embattled situation, and the United States has taken great pains to send the aircraft carrier "Eisenhower" to support Israel, and as a result, it has also become the target of the Houthis.

The United States and Israel have made such great efforts, and in the end, their efforts have been in vain, and they have also indirectly contributed to the great reconciliation of Arab countries. The United States has caused trouble in the Middle East by attacking Arab countries and sowing discord. However, all this, as Israel creates a humanitarian crisis in the Middle East, has become the target of thousands of people. Once again, the countries of the Middle East are united in taking aim at Israel.

Israel has made a big mistake, Syria has secretly completed two major things, and reshaping the pattern is very detrimental to the United States and Israel

The United States, which greatly senses that the situation is not good, has begun to take remedial measures. On the one hand, it has suspended military aid to Israel, and wants to remove the label of Israel's accomplice, hoping to change its image internationally. In addition, in order not to affect the layout of the United States in the Middle East, the United States even issued a warning to Israel, hoping that Israel would stop continuing to expand the war.

The United States now fears that if Israel starts a war with Allah in Lebanon on its northern border, Iran will most likely send troops to fight itself, and the United States will have to be forced to get involved in the conflict.

Israel's current every move is under the watchful eye of the entire Arab world. As long as Israel unveils the prelude to the Lebanese-Israeli war, it is very likely to trigger a sixth Middle East war. This time, however, Israel discovered that something was wrong, and the major anti-Israel forces gradually evolved from multiple countries to local forces.

It should be noted that the combat effectiveness of these local armed forces is no worse than that of the government army, and it is even stronger. The Allah armed forces, for example, are stronger than the regular Lebanese army.

At the same time, the training of these Resistance Front fighters is generally accumulated over the years, unlike Israeli soldiers, who only have two months of training from conscription to the front line. Therefore, judging from the combat experience, these anti-Israel forces are more abundant.

Israel has made a big mistake, Syria has secretly completed two major things, and reshaping the pattern is very detrimental to the United States and Israel

More crucially, these local armed forces are adept at fighting guerrilla warfare and tunnel warfare. They do not have a fixed command post, unlike a country that has a capital and an economic and cultural center, and Israel wants to retaliate and cannot find a target to strike. But these local forces are able to pop up like gophers from time to time to attack Israel.

Judging from the current situation, Israel is completely like a hornet's nest, and things that are unfavorable to Israel have appeared one after another.

On the eve of the imminent outbreak of the Lebanese-Israeli war, there was also a subtle change in the situation in the Golan Heights, which Israel feared.

After the outbreak of the civil war in Syria, both Russia and Iran came to the rescue. However, with Israel, the United States, Turkey and other countries intervening, Syria has always faced a complex situation.

In northern Syria, the Turkish army has been eyeing the Kurdish forces for many years, while in eastern Syria, the United States has sent troops to collude with the Kurdish forces, and there are many armed forces in the Homs desert and the central and eastern regions. However, with the outbreak of the current round of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, both Israel and the United States have been held back, thus distracting attention in the direction of Syria.

Israel has made a big mistake, Syria has secretly completed two major things, and reshaping the pattern is very detrimental to the United States and Israel

With the outbreak of the Gaza conflict, the US military was pinned down by the Houthis in the Red Sea, while the Israeli army was pinned down by the Hamas forces. Syria relied on Russia's help to train a strong army in six months. With the cover of air fire provided by the Russian army, Syria has cleared out the rebels entrenched in the Homs desert and the Deir ez-Zor area, achieving the long-awaited stability in the country.

At the same time, Syria has also reinstated its membership in the Arab League, and even Turkey has opted for a great rapprochement with Syria. The issue of the situation on the northern border between the two sides will be effectively resolved, and Syria and Turkey still have the common goal of stationing US troops and Kurdish forces in Syria, so it can be said that there is still a lot of room for cooperation between Syria and Turkey.

Syria has achieved internal stability, the first thing is the Golan Heights issue, once Syria has contained the Israeli army in this direction, then Allah's chances of victory in the Lebanese-Israeli war will be a little greater. This time, Israel is really shooting itself in the foot, and since last year's Palestinian-Israeli conflict made a big mistake, it is now making mistakes again and again, and every step of the way is wrong.

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