
The 17-year-old son stabbed himself with a knife: Don't force my parents, I'll pay you for my eyes!

author:A pot of warm wine for the rest of your life
The 17-year-old son stabbed himself with a knife: Don't force my parents, I'll pay you for my eyes!

Recently, the babies who have college entrance examination candidates at home have begun to receive notices one after another, right? Hao Huiwen, the protagonist of today's story, did not hesitate to give away his ancestral hills because he suffered from being uneducated, in order to let his children get the best education and get admitted to a good university. The result? Let's take a look!


At the end of January 2021, I was anxiously staring at the construction site when I was busy with the deadline, when my brother-in-law called and angrily said that my son had smashed my aunt's eye with a stool, and the person had disappeared, and he couldn't take care of it alone, so he told me to go back quickly.

My name is Hao Huiwen, a native of Anqing, Anhui Province, and I am a contractor at a construction site in Beijing.

My son, Ozawa, has been taken by my wife and me since he was a child. In Beijing, we go to the best local school for our son, and we don't fall behind in the extracurricular classes that other children enroll, just because we want our son to be better than us in the future.

I rented a yard in an urban village and gave my son the one with the best decoration and orientation, which was his own small world, and the other houses were divided among the workers.

The workers privately call my son "young master", not because of how noble he is, but because my son enjoys the same superior conditions as urban children, but he does not study hard, and holds basketball and plays with others all day long.

I reminded her to take care of the children's studies, not to be like us, who are uneducated and can only rely on strength to earn money.

In our line of work, the most difficult thing is not that after the work on the construction site is over, the leader comes to find faults, but when I find the leader to settle the payment, I pay for the smiling face, send money, give gifts, and say good things flatteringly, really, I send people to kneel.

Every time I did this, I would rub my hands on my face and then throw them to the ground, silently saying to myself: Don't want this face first, survival matters.

After all these hardships, I don't want my son to be like me, and I hope that he can live a dignified life by learning culture well. Although I tried my best to get my son into a good school and pay for tutoring, his grades were not good, and because I was too strict, my son was even a little estranged from me.

But I always felt that he would understand me in the future, and I just want him to go to university now.

My wife advised me not to force my son: "What kind of life, there are so many people in the country who have not been admitted to university, is everyone not alive?" ”

I angrily scolded her for her woman's opinion, and threatened divorce, if I mentioned that the child did not have to go to college, I would divorce her, and I did what I said.

Forced by my obscenity, my wife acquiesced in my persecution of my son, no longer always protecting my children when I was disciplining, and from time to time urged the children to study more, play less games and play less ball.

In July 2020, since students from other places could not take the college entrance examination in Beijing, I took the hills and mountains left by my ancestors as a gift, and I pretended to be my grandson to successfully transfer my son, who was about to enter the third year of high school, back to the local key high school in Anhui.


In the beginning of the school season in 2020, after the opening of my son's key middle school, I hurriedly enrolled him in one-on-one tutoring classes, while my wife stayed in the county to accompany him. The county has our newly renovated new house, which is very close to the school.

I told him about the difficult process of sending my son to school, and hoped that he would study hard and live up to my hard work. Fortunately, my son finally relented and began to fight at night, hoping to catch up with the pace of key schools.

Seeing the change in my son's attitude towards learning, I was overjoyed and returned to the Beijing construction site with confidence. Every night, I talked to my wife on the phone on time to ask about my son, and my wife said that the child was working hard in school, which reassured me.

Thinking of my son's late night lying in front of the table and studying seriously, I was full of strength and felt that it was worth it. However, two months later, his wife cried aggrievedly on the phone and said that she didn't care about her son anymore, and she couldn't live like this.

It turned out that my son really changed that week, studying late at night every day, getting up early to memorize words, taking the tutoring class seriously, not falling a single section, and barely touching balls and games.

But after persevering for two weeks, he slackened, did his homework slowly, or looked out the window in a daze. His wife reminded him a few words, and although he was reluctant, he did not resist.

Later, it became more and more unpleasant, and I didn't take tutoring classes seriously, secretly playing games until late at night, and going to school with dark circles under my eyes during the day.

The wife criticized a few words, and the kid quarreled with him when his temper came up. His wife was angry and didn't cook for him, but he asked his classmates to go to a restaurant to eat in anger, and drank alcohol, and came back drunk in the middle of the night.

The wife was so angry that she pointed at her son with a broom and threatened to beat him, but the boy pushed her mother down on the sofa, went back to her room, and closed the door with a "snap".

In the next few days, no matter what she said or did, the child ignored it, like a fist hitting the cotton, and she couldn't use her strength, so angry that she yelled at her son. My son still went his own way, and my wife couldn't stand it anymore and called me crying to complain about her grievances.

Knowing that my wife has always been unable to control her son, I can only leave the construction site behind, and go back first to put the child's learning on the right track, otherwise, it will be in vain for me to put so much effort into sending the child to a prestigious school.

At the end of November 2020, I simply packed my luggage and asked my wife to go back to Beijing to watch the construction site, and I came back to accompany me for a while.

But I thought about it too simply!

I have been dealing with sand piles of cement for half of my life, my wife is taking care of my daily life, and I have never even washed my own socks. Now, I have to surround my son every day, take care of his three meals a day, daily life, supervise his homework, and carefully hide my temper.

But my son didn't change anything because of my dedication, he was absent-minded in his studies, he didn't fall off once he played, and finally sprained his foot.

Every day after driving him to school, I had to carry him into the classroom and in the car after school. He had a foot injury and couldn't play, so he sat in front of the computer and played games, and his homework was delayed again and again.

Seeing such an unenterprising son, thinking of everything I had done for him, I finally broke out after enduring it for many days.


On December 8, 2020, after the trivial matter broke out again, I angrily threw my son's computer to the ground, pointed at him and cursed viciously: "Don't want to make progress, when will you still play, how much Lao Tzu has paid for you, don't you know in your heart?" That's how you repay me, huh? ”

When my son saw me furious, he grabbed his mobile phone and limped out of the house, leaving me alone at home and going crazy with anger.

He didn't come back after waiting for a long time, and just as I was calmly thinking about how to clean up the mess, my mother called from her home in the countryside and said that my son was in front of her and asked me to come back, and she had something to tell me.

As soon as I entered the house, my son wanted to jump when he saw me, and I was so angry again that I wanted to kick over. My mom tried her best to hold me back, saying that I was still frizzy when I was dozens of years old, and I was criticized.

After reassuring me, my mother said that she had an idea, so she might as well hand over my son to my brother-in-law. My brother-in-law was my mother's youngest brother, two years older than me, and was the only college student in the village at the time.

Both of them have formal jobs in the county and bought houses early. The two of them are the most prominent people in our family, and his son is in junior high school, and he is still the top honor student in the school.

My mother said that my wife and I had no education and didn't know how to educate, so it was better to put our son next to my brother-in-law and let them discipline him. I hesitated for a moment and said, "My little aunt is usually arrogant and not very close to us, how can I open this mouth?" ”

My mother blinked, looked at me a little slyly and said, "Have you forgotten that your brother-in-law said that he wanted to rent a suite in your community a few years ago, and asked you to help inquire?" Don't ask, let your brother-in-law's family move to your house, and then let the two of them help discipline your son, so that the problems of both of you are solved? ”

As soon as my mother reminded me, I remembered that my uncle had indeed said this. It's a great idea to think about it, and both of them solve the problem and benefit at the same time.

I called my wife to ask for her opinion, and as soon as she heard that she had given her newly renovated house to someone else, she was in a bad mood.

I had to comfort her, tell her that everything is for the child, let her bear with it, as long as the child is admitted to college, it is not more important than anything else.

After doing my wife's ideological work, I excitedly called my brother-in-law and asked him if he had found a house in our community? After getting his reply that he couldn't find it, I said what I thought. My uncle was stunned for a moment, and then promised that he would discipline my son well and do his best to sprint for the college entrance examination.

The next few days were to help my uncle move, although I was a little reluctant in my heart, but I still had to pretend to be generous, and said to my uncle and aunt: "You can live casually, and if you live here, this is your own home, don't worry about anything." ”

My uncle is a good-natured person, he treats me gently and sincerely, reassures me, and says that they will take good care of the house and educate the children well.

I was immediately relieved, and my little cousin is so good, my son will work hard under his influence.

With a heart in my stomach, I went back to Beijing to earn money. Usually, I would call my mother and ask her to send some food to my uncle's house when I was free. My mother was very happy and said that in the future, her eldest grandson will be admitted to university, and her credit is not small.

However, things didn't go the way I thought they would.

At the end of January 2021, I was leading the workers to rush to the construction deadline, hoping that everyone could go home to spend a good year with their wives and children after the project, when I received this complaint call from my uncle.

I quickly told my wife about the matter, and asked her to transfer 20,000 yuan to my brother-in-law, and after handing over the construction site to Angkor, who is usually responsible for safety, I drove my wife home overnight.

Along the way, I kept praying in my heart as I drove, hoping that my aunt would be okay and that my son would stay at home and not go anywhere.

Ten hours later, we finally arrived at the county hospital, and saw my aunt's eyes wrapped in gauze lying on the hospital bed.

The doctor said: "It comes in time, the wound is not deep, and it will not be blind, but the vision will be affected a little in the later stage, of course, if the care is good, it will return to normal." ”

Hearing that my eyes would not be blind, I breathed a sigh of relief and said to my uncle apologetically: "Uncle, it's all my son's ignorance, as long as my aunt's eyes can be good, we will recognize how much it costs, if the county can't do it, let's go to the province and the capital, in short, we must cure my aunt's eyes." ”

My wife also echoed beside her, and my uncle saw that the two of us were sincere, and his face softened a lot, and said, "Let's listen to the doctor, we all listen to the doctor, and we can cure it." By the way, the child ran out, you two hurry up and look for it, I can't leave. ”

Worried about our son's accident, we didn't say much to my brother-in-law, and drove the car into the village with one foot on the accelerator, but when we got home, we didn't see my son, only heard my mother crying.

When she saw me enter the door, my mother rushed over and hugged me and cried, saying, "Ozawa hasn't come back yet, I have contacted all my relatives and friends, and I haven't seen Ozawa, where do you say he ran, will he not be able to think about it?" ”

My wife immediately grabbed my mother and said loudly: "Mom, don't talk nonsense, Xiao Ze won't have an accident, he must be scared and hiding somewhere, let's find it again." My mother was stunned, so she quickly changed her words and asked about our aunt's situation, but my wife and I didn't talk.

At this moment, I just want to find my son and hope he is safe.

A 17-year-old young man, immature and impulsive, what happened to make him smash the stool against the woman he called his aunt and grandmother, I was too embarrassed to ask my uncle, I could only get the answer from my son. But where is the son?

My heart was anxious and uncomfortable, plus I drove for ten hours without eating or drinking, fatigue + low blood sugar, and I fainted all of a sudden.

By the time I woke up, it was the next day, and the soft winter sun covered the yard, and there were many people standing in the yard, but my son still didn't show up. When they saw me get up, someone came up and suggested that I call the police, saying that I would definitely be able to find it with the help of the police.

But I have my own concerns, the child was injured and ran away, if the police are called, the police will definitely ask the reason for the escape, and then the matter of the son's beating will be exposed, and I am afraid that the child will be detained if he finds it.

I didn't want to have another incident when my child was about to take the college entrance examination, so I refused to call the police and tried my best to use my connections to find my son.


Soon, it had been more than 48 hours since the child disappeared.

My wife finally couldn't hold her breath and cried, and she asked me with tears in her eyes: "Could something really happen to my son, and he didn't have much money with him, where can he go?" ”

I wasn't so worried in my heart, but I couldn't show it, or my wife would be even more devastated. I had to try all kinds of ways to find the child, and comfort myself that if I didn't find it, it meant that the child didn't have an accident, and I must stay somewhere well, and I would definitely find him.

At noon on the third day, just as I was hesitating about whether to call the police directly, the construction site worker called me and said that he had seen my son at the construction site.

It turned out that this kid secretly ran to the Beijing construction site, hid in the room where he lived, was so hungry that he couldn't stand it, and went to the kitchen in the middle of the night to steal food and was found by the workers.

When everyone breathed a sigh of relief, my aunt said that she was going to sue my son for intentional injury, and her eyes could not be punished in vain.

My uncle called and asked me to quickly bring the child over to apologize, saying that I hoped that my aunt could be relieved as soon as possible, so as not to make a big fuss.

In order to make the big thing small, as soon as I entered the door, I dragged my son to my aunt's hospital bed and asked him to apologize to my aunt. My aunt ignored us, pointed to my son and said that she would sue him and put him in jail.

Hearing this, I asked my son to kneel down and apologize to his aunt, and my son reluctantly knelt down. The little aunt didn't overturn her head and ignored people, she didn't speak, no one dared to move, and the scene was very embarrassing for a while.

Seeing this situation, my mother and my wife apologized to my aunt and said good things to my aunt, saying that as long as he didn't sue Ozawa, we could pay as much as we wanted. My aunt still didn't speak with a cold face, and I looked at my uncle for help, hoping that he could help say good things.

As soon as the uncle opened his mouth to call his aunt's name, he was choked back by his aunt's words: "It's not your eyes that dare to hurt emotionally!" "We looked at each other, not knowing how to convince my aunt not to sue my son.

At this moment, the son suddenly got up from the ground, rushed to the bedside table with an arrow step, grabbed the fruit knife on the bedside table and said coldly: "Don't force my parents, I smashed your eyes, I will use my eyes to compensate you!" ”

Saying that, my son was about to poke himself in the eye with a knife, but fortunately I reacted quickly and hugged him, and my wife took the knife from his hand.

My mother was so frightened that she was about to open her mouth to persuade my aunt, but she suddenly sat up and said in a cold voice, "Who wants your eyes?!" ”

She swept us around with one eye and said, "If you don't sue you, pay me the house, otherwise you won't talk!" With that, she lay down again.

I was stunned for a moment, and my wife looked at the direction where my aunt was sleeping, and muttered to herself: "The house is new, we have only lived for two months, this is too much, let's lose money, can we not lose the house." ”

The little aunt turned her back to us and put another cold arrow: "Don't bargain with me, either go to jail or lose the house, you can do it." ”

I was reluctant to give the house to my aunt like this. But my son has reached the age of 16, and he will be criminally responsible for intentionally hurting people, and if he really leaves a criminal record, not only will he not be able to take the college entrance examination, but his life will be ruined.

At this point, I can only reluctantly cut my love and pay her the house. Anyway, she's okay and my son is okay, which is the biggest blessing. At the same time, it can also sound the alarm for my son, and there is a price to be paid for being ambitious.

I promised my aunt that I would find an opportunity to transfer the house to her after the Spring Festival and sign an agreement at the hospital. After that, my aunt relented and said that she would not sue my son.


After this incident, my son has grown a lot and is calm.

In May 2021, a month before the college entrance examination, my son and I sat by the small river in the village, looking at the hills that no longer belonged to our family, and asked my son what happened that day and why he smashed people.

The son told me why it happened.

It turned out that my aunt lived in my house, but she looked down on my job and my son, and often compared her son with my son, and sarcastically suppressed my son.

My son was not convinced, and occasionally contradicted her, and her disdain made my son hate her even more.

On the day of the incident, my son played games louder and noisy to my aunt, and she sarcastically mocked my son: "It's not how good his grades are, he plays games every day, and he won't be able to get anywhere in the future, just like your father, do some work with no gold content!" ”

The son replied: "This is also better than some people, living in other people's houses and saying that people are not promising, she is really promising!" ”

Insulted, my aunt picked up the textbook on the table and angrily threw it at my son. My son was so smashed that he picked up the stool at his feet and smashed it at his aunt, the stool smashed on his glasses, and the lenses shattered and scratched his eyeballs.

When the son saw his aunt's bleeding eyes, he instantly woke up and rushed out of the door in fright.

Knowing that he was in trouble, he didn't dare to go back to his grandmother's house, nor did he dare to call me, and he had nowhere to go, because he grew up in Beijing and was familiar with Beijing, so he wanted to buy a ticket to Beijing. At that time, he also needed a nucleic acid certificate to buy a ticket, and he went to the hospital for a nucleic acid test, and finally took the train to Beijing.

After arriving in Beijing, he spent all the money he had and could only sneak into our residence in Beijing. He turned off his phone and hid in his room in a panic, not daring to contact us for fear that I would scold him.

He was regretful, scared and helpless, spending every day in darkness and fear. He didn't know what to do, and when he was desperate, he wanted to kill himself with a fruit knife in his hand, but when he thought of dying, he would never see me and his mother again, so he couldn't do anything.

It wasn't until the fourth day after the incident that he was so hungry that he went into the kitchen at night to steal food, knocked over the kettle and made a noise, and was discovered by the startled workers and notified me.

The son said, "Dad, no matter what you and my mother do, I respect you and love you in my heart." I know it's wrong for me to hit someone, but I just can't see people insulting you, because you are the people I love the most. ”

After a pause, my son turned his head to look at me and said, "Dad, I am uneasy to see that you have contributed money and effort to me to school, and I also want to study hard and be admitted to university to make you happy, but I am not the material for studying." I found that no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't learn, so I was angry with my mother.

Dad, I tried my best, really, I've tried hard or not, I'm not going to school, okay? I can also eat in other industries. My son's words made my heart sore, and my eyes instantly turned red, and I stretched out my arm to circle my son into the shoulder socket.

Our father and son sat quietly like this for a while, and I made up my mind to tell him: "Son, Dad won't force you, you do your best, it's best to be admitted to university, and you won't regret if you can't pass the exam!" As long as you go on the right path and do in any industry, Dad will support you. ”

On June 24, 2021, the results of the college entrance examination were announced, and although my son was only admitted to a junior college, I was very content.

After these things, I thought a lot, don't be too persistent in everything, my son's qualifications are mediocre, why should I impose my dreams on him and force him to take a road that is difficult for him to go to the sky.

There are many paths to choose from in life, and there is not only one way to go to a prestigious university. His life has just begun, and the future is promising. Isn't it?

Author | Red beans

The son is obviously not the material for reading, but because of his own pain, he imposes pressure on the child, and even fakes the child's education to others in order to make the child get ahead. Fortunately, Hao Huiwen finally woke up, and it was not too late. In life, have you passed on your anxiety to your children? Is there a chicken baby? Let's talk in the comment area!


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